
Sunday, February 5, 2023


I'm continuing reading in

Section Two:


4. Bread for the Journey
5. Light in a Dark Place
6. An Open Door
7. The Good Life
8. A Grave Buster
9. A One-Way Street
10. The Root of the Fruit

I am continuing with "52 Weeks with Jesus", looking at JESUS, an Open Door (John 10:7-9). Lysa TerKeurst (and others) refer to JESUS, in this passage, as the Sheep Gate and the Good Shepherd, as she explains in day 4 of "Finding I AM".

The NIV uses the Sheep Gate in John 10:8-9. JESUS offers security and safety for anyone who comes to Him. When we know JESUS, we can trust that wherever we go, whatever happens, He goes with us. We can rest in His Provision and His Protection. JESUS is the door to salvation for us! JESUS is our door to forgiveness, redemption and life (which I think are in the upcoming chapters; but remember - I'm am doing this for the week I am posting). Just a quick note from Nehemiah (3:1-32) that in the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem; the Sheep Gate is the first of ten mentioned [Here is a simple but great spiritual significance of this] even though Nehemiah is not one of this week's Scriptures.

"I AM the Door" ... 
(John 10:7) as found in 
(compare here with)

"I AM the Gate"
NIV, NLT, GW, NRSV, etc.

I am intrigued by the meaning and comparing of
but this article confirms that it is one of the most important
I AM declarations
although all 7 of the I AM statements 
from JESUS have
great spiritual implication & significance
I see these as inter-related

This 52 Week... devotional breaks down "An Open Door" in segments (subtitles):

"A Different Kind of Door"
"The Door of Security"
"The Door of Significance"
"The Door of Satisfaction"
"Searching for the Door"

Since I believe in JESUS, I have knocked on the DOOR and am blessed to be able to pass through the GATE as one of His Sheep

for all of us
invites us to come in

Step through the Open Door

[Jesus said,] “I am the door” John 10:9

  What do you need right now? Peace? Significance? To know you’re loved?

   No matter what your need is, the fulfillment of that need is just beyond the threshold of an open door.

   You need only to walk through the door that is Christ, and your need will be met—met fully in the One who beckons you to cross the threshold into satisfaction. How do you cross that threshold? You take a step forward…a step of faith. You believe, move ahead, and receive." from 52 Weeks with Jesus, James Merritt

"Lord Jesus, thank You that You are the Door to abundant and eternal life, and that You have invited us to enter in. I trust You to meet my deepest needs."

Please consider this an invitation to

the Open Door

the Door is open to come & receive


you need to hear Jesus' words:

I AM the Door

won't you knock & come in?

Just say,

JESUS, I need You as my Lord & Savior.

 I believe You went to the Cross for me.

I open the door of my life and receive You now.

Take control of my life, forgive me and lead me.

Help me to be the kind of person You made me to be.

Teach me all I need to know about You.

Thank You for coming for me to 

save me for an eternity

with You


Praying JESUS will open doors in this life for you

but if you open the Door to JESUS

I'm confident you'll be met

in the eternal life




[please follow the links given if you need more understanding]

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy