
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Unraveling RELATIONSHIP as my 2022 One Word

As I begin to look to 2023 and leave behind 2022, I will continue with the work that still needs work in RELATIONSHIPS as I indicated in this post and throughout this final week with this One Word as I shared this whole year. It's clear that God knows this because when I was looking and saving new reading plans for 2023, I came across this in the very 1st words of the 1st day of one of them:

"In order to have a successful relationship that will last Jesus Christ must be the foundational center of that relationship." ...

... which goes perfectly with the image I adjusted and chose yesterday
in that post before I encountered that quote above

[image & credit from that post]

so like I stated, God is still speaking to me about 


even with the 1st day of that plan by Dr. Kennetra Bryant which continues:

 "... If Jesus is not sought after and made the primary base of any relationship, in time the relationship will suffer severely, no matter how great one thinks things are progressing. Trials, tribulations, and challenges will come and one’s relational fellowship with Jesus during the storms of life is key to making it through.  Making the conscious determined decision to follow Jesus is paramount for any relationship to grow, thrive, and develop into the God-honoring purpose it is intended to serve in one’s life."... "Although the results are not always visually seen quickly over time God’s purpose, for each relationship will be revealed. Be determined to follow Jesus in your relationships."

"...What relationships are you willing to let go to follow Jesus? What relationships are you willing to pursue and hold on to as you follow Jesus?"(day 2)

Other good quotes saved earlier in 2022:

 "You want to see your relationships flourishing and healthy, and you want them to be God honoring ..." (part of a quote from Proverbs 31 Ministries when introducing Lysa TerKeurst's newest book "Good Boundaries and Goodbyes") that I saved as soon as I read it. I definitely need to get this book sometime just not yet. 

"Being human is hard. Being in relationships with other humans is even harder. People are complex and relationships are messy but loving one another well is possible" - (in)courage promo of "Come Sit with Me" by 26 (in)courage writers


I was hoping as I conclude 2022 with RELATIONSHIP(s) that I might have something of my own that is profound from this entire year, as I wrote in another blog post this last week, life lessons on RELATIONSHIPS. So far, all I came up with is more questions and what others have written. 

Here are the final questions that I still am left with:

- Was it a risk or a long shot to think that RELATIONSHIP in 2022 was my One Word? Is it possible that I didn't hear God right? 

- What did I expect might happen as I decided RELATIONSHIPS was the One Word? 

- Was I delusional to think God had a miracle in store in 2022 for my RELATIONSHIP(s)? for any Relationship? for any change or for them to be impacted? did I change any?

- What have I learned about me & RELATIONSHIPS?

- "What relationship behaviors have/haven’t worked well? What progress did I make in changing myself?"

In some ways, some of what I have written this week & this year are the answers to some of the above questions. I continue to believe that I am changing in my RELATIONSHIP(s) yet know I have more changes to make and dysfunctional patterns to break. It is helpful to assess where we are in our lives & our relationships from time to time. The last day of the year is traditionally a reminder to do that. As I enter this New Year, I can continue doing what works and purpose to stop doing what doesn't. "When we’re in the middle of a problem, it’s hard to see ahead and to believe we will ever be in a different place. When we look back with the insight we have gained, we can see what has been worked out in our hearts, minds, circumstances, and relationships."

I do think that God definitely meant for me to tackle RELATIONSHIP in 2022 and that He has, was and will EQUIP me. [If you've been following along this past week, you'll remember that in one post I shared that acronym of EQUIP from one of the YV reading plans - and I didn't forget that I wrote I'd reveal at least what each letter stands for; to help stay on track & incorporate love in to all of our RELATIONSHIPs, according to the author of that YV reading plan and book]

E ncourage
Q uality Time
U nderstanding
I nvest
P hysical Touch

After completing this plan, I agree that each of these would better our RELATIONSHIPS if we made them part of our RELATIONSHIPS they would impact them positively and they will bring out the BEST in us! God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to redeem our RELATIONSHIP. Each of us now need to be part of building redemptive RELATIONSHIPS in His Kingdom by being open to listen, empathize, nurture trust and share your message by being a more effective witness of God's truths and principles in Jesus' teachings. I will hold on to the BEST RELATIONSHIP I have ... with JESUS and let Him help me and show me how to continue learning how to better RELATE in all my earthly connections. 


Let's thank God for another year

and begin our new year of 2023 in HIS Presence

in prayer & praise of


I intend to spend the next 

"52 Weeks with Jesus!"

and an eternity

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy