
Sunday, February 12, 2023


Section Two: JESUS the ANSWER

4. Bread for the Journey
5. Light in a Dark Place
6. An Open Door
7. The Good Life
8. A Grave Buster
9. A One-Way Street
10. The Root of the Fruit

This week's Scriptures:

John 10:10-18

Psalm 23; Isaiah 40:9-11; Ezekiel 37:24-28;
 Micah 5:1-5

Now that's the

Good Life


Here's one of the emails I received

The Good Life

[Jesus said,] “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep” John 10:14-15

"The first century shepherd who began a journey with a flock of sheep met many obstacles along the way, some of which could prove fatal to his charges: sickness, rushing water, wild animals.

   We twenty-first century sheep are likewise on a long trek. Our journey too is filled with dangers along the way: health issues, troubled relationships, the threat of nuclear destruction.

   And yet, through all this we have a Good Shepherd who knows the pathway ahead. He knows each bump in the road, each sharp turn, each valley or mountain—and he will bring us through safely. We will only falter when we take our eyes off the Shepherd and look through eyes of fear at the troubles surrounding us.

   The good life happens only when we turn our eyes back to our Shepherd and follow his steps closely." 52 Weeks with Jesus, James Merritt

"The Good Life" shares the above Scriptures and the following segments, yet I skimmed through these without clearly finding any part defining the "good life", which as you know if you know me at all, causes me to do a search of what is biblically the good life. For now, I will share what a C.S. Lewis(college) article stated that "the Christian tradition's understanding of a good life involves us being in loving relationships with God and others."{it's somewhat of a deep philosophical writing} so perhaps the one written by Randy Alcorn (for his book) is better to help us understand "What is the Good Life?" yet that chosen quote is a good start for me. God has the answer to "the good life" and we should live an honorable life as God defines it. For me, the abundant life is more than our earthly life offers now; it may begin here but it's the one that we will have in full after this life.
"An Unfortunate Comparison"
"Cowboy or Shepherd?"
"Protector, not Preventer"
"Known by Name"
"Guaranteed Security"

Perhaps after I complete this week, I will have a better grasp of

"The Good Life"

"Lord, I am lost without You. This day, and this week, I need You to guide me and to feed me. Thank You for being the Shepherd who is Good."

... and that is enough


You are Enough


Forever Enough

Always Enough

More than Enough


this is

"The Good Life"

for me

52 Weeks



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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy