
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

FOCUS on ONE WORD each day of LENT

As LENT 2024 was approaching, I had an idea since I started a new book ("FOCUS...") at the beginning of the year (but since I haven't been here online, I have not been sharing the One Word for each week) so I thought that during LENT it might be good to do a One Word Focus  for each of the 40 days ... and then I found out that this wasn't a new idea. In fact, I discovered there was a book written by Trevor Hudson, back in 2015 and also a You Tube video with a Catholic priest, Father Laguerta, sharing a similar list of One Words (at least these two start out with the same words). I found another book like Hudson's:40 Days, 40 Words by Ken & Randy Petersen

But even since it's been done and written and recorded, I do agree that taking "A Pause for Lent" each day on One Word & a verse from THE WORD is a good way to Focus on Jesus as we prepare our hearts once again, like Advent approaching Christmas - Lent prepares us for Holy Week & Resurrection Sunday (known commonly as Easter, but I don't use that term any longer after learning about where it originates - a completely different post). In a previous post I did share a "Lenten Experience" by Michele Cushatt (portions of her new book "A Faith that Will Not Fail") but I prefer to do something a bit more simple. I did find a few other ones: "7 One Word Prayers for Lent"; a blogger in 2014 -"40 Words of Lent"; "40 Titles of Jesus"  (similar to book by Asheritah Ciuciu for Christmas, but she also has one for Lent). In other words, there are plenty of choices available - and clearly my idea was not a new one!


Clearly the best One Word for Ash Wednesday is:


Genesis 3:19


 (Image above from Randy & Ken Petersens' book for Day 2)
Genesis 18:27

They use FORTY for Day 1
Matthew 4:2 (MSG)
since Lent is 40 days
40 is a very significant Biblical number & word

Here is the list of the other One Words, I'll be using (& perhaps I can add verses later):

*** My One Word choices are a combination of the books (b) & video (v) 
if it's linked, the link goes to the video
2. RETURN - Joel 2:12-13                   (b&v)
3. CHOOSE - Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (b&v)
4. FAST(ing) - Matthew 6:17-18          (b&v)

First Sunday of Lent 2/18 * Mark 1:12-15

5. STILL - Psalm 46:10(b)
6. LOVE - 1 John 3:18 (b)
7. LIGHT - John 8:12   (b)
8. ASK (SEEK, KNOCK) - Matthew 7:7 (v)
9. REBUILT - Isaiah 58:12; Ezekiel 36:33 (v)
10. OBEDIENCE - Romans 5:19              (v)

Second Sunday of Lent 2/25 Mark 3:19-27

11. SEPARATE - Matthew 25:31-46 (v)
12. BREAD - Matthew 6:11 (b)
13. CONTRITE - Luke 11:29-32 (v)
14. WATER - John 4:13-14 (b)
15. TIME - Mark 1:15 (b)
16. WORLD - John 3:16 (b)

Third Sunday of Lent 3/3 Mark 8:27-33 *Mark 8:29 (b)

17. TREASURE - Matthew 6:21 (b)
18. LISTEN - James 1:19 (b)
19. POOR - Luke 4:18 (b)
20. FORGIVE(N) - Luke 5:20 (b)
21. PEACE(MAKER) - John 14:27 (b)
22. REST - Matthew 11:28 (b)

4th Sunday of Lent 3/10 Mark 9:2-10 *Mark 9:2-3

23. UNFAIR - Ezekiel 18:25 (v)
24. BLESSING - Genesis 12:2 (v)
25. MERCIFUL - Joel 2:13
26. FREE - John 8:31-32
27. SIN - 1 John 1:8
28. ENEMIES - Matthew 5:44-45

5th Sunday of Lent 3/17 Mark 10:32-35;*Mark 10:43-44

29. SERVE-Matthew 20:28
30. JUSTIFIED-*Luke 18:14 (v)
31. DIVIDED- *Luke 11:17    (v)
32. TEMPTATION-Hebrews 4:15
33. PRAY-Luke 11:1 also Matthew 26:36 for Day 39 Good Friday(b)
34. WILL-Matthew 26:39

6th Sunday of Lent 3/24 Palm Sunday Mark 11:1-11 *Mark 11:9


35. HOSANNA - Mark 11:9 (video 40)
36. STRANGER - Matthew 25:35
37. BETRAY - Matthew 26:21
38. WEPT - John 11:35 (& Luke 19:41-44 ESV) (video 33)
39. DIE - John 12:24 (video 39)
40. CRUCIFIED & RAISED - Mark 16:6 from SONday's reading


* Remember that the Sundays are not included in the 40 days.

"...The Christian calendar contains different seasons. These seasons are "time- gifts" that the Church offers to help us participate more fully in what God has done in human history."~Trevor Hudson "... During the 40 days of Lent, disciples of Jesus are encouraged to engage in 3 spiritual practices. These practices are those specifically mentioned by Jesus in the Sermon of the Mount: giving to the poor, prayer and fasting (Matthew 6:1-18)."

In Trevor Hudson's "guide to the Lenten Journey", he suggests something a little different and adds a "daily practice" at the end of each day. We're invited to "make a commitment to PAUSE during each day of Lent; FOCUS on the One Word; READ a scripture verse aloud; TAKE TIME with God and thank about what He might be saying to you about or on this One Word. EXPLORE the meaning of that One Word for you in this season of your life." Which is exactly what I hope to do and PRAY & PRACTICE - actions that we should already be doing in a true Christian walk and journey with other humans that we should interact with as we encourage and treat all as Jesus' love and compassion compels us to and Jesus has with us and truly exemplified in His life and death. In LENT 2024, I believe that we are all being called to positively share JESUS (especially in the world we now live in that desperately needs to see more JESUS through more UNITY and less division, deception & deceit - pure evil and uncivil treatment of other human beings, in words and actions or lack of kind acts; others created equally and in God's image the same as each of us). Let's make a social change that reflects more of JESUS and less of selfishness, fear, bullying, negativity, etc. May our hearts be open & our eyes to reach out and show love & compassion daily. 


fill in your name

(actually 'THOU ART')



[the words the 'priest' uses as they put the sign of the cross on forehead with ashes]

{Upon completing my 50 day of prayer & fasting - ending February 20th, I hope to add more here, like verses from God's WORD, the true ONE WORD to guide & focus our journeys.} 

See you soon 😉
{unless I 'fast' again for Lent}

in-between my Pauses


I have to mention two more books (among many) 
this one's written for 2024 LENT

[the book description let me know that this is the cry of my heart & prayers in 2024]

Devotions from 1 Corinthians

{very inexpensive, worthwhile choice}

"God, Help us to recognize our common humanity, destiny & purpose, and to live lives of grace and peace, now and forever. Amen"-"Gathered Into One"

And the other is brand new - published:

February 6, 2024

by Charles Martin

{if anyone gets this book, please let me know how it is - looks fabulous, 
but too expensive for me, out of my range}

[I read about this on Ann Voskamp's blog on a (mid Lent Sun.)]
"How to Navigate through Distractions to Really Prepare for Holy Week & Resurrection Sun."

And by the way, all of Ann Voskamp's blog & "A Lent to Reflect" is really worth reading!

I will wait for another Lent to Experience this.

It's ok, because I have plenty of books!

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy