
Sunday, June 16, 2024

JUNE One Word Focus - 3 SILENCE

For the month of June, these will be the 4 One Words for us to "Focus" on:

June 2nd

June 9th

June 16th

June 23

Interesting combination!


LITTLE did I realize that when I shared all 4 One Words for June that I would need to just use this one post to FOCUS for all of June with just a few tweaks here and there. Due to summer & circumstances out of my control, this is going to be a monthly post, just changes to update the next One Word in BOLD & Underlined. I decided this back in the blog post of June 9th.

If you read that week's blog post (linked above) and the one on HONESTY then you can just scroll ahead to each next section (indicated by another FOCUS image) until you arrive on this week's One Word.


For the first week, June 2nd, the One Word is was:


The scripture verse from

Luke 16:10

“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest
in a very 
little is also dishonest in much.” 

As you can see, the author has chosen a verse this time with the

One Word: LITTLE
(actually used twice in that verse)

The other scripture verses in the book this week:

Matthew 13:32 (ESV); Matthew 25:21 (ESV);
John 6:9 (ESV); Colossians 3:17 (ESV)

And the 3 quotes that I shared from the devotional with the One Word: LITTLE

"... We undermine the "big" that our God can do with our LITTLE step, so we clamor and reach for more before going forward." ...

"... The LITTLE is never actually LITTLE when it's in the Potter's hands." ...

"... May we give our LITTLE & our best so that He can make it big & do the rest."

"Jesus the LITTLE I give, much You can do."


the 2nd One Word on June 9th:

[linked to Bible Hub for definition & topical study]

The main scripture verse in the devotional (not using the One Word)

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.1 John 3:18 NIV

However there are scripture verses with the One Word

HONESTY/ or honest

in the Old Testament (50)

[quite a few in Proverbs; I have not listed them all]

Genesis 30:31 MSG; Genesis 30:33 AMP; Judges 9: 16 & 9:19 NASB; 1 King 9:4 CEB; 2 Kings 12:15 NIV;
...Psalms (7); Proverbs (15); Isaiah (12); Jeremiah (2)..

and in the New Testament (16)

Matthew 23:23 NLT; Mark 12:14 Voice; Luke 2:33 MSG
Luke 3:13 TLB; Luke 8:15 Voice; Romans 3:7 TLB; Romans 15:8 AMPC; Romans 15:15 Voice; Romans 16:19 MSG; 

Here are a couple scripture verses with HONESTY that stood out to me:

"And so while there has never been any question about your HONESTY in these matters—I couldn’t be more proud of you!—I want you also to be smart, making sure every “good” thing is the real thing. Don’t be gullible in regard to smooth-talking evil. Stay alert like this, and before you know it the God of peace will come down on Satan with both feet, stomping him into the dirt. Enjoy the best of Jesus!" Romans 16:19 MSG

 "May integrity and HONESTY protect me, for I put my hope in you." Psalm 25:21 NLT (also in GNT, GW, NCV with HONESTY)

Now without having read the devotional before I share this, I am highlighting 
(out of context) some quotes where the author used the One Word:


"... HONESTY is sometimes the last things we want to practice and therefore we must. HONESTY turns our heart back to Jesus."

"... HONESTY is the process of continually putting our trust in God and knowing that His grace is enough."

"So, let's be HONEST - with ourselves, others, God, and the world around us. HONESTY will give space for lasting, true relationships & put us back in our rightful place at the feet of Jesus, where we belong."

The other scripture verses in the devotion this week:

1 John 1:6 NIV; Proverbs 12:22 NIV; 
2 Corinthians 8:21 ESV; Proverbs 10:9 NIV


[image credit]

for the 3rd week of June, the One Word is:


{The easiest way to do this post is just to let it remain in SILENCE and...}

 hopefully God will speak through this 


but  then we would miss out on our

with CCR, the author; & her devotional

This week's scripture verse:

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3 NIV

I believe that I have heard it said that 
Jeremiah 33:3 is God's 911 number

This week's One Word: SILENCE
has plenty of Bible verses that include the One Word and 
the definition can be found at Bible Hub/ Topical Search of
(80 occurrences listed with Bible Hub)

[216 verses containing SILENCE in another great source]

Yet Cleere Cherry Reaves chose to use God's 911 verse to write on
[which makes me think how prophetic Jeremiah was before the 400 years
of God's silence between the Old & the New Testament.]
I can't imagine living that long without anyone hearing from God, because when I think God's silent in His relationship with me, I generally think it's me; either I'm not listening well; or sadly, at times, I wonder what I did or why. But I don't think God works that way. I often call out to God: morning, noon, and all through the night (lol), I'm very needy and have many others & concerns in this world that I constantly find myself reaching out, calling to Him & waiting for His answer - and searching & seeking His great unsearchable things I need to know. If you know me personally, you would know that I am not one (in my past) that enjoyed the SILENCE but now, more and more, I find myself hoping for SILENCE from this world's noise so I can hear more closely what God might be speaking to me, and others; if we would only focus & listen better. So let's see what the author has to say this week on SILENCE! (Remember, I have not yet read the devotional & only do a quick search for the One Word: SILENCE.) 

Here is my top choice, because there seems to be a few this week, but this one speaks directly to my spirit & heart (with a huge & loud "amen"):

"Sitting in SILENCE will be uncomfortable sometimes, but wisdom says we should get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Nothing is richer than a life of peace. May we take time to sit in SILENCE so we can hear the One who is capable of giving it."

The other scripture verses for the devotional this week are:

Philippians 4:9 NIV; Proverbs 3:6 MSG;
Romans 10:17 NIV; John 10:27-28 ESV

The verses I have chosen so far with the One Word: SILENCE in the verse

"You hear us pray in words and SILENCE; all humanity comes into Your presence." Psalm 65:2 Voice

"Don’t be bluffed into SILENCE by the threats of bullies. There’s nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in His hands." Matthew 10:28 MSG

"Then I heard a great voice in heaven. A Voice: Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Anointed One have come. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who relentlessly accuses them day and night before our God, has been cast down and silenced." Revelation 12:10 Voice 

Now to honor God once a day (as the Focus Tip suggests) and
"sit in SILENCE, turn off the technology, and listen."



Enjoy your moments of
with our King Jesus
the only One 
who is worthy!


  1. Somehow I missed last weeks “honesty” post, so after reading the book devo , this is what impressed me most.

    “Honesty is the process of continually putting our trust in God and knowing that His grace is enough”.

    For SILENCE, that final paragraph in the book that you shared definitely impressed me as well. That verse from Psalm 65:2 VOICE spoke loudly and clearly to me as a reminder that the Lord hears my words but also interprets my silence as communication, too. As I’ve grown older, silence in my daily life is more desired than constant noise and chaotic talking. Heart to heart and spirit to spirit!

    1. I hear you sis, loud & clear! I agree completely.

      I do believe you had some pretty significant life event happening & quite understandable that HONESTY escaped you. I thought it was that & also something you mentioned about deciding to let go of this, that or another with all that was occupying your time & life & mind. 😉 Blog posts are always there unless I move it forward & don't leave the original where it was posted (lol).

      Thank you so much again for encouragement, prayers & comments as you are in my thoughts & prayers too! 🤗


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy