
Sunday, December 25, 2022

Preparing Room ... Prepared my Heart

There is so much to say as another Christmas Day & season comes to a close after a beautiful Advent time "Preparing ... My Heart" with Hope, Peace, Joy and Love, while "making space" and "preparing room" {2 other devotionals I completed and enjoyed} for the King of kings & the Lord of lords-I've delighted in reading to learn more about steps I can take to prepare room for Jesus: 
John 14:2-3 "My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."

... so I have decided to summarize by sharing from

1. "Preparing Room for Jesus is what ultimately saves us." Genesis 3:15 

2. "Preparing room allows us to show compassion to others."

3. "Preparing room allows us to be obedient to what God has planned for us."

4. "Preparing room gives us the space to see & appreciate the humor in life."

5. "Preparing room allows us to hold on to hope and to have faith even when ...
all seems lost."

6. "Preparing room allows us to find the mentors in our lives and to mentor others, too."

7. "Preparing room allows us to love our neighbor as ourselves, even when that requires sacrifice."

8. "Preparing room allows us to love others, even when they're unlovable."

9. "Preparing room allows us to stop comparing our journey to anyone else's"

10. "Preparing room allows us to handle the feelings & the new beginnings of life."

11. "Preparing room allows us to reach down deep & make the right choices, even when it's hard."

12. "Preparing room allows God to get our attention."

13. "Preparing room allows us to lean on God's faithfulness."

14. "Preparing room allows Jesus to fill us with His Presence & strength."

15. "Preparing room allows us to see the light shining in the darkness."

I wish that I could claim that these came from me through my journey, however, I am not the author of these thoughts, the actual author has done exceptional in her Advent devotional book and is one I highly recommend, especially if you are like me & enjoy the classic "It's a Wonderful Life" - this is definitely "... An Advent Journey ..." that will warm your heart as you "make space" and "prepare room" for Jesus in your life. Those were just the first 15 and the rest follow below - I just couldn't choose to only include some. Each one is so good and so impactful, especially as you read the part from the classic the author adds in each wonderful devotion, ending with a prayer & scripture. To me this content makes for the perfect devotional! But I really needed a content page, so I created my own here {kinda like a table of contents for me to go back to specific ones as needed} because I highlighted each of them to reflect personally for my own life. and apply as needed. (lol)

I considered commenting on some of the 25 - my favorites (well, they all are) or the ones that God spoke to me; instead I chose to let each one stand as they are, in hopes that (1st) you'll get this devotional for next year and read it yourself then (2nd) to treasure, like Mary, "these things in my heart" as Jesus continues to prepare my heart and prepare me each day - to be used by God for His glory. So I will just ponder and reflect as I hope you might also in making room for Jesus by preparing your heart to prepare your life to be prepared for an eternity with Him.

[(3rd) I don't want to spoil the richness of this author's words & ruin all that has been written.]

16. "Preparing room allows us to connect with others - to help them & to let them help us."

17. "Preparing room allows us to understand that we will win the long game because we have Jesus."

18. "Preparing room allows God to heal our brokenness."

19. "Preparing room allows us to develop a new perspective."

20. "Preparing room allows us to treasure up the special moments."

21. "Preparing room allows us to receive the fullness of God's grace & the loving grace of the people in our lives."

22. "Preparing room allows us to find God's purpose(s) for our lives."

23. "Preparing room allows us to experience the joy only Jesus can provide."

24. "Preparing room allows us to find fellowship & friendship with others."

25. "Preparing room allows us to receive the best blessings of our lives."

I know as I started out this Advent, I was not at all ready and I questioned what direction I would go to make room this year as I proceeded through Advent and really wanted a purpose and not just a traditional path. I truly wanted to find out all I could to really, truly be ready for Jesus - whenever He may come for me (us) who believe with all our heart in our need for a Savior, Redeemer, Messiah & King!

This is our Jesus! I now can say that I am beginning to better know and realize that "preparing room" was always within me and that I just need to put into action all that I have gleaned in His Word, from His life; and much reading of plans and devotionals as a way to grow and substantiate my faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God & son of man (humans) Mary & Joseph.
1 Peter 1:13 "Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." NASB

Preparing room means preparing my heart and preparing my mind!

"CHRISTmas is about preparing room."

There is - was - and always will be


every.single.moment of

in this INN

in this place, in the space

I give to Him in my



every heart's a manger

{fresh in my mind from Max Lucado's "Because of Bethlehem"}

... “Because of Bethlehem, I have a Savior in heaven. Christmas begins what Easter celebrates. The child in the cradle became the King on the cross. And because He did, there are no marks on my record. Just grace. His offer has no fine print. He didn’t tell me, “Clean up before you come in.” He offered, “Come in and I’ll clean you up.” It’s not my grip on Him that matters but His grip on me. And His grip is sure.”― Max Lucado,   Because of Bethlehem "... Let “Silent Night” be sung! Every heart can be a manger. Every day can be a Christmas. The Christmas miracle—a yearlong celebration!"🎄{Amen!} 💓


Now to finish off this year - this last week of 2022 with the One Word I was given:


I hope that you've enjoyed a wonderful



perhaps like me

you have chosen to better


your heart and life

for more






"Prepare Ye the way of the Lord"

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy