
Sunday, December 31, 2023


On this last day of 2023, I've decided that before I begin my New Year of 2024 in Prayer & fasting (which is partly being offline, as I often include in my 'fasting'; so I'm not here, this was done in advance), I'm encouraging you to look at this website (which did this last year, but I just found out about it, and I feel that it's absolutely necessary for us as we face 2024) ... to PRAY for our nation (and the world). But, in my opinion, we need to clean up our 'mess' here at home first. That is why this Project caught my attention ... and I thank "A Three Strand Cord" for their warrior heart & this project:

A 50 State Prayer Project for Revival

based on the promise in Scripture found in

2 Chronicles 7:14

"... IF my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." NIV

They have already begun, even before 2024 begins, with "31 Days of Preparation" during the month of December. New Year's Day (2024) will be a time of Prayer & Fasting followed by 50 days of Prayer, for our 50 states, reading the book of Psalms, according to their plan and a book (pdf) that they've put together, available on their site. So rather than me trying to explain it here, why don't you head on over and read more at ifwewill (dot) com [linked above], download the full manuscript and be ready to read the book of Psalms with others in your state and the other 49 states, so that the entire book is being covered and PRAY for our nation.

My state (#23) begins with Psalms 73 and 74 according to their plan on pages 54-55 and continue forward each day following the reading plan through & then back to Psalms 1-5, while Alabama (#1) starts out with Psalms 1-5 and continues all the way through to Psalms 150. Georgia (#10) begins with Psalms 35 & 38 while Hawaii (#11) reads Psalms 36 & 37. If you can figure out what number your state is alphabetically then you'll know where to start & continue. But having the actual book (or pdf download) is so much better & so worthwhile.

The States are listed in alphabetical order and the Reading Assignments are listed after the State (some with 5 chapters, some less - based on the length, I think). I hope that they don't object to me sharing the reading assignments. But in their excellent book, each day of readings has a devotional, a main scripture verse focus, and I believe a Hymn, followed by dedicated prayer appealing to God for repentance and revival of His people, standing in the gap for Christian believers and our nation as a whole. Perhaps their Facebook page shares more of this or a daily inspiration or instruction. {I don't have/do Facebook} Certainly anyone from any place is welcome to join us in prayer. {that's me speaking, not the 'Project'} I believe that's it's good for everyone to start the year in Prayer as many church congregations do.

January 2, 2024 through February 20, 2024

Psalm Reading Assignments

1. Psalms 1 - 5                        26. Psalms 79-81
2. Psalms 6 - 9                        27. Psalms 82-85
3. Psalms 10-14                      28. Psalms 86-88
4. Psalms 15-17;19                 29. Psalm 89
5. Psalms 18, 20                     30. Psalms 90-92
6. Psalms 21-23                      31. Psalms 93-96
7. Psalms 24-27                      32. Psalms 97-101
8. Psalms 28-31                      33. Psalms 102 & 103
9. Psalms 32-34                      34. Psalms 104, 108
Psalms 35, 38                   35. Psalm   105
Psalms 36 & 37                 36. Psalm   106
Psalms 39-41                    37. Psalms 107, 110
Psalms 42-45                    38. Psalms 109, 111-112
14. Psalms 46-49                    39. Psalms 113-115
15. Psalms 50-52                    40. Psalms 116-118
 Psalms 53-56                    41. Psalm 119:1-56
17. Psalms 57-59                    42. Psalm 119: 57-112
18. Psalms 60-63                    43. Psalm 119:113-176
19. Psalms 64-66                    44. Psalms 120-126
 Psalms 67 & 68                 45. Psalms 127-132
21. Psalms 69 & 70                 46. Psalms 133-135;137-38
 Psalms 71 & 72                 47. Psalms 136, 139
 Psalms 73 & 74                 48. Psalms 140-143
24. Psalms 75-77                    49. Psalms 144-146
25. Psalms 78                         50. Psalms 147-150

This is the beginning of my heart and prayer from their writings (p.53)

"... May our nation be renewed as the beacon of hope and the bright light that it once was for His kingdom, and for the spreading of the gospel of good news to all the world."


on our *knees in


*{or whatever position you pray from to God}

It's time to be United, not divided!

This is a battle for the soul of our nation.

Let's be God-honoring & God-fearing, humble before our Almighty God.

Let's be His People, called by His Name, worthy to come together

as one people, seeking His face

and mostly turning from the evil

the wickedness consuming so many.

Let us bow before our Holy God & tear down strongholds

for the restoration of many hearts 

and the healing of our nation.

May God have mercy & hear the cries of repenting.

Lord, have mercy & forgive us!

We pray, Your Will be done!


🎵Let there be Peace on Earth

and let it begin with me.🎵  


I hope to be back here sometime in February or March 2024!

A Happy & Blessed 

New Year




May God be with you!


I don't have a confirmed One Word for 2024 but a few that I'm considering ...




is doing their First Conference

Jan. 6-10

followed by this devotional & prayer

"Know Love Like This"

21 Days of Discovering God's Heart for You

YV version

{this is not my church, but a ministry I follow}

NOTE: If you're not sure which number 1-50 is your state alphabetically, just ask in the comments or I'm sure God (and the Project) would not mind if you just start at the beginning & read through - the important part is seeking God, perhaps praying the Psalm aloud as your prayer personally or for our nation.

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy