
Thursday, December 29, 2022

RELATIONSHIP as 2022 One Word

[credit for the original; I cropped this]

As you may have noticed by now in this final week of 2022, I am still searching for the reason or a summary of my One Word for this year: RELATIONSHIP. I have read in God's Word and many sources about RELATIONSHIPs. I'd like to share more of what the Bible has to say. But when I started my search for RELATIONSHIP in the Bible; one source mentioned this:

"Although the word "relationship" does not appear in the Bible, its concept is clearly shown through examples in the BibleThe primary verse depicting   relationship is: 

John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Now that was not real helpful, you'll be glad to know that this is not entirely true if you're open to looking at other versions - perhaps by the wording of John 3:16, you can tell which 'pure' version mentioned this. I am whole heartedly in agreement and behind their choice of the best verse that depicts the clearest example of the RELATIONSHIP concept. But as I hope to show you, the Bible clearly is filled with RELATIONSHIP and is basic to the Christian faith, at least to those who still believe that JESUS came to redeem our RELATIONSHIP with God the Father and we need to follow JESUS, not any other. Most true Christian believers still believe (I think) that our essential belief in JESUS is based on "RELATIONSHIP" not religion. From Genesis to Revelation, it is clear that the Holy Bible - God's Word to us, is not a book about religion but RELATIONSHIPS - from creation, God created people to be in RELATIONSHIP with Himself and one another in friendship, marriage, family, society and the church. Human beings are created to be in RELATIONSHIP with God. And yes, I found that in other Bible translations, the word "RELATIONSHIP" can be found. In fact, Bible Gateway gave 5,734!

In one search, in Bible Gateway, in the version "The Voice", there are 94 results given. Of course, not all of the results of the word are beneficial uses of RELATIONSHIP to glean some special insights on how to better our RELATIONSHIPs with God, others or the world, but the word is there. Bible Hub shows 46 results. and the term RELATIONSHIP is defined--- also Greek and Hebrew terms. There are also excellent resource articles cited & links:
My point in sharing all this is not for you to research but to have in case some day you (and I) might need it. I have held on to these since the beginning of 2022 so it's also the best way for me to save much that I have gathered. I even considered getting the Kindle ebook of a special Bible by T.D. Jakes: Life Lessons on Relationships from the Inspired Word of God. However, I was hoping that throughout 2022 God would inspire me with my own "life lessons". I have learned many lessons on RELATIONSHIP(s) through a lifetime of failures mixed with a few successes. As I reflect and think of a summary this week of RELATIONSHIP, I have not done very well because I am still asking God ... yet I do know as my previous posts this week show that part of the purpose was to learn (unlearn & relearn)how to have healthy RELATIONSHIPs and seek God in ways to rebuild or restore the ones I should. Steps I will continue to pursue in whatever life I have left as God leads me. As I have indicated God just used this One Word to get my attention of a work that still needs more work. If you look back through my blog posts, you will see most are about RELATIONSHIP. I will attempt one more short one before New Year's Eve as I say goodbye to 2022 (but not any RELATIONSHIP) and look forward to a New Year & New One Word as I begin the year in Prayer as I usually do. I do realize that most of these posts this past week are for me but hopefully there are some points that you too can use. 

I thought this last image was a cute summary beyond what God tells us but I think He might agree. I know that He does with the first image! That is my hope always! Christ-centered!

Love Yourself-Stay Honest-Redefine Intimacy-Maintain Equality-Stay Independent

 “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.”~John Maxwell "In other words, before you attempt to direct, you must connect." from Restoring Relationships YV plan

The following is a combination of my ad lib to prayers from "Restored Relationships"

Lord, I thank You for giving freely and generously. Show me ways to share what has been given to me to help others have more just lives. Help me use my power to serve others, so that justice and peace may belong to all, as You intended by dying for every one of us. I praise You because Your love is so great and You desire that all would flourish. I ask that You would help me to love as You do. Help me celebrate all people and relationship because we are uniquely made in Your image. Thank You Lord for creating each of us with value. No one is worth less in Your sight and no one is worth more. We all are Your unique image bearers. Open my heart to listen to Your Spirit & treat every individual as loved by You.  Amen.

This prayer is for all earthly relationships for those close to us and the strangers that we meet.

"...We need one another..."

The deception and divisive spirit among us needs to end.

I sense that God was speaking to me 

more about all


not just the ones familiar to me.

God wanted to stretch me

from the


to the unknown, 

the strangers and unreached

in our midst


Welcoming the Stranger

and other missions related to this 

have been on my heart 

since I returned from 20 years in Mexico

 in 2016 & it's almost 2023 

The Evangelical Immigration Table

(their film is available by following this link)

"The Stranger" and "Oh Mercy"
[40 minutes] [only 12 minutes]

are MUST see

for every Church 

and true believer of 


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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy