
Sunday, May 7, 2023

JESUS, the Storyteller (19)

In Section Four, we encounter


the Storyteller

Most of us are familiar a little with JESUS as the Storyteller, stories usually known as Parables: "a short, simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson." I read that the characteristics of a parable are: "earthiness, conciseness, repetition, conclusion, listener-relatedness, reversal of expectations, kingdom-centered, kingdom ethics, God and salvation, major and minor points" (Osborne 2006). "Through speaking in parables, Jesus brings understanding to those who are seeking after Him - revealing truth..." simply put - Jesus using parables was a way to simplify complicated or spiritual truths of living a Christ-centered, kingdom life, with a practical and applicable manner for His audience. His stories were to help and teach kingdom living principles by something the listeners could relate to and understand.

There are 12 Chapters in this Section Four - "the precise number of Parables in the Bible varies based on different definitions of what a parable is. By some counts, Jesus gave us more than 30 parables in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke." Others suggest  more than 50. But without question, Jesus was a Storyteller! Here is one source that lists them as found in the Bible and another. Although these Chapters probably cover only 12 (we'll see), there are more, but there's a book written called the "Twelve Parables of Jesus", which could be a bit misleading, so I'll assume that those 12 are the most well-known. I have some favorite parables, perhaps you do also. You're invited to share in the comments your favorites & why.

19. The Seed Sower 5/7
20. The Best Boss    5/14
21. The Eye Opener 5/21
22. The Divine Auditor 5/28
23. A Better Financial Planner 6/4
24. The God of Tomorrow        6/11
25. The Life of the Party          6/18
26. A Hospitable Host              6/25
27. The Object of Our Worship7/2
28. The Grace Giver                7/9
29. Discerner of the Heart       7/16
30. A Divine Divider                 7/23

For this week (from the intro), we start off with Jesus telling an 
"earthly story imbued with both eternal and practical meaning"
"not for entertainment but for edification; not for information but for transformation"
"If you want to know who Jesus was and what He valued, take a plunge into the
He told."

#19 The Seed Sower

with these scriptures

 Matthew 13:1-9; 1 Peter 1:22-25; Matthew 9:35-38; John 4:27-38; Matthew 28:16-20


the following segments/ subtitles

"A New Measure of Success"
"Our Part is Sowing the Seed"
"Variety of Soils"
"God's Part is Producing the Harvest"
"Rock Hard or Pillow Soft"

This is the prayer I make as my own for this Chapter on The Seed Sower:

"Lord, give me boldness to partner with You in evangelism and grant me confidence that You alone are in charge of the harvest."

and another fitting prayer from another devotional

"Jesus, I don't always see the ends of stories. And some of my own stories are untied threads with no knots ending them nicely. But You are the great Storyteller and Story weaver."... Mary DeMuth, Jesus Every Day, day 122,  "... Your surprising task is to make every story beautiful in its own time."

Help me become a Storyteller of Your Story
so that my story weaves together with Yours because




the very best



You know 

the beginning & the ending

and all the content


Thank You Lord

that my name is included

in Your Book of Life

because of



  1. The Parable of the Sower is indeed one of my favorites!!! I really like the analogy of the different soils. I have tried to 'sow seeds' for most of my life. I'm afraid that too many of my seeds fell on 'deaf' ears so I guess that is indicated by the seeds sown along the path. I was thinking that it might be the hard soil ... the rocky soil, but discovered that hardness & rockiness was not the only problem (plus the seeds that fell there "refers to someone who hears the word & receives it with joy" but without a root, it is short-lived) and my seeds don't seem to have that initial response yet I notice there is no root & hardly much joy or acceptance - so it can't be that one ... for MORE info check out this site:

    I wondered if the seeds I sow are falling among the thorns AND that they were along the path both. All I know for sure is that the evil one keeps them blinded & deaf to their need for JESUS, which I thought indicated the hard soil (hardness of heart & mind) blocked & tuned out to accepting the Truth or seeing beyond their stubborn ideas and beliefs. I've prayed & prayed (and will continue) however I have finally come to a place of accepting the hard truth that some will perish because of their stubborn hearts or brainwashed thinking and superiority that they have the right to their own beliefs - and I accept this now in part, realizing that one of my main core beliefs is that of free will, that God has given everyone their own free will - we can plant seeds, we can try to encourage & show life & growth and continue to pray for miracles but it's God's Spirit that needs to penetrate that hardness & pierce that darkness of those who continue to see their way as right & refuse or reject the Light & Love Jesus came to give us. It truly breaks (broke) my heart to fight through & accept this however I still believe in miracles & my Jesus, not only is a Miracle Worker but HE can do the impossible with the strong-willed, stubbornness of hard hearts & minds. There is still time & our God is the God of so many second chances to receive the Good News & gift He offers of salvation only through JESUS! (John 14:6) I'll use a shovel or a till or any tool God gives me to break the hard soil so Living Water can seep in to the seeds planted & bit by bit growth will start & flourish bringing forth a plant with good roots developing fruit & a harvest

    1. I should have made this another blog post because I surely have much more in me about The Sower & the Seed & even the Soil (in fact, I think that this 'parable' of Jesus was one that gave me the idea (I wanted to say inspired but since it never happened ...) to write a children's book but I never did. I also thought I'd be able to illustrate or knew some artistic person who could capture the images I had in my head... it's probably been done by now. Anyways, I will have to decide at the end of JESUS, the Storyteller if The Sower is my favorite, after looking at all of these & perhaps more of the parables not covered. What I know for certain is that JESUS is my Favorite STORYTELLER & I could listen to Him for hours and hours, a lifetime of endless 'parables' - mine, yours & those yet to come.

    2. Is the Mustard Seed a parable? I'll have to look into that ... I guess since it's spring, it's easier to focus on seeds - yet the yellow ones (not mustard seeds) sprouting all over our lawn do not delight me. But one member of our household informed me it's good for the bees (which also don't delight me, but they do need to live or survive too, I guess) - dandelion flowers are fine (???) but not when they seed & create more. (plus I am no dandelion wine fan either, is that real?) I do not like the weeds in any form, nor the wood/deer ticks I have already encountered on me for the few times I was out so ... ta-ta for now clean-up woods & lawn detail (Ha) I love my deer, but I do wish & hope that they are deer tick free. In fact, if I could I would put flee/tick collars on all the little ones.

    3. I found out that The Mustard Seed is "one of the shorter parables of Jesus. It appears in Matthew (13:31–32), Mark (4:30–32), and Luke (13:18–19)." "Is the mustard seed a parable?
      The mustard seed was the smallest seed, but it grew into a huge plant. This is Mark's third parable of growth. In this parable, Jesus teaches that although the Kingdom of God started small, with Jesus and the disciples, it would grow and spread across the world to unlimited numbers of followers."

    4. Oh, amen to the Greatest Storyteller! This will be a great series, I can tell! Your thoughts and indepth info on "The Sower" are a great lesson for today!

      My favorite parables are the "Prodigal Son" and the "Lost Sheep". Both speak to my heart for my time(s) as a prodigal and my son's wanderings. The image of the waiting Father that Jesus paints never fails to bring tears to my eyes. The Shepherd searching for the one lost sheep and then rejoicing does the same! Reminds me of an old song 🎢 Here I am , Here I am.
      I am one the shepherd,
      left the fold and found
      There were ninety and nine.
      But He left the fold to find
      One little lost lamb,

      And here I am.🎢

      What wondrous love and amazing grace!πŸ™πŸ»

    5. Wonderful choices!!! of course, I love them both too, but your choice of them is beautifully personal & meaningful! Yes that is an image to behold & a sweet old song! Thank you Karen for your fantastic comment & NEVER giving up. Your encouragement & your creative storytelling on your own blog years ago shows your strength & ability in writing & weaving a story together was always a true blessing to read! Your gift(s) continue to bring me joy & hope as I delight in you & the honor to call you sister & friend in Christ! Thank you foreverπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸŒˆπŸ€—πŸ’™

  2. Oh, my goodness! It actually let me post!

    1. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌIt's about time! What a joy! What a miracle! You have the victory over Blogger (now for YV images - no matter what they wrote about 'terms'

  3. "Jesus won't do our job - we are to sow. We can't do His job - He is to grow."~James Merritt "We can do our part, but only Christ can reach the heart."


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy