
Monday, November 27, 2023

JESUS, the LEADER #45 - #48

{My apologies that this did not publish for the last week of November. I had to draft it & forgot to click publish again. If you recall I was moving the post forward each week & adding the next week. This was the final week with JESUS, the LEADER. JESUS, the OVERCOMER #49 publishes on December 3rd}

This blog post features


the Leader

 for November

Section 7 includes:

 Jesus, the Leader
(weeks 45-48)
and then finally
 Jesus, the Overcomer
(weeks 49-52)

November - Section Seven: Jesus, the Leader
45. The Standard of Greatness   Nov.6-10
46. A Servant First                       Nov.13-17
47. The Victor                              Nov.20-24
48. Commander in Chief            Nov.27-Dec1

December - Section Eight: Jesus, the Overcomer
49. The Passion of the Christ—the Rest of the Story
50. His Grace, My Place
51. The Warrior Rises
52. Dead Man Walking

This looks incomplete, but it's not - as long as I don't forget (lol)

I plan to add and fill in the missing parts for each Chapter:


This Week is #46

for the Weeks of Chapters 45-48:

45. Mark 9:30-35; Matthew 20:20-28; 1 Peter 4:7-11; Philippians 2:1-8; 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
46. John 13:1-17; Romans 12:3-8; Mark 10:35-45; Hebrews 6:9-12; Galatians 5: 13-15
47. Matthew 4:1-11; James 4:6-8; James 1:12-15; 1 Corinthians 10:6-13; Hebrews 2:14-18
48. Luke 9:23-27; Ephesians 5:1-2; 2 Corinthians 5:11-15; Romans 14:5-9; 
1 Peter 2:19-23

These are the subtitles/segments of each devotional in Chapters 45-48:
(listed after the title of that devotional)

November 5-10

45.The Standard of Greatness:  "Who's the Greatest?"; "A New Measure"; "Approach Serving the Right Way"; "Appreciate Serving the Right Way"; "Apply Serving the Right Way"

Approach - Appreciate - Apply


November 13-17

46. A Servant First:  "A Surprising Reversal"; "See Opportunities"; "Serve Others"; "Same Old, Same Old"; "Surrender Ourselves"

Surprising - See - Serve - Same - Surrender

"The servant-leader is servant first" 
... Robert K. Greenleaf

"Servant leadership is an approach to leadership where the leader puts the needs of others 
before their desires and acts as a servant first. 
Jesus Christ is the ultimate example 
of a servant leader, and His life and teachings show us how important 
it is to lead with love, compassion, and a servant's heart. 
Christians are called to follow Jesus' example 
and become servant leaders in our spheres of influence. 
We can become great leaders by showing compassion, empowering others, 
and creating a culture of respect and collaboration. 
Leading with love and humility for God’s glory makes a positive difference."
from CCU


November 20-24

47. The Victor: "Fight of the Century"; "Fierce Competitors"; "Don't Be Surprised by Temptation, Expect It"; "Don't Be Fooled by Temptation, Detect It"; "Don't Be Defeated by Temptation, Reject It"

I am so thankful for JESUS

The Victor

"Christ, the Victor"

a song from a musical

"The Victor"
(Jamie Owens-Collins)


November 27- December 1

48. Commander in Chief: "Are You All In?"; "Living Wholeheartedly"; "Deny Yourself"; "Die to Yourself"; "Devote Yourself"

Most often, I think of the Commander in Chief as our President,
and he should receive the respect & authority while in Office.
Currently, the uprising created in this country, sadly does not do this
and shows great disrespect & disregard for the Office of the Presidency.
You need to be worthy of such a position!
However, ALL Authority and our deepest Respect
belongs to the ultimate Commander in Chief 
our LORD JESUS & HE is Worthy!

Also, as this week points out with "D" only applies to
where we Deny ourselves, & are willing to Die to ourselves
and be Devoted, which belongs to no human being
[to do so, with a human, is idolatry & blasphemous]

*these are my humble yet strong opinions

I bow only to


now & forever


and the

45. "Lord, Give me a holy desire to be great in Your kingdom by giving my life away to others and bearing witness to Your greatness."

46."Lord, I thank You that You have cleansed me from head to toe. Teach me to humble myself, as You have, by serving others in Your Name."

47."Lord, I trust that You've prepared me to fight the good fight. Fill me with Your Spirit and gird me with Your Word to resist the temptations of the enemy."

48. "Lord, because of the work and witness of Jesus Christ, I'm convinced that You are worth ("betting the ranch on"). Give me courage every week to be all in."

The term "bet the ranch" came from the Wild West and was used in the first devotion:
And to be "All In" happens to be a gambling phrase in a poker game.


I am only ALL IN when it comes to 
 as my Commander In Chief.
But I do respect & trust our current President as this country's 
Commander In Chief
I pray every day that our President receives Godly wisdom & all that he needs 
to govern our nation and maintain a positive influence in the world.
I write this with the courage & conviction given to me by God.
No matter what party you belong to or support,
as a citizen in this country you should 
respect, pray & support 
your Leader
then who 
HE appoints to be in authority
for the time appointed

God bless the United States of America!

and our Commander In Chief

in Jesus' name

"Few words are batted about by managers, pastors, {*educators}, entrepreneurs, and politicians more than leadership. When we want to learn how to lead, we often look to those whose names emblazon book covers and fancy business cards. But what about the leader who claims more followers than any person in history? What made Jesus such a great leader? The answer has the power to transform us into people of influence and impact." James Merritt, "52 Weeks..."

* I added my own: 

In my opinion, we are either a leader, 
or a follower waiting to blossom.
Some of us, just need more encouragement 
and perhaps training in how to lead.

There is no better Teacher, Helper or Example
of a Leader than 



"6 Characteristic Traits of Jesus as a Leader"

"Ten Traits of Jesus as Transformational Leader"

"The Leadership Strategy of Jesus"

[Just a few links given above plus the video below but there are much more]

"A Leader Worth Following"
You Tube video of the Church teaching the series of 52 Weeks with their Pastor Chip Bernhard

Truly, JESUS, is the Leader Worth Following!

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy