
Wednesday, April 24, 2024


It took me awhile to get the "RHYTHM" of this week and 'get' research on "RHYTHMS". I even read & reread quite a few times the devotion. I enjoy "RHYTHMS" in music for most of my life but for some reason I just couldn't figure out this concept of "RHYTHMS" of Jesus or what this meant. It didn't help me at all to check for Bible verses not many with the actual One Word, because most of them & the topical search on Bible Hub landed me on poetic "RHYTHMS" of syllables and meters; and singing. It didn't help at all for me to recall that when I was attempting to learn how to play guitar, I never was able to sync strumming chords with the RHYTHM either and the actual song, keeping the RHYTHM going. I guess I really didn't 'get' (understand) RHYTHMS. Yet I knew that I have RHYTHMS in my everyday life because I read that "we all do life in rhythms" ... the ebb and flow of our daily living, melodic or hum-drum. Known or not. Regular RHYTHM: a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound. 

So, I began to look at sermon series (and there are so many available) until I finally came up with a better idea of what is meant by using RHYTHM spiritually; and the concepts modeled in scripture of: "Rest, Restore, Connect, Create" as Rebekah Lyons shared in her book, "Rhythms of Renewal". It was when I found this post on "Spiritual Rhythms" that I better understood that they are how we connect with God. I think my understanding of this was our routine, or pattern (habits) in our lives, and how we spend time with God, and others. I saw/read many that seemed like RHYTHMS meant like opposites; like where God built RHYTHMS into creation: day & night, work & rest, etc. I even tried a YV plan of RHYTHMS (I think intended for youth). I was also confused if RHYTHMS meant "seasons" as in Ecclesiastes.

One of the series I found was by Living on the Edge Chip Ingram & Ryan Ingram called "Sacred Rhythms", which finally helped me understand better and I really liked this statement:

"Sacred rhythms are a specific way we arrange our life to cultivate a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus."

So, it's resolved that I DO have RHYTHMS, at least, in my 'sacred' part of life.

Soul Shepherding shared one of the best, inclusive teaching:

"My RHYTHM of Life with Jesus"

{I was totally captured by their Soul Shepherding ministry website as their name}

πŸ˜‡Makes me want to sign up for a retreat with themπŸ˜‰
Thankful that my Shepherd knows my soul & rhythms.
♬He walks with me & talks with me ...


One of the "youth" articles that I read had a Mary/Martha pendulum (Luke 10:38-42) that I liked, calling it "RHYTHMS of action and contemplation" ... now that I understand. But again the ones given just seem like opposites: RHYTHMS of "pain & joy"; ... "silence & noise";  and the same as I listed above. I'm still missing the beat and understanding of RHYTHM. 😟

The article that I shared first in my last blog post gave a plan for "finding your own RHYTHM" from Jesus' RHYTHMS & rest. Now in music, I know that there are RESTS that tell us to pause & breathe. Christianity Today had a good article from back in 2016, and it had 2 very helpful points to grasp "this simple RHYTHM and live it well" - "a two-beat rhythm of life" from Mark 3:13-14.

"To be with Him in prayer and devotion.

And to be sent from Him into the world.

The 'being with Him' part of the rhythm provides space in our lives for prayer, solitude, contemplation on scripture, and rest. The 'being sent' aspect gives us a mission in life through daily tasks of love. In being with him we love God. In being sent we love our neighbour. Being with, being sent – that's Jesus' rhythm of life. "

Another favorite that I encountered was "... Practicing the RHYTHMS of God's Grace" because (of course) that fits well with this blog being "aMazing Grace" and going "Back to the Basics ..." by Lauren Bowerman (on Journeywomen). Perhaps "Four RHYTHMS I learned from Jesus"  synchronized all I needed to finally understand RHYTHMS. 

I tucked away far too many You Tube videos/ series (that I didn't watch, but saved) wondering if or when I might need to incorporate them into my search for RHYTHMS and need to view, like:

my playlist of 6 videos

RHYTHMS of JESUS (playlist)

Chrystal Evans Hurst with Hosanna Wong

[also read a post from Chrystal Evans Hurst 
and she lists another related post in this]

Rhythm of Grace

A few verses with the One Word

Psalm 96:11 And so, let the heavens resound in gladness! Let joy be the earth’s rhythm as the sea and all its creatures roar.

Psalm 149:3 So let the music begin; praise His name—dance and sing to the rhythm of the tambourine, and to the tune of the harp.
Jeremiah 33:19-20 Again, the word of the Eternal came to Jeremiah. Eternal One: If you can figure out a way to break My covenant with the day and with the night so they do not always arrive on schedule, the very rhythm of life on this earth
Revelation 18:22 Never again will the sound of music grace your streets. The melodies and harmonies of the harpists and musicians and flutists and trumpeters will never be heard again. And never again will an artisan of any craft be found in your markets, And never again will the grinding of the millstone provide rhythm to your city

Believe it or not, I probably am drawn to these verses, because later in life (not when I attempted to learn playing a guitar - kinda mid-life), I began playing tambourine during worship time (and found out how much RHYTHM I have hidden in me) but it was because I took a class on Tambourine patterns (like this or this and these) and then taught younger girls. I stayed with the more simple patterns and usually did not do the ones with dance steps. But I really love to use a tambourine in worship & warfare because that's what I learned it was for ... yes, those were the days ...

I believe that God wants us to be well-stringed symphonies of RHYTHM,

our voices, our hands, our feet, our lives

tuned and adequately rested

in sync with Jesus

which means

"Being with Him & sent from Him"

real 'sabbath' *rest, meaningful time with God,

strong connections with others


serving others

*not only on the Sabbath, but especially on the Sabbath

Hillsong actually has recorded a song


"... Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Matthew 11:29b-30 MSG

Maybe I'm not really


with life or my life with Jesus

after all

{I just march to a different beat/drummer/tune & didn't know 
about my "rhythms" or the meaning, because I follow plenty of them.}


you understood better than I did


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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy