
Monday, April 1, 2024


Let's continue to FOCUS this year on 
One Word each week!

April Fool's Day 

couldn't have a better 

One Word

than the one for this week

in this time



"Be on the ALERT. Stand firm in the faith. Be (wo)men of courage. Be strong." BSB 1 Corinthians 16:13

Other versions use:

Be on (your) guard (NIV, NLT, AMP)
Be watchful (ESV)
Watch ye (KJV) 
Be on the alert (NASB)
Be alert (CSB, HCSB)
Keep alert (CEV)
Remain alert (ISV)
Stay alert (NET)
Watch! (WEB)

tells us to


We have to clearly be aware of what's going on around us.

Everywhere. Everyday. Everything.

[Strong's Concordance #1127 - one link with verse, but here's another]

Be vigilant (responsible, watchful) constantly.

"What does it mean to be watchful?"

{I particularly liked this part in the above linked article}

"To be watchful (ALERT) also means to be in a state of readiness." (Matthew 25:13) ... "We need to ensure, watch, be careful, that if our Lord were to return this very hour that we are ready and will not be ashamed or embarrassed to meet Him on that day."

Perhaps, you recall from last week during the Passion week of Jesus Christ, 
in the Garden of Gethsemane that Jesus begged the disciples various times 
to stay awake and ALERT and watch with Him.
Yet they fell asleep.

So do we.

God is clearly telling us, warning us to 
"stay awake" and be



A week from today, April 8th, 2024 

there will be a solar eclipse

as there was one back on August 17, 2017.

And there's even a designated path (Northeast to Southwest) that crosses the former one

*7 years ago, making an "X" across 
the United States of America
*actually 6 years, 6 months, 6 days
kinda eerie

This "X" center point intersects in Little Egypt, southern Illinois.

There will be 8 total & 8 partial eclipses over 8 locations named Nineveh on April 8th:

Nineveh in Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York & Nova Scotia

I find all this very interesting yet I am not trying to start any conspiracy theories or
spread any prophecies, but let me tell you or ALERT you that there are ones out there.

UPDATE in Forbes already is indicating that the path has changed somewhat, 
including more and also excluding some 
"15 Places in the U.S. that Just Lost Their Total Solar Eclipse - While Texas Gained"
March 31, 2024




so my point is:


but do not be foolish

Matthew 24:36

"No one knows about that day or hour ..."


Jesus has told us, written for us in His WORD




Keep OIL in your lamp - spiritual OIL

Matthew 25:3

"When the foolish took their lamps but did not take any oil with them."

Let's not be foolish today or April 8th or any day.

We must be ready!


The book's devotional by Cleere Cherry Reaves

starts out on a totally different point & 
a fun fact on "bats"

yet what I have shared, is not what she shares

but her ending point works for both of us:

"... Now is the time to ready ourselves for battle. Now is the time to secure our foundation and read the Word. Now is the time to position ourselves and assure our heart of Who walks with us so that when the valley does come, we will eagerly anticipate His faithfulness."~Cleere Cherry Reaves, "Focus: How One Word a Week will Transform Your Life."

I promise I will not go on with all that this topic encompasses & my thoughts

but I must clarify that there is much talk on "WOKE" from various perspectives.

I cannot not write about us "staying ALERT" - being AWAKE without bringing up

this term "WOKE" and hopefully put some light and truth on its meaning, 

because I am so tired of so many lies & 
untruths that are around.

Merriam-Webster defines "woke" as slang meaning

"aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts & issues..."

[there is more in your dictionary]

"It's not a new term, but conservative politicians and pundits have co-opted "woke"... "

but the term originally meant

"to stay aware of racial injustices"

and we should, especially in the Church 
or as true Christians.

The term is being used incorrectly. 
Slanting our perspectives to untruths.

This is very sad at the impact this 
is having/ has had

normalizing "hate" and this we cannot have,

not as people, not in our society

and definitely, not in people

who follow Jesus

the Church

What Would Jesus DO? and SAY? 
is more relevant in this day and time than ever!

Please DO NOT allow yourself to be distracted from the real issues or understanding them 
and seek the truth, 
DO NOT be deceived!

It is causing global criticisms & being weaponized,

and besides causing divisions & being deceptive,

it is confusing many and we know who is

the author of confusion.

It isn't God!


warns us in

Matthew 24:4-8 and so many places

DECEIVER of the whole world (Revelation 12:9)
[one who misleads another or others by a false appearance or statement]

A "Deceiver" misleads someone else or persuades somebody 
to do something to benefit himself or herself.

So go back to the beginning of this blog post & reread the verse & the other words

for the One Word this week:


"Be on your guard"

do not let your hearts be deceived or your minds

do not be a fool today or any day

do not be led by a deceiver

do not be confused


His Name is JESUS!



Keep me ALERT;

ready my spirit!


As you read God's Word

may it help you "prepare for opposition and the unexpected"

so you are ready - open your eyes,

put on the full armor of God

every morning for the day


* be woke

Jesus is coming back!


* informed, educated, and conscious ...

for such a time as this

this day is also known as

Easter Monday

(always the day after the Resurrection but not always April Fool's Day)

50 days from the Resurrection is Pentecost

God must have done 

"Something In Between"

(this was a sermon message on Resurrection SONday)
Matthew 28:1-10; Romans 8:28; John 19:18

...Jesus, in between...

continue to "celebrate

the hope & faithfulness of God"

"Jesus' death & resurrection remind us

that even when life is difficult & the outlook seems bleak,

God is at work..."




  1. From the "Focus" book I found the info on the bats very interesting, but the part that stood out to me most was :

    "We manipulate situations, trying to add "more" so that maybe our stuff will cover up our mess, or we quit and call it defeat. Maybe I just wasn't made to fly , we think"

    Guilty on both counts, I'm afraid!

    1. Thank you for pointing that out & sharing so honestly. I think I missed that part & flew by it (lol) because of the sentences before that part about the enemy, reacting in fear, & positioning ourselves for peace (which I needed) & was convicted & then probably my mind was in a fog as I read on to that part. So by you separating & bringing to my attention, I was able to better FOCUS & I appreciate you noting & commenting with honest vulnerability. I'm afraid I'm guilty on both counts too (if not one, the other) at times; need to cover up my messes often or other's; but I'm thinking most of us do this.

      I'm pretty sure I wasn't made to fly. Or fall too much & lack the power. But I believe "greater is He who is in me ..." so I fight not to be defeated or give up.


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy