
Friday, November 10, 2023


(In case you've chosen to do this with me)


"30 Days with Jesus"

Experiencing His Presence
Throughout the Old and New Testament

by Lysa TerKeurst and Dr. Joel Muddamalle

   WEEK 1 is PORTRAITS         Nov. 1-5
   WEEK 2     PROPHECIES      Nov. 6-10
   WEEK 3     PATTERNS           Nov.11-15
   WEEK 4     PROVISIONS        Nov.16-20
   WEEK 5     PROTECTIONS    Nov. 21-25
   WEEK 6     PRESENCE          Nov. 26-30

Truthfully, each week, is becoming a bit more challenging to keep up with this becuase the content is more intense - or maybe that's just because the past 5 days was on PROPHECIES (or through the lens of PROPHECY). I was quite pleased when I made it through PORTRAITS on time and was ready to begin PROPHECIES on November 6th. But I can't believe it's November 11th & already time to move forward to the next one: PATTERNS. One of the "patterns" that I noticed right away is that all of these "lenses" begin with the letter "P" (on Purpose) which is easy for me since my name begins with "P" that makes me more aware and it's a good teaching tool.

During these 30 days "we'll look for and discover JESUS using 6 different lenses"

November 11th - 15th
we're looking through


"We see Jesus in alternating patterns in the Bible like famine and rain, or wilderness and promised land that help us connect to the consistent reality of the presence of Jesus."

"This week, we are diving into how we can see Jesus throughout the Bible in Patterns."


are everywhere in Scripture."

11/11 "Famine & Rain"(Amos 8:John 7:37-43) Psalm 63:1

11/12 "Rising & Falling" (Genesis 37; Philippians2:5-11) Romans 8:28

11/13 "Wilderness & Promised Land" (Deuteronomy 32:10-11; Matthew 4:1-11) Deuteronomy 8:3 NIV

11/14 "Less-Than & Greater-Than" (Exodus 4:1-17; Matthew 5:1-11 and 43-48) Matthew 5:44

11/15 "Chaos & Order" (Genesis 4; John 1:1-18) Isaiah 11:6

I'm pretty sure that you've noticed by now 
but in case you have not:
each day there is Old Testament & 
New Testament readings
to demonstrate JESUS in both (the contrast)

"GOD, THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING TO REVEAL YOURSELF TO ME THROUGH SCRIPTURE. Through everything I continue to study, I pray I would see more of Jesus and it would drive me into an even deeper relationship with Him. I thank You today for Your everlasting faithfulness. ​​I trust You​​ through every situation I am facing right now. In Jesus’ Name, Amen."

Looking at the 



Giving Thanks




connecting us to the consistent

reality of

His Presence

in each pattern

we can see God's hand

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy