
Sunday, February 18, 2024


My overall FOCUS Word for this entire 7th week of 2024 is:


"God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us." Acts 17:27 NIV

except I noticed that the One Word "notice" is not mentioned at all in this verse

yet "notice" occurs 121 times in 11 translations
according to the "Knowing Jesus" site

and Bible Hub search shows 326 results
with Webster's Revised Abridged
sharing 8 definitions of

As I read through the definitions, searching for "seek" or "reaching out & finding" once again I don't find any word indicating "notice" or others in this verse. But the first definition shows "an act of noting" for notice - with just similar roots. I guess that seeking, reaching out & finding Him are ways (or acts) of noting - thus "noticing" Him. I am sure that after reading the devotion, I will grasp the connection even better. Because for me, I am clearly aware of God's very existence as I draw close to Him, especially after spending time with Jesus (all of 2023 as my One Word) and in specific prayer since the end of last year (I'm always in prayer), seeking more of Him; but there are many who aren't even looking, much less noticing Him, even when He is not far ... with all that is happening in the world, it's difficult to "notice" Jesus, if we His people are not shining & showing others that He is here, He is among us, He is with us - not far even when we can't see Him, we should be seeking Him and reaching out for Him, in helping others reach and find Him. We need to reflect Jesus. When you find yourself in the mundane ordinary of your life this week, look around you and "notice" God. I know I will ...

"Jesus, help me to 
I know You're everywhere."

Psalm 144:3 NLT
James 1:17 ESV
Genesis 28:16
Psalm 26:3

After "noticing" God throughout my week by focusing on my main One Word for the week, I'll continue with my special LENT One Words, one for each day, as noted back in this blog post from the book or video. I will "Pause" with the following words for this week - one each day:


The reading for this First Sunday of Lent is from the gospel of Mark; chapter 1; verses 12-15.
The key words or One Words that I am focusing on from this Bible reading are: 

Kingdom, Repent and Trust

Each One Word can and will transform our lives, as we focus and take notice!😉
seeking these key words in His Word

"Thank You God that in the Cross we experience Your power to save. When we could not save ourselves, You saved us (willingly). Thank You for Your incomprehensible love for all creation." from "Gathered into One" *

*Continuing into 2 Corinthians this week


Also I'll be in Week 2: The Purpose of Lament from Michele Cushatt's book: 
"A Faith that Will Not Fail"

I'm finishing with Prayers for Revival and the Psalms 
(67-72 for me & my state) 
"If We Will ... then He Will"


I will continue to


as I am practicing to be


allowing His LOVE to LIGHT each day

as I pray for a nation 




to the law & order; our constitution


sums up

His Law in Two 

“'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. '
This is the first and greatest commandment. 
And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. '”

and so should we follow these, for

God alone is God!
He alone is worthy of our praise!
Seek His Kingdom!

Pray for the Souls of our Nation
and the World

After this past week, we really need to seek God
fervently and an end to all this evil in words and actions
that is so rampant among us
God have mercy
Save us!

Revive Us
once again
in our churches, our government, 
our streets, our schools
our homes
our 💖s


So that's what I'm doing this week.

for the many ways
in my life
in others, in a message, in a conversation
in a blessing, in nature,
in all I read


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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy