
Monday, December 26, 2022

RELATIONSHIP(s) ... really, God?

In my last blog post on Christmas Day I noted near the end that I would be finishing off 2022 with the One Word: RELATIONSHIP(s) for this last week. 

So I opened up my YouVersion to the plans I still had saved related to RELATIONSHIPS and prepared to begin each one but first I began with my yearly reading plan I've been doing provided by Pastor Rick Warren (as some of you know I was signed out and it's quite a feat to try & continue a 365 day plan when you're on day 360 yet I finally ended up there even with GB for my English rather than US )and it was just what I needed to hear - more than any of the RELATIONSHIP plans I have in waiting ... since most of those plans speak about RELATIONSHIPS that are Christian or equally yoked RELATIONSHIPS, much of their content does not fit my life. But there was something written in the devotional by Pastor Rick that seemed to strike a cord (chord?). I really think that I could expand on each component of "Preparing Room ... Prepared My Heart" and do much better, however it's the end of the year so usually I summarize or complete my One Word. Clearly this is another One Word that I focused on in this year but it will need to be continued and worked on continually as I head into the New Year of 2023 and a new One Word.

For now, I would like to share today's devotional by Pastor Rick (day 360):

"Recharging Emotionally"

"When your emotional tank is empty, you're unable to love others unselfishly. You just give up. You may have a sense of being overwhelmed and feeling inadequate. You may even get angry at the ones you love the most. You may try to avoid people or view them as problems. You have no desire to love. To love others you have to keep your emotional tank full. When it gets low, it's going to make a difference in your relationships. 

The Bible has three suggestions for recharging emotionally:

Solitude--You need time alone. Today's verse teaches us Jesus frequently withdrew from crowds when he needed to recharge himself emotionally. In this case there was so much hustle and bustle, Jesus says to the disciples, "Come apart for a while." (KJV) You either come apart or you will come apart. 

Recreation--One of my favorite verses is, "Jesus came enjoying life." (Matthew 11:19 Phillips) He was the most intensive, ministry-oriented person who ever lived, but he enjoyed life. When you're giving to others, it costs and exhausts. You need play time. For you it may be hobbies, a sport, a craft, or games. Experiment and find out what it is that recharges you emotionally, then make time for it.

Laughter - "Being cheerful keeps you healthy." (Proverbs 17:22 TEV) There are studies that prove that when you laugh it increases the number of T-cells - and that raises your immunity level. It produces endorphins in your brain. Laughter is a load lightener, an emotional recharger and a love rebuilder."~Pastor Rick Warren

also available as
"To Love Well"
Get Emotionally Charged

I'm going to list the other RELATIONSHIP plans that I've saved probably for most of the year as I continued in my book for the year on this topic:

["Change My Relationship" (and another one was "The Divine Romance") along with other reading plans completed and books]

but I'm not promising that I will have much to share from them on this One Word, so perhaps God has something else that He's speaking to me as I come to a close this week - we'll have to wait and see





well ... you get the drift

Speaking of drifts, MN sure has alot of them from the wonderful winter 
chill and winds but I guess most of us are seeing so many weather

So stay warm and well as I weather through


this last week



... Really God? ...


in 2022 so

I just surrender to You



Have Your Way!

The only RELATIONSHIP that I am 

clinging to more & more

each day

is my




Yet, it is clear that You intend for us all to be & 

have better earthly 


so for right now

Let me learn to



Recharge Emotionally


because frankly God

I'm lost without



I see so many


that are lost and

so in need of



Isn't this a lifetime endeavor?

{well, I've spent a lifetime}




really have tried to



Only YOU do!

Help me, help others

help us, Lord 








by CeCe Winans

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy