
Sunday, July 7, 2024

FOCUS: July One Words - 1st One: RELEASE

For the month of July, these will be the 4 One Words for us to "Focus" on:

July 7

July 14

July 21

July 28


I will RELEASE the
One Word 

which is


{ta daaah!}

and the devotional's main Scripture Verse is from

Philippians 3:13 NIV

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.

but no RELEASE in that verse

As you know by now, when I prepare this blog post,

I still have not read the devotional yet

sometimes, I do a quick search of the FOCUS: One Word

in the devotional, but not for this week

as I think of the One "Word


and ask God to fill me with His love,

comfort and peace"

However, I will link to my topical search of RELEASE with the definition, etc.

and let you know that there are plenty of verses available with this


The other verses given for this week's RELEASE devotion are:

2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV; Proverbs 28:13 NIV;
Isaiah 46:4 NKJV; Psalm 55:22 GW

"Jesus, What I RELEASE,
You redeem."

Thank You Redeemer!


Let's RELEASE some of those feelings - old & new - honestly; 
and allow 
Jesus in
to walk with us through these as 
He redeems & restores 
our brokenness 
and reaches into our hearts & minds 
to set us free as we actually let go.

There is nothing too big or too small or impossible

that Jesus can't carry (and fix).

After all, He's our Burden Bearer! Our Redeemer!

I have much to


(perhaps you do also)

stuff that you've allowed to get stuffed inside

pent up 'old' past baggage

that you thought you

either dealt with then or somehow it disappeared

(but not really)

it was still there and it's time to let it go


empty it out and be filled anew

it might not be the "new year" time of resolution

but we can always resolve & start again

each moment of each day

a new heart

for the heart of stone

a new spirit


from the old flesh:

thoughts, habits, emotions, struggles


that you might need to




It's OK

it's time to experience

being filled by the

Holy Spirit

breathe old out

inhale new in




{not sure why I chose the C.S. Lewis quote & image, but it's good, so I left it}

Now to read the devotional by Cleere Cherry Reaves (CCR)

to be blessed & encouraged by her wisdom

to see how far off my own blog post on


may be


I clearly need to let go of much:


by the Spirit's power

in Christ Jesus!



  1. “But here’s the thing: we owe nothing to what we used to believe about anything. We don’t have to explain to ourselves or to anyone around us the whys or the whats or the hows. But what we must do is remind our heart that anything our mind remembers, God has already redeemed. Any thought pattern, lie, or struggle we have had, we get to move forward in a different way. And how is that? By stepping into the truth. “

    That’s from the book and in bold font is the sentence that really spoke to me. And wow, what a timely statement for me to pass along to a loved one going through a crisis today!

    Thank you, Peggy, and thank you, Lord!

    1. So the bold font didn’t work.

      “ But what we must do is remind our heart that anything our mind remembers, God has already redeemed.”

    2. Yes, Amen!!! (sorry that the bold part didn't work-no surprise) Thank you for posting that particular part again and I agree it's very timely and encouraging for anyone but thankful you could pass it on to your loved one in crisis! Always God's timing & perfect reminder! Very freeing statements from CCR in this devotional on RELEASE, especially what you chose to share. Let us step into the Truth in everything! and move forward! [insert my 2 emojis that probably won't work either or "hands raised" and "praying hands"]


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy