
Friday, April 26, 2024

"Learn My Unforced RHYTHMS of Grace ~ Jesus"

Maybe I spoke too soon 
when I wrote
"Out of Rhythm"

because I do believe that I am learning still

"Unforced RHYTHMS of Grace"

I had another YV plan in draft, but chose the youth longer one 

when I wrote that blog post & I should have chosen this 7 day one first:


(perhaps this is for the younger generations also)

provided by an initiative of Christian Vision (CV)
a global Christian charity with evangelism at its heart called

Although I have not completed this short 7 day plan, each day has a theme with "simple, practical and healthy habits" so that we can "live the deep and meaningful life God intended" which means that it helps us develop a RHTHM that is more "intentional, balanced & healthy."

Right on the first day, they inspired me to continue with hopes to develop a more healthy RHYTHM with these words and perhaps you'll recognize some of it from the Scripture verses found in The Message of Matthew 11:29b-30:

"Find & Explore Healthy Rhythms (day 1)

"Your life has a rhythm. Whether you know it or not, your daily practices and habits create a rhythm. Your rhythm is the beat of your life & determines how you ultimately live. The question is, is your current rhythm intentional, balanced and healthy?

Jesus invites each of us to learn His unforced rhythms of grace. He promised that He wouldn’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on us. Rather, a life kept in company with Him is a life lived freely & lightly. The problem is, life seems more stressed, fast-paced & tiring than what Jesus promises. It is as though the pressure to do more, post more & be more is stronger than our desire to learn His unforced rhythms of grace. It is as though we’ve got our wires crossed & priorities a little mixed up.

If you were honest with yourself, would you say you are thriving or surviving? Does your life feel full of meaning & depth? If not, maybe it is time to slow down, trust God & begin to learn His unforced rhythms of grace. Maybe it is time to find your rhythm, explore healthy habits & commit to keeping company with Jesus.

Today, spend time contemplating your current rhythm & your current life pace. List out your current practices & habits and imagine what a more intentional and healthy rhythm could look like. A healthy rhythm isn’t about reaching perfection quickly. It is about committing to growth over time with Jesus by your side."  ...

{I'm sure that I should not share the entire first day (so I did leave out some) but my hope is 
that maybe it will capture you as it did me so that you consider doing this plan too.}

In other words, even without having completed this, I highly recommend.
If only it had a prayer each day 
I'd guarantee my 5⭐️ rating

so I'm sharing this verse image prayer

[image credit: YV] 
3 John 1:2


As I mentioned above, each day has a different focus (outlined below):

Day 2 - SOUL       Spiritual Health
Day 3 - MIND        Mental Health
Day 4 - BODY       Physical Health
Day 5 - HEART     Emotional Health
Day 6 - FRIENDS Relational Health
Day 7 - OTHERS  Community Health

Clearly, this is an all-inclusive package deal!

Each daily devotional with accompanying scriptures give you 

simple practices to embrace to learn & grow in 


"... unforced RHYTHMS of Grace ..."

{of course, this could be expanded on, but the devotionals are brief/concise}

As an example, I will just enumerate the 3 simple practices given for Day 2 for our SOUL (Spiritual Health)

  1. "Read the Bible Daily" ...
  2. "Regular Prayer - a foundational habit ..."
  3. "Attend Church ..."
"While each of these practices may seem rudimentary, 
they are pivotal to a sustainable and healthy spiritual life." 


Once again, I am sharing the Verses of  "FOCUS ..." by C.C. Reaves for the 

One Word this week:


"... Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."   Matthew 11:29b-30 MSG

As we continue to learn together

and grow in Christ Jesus


in all these areas

to become healthy and balanced

living freely and full with

less weight



invites us to rest

 & take His yoke upon us

so that we become less weary

and less burdened


His yoke is easy



  1. Well, you convinced me to check out this plan!

    1. πŸ˜‰πŸ’šπŸ‘πŸΌ well, I did not choose this plan to do it at first because it just seemed to plain, simple & ordinary. (sorry, that's all the same) but it didn't seem to have any "trumpets" of fanfare or spectacular graphic, yet looking closer & reading that "lilac purple" image & noticing it was an invitation from Jesus to Come & "Learn His unforced RHYTHMS", I too decided to check it out closer & I thought with only 7 days vs 28 days (the other plan, that I quickly did) that it was more than a plain plan (I just did day 3 today) so my MIND is soaking in all the verses (you'll notice many verse images this morning) but my mind is actually more CALM & I'm thankful & glad for the simple practices (& its format not being so elaborate). That's good that you decided to check it out too! Thanks for your encouraging RHYTHM so much a part of youπŸ’š


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy