
Sunday, June 18, 2023

JESUS, the Storyteller (25)

In Section Four with


the Storyteller

25. The Life of the Party        6/18
26. A Hospitable Host              6/25
27. The Object of Our Worship7/2
28. The Grace Giver                7/9
29. Discerner of the Heart       7/16
30. A Divine Divider                 7/23

we look into 

"The Life of the Party"

- the lively, amusing person, who is the center of attention at a social gathering -

- someone who brings a lot of energy & enthusiasm!

Perhaps you can recall someone like this or you were; or

perhaps you would never want to be the life of a party 

and are annoyed or prefer not to be around "social animals" like that,

but surely we know that type or someone who fits this role.

{No offense intended to those of you who are so social or like them.}


Since I am no longer continuing with the Parable Challenge, I still wonder which parable this one would be connected to ... whether the Parable of Jesus for "The Life of the Party" might be one in the book of Matthew or in the book of Luke? (both of these are linked to the blog posts where I listed the Parables back in May 2023). Oh, and regarding the other two Gospel accounts by Mark and John; there are only a few Parables (8-9; 7 repeated from the others) shared by Mark & none in the book of John (some say there are 2). 

The Scripture readings for this week include:

Luke 15:1-10; Luke 5:27-32; 2 Peter 3:8-10; Ezekiel 34:11-16; 2 Timothy 2:22-26

and the chapter segments are:

"Unlikely Companions" (Luke 15)
"A Lost Sheep" 
"Family and Not-Yet-Family"
"A Helpless Wanderer Found"
"Cause for Great Rejoicing"

This Week's Prayer:
(and it's not "make me the life of the party" for any still aspiring to this)

"Lord, kindle in my heart Your passion for the lost. Give me eyes to see as You see and the will to pursue and invite them into the celebration that awaits them."

and Father, please help the 'life of the party' people to channel their aspiration to 
being included in Your BIGGEST Party that gives the true & eternal LIFE we all need! 
And that they accept Your invitation.

we can really celebrate with You!

C'mon Let's Celebrate

There's gonna be a Party!


    IS & brings

      the LIFE to this


and it truly will be a "cause for great rejoicing"!


🎶Celebrate good times, c'mon

Let's Celebrate!

There's a party going on right here;
A Celebration to last throughout the years...🎶

Kool & the Gang, "Celebration" (1980)


I cannot think of any party lasting throughout the years other than the one that God invites us!

Hope that you and your loved ones will be there!


To ALL the Fathers - Celebrate & enjoy your Father's Day!

After all, our Heavenly Father

wants all of you to emulate

His Love


receive His love

Happy Father's Day!

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy