
Sunday, December 31, 2023


Often in this last week between CHRISTmas and New Year's Eve & Day, I do various posts about the One Word of the past year. The One Word that I held close all 2023 was JESUS; I spent 2023 WITH JESUS as my main focus, no matter what I faced, I was able to go back & lean on JESUS and reflect on all each week, each day, each moment and breath was because of JESUS. But as I indicated in my previous post - there really is no way to sum up JESUS - only God can!

Should I look back and reflect on this past year?

or should I look ahead to the next year?

{truthfully, I am not looking forward to 2024, nor do I want to look back at 2023}

That sure is a 'pickle'!

As I think back on the One Word of the past year and other years, I tend to have either given hints or subtle indications of my One Word for the next year (2024, in this case) but not this year. This coming year, you will have to wait for the revelation of the One Word for 2024 until after February 20th, 2024. 

Since it will be my last year before becoming the big 70, I was thinking that something with AGING would be a good One Word; such as Aging Faithfully, or Aging Gracefully or something with AGING since it's such a changing season and one you can't escape, yet I truly did not think I could AGE any more and most certainly I was not doing or able to do it either faithfully or gracefully so it looks like that One Word will be for another year, if I get to another year or God continues my life long enough to inspire me to write & focus better on AGING from a Godly perspective rather than a natural one. I do have others in mind, so we will have to wait and see after my time in prayer. 

At this time, I would just like to mention all the One Words that I have had since I have chosen to do the ONE WORD CHALLENGE instead of New Year Resolutions (I never really did those well either & saw little purpose in them). For me, One Word was much more appealing and purposeful, keeping me on track. I also notice that people give credit to others for originally starting this One Word Challenge. So I just want to set it straight that the first time I heard of this was when I was actively blogging with others and the authors that introduced me to "My One Word" were Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen (I believe it was through Rachel promoting it) and K-LOVE. 

Back in 2012, the One Word that I began with was LIGHT. In 2013, it was PEACE and HOPE in 2014. The One Word that I really should have started with, I did in 2015 - GRACE. And in 2016, I was in between TO BE and TO CHANGE as I made a major change, moving back to MN permanently after 20 years back & forth to living & serving in Mexico. Then after having been back just one year, the One Word HEALING was really needed & still needed in 2017. So in 2018, the One Word for me, became iBelieve. (I BELIEVE) The following year, 2019, I really needed to EMBRACE everything in a new way and all of my previous ONE WORDS & all that God has been teaching, showing and revealing to me. 

In 2020, I was given a fabulous ONE WORD from God - PROMISES (His & mine)! Followed by STRENGTH for 2021 and my key verse Isaiah 40:31 became exactly what I needed to continue on; my Lord's STRENGTH in my many weaknesses. Then I found myself in  2022, dealing with RELATIONSHIPS and rediscovering that the most important RELATIONSHIP is WITH JESUS! And that is how in 2023 JESUS - WITH JESUS became my One Word! And it's been the BEST ONE WORD EVER.

This is why I hesitate to move forward into 2024 with AGING as my ONE WORD and even in choosing another One Word because I truly believe that I reached my summit in One Word when I walked this last year's journey & challenge WITH JESUS, knowing & relying that HE IS WITH ME every step of the way and I desire to abide in JESUS more & more; to seek JESUS with all my heart, my soul, my mind and what's left in my life; however this AGING deal has made me quite weary, weak and aware that I need JESUS more & more and that I do rely on JESUS daily. Yet, I know that JESUS has pointed out and shown me that "HE'S still working on me - to make me all I need to be ..." (not just a kid's song)

[I do have a tab at the top of my blog below the header for "One Word" for a Page where I keep a record of my One Words through these years]

The reason that I choose a One Word or allow God to reinforce one for me in His Word is so that I look for this as my main focus throughout the year, giving me purpose and direction for me and the commitment to stick with this One Word in God's Word (verses in Scripture), readings, books, etc. and what I should focus on in my life as I try to overcome distractions & this One Word will change me or my life for the better. Choosing the One Word is a very individual and personal thing (between you & God, if you're a believer). Its aim is a challenge and a goal we each need in our life of something we are working on, maybe that we need to overcome or just something to help us grow wiser or better. I use that One Word to guide me. 

The books and websites are very helpful in showing you how to choose one. So I won't attempt to do so, even after more than 10 years experience (lol) - I still don't have it refined. What I do know though is that I highly recommend that you try it and choose a One Word. Sometimes families choose a One Word together or Churches do. Sometimes the One Word may come from a Scripture verse(s) that God keeps showing you or it has become repetitive in a special way while you read here & there or it keeps coming up everywhere you turn. {yeah, that's a good indicator, God's trying to get your attention} So start with that verse or a Word in that WORD and look for other verses to see if they seem to be saying something to you or your particular situation or season in your life. God will let you know. Or even if you're not sure, start with it and see how it's working after one month with it? does it align with your life (goals or situations)? A Bible Verse is a good place to start or choose your One Word in His Word and surely God will speak over & over if it's meant for you. Look at it in different versions and hopefully it will click. There is power in One Word! What do you hope God will do in your life? That's your One Word ... and 

I pray God leads you (and me) to the perfect One Word for 2024!


Journal your journey with your One Word!


you have a 2024 One Word & would be willing to share it, please add it in the comments!

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy