
Wednesday, November 15, 2023


(In case you've chosen to do this with me)


"30 Days with Jesus"

Experiencing His Presence
Throughout the Old and New Testament

by Lysa TerKeurst and Dr. Joel Muddamalle

   WEEK 1 is PORTRAITS           Nov. 1-5
   WEEK 2     PROPHECIES       Nov. 6-10
   WEEK 3     PATTERNS            Nov. 11-15
   WEEK 4     PROVISIONS        Nov. 16-20
   WEEK 5     PROTECTIONS     Nov. 21-25
   WEEK 6     PRESENCE           Nov. 26-30

During these 30 days "we'll look for and discover JESUS using 6 different lenses".


 "We see Jesus in God’s physical, emotional, and spiritual provision for the people of the Old Testament as Jesus is our perfect provision for all our needs."

I am so thankful for the
and all the 
God, the Father

[a very vulnerable but truthful opening statement to this]

"I know what it feels like to beg for God's mighty intervention. 
I also know what it feels like after an extended period with no change ..."

{I can't even wrap my head around the 400 years without hearing anything from God in the Bible, between the end of the Old Testament & the New Testament; when I can't usually go a day or a week, with this silence or absence, believing I've hit a brick wall or something I did.}

The book continues: 

"... When we're in this place our hearts ache. Our minds race ..."

{I recently have visited this place so my heart & mind are captured with these opening words, which made me think about the 400 years of silence that I wrote above. And as I read, I will hold on to God's promises of PROVISION through JESUS, being thankful we have JESUS!}

11/16 "Priests" (Exodus 19; Hebrews 2:14-18)
1 Peter 2:9

11/17 "Prophets" (1 Kings18:16-1 Kings 19:9; Luke 4: 1-15) 1 Kings 18:21

11/18 "Provision in Kings" (1 Samuel 8; Ephesians 1)
1 Samuel 8:7

11/19 "Provision in Bread" (Exodus 16; John 6:31-35)
John 6:33

11/20 "Provision in Water" (Exodus 17:1-6; John 7:37 -52) John 7:37-38

"Father God, thank You so much for sending Your Son, Jesus, as the ultimate Prophet, Priest, King, Bread of Life, and Living Water. Seeing Him so active and evident in Scripture brings me such ​​comfort​​ in places of my heart that feel empty today. Thank You for listening to my prayers for all the things I desire, need, want, and ask for. I pray, in the meantime, You sustain my faith by reminding me of Your past faithfulness to always keep Your promises. Thank You for the perfect provision of Jesus that paved the way for a relationship with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen."

* Half way through these 30 days, and I finally figure out that since I post at 6pm, I should have been posting the eve before, so I've done that today. I certainly hope that Lysa & Dr. Joel plan to do this as an online study! I know I would sign up and probably will re-do this book again, where I can spend more than 30 days.{I did catch up doing PATTERNS on the right day, so I hope I do again with PROVISIONS.}

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy