
Sunday, February 19, 2023


Section Two: JESUS the ANSWER

in my "52 Weeks with Jesus"

4. Bread for the Journey
5. Light in a Dark Place
6. An Open Door
7. The Good Life
8. A Grave Buster
9. A One-Way Street 2/20
10. The Root of the Fruit 2/21

#8. A Grave Buster
{seems more like one for after Good Friday}

That extra {comment} above is a bit misleading! But when I first read this title I thought of Jesus' Resurrection, however this is about someone else's grave - it's another very special friend and family to Jesus, from another familiar Bible story found in John 11:1-44; one of this week's Scriptures along with: Psalm 25:1-5; Psalm 37:1-11; Isaiah 40:27-31; Romans 8:18-25.

The key verse is John 11:25 - finished in verse 26 (also important):

... “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26

Powerful words from JESUS!

And YES! I do believe this!
(oh, He was speaking to you too)

I AM the Resurrection and the Life!

Once again, this I AM statement is found in Lysa TerKeurst's Finding I Am on day 5; as Lysa points out that JESUS is intentional with this one woman (Martha) as He is with you and I also. "God still speaks. To each of us. Individually. Right where we are." JESUS has the final say - JESUS is our Life and Resurrection!

This Chapter is divided into these segments:

"One Hour a Day" *
"The "Why" of Waiting" (John 11:6)
"God is Glorified" (John 11:4)
"Faith is Fortified" (John 11:21)
"A Concern for Human Hearts" (John 11:23-26) 

* "... Jesus took time to assure us that, no matter how long you wait, He is never late."

shows His concern
for Human Hearts through 
His Compassion 
in this passage
and by His

in the midst of
whatever challenge
you face

"Lord, grant me patience as I wait for You. Fill my heart with the certainty that despite what I can see, You are always on time."

I'm not one who is good with waiting

I tend to give up


looking forward to what this week holds in 

Grave Buster

from the

Tomb Buster



As I was looking ahead and setting up for the next section, JESUS, the Miracle Worker (and the 2 that are left in JESUS, the Answer), I realized that this Weds. is Ash Wed., which begins Lent, for 40 days ...

[but in case, you didn't know Sundays aren't included in the 40 days of Lent]

Since I do these on Sun. at 6 pm - I may move these to 3pm, but it shouldn't affect these blog posts; because once again, during Lent, I will be offline, from social media, which is blogging for me. However, focusing on JESUS is the goal and that's what this series of "52 Weeks with JESUS" is all about - JESUS! 

So because of this I will move the last 2 blog posts to Mon. & Tues. this week. Then I will set up the Sunday blog post to summarize the Weeks of JESUS, the Miracle Worker that are during Lent and then continue on Sunday, April 16, with the remaining in that section. It seems appropriate that during Lent, we focus on JESUS as the Miracle Worker. So today's #8 will be just for a day (not a week) followed by #9 tomorrow, Mon. 2/20 and #10 on Tues. 2/21, which means that we will finish JESUS, the Answer before Lent starts.

May JESUS work Miracles in your life this year and during Lent.

Agreeing with you in prayer for your Miracle!

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy