
Monday, April 22, 2024


 One Word for this Week:


"... Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
 I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. 
30 Keep company with me and you'll learn to live 
freely and lightly." Matthew 11:29b-30 MSG

The very first article in my RHYTHM search was:

"How You Can Find Rest in the Rhythms of Jesus"

and after that (& because I have her book)

"Rhythms of Renewal: Living with Rhythm"
by Rebekah Lyons

but before that 

"Rhythms of Work, Rest and Worship"

"Spiritual rhythms are your regular pattern of connecting with God" and it seems from the above articles that those rhythms include grace, rest, renewal, work and worship. 


The other verses shared in FOCUS with this week's devotion:

1 John 2:6 CSB; Galatians 5:16 CSB; 
Deuteronomy 8:6 MSG; Genesis 6:9 NASB

"Jesus, set my RHYTHM; help me to follow."

💙my key favorites that stand out from Cleere Cherry Reaves

"... Jesus had a different RHYTHM..."

"...His (Jesus') RHTHYM was always adaptable to where His Father pointed."

 "...When we bring our imperfect selves to the feet of Jesus through the discipline of RHYTHM, we allow His perfection to shine through us." 

perhaps there will be more as I

This week's FOCUS TIP!

asking God  to help me 
set the perfect cadence - 
one that will give me peace & abundance."

I really 💙 this!


  1. My favorites from the book were:

    “The rhythm of Jesus was always in response to the priority of the One who was leading Him.”
    and “Setting a rhythm embraces the fluidity of life, knowing that we often won’t get it right or perfect but we will show up.”

    I’m looking forward to this week and a “rhythm of joy”!

    1. Really wonderful favorite lines! Thanks for pointing them out (always helps me). Praying as you look forward that God fills you overflowing with a "RHYTHM of Joy" and joy and more joy (like a fountain) continuously!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy