
Sunday, May 14, 2023

JESUS, the Storyteller (20)

In Section Four, we find


the Storyteller


what a Story weaver

He is

20. The Best Boss    5/14
21. The Eye Opener 5/21
22. The Divine Auditor 5/28
23. A Better Financial Planner 6/4
24. The God of Tomorrow        6/11
25. The Life of the Party          6/18
26. A Hospitable Host              6/25
27. The Object of Our Worship 7/2
28. The Grace Giver                 7/9
29. Discerner of the Heart        7/16
30. A Divine Divider                  7/23

As I looked at the above titles of James Merritt this past week, I was pondering which of the Parables of Jesus might this one be. The first one was pretty obvious but before I share the Scriptures for Week 20, see if you can decide which Parable you think goes along with the title

"The BEST Boss"

If you need help with a list of Parables, I have found a wonderful site & author, Shirley Alarie (who is in the process of writing a book to be released in 2024 "Parables of Jesus - Life Lessons") has listed 38 parables of Jesus here. I have been thoroughly enjoying her site: Finding God Among Us! I'm sure that you will too! Of course, there are other places to find a list of the Parables, like Bible Study Tools, ESV, Christianity Today, the two I linked last week, even Wikipedia and others that you can find my a Google search, too.😏💙😉 but for now, my go-to-site is Shirley's. 

So, put your guess in the comments for "The Best Boss" before proceeding with the reading of the Scriptures and subtitles of this week's content. Each week I will be asking you to do the same. I suggest you keep your list of Parables handy or better yet you can download the pdf of the chart Shirley Alarie shares. Kevin Halloran (?) also shares what he considers to be a "complete list of Jesus' Parables in the New Testament" [the question mark is because I don't know him, but I didn't know Shirley either until starting this Section Four on JESUS, the Storyteller]. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this little additional challenge of matching the Parable of Jesus with James Merritt's titles. I had to chuckle today when I read the "Big Boss", because for most of us believers, our 'big boss' should be God, the Father Almighty. But I better not write too much or I'll give you clues to center your guess on which parable this might be about before you go to the comments and add your guess. Oh forgive me, correction, it's the Best Boss ... well, that made me smile too. 

There may not be too many of us, who think of any boss we've had as the best boss (unless we are that boss)🤣 Let's think about what characteristics we might like in the 'best boss' or have found in the bosses that we consider good or the best possibly. What makes them the best?

I have to share a little more about myself here. I have a relationship with someone very close to me, that went from being in one position/role to me to actually becoming my boss; and then that role was changed to being yet another, however that person still considered themselves as my boss. It doesn't work well that way. That in itself makes that person not the best boss. You cannot continue well in a relationship that's changed if you continue to think of yourself as the boss, or better said, you can't be "bossy" or think you are in control over the actions of another (just because at one time, you were the boss, doesn't make you the boss from then on). Some of us don't ever adjust in life to our role changing. 

When I decided to finally go to Mexico, as a missionary, I was an independent missionary (meaning there was not a church or denomination that sponsored me or trained me or even supported me) but that 'boss' did. However, when asked about it, in Mexico, I would say, "I work for the Best Boss", which was true, because I went directly to God, as my Boss, and it doesn't get any better than that. If the conversation continued, quite often, I would mention that I work for God and He directs my steps, which is what it should be for every believer and in every work place (which by the way, is your mission field) that God is your final authority or Boss AND allow Him to direct your steps. Yes, even a stay-at-home mom or homemaker, is in her place of mission & should be guided by God and done in accordance with His Word & to His Glory, which is your Best that you give to Him, and is done for Him because you obey & follow what your Boss says. This makes Him, your Big Boss and the Best Boss both! If you don't listen closely, you may miss the specific direction He gives you and at times you may not know what to do exactly, but did you ask your Boss, did you seek His direction, His guidance? We all need to follow the Best Boss each day in everything & hope that we are doing whatever we do unto Him & His plan for the good of all, not just ourselves. This makes our Big Boss pleased & He becomes the Best Boss ever! JESUS knew this and so He gives us this story - this parable. 



make your guess in the


before reading on


As I read through the Scriptures, especially the Parables, I like to imagine myself sitting at the feet of JESUS, actually listening to Him tell me this parable. The following are this week's  Scriptures:
Matthew 20:1-16; Ephesians 1:3-10; 1 Timothy1:12-14; Romans 11:33-36; Romans 5:15-21

Some of you may be so well versed in Scripture that you can already tell now which Parable is

#20. The Best Boss

Unlike other parables this one is unique to Matthew (only recorded by Matthew) which makes sense since he was the disciple known as the tax collector. a Levi. The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard would be of interest to someone like Matthew. I learned quite a lot from reading the lesson shared by my new favorite author & place to read about the parables (follow that link & see). 

James Merritt uses these interesting subtitle/segments in #20 The Big Boss from JESUS, the Storyteller:
"The Boss's Generosity"
"Put In Our Place"
"God is Gracious"
"Gratitude for God's Generosity"
"What We Don't Deserve"

As I think about the 20 years in Mexico, claiming JESUS as my Boss 
(that I work for God)

I truly found out how gracious God is and His Generosity.

I was more than grateful for every provision & direction & His guidance
daily & often, living in Mexico taught me to look at everything I have.

"Not just materially ... even physically & realize that it is all just grace."
~James Merritt~

His aMazing Grace!!!

More than enough!

Join me in

This Week's Prayer:

"Lord, give me a heart that is a reflection of Your own generous heart! Let me live out the abundance of Your gracious Gospel of good news." James Merritt

We don't deserve to be blessed with all we have 

just because we've been born in the USA

this side of the border

we've been afforded much.

"To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required"
(Luke 12:48)


is the


yet still there are many not listening & following

His direction, His guidelines

His example


Think of this as you think of the thousands fleeing their countries

for the opportunities you've been freely given

not by choice just by birthplace

you've received yet want to

withhold from others

unjustly, unfairly

with not an






aMazing Grace!


I hope those of you who are mothers 

or still have your mothers

enjoyed a blessed

Mother's Day!

To those of you who aren't or don't,

my prayers & heart

are with you


for you

I do understand!

May you sense God's Presence

comforting you & your grief or loss

wrapping you in His endless love

and filling your hearts with

more of His & Him


Blessings & Hugs


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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy