
Sunday, August 20, 2023


Section Five, 



31. Flying Standby 7/30
32. A Prayer Warrior            8/6
33. Focused on the Father  8/13
34. The One Who Provides 8/20
35. The Treasure Principle  8/27
36. A Marriage Counselor   9/3
37.Can One Become Two? 9/10
38. Love: Can Two Stay One? 9/17
39. The Number One Priority   9/24


This lesson seems to continue from #32 & #33 with Prayer to:

"The One who Provides"

Jehovah Jireh

{I love the photo image on that link page!!! Be sure to see it.}

As we continue this week also with the following Scriptures:

Matthew 6:11-13; James 1:12-15; Acts 17:22-25; Psalm 66:16-20; Philippians 4:14-19 

{maybe you noticed that we continue in the same passage(s)}

as we lean into listen to Jesus

we read these segments/subtitles on:

... "Learning to Pray"

"Ask God to Provide Your Needs" ***

"What to Ask For?"

"Ask God to Pardon Your Sins"

"Ask God to Protect Your Purity"

*** seems like last week, I was not quite right in this regard ***

" ... We have to go to God, acknowledge our needs, and ask God to meet those needs. (as Jehovah Jireh) When you pray, you let God do the fighting. Prayer is not just for defense. Prayer is for offense."

"Lord, don't allow me to walk into a situation that would cause me to sin (do wrong); deliver me from the devil (run, devil, run) and every trap that he would set for me."

So far, our Teacher Jesus, is letting us know just how important it is to PRAY!

My most favorite book (newest from 2023) is 


by Asheritah Ciuciu

and I like even more how I can listen and pray along with her on Spotify 
(there are other options available also to hear her podcast - just follow book link}

I cannot say enough good things about this, more than I highly recommend!!!

It is Excellent! 
Great prayer format, too - with
Recite God’s goodness, Express our neediness, Seek His stillness, and 
Trust His faithfulness.


This past week, I'm so thankful for Jesus, our Teacher that I can lean on for better understanding and trust always, even when you meet with unexpected loss of a loved one,
God is good and His mercies endure forever.

Our Teacher, not only teaches & shows us 
how to pray but
Jesus prays for us when we have no words
through the Holy Spirit.

What a sweet Comforter! What precious Peace!

Thank you for any prayers!

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy