
Sunday, February 25, 2024


{I really love my FOCUS book!}

Even more, I enjoy having just One Word a Week 

to FOCUS on

but also for these 40 days the

One Word list for Lent



daily and reflect


My One Word for this 2nd Week of Lent is:


 Matthew 6:20 ESV
"... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and
where thieves do not break in and steal."

[once again this chosen verse does not have the One Word]

I found an interesting Word for Today, short devotion by Bob & Debby Gass on  "What God Has Invested in You" from the scripture Ephesians 1:18 to "understand the 'riches' God has INVESTed" in believers and called us to do - well worth the read & thinking about. Of course, when thinking of INVEST, most of us think of a financial INVESTment. 

The following words from the FOCUS devotional for this week ties together their thought of using the One Word INVEST, the key idea for me, and this verse:

"... where we choose to INVEST will determine how much fulfillment we experience. ... Yearning for heaven, we are meant to INVEST our time on earth wisely, putting our time, energy and resources into sharing God's love with others."Cleere Cherry Reeves, author of Focus.

One of the purposes of LENT is to focus on Giving

(besides Prayer and Fasting)

Giving is not always just financially. It's in all of the ways listed in the boxed quote

"- how we INVEST our time on earth - "

I recall another poem written called "The Dash" (if you haven't read it, you should)

"The Dash" - illustrates the importance of the 'dash' that represents the time

between a person's birth and their day of passing

1954 - 2024

that small little line - called a dash

Linda Ellis original video of her poem is so beautiful & touching!

and I love her closing words on that page I linked


and i might add


I often think about this, especially as I approach and thought about 


for my One Word for


as I close another decade & begin (God willing) a new one

the 70's this October

I chose not to reflect on AGING this year but perhaps next



certainly seems to be a major issue in the

2024 Elections

{I won't even comment on this}

but in my opinion, hopefully for most of us 

with aging comes wisdom


great responsibility

(if our hearts are right with God & we are able through Him)

but yes, there are exceptions to this.

It's also a matter of the compassion and empathy in the person to begin with ...

I happen to respect my elders and this is no longer something being taught or shown,

now that I'm an elder (well almost) I NOTICE this more (lol).

Yet I do know and believe that this world needs much more


for others, in our words and actions


and simply as I've share before


We so need JESUS & to follow Him & His teachings!


Please return to this post

"FOCUS on ONE WORD each day of LENT"

for these daily One Words for LENT this week:








*I add Scriptures where I can in that post*


{I'm beginning to think that my One Word for 2024 is FOCUS, yet I still am clinging to CALM}

- as I FOCUS, JESUS can CALM my heart even more -

and as I type this post, I really need His Peace, & my heart & mind CALM

In my book, "Pause for Lent", the days are 11-16 this week and for day 11 the

One Word is "Abba" (Mark 14:36)

So I am following the "Daily Practice" suggestion

and whispering "Abba" often to 

"express my heart's intention to be in touch with God in the middle of all I do"

even when 

the peace of my day (or night) is disrupted 

and CALM seems far from me


brings His CALM if I go to Him


How is your CALM?

Praying you are experiencing His


in your inner being

as I hope to


And you're not going to believe this ... but I found yet another book (out of nowhere)

{I only have the sample, which only gives the 1st 2 One Words: Community & Courage}

This book was written in 2015 too by Bruce Reyes-Chow.

So clearly my idea was not a new one

to FOCUS on One Word for the 40 days of Lent! 


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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy