
Saturday, November 25, 2023


(In case you've chosen to do this with me)


"30 Days with Jesus"

Experiencing His Presence
Throughout the Old and New Testament

by Lysa TerKeurst and Dr. Joel Muddamalle

   WEEK 1 is PORTRAITS           Nov. 1-5
   WEEK 2     PROPHECIES        Nov. 6-10
   WEEK 3     PATTERNS             Nov. 11-15
   WEEK 4     PROVISIONS         Nov. 16-20
   WEEK 5     PROTECTIONS     Nov. 21-25
   WEEK 6     PRESENCE           Nov. 26-30

During these 30 days "we'll look for and discover JESUS using 6 different lenses":

November 26 -30

we'll be looking through the lens of


"We see God’s desire to be near His people since creation, and the ultimate invitation to be with Him is in Jesus."

I know I will enjoy being in His


this final week of the 30 days!

Again I found key statements that connect with me, in just the intro to this
(but I'm only sharing the following):

"... A significant takeaway from this whole study for us has been the reality that if we can SEE JESUS' PRESENCE in the Old Testament, beyond a PROPHECY of the Messiah's coming, then we can have deeper conviction He is present in our lives right now, too."["Because He always has been."](from previous paragraph) 

OK, one more:

"JESUS is not merely patterned, pointed to, and promised in the Old Testament, He is present."

As indicated previous to that statement, 

"... the New Testament authors (explicitly show
Jesus' Presence in the Old Testament" {and some examples given are in John 8:56-58; Hebrews 11:26; Jude 5; 1 Corinthians 10:4; John 12:40-41}

Days 26-30

11/26 "The Tabernacle and The Temple" (Exodus 25:1-9; Ephesians 2:19-22) John 1:14

11/27 "Jacob's Ladder" (Genesis 28:10-15; John 1:51) John 17:24

11/28 "Pillar of Fire and Cloud of Smoke" (Exodus 13; John 8:12-30) John 8:12

11/29 "Angel of the Lord" (Exodus 3:1-6; John 14:15-27) John 14:23 (NIV)

11/30 "The Incarnation" (Luke 2) Luke 2:10-11


"God, thank You that Your Word is so applicable. Lord, help us to remember the Truth we’ve discovered in Your Word together. We love You so much, God. We make a commitment today to start really paying attention and looking for Jesus in the unexpected places of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen."

I thank You Lord for Your Presence, Your Protection, Your Provision.

I'm so grateful for the Patterns, the Prophecies and the Portraits

provided in Your Word and through JESUS.

I give thanks for 

"30 Days with Jesus"


"We are held safe in  the embrace of a God who promises the comfort of


from the Garden to Glory."

And that


is returning soon.

(Revelation 22:12-20)

For this,

believers can be




I hope all of you enjoyed a wonderful




I give thanks for you, too!

Thanking God

for some other important answers to prayer


Looking forward to this last week of the 30 Days in


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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy