
Monday, February 20, 2023


Section Two: JESUS the ANSWER

4. Bread for the Journey
5. Light in a Dark Place
6. An Open Door
7. The Good Life
8. A Grave Buster
9. A One-Way Street
10. The Root of the Fruit

Today in 52 Weeks ... I'm entering

"A One-Way Street"



found in

John 14:1-6

more specifically verse 6

"I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life,

no one comes to the Father, except through Me."

And once again, this I AM statement is also found in day 6 of  "Finding I AM" by Lysa TerKeurst, where she writes that this I AM ... "is the clearest example in Scripture of the certainty of JESUS being the ONLY WAY to eternal life." Thus, the reason for a "One-Way Street" for #9 of 52 Weeks with JESUS and these are the segments (subtitles) for this one"
"Know This Street?"
"You Do Know the Way" (John 14:5)
"Religion is Not the Way to God"
"Righteousness is Not the Way to God"
"Only a Relationship will Get Us to God" (John 14:6)


didn't just say that

He'd show us the Way

He clearly says:

I AM the WAY

the One-Way to 


the Father


"Lord, I believe that You are the Way. Give me courage & boldness to invite others to find life in You alone."

Thank God this has never happened to me, but I've noticed (since moving back to USA from Mexico, 7 years ago this October already) more reckless driving, lack of courtesy, even disobedience of road signs & other vehicle safety regulation (laws-like speed limit) and one- way traffic accidents - where people are driving up a one-way in the wrong direction; it's even happened on a roundabout that I had to stop & wait for the driver to figure it out ... yet knowing JESUS as a One Way means the Only direction - the way to go & knowing Him as the One Way to the Father. Not an accident at all, but a purposeful decision and choice to follow Him & His Way. Many of the people that have one-way accidents, going the wrong way have head-on collisions that most often are fatal. I pray that more drivers know the One Way, the right way and have allowed JESUS to show them the right way Home (to heaven). Only following JESUS and having a personal relationship with Him will lead us to God, the Father - as it is meant to be since He created us to be One with Him, only through JESUS! It's our RELATIONSHIP with JESUS, not our own righteousness or any religion that gets us to God!

Stay clear of heading in the wrong direction, those earthly one-ways that turn us from heading the right way toward God and stay safely guided by JESUS, and I guess we all need to sing 
"JESUS, Take the Wheel" {I don't think the whole song fits, but the title sure does & it's a good song!} so we end up on the only One Way that leads us to an eternity with God! God gives us not just "one more chance" but multiple ones to find JESUS and surrender our way to His One way home. So let's make sure that we let JESUS be our One Way, every day - no matter what we face, we need to seek JESUS' One Way to the Father & eternal peace forever. 





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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy