
Tuesday, April 2, 2024


You may not agree with me (and sadly, I do understand) however, at least, I hope that we can discuss and listen to each other's side in an open, healthy discussion. But, in this time, I am clearly aware that THIS rarely is happening now, especially with people of different opinions and ideas.

Yet, I'm still hopeful! 

I probably don't agree with you because I don't understand - actually I can't understand but that's what happens with people from different perspectives ... I am eternally hopeful that at least you try to read what I write with an open mind and heart, in particular with what I feel compelled to write about while I'm focusing on the One Word: ALERT for this week. And because I have been reading for quite some time about this, and hearing so much truths; and misinformation, I decided to read an article from someone I trust - a pastor actually that I have been reading "stuff that needs to be said" for almost a decade now and in his most recent article, he encourages us to share "this" with family members & friends, etc. So I have been commissioned or emboldened to do my best & decided to share it publicly. Perhaps, I'm still somewhat of a coward, hiding behind a blog post rather than face to face. I'm just not quite ready to do so with my family members, who view things differently and I have no idea about most of my friends, what they think or how they view. Yet I believe the expression "agree to disagree" and that our words matter still. We can differ but still be respectful of one another. 

I read this Bible verse in the above image and the following Bible verse this morning (shared by a dear sister in Christ) as we share Scripture verses, prayers and Bible reading plans; so even though we might not agree on this 'stuff', at least we can openly share God's Word and encourage each other in our lives. Today she shared more wonderful verses on ALERT (actually with the word ALERT in them) and this verse helped convince me that I should not delay any longer because of the "sense of urgency and intensity" that I feel strongly in my inner being to ALERT others, or at least try (although this particular verse is definitely not about what I hope to share & reading in context is much better):

"... I’m trying to tell you that these are times for alertness, times requiring a sense of urgency and intensity, because like the master in the first story or the thief in the second, the Son of Man shows up by surprise." Luke 12:40 The Voice

Yet it makes me keenly aware that "these are times for ..." being ALERT!

So in these times, in 2024, that are

"times requiring a sense of urgency and intensity"

in my heart and in my mind

and so it is my patriotic duty to attempt the best I can to urge each one of you
to seriously realize the immense importance of your vote in 2024


really examine your heart


[from "a longtime pastor and current author, speaker, activist and storyteller, 
hoping to write words to make the world a more compassionate & beautiful place"]

His current book is:

"Worth Fighting For: Finding Courage & Compassion When Cruelty is Trending"



Be on (your) guard (NIV, NLT, AMP)
Be watchful (ESV)
Watch ye (KJV) 
Be on the alert (NASB)
Be alert (CSB, HCSB)
Keep alert (CEV)
Remain alert (ISV)
Stay alert (NET)
Watch! (WEB)

[from my earlier post this week]


Matthew 7:15

Beware ...

His writings may be a bit rough for some of you & perhaps you will turn away because you don't agree or find it distasteful but please read through (or listen). He has a Facebook, Substack, The Beautiful Mess (that's what I linked to; if it didn't work, please let me know). With sharing the word "Mess" in his title and my blog, how could I resist. And also a podcast with that title. I read & have two books of his: "Low" an Honest Advent, and "Rise" a Lent devotional. 

But if you couldn't read his article, I urge you to make yourself aware of the agenda of the other side (it might be your side) and become aware of their 180 day playbook and policy. Perhaps you don't quite understand what theocracy or autocracy will mean to our country. But clearly, you can see the character of this person is not one that can be trusted, and his leadership will have grave consequences on this nation, stripping away civil and human rights in our democracy and this republic. He has unleashed the worst throughout our country. Please understand that he does not have your or our best interests at heart, only his own. I fear what our future will become. His lies have taken hold of far too many good people. He is truly deceiving you (by repeating & repeating his lies, which make you believe them as truths). 

I've even ventured off my normal reading into reading political books, which is far from my norm or interest, yet I needed to know. There are so many books available and you must broaden your mind and understanding as you educate yourself & make an informed decision, realizing the significance and importance of your vote in November. This, too, is highly not like me, but I, even have books written by Mark Meadows and Liz Cheney, as well as the Audible of Cassidy Hutchinson, and the following two books.

These books have totally awed me and awakened me:

*The Spiritual Danger of Donald Trump: 30 Evangelical Christians on Justice, Truth and Moral Integrity  

{I plan to do a book review on this one! I highly recommend even though it's not current.}

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrist and Mental Health Experts Assess a President

And in case your question me reading this, know that I also read on & about Joe Biden. But there are no books like the ones I listed above on him. Yet I did balance my reading. This is not casual reading for me. In fact, I need to read and reread to get it. 

Please understand:
"...This is not alarmist, sky-is-falling histrionics, it is the clear and sober forecast from someone who knows these people better than anyone. These are not followers of Jesus despite the trappings and window dressing. They are Jesus-less extremists: blind zealots for nothing but power. They have been conditioned by decades of polluted theology and Fox News alternative facts to see diversity as a threat, to see progress as attacks on America, and to interpret more people being treated with dignity, as oppression of white people"~Pastor John Pavlovitz

I am asking you to expand your perspective

enough to let God shine

His True Light


your critical thinking

for the future of this country & our world.

The impact will be phenomenal & beyond 
what is seen now

Do not allow yourself to be deceived

and remain ALERT to all for

"God has not given us a spirit of FEAR ..."

(2 Timothy 1:7)

however, that unwell candidate is unfit for this office or any

and he has perpetuated & provoked 
much fear and violence

with his words, law breaking ideas 
& questionable standards

especially for himself.

Look & Listen

to others like former Vice President Pence

not willing to support him

and the many leaving their governmental positions

that can no longer support this!

They know better & so should we, the people!


There’s more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us ALERT for whatever God will do next. In ALERT expectancy such as this, we’re never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!

 " Romans 5:3-5 (MSG)

I should have written my own about 
what the pastor and authors wrote

instead of linking & sending you to his article,

because I really believe God is asking me




warn us about this crucial upcoming

key event that depends

on us

I came here to write and only share more verses on


yet as I began to write after reading 
Pastor John's article

I could not ignore saying something more

I was prompted & reminded by God

I don't claim to be God, or Jesus

like this former candidate

has elevated himself

expecting to be 


nor am I a prophet like Jonah,

or Isaiah or Jeremiah,

I'm just 

a very concerned citizen

hoping that you continue to examine your heart 

as I do

Seek the Truth

Follow only JESUS CHRIST and His Way


(1 John 1:5)

and I pray that the

Holy Spirit

speaks to you,

pours into our lives

our hearts & minds

guides us with

our decision


I believe 


our country's


(not physically as I've heard of rumors of civil war - how ludicrous & unsound)

let's do all that we do

in PEACE and in God's SPIRIT

which is LOVE, not HATE;



which is Christ-like


 the Light of

Jesus Christ


written in His Love

finished by His aMazing Grace

at the time I began writing this today
not the time I finished 3 hours later

[I know it's much to read but bear with me as write these blog posts. Thank you.]

Some days, ya' just gotta write what your heart tells you to say and speak the truth in love.
This is far out of my normal kind of writing here, but there's too much to be said.

I am not an authority on this topic, but I really do not want to live in a country that's authoritarian or undemocratic or under a dictatorship (and under the rule of someone who does not want to leave the office ever) and desires to turn our country upside down.

I also do not want to have to move to another country because of a regime or takeover of this one.

No, I do not say this out of fear, but I am fearful of what this country is becoming!

And so should you be ... 

God help our nation & hear the prayers for mercy and always

Dear Reader: after publishing this, I've updated, but I also read in the comments of the article
I mentioned above, someone else's article that I found very helpful if all this is new to you or if
you'd like to read more. I also apologize for the length but I didn't want to add a new blog post.


  1. Sis, I admire your passion and I love you!

    1. Thank you sis! I love you too and admire so much about you!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy