
Saturday, December 2, 2023

DECEMBER 2023 - still with JESUS or JESUS still with me

As December is off to a start, or an ending of 2023, I began yet another ebook that I recommended last year (upcoming post will share a bit more) on December 1st (since the book starts on December 1st, not the 1st Sunday of Advent and it is an Advent Journey). 

At the same time I have begun an Artists' Advent Journey of Gratitude (journaling, more than the art part), which is good to do reflecting on this past year's journey & continuing from November's thankfulness into December, with the practice of expressing gratitude intentionally. I'm finding this plan to be very meaningful as I follow the prompts and look back at this year with God's Ever-Present Help, and so thankful that "With JESUS" in 2023, I have made it to this final month & point of reflection. Creative journaling or even just creating an image through your words or perhaps a worship song or prayer of gratitude, one can begin "to acknowledge God's hand in bringing us to a spacious" place of expressing creatively our thanks to God. I guess from all the writing I've already done so far, that there was pretty much just stored up in me that needed to come out & it just poured out, which brings me back to my book & December 1st:

"Preparing room for Jesus is ultimately what saves us."

Now the author of this book is just as brilliant as she indicates the director of one of my favorite Christmas movie is, as she walks us through the various scenes of the movie & correlates this entire movie to our Christian walk of preparing room for Jesus. Just as there was no room in the inn, when Mary & Joseph were searching for a place for the birth of Jesus, we too search and don't quite find the room, or the time, or the space ... in our lives and in our hearts. Yet "preparing room for Jesus" is the exact reason we need to set time aside and realize the importance of that choice, that decision in our lives, each and every year as we draw near to the end of another year. Are we any closer at realizing Jesus is the Ultimate One who saves us? As a believer, we may think that because we accepted Jesus that that's all we need to do. So we grow complacent in our daily walk "With Jesus" or everything else seems to take more of a place in our lives then spending meaningful time with Him. Just another addition to our checklist. "What do you need to let go of so you leave more room for Jesus to dwell in you?" It was this question from this book's author that was so powerful of a consideration that I had to pause and think whether it's expectations, hurts, busy-ness, church or non-church activities, stresses, life issues, family situations or problems, or what was keeping me from preparing room just for Jesus, seeking Him & seeking His will in all these things. We need to empty out our lives and make room. We need to prepare our hearts to be more open and accepting to what Jesus would do for His Kingdom. I know I do. Because ...

"Preparing room allows us to show compassion to others." December 2nd ...

Yes, this world is desperately in need of more compassion to others ...

and as I've indicated I shared more last year of this book and the 25 days given in


I applaud this book, this author & her creativity

as I once again discover

"It's a Wonderful Life"

because of


The prayers each devotion are so special to me!

The memories from the movie also.

Thank you Rebecca Horvath!

Thank you Frank Capra!

Thank You



Right now, today

as I glance through & ahead at these 

25 gifts  

Preparing Room

I NEED the following ones:

#4."Preparing room gives us the space to see & appreciate the humor in life."

#5."Preparing room allows us to hold on to hope and to have faith even when all seems lost."

#8. "Preparing room allows us to love others, even when they're unlovable."

#11. "Preparing room allows us to reach down deep & make the right choices, 
even when it's hard."

#14. "Preparing room allows Jesus to fill us with His Presence & strength."


oh, let's face it, I need every one of the 25

to adequately begin

"Preparing Room"

and allow



to fill me

with more of Him

and much less of me

to know, love & serve

through the power

of the Holy Spirit

God's Grace

in me

Thank You Jesus for saving me!

{now I pray for the others who still need You}

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done

on earth as it is in heaven

I pray for our nation & our world!

31 Days of Preparation



New Year's Day, Jan. 2 - Feb. 20, 2024

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy