
Sunday, August 27, 2023


Section Five, 



31. Flying Standby 7/30
32. A Prayer Warrior            8/6
33. Focused on the Father  8/13
34. The One Who Provides 8/20
35. The Treasure Principle  8/27
36. A Marriage Counselor   9/3
37.Can One Become Two? 9/10
38. Love: Can Two Stay One? 9/17
39. The Number One Priority   9/24


There's actually a book with this title by Randy Alcorn.
Here is a written summary of his 6 key points
and a link to Randy Alcorn's 1st video of 3(?)

However, Randy is writing based on the teaching found in

Matthew 6:19-21

and so are

this & the others in this Week's Scriptures:

Matthew 6:19-24; Mark 10:23-27; Luke 18:18-26; 1 Timothy 6:17-19; Luke 6:38

We find ourselves focusing on these segments/subtitles:

"Final Plans"

"Master or Be Mastered"

"Be Strategic in Where You Put Your Wealth"

"Be Wise in How You Perceive Your Wealth"

"Be Careful How You Position Your Wealth"

Good points on the lesson of our Wealth

"Jesus doesn't want your money. 

It's already His.

Jesus wants your heart.

But since your heart always {*often} follows your money,

He wants you to surrender your money, your wealth, your stuff to Him.

You will never master your money until Jesus is the master of you."
~James Merritt, 52 Weeks with Jesus

"Lord, I confess that all that I have is Yours. Release my grip on all that binds my heart, so that I might be mastered by You alone."

Jesus, You are the treasure I seek and Your principles to guide me!

Thank You for this lesson on wealth & treasures.


In our treasure hunt for much of our life, 

we tend to look for a 'perfect' person,

a 'perfect' place -

Jesus is that person; Heaven is that place.

[this is a rewrite of what Randy Alcorn shares in his introduction, not a direct quote]

but the following is:

"...When you discover the secret Joy of the Treasure Principle,

I guarantee you, you'll never be content with less."
~Randy Alcorn, The Treasure Principle

I pray you encounter the hidden treasure in Jesus Christ!

(and the perfect peace of Jesus)
Isaiah 26:3


* I think the word here should be 'often' rather than 'always' - hopefully no one always follows their money yet I know there may be some. The word always should not be used that often when it rarely is always. 

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy