
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Soul of Our Nation

"Jesus, What I RELEASE,
You redeem."


I'm a prayer warrior. And in this blog post I am sadly aware of a few things (only listing 3 now):

[as a Christian, who believes strongly in Jesus Christ; and as a blogger under the title of "aMazing Grace...", I am asking for God's Grace & yours, as I share this. I have no political agenda, except my hope to save our democracy & the division in our country. In short, I care very much about the soul (and souls) of our nation.}

1) ... that even though I don't have a significant readership, I do have people that do read here, and have read here through many years or show up, but that does not mean that they necessarily agree, or have to agree with everything that I write. I'm not so naïve to believe this but I also am open to hear anyone's differing perspective & respectful discussion/comments. I do not blog here for readership, and only intend to present my opinions, thoughts and beliefs. I do not mean to write anything to offend another person, or their beliefs. I care very much about anyone who takes the time to read what I write.

2) ... that in recent years, I have shared some concerns that are political. So fair warning: this is another one of 'that kind of post'. This is not an attack on you or your beliefs or choice. I want to attempt to prevent further attacks in our nation, our capitol, our government & people.

Yet I have given much prayerful consideration before writing to post and frankly I do believe that God is letting me know that I should make more well-meaning people aware (in case they do not already know) because many of you try to avoid watching any news, or listening to all that's going on. I don't blame you. I respect that choice, in some ways, but it is so important to make a well-informed decision and this is my only means of sharing since I don't do other social media. I also believe strongly in separation of church and state. 

In these days, too many churches (in my opinion) have sided & promoted their political views. Some have even chosen to follow and support publicly politicians. I am saddened by this, and how it has impacted my personal church life and choice, because of their blatant sermon points of said candidates and their support, or saying that they choose based on the platform. I don't believe that they are aware of all that their platform entails. I care very much for the truth & all souls in our nation.

3) ... that generally I do not 'Mess' with others, or don't think I am, in such a way to change their mind or beliefs; I just share mine. [the '...Mess'... in my title, does not refer to this at all - it has to do with my own 'Mazes' and 'Messes' and perhaps 'Miracles' in my own life] that God's aMazing Grace has helped me through and greatly impacted my life because of Jesus. Perhaps more than any other time in my life, the Messes in our world, especially in our nation are affecting my life more than I care to admit & will on future generations if we don't realize & take them seriously & do all we can to act as Jesus would & how He wants all of us who follow, believe & hope in Him to respect, show kindness & empathy and be Jesus with exta compassion to a hurting & confused world.

My foundational beliefs have not changed. My spiritual relationship has not either. My biblical reading and belief in the bible as God's Word has not either. My religious or spiritual life has not changed based on any political person or party or platform. I do not follow any human person, especially not a self-proclaimed person, each Christian's identity says "we are chosen" - every one of us. (see the biblical verses at the bottom of this blog that declares who we are in Christ Jesus, not because of ourselves). I do not idolize any human, especially one who has little to no morals or good character of integrity, but I shouldn't judge him and won't. This doesn't mean that you need to agree, nor should you judge. I also know that many have misperceptions of the person on the other side also. 

My strongest point is that no political person is with or without faults but I have heard this one person declare that "he is our retribution" and I clearly don't need him to be that, and if he truly believes in Jesus Christ, he should give this up and declare that Jesus is the only one that paid the price for us. God's Word in Romans 12:19 lets us know that we are to leave it to the Lord, that God is the ultimate judge. My intent is not to debate each side or against any one side but to point you to sources to help you make an informed decision and not to refrain from your privilege to choose. In fact, here is a link for all choices. We need to protect our democracy of our republic, in the midst of a crisis from being dismantled. I do not want to live in an authoritarian, corrupt government. Democracies are struggling everywhere. We need to push back this tide toward autocracy. 2024 is a critical election for our future! Because this is a spiritual battle & more; I care for each & every soul but even more greatly for the soul of our nation, and the fear & uncertainty being unleashed. It's from the enemy and we need to call it out & expose these spirits that have taken hold & risen in our midst to pit us against one another. 

So I am sharing what I plan to share because I think there are too many people being deceived and that they are not aware or really know what one party in the election of 2024 is planning in their agenda (hidden to most) but has been blatantly exposed and out there now - in fact, there is one part actually called Agenda 47 (this link is not to his personal site, but to wiki) [you can go to his certified site and click on the tab on top for Agenda 47 - which contains video after video of his misinformation repeated over and over again, but it is what he states for his proposals; as the former, he was 45 and this 47 is because that this term would be for the 47th] Of course, you could just google that for yourself and while you're at it; be sure to check out Project 2025, which he recently (a day ago) declared that he knows nothing about it (which again is not true) nor his claim he has "nothing to do" with Project 2025. There is a book and/or a pdf (linked here previously) that was/is available with an exorbitant amount of 900 some pages to read;  which in itself is overwhelming, however you can look through the 30 policies (and click on any that might interest you, in particular). The About part tells you how this candidate relied heavily on this. I only see "D" words related to this as far as deception, division, deceit and down fall, but the only word I do not see is (lower case) democracy. All of this is so depressing, disappointing, disillusional, discouraging, and on & on...

Never in my life, did I believe that I would be in a position to defend our freedoms and democracy. I am not a politically inclined person but I have been sure to always participate in the privilege of voting, and traveled back to be here to exercise that privilege. I don't take it lightly. I generally was not the person who shares who or what political party I am affiliated with or voting for, I consider this a private matter. Much is being done in our country now, to take away our rights, freedoms and privacy; I can hardly imagine how our children or grandchildren will be able to live. I have never read as many political books and material as I have since January 6th ever. I have searched and researched and daily seek God's wisdom as I pray. I have participated in many places of prayer for our nation. I will not stop praying. I will continue to seek God and God's kingdom but truly see this downfall in our country; however I do not buy into Christian Nationalism (video); now becoming what we must do and believe. Not for me.

I do believe that we, as Christians, are to share Jesus but sharing (even like this post) does not mean that I impose my beliefs on any other person. Most religions, but for sure the Christian ones that I have been part of my entire life, insist that God (a supreme, omnipotent, omniscient, etc. being) has given each human being free will. The Great Commission (Matthew 9:37-38) needs to be understood to go and share Jesus, with the hope to disciple and baptize as a result, but just as the Holy Spirit gently coos us, and never pushes us, we too should continue in this way of gently showing through our words and actions as Jesus did, the value of becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, and the value of having a relationship with Him & in His Word to learn & grow, yet we are to allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives and hearts; not us, not by our force "but by His power". A free will means that this person has their own encounter and choice to follow Jesus and be a disciple. We can plant and we can pray. We have a choice that will affect our destiny and our earthly lives meanwhile. 

Here is a site that I encountered today but still need to look into better: How to Protect Democracy; and a couple of others for the conservative side: (1) and (2) since I have linked to others above. Reading this helped me and perhaps might do the same for you. Actually I read quite a few in Substack that at least let me know that I'm thinking clearly, when I am at times so lost, it reassures me in some ways. I also turn to the Lincoln Project. There's just so many.

Because this week, I am reading "Faith over Fear" along with so much more and the One Word FOCUS Word is RELEASE. I felt compelled to RELEASE myself of all this that weighs heavily upon me and truthfully should on every person the absolute importance of our vote (like never before - I'm sure that you've heard often that "this is the most crucial and critical election" but this one IS, I guarantee). At least 64 countries globally will be voting in 2024. 

I had many thoughts that I wanted to incorporate into this blog post because of how crucial I have decided this election is. "The Spiritual Danger ..." with 30 essays... Christians on Justice, Truth and Moral Integrity (outdated a bit; still contains many points that are true). I should find a way to capsulize and share because I really, believe that the truth and God's Truth needs to be known; and the news media (especially social media that younger people rely on) is forming the basis for our decisions and that many no longer can be relied on giving the facts (I am aware that there are some that still declare that they do, but all news & info need to be fact-checked for truth & accuracy; and credibility of source.)

All of what we hear, read or listen to is forming who or what we believe or how we are being influenced (for some of us, in our churches, too). Anyways, the essays in this book are still speaking to me as I near the end and go back to reread specific ones. Chapter 23 (of 25) is where I was today when I decided that I must write (so it's been postponed for now) but not the words of the title "Three Prophetic Voices against Silence" ... You might think it's the first part that would cause me to dive right in and read or that's what spoke to me & stopped me to come and write this; yet it was the word "Silence" so that I could no longer be Silent and that I needed to RELEASE my thoughts about how impactful our political choice is. Now is not the time to remain silent. 

Both of our two major choices are old (and the others or the 3rd, I'm not commenting on). But one of these people is truly a politician with a history and a lifetime of experience, moral, honest, and has a compassionate heart for all people (in my opinion, I understand) but the other is immoral, very dishonest, and quite selfish (even this run for office is a way for him to escape his own convictions & charges against him; avoiding accountability). I really do not concur, or believe that any one of us is above the law.

In the 2016 election, a Pastor and author that I respect wrote an important article that I kept:

I guess out of all the links that I have shared in this blog post
this one is the one that I hold close and hope it's still available.
This is what I too hope for in any politician
but especially in our

I only trust one to keep us safe:
(but also only one of these people)

I sincerely believe that we are entrusting the safety of our nation as well
(though yet to be determined, I think one has jeopardized this also)

I have not yet written all that's on my heart and my concerns

but I will close with a historian's quote 

"How, then, in an hour of anxiety about the future of the country, at a time when a president of the United States appears determined to undermine the rule of law, a free press, and the sense of hope essential to American life, can those with deep concerns about the nation's future enlist on the side of the angels." Jon Meacham, "The Soul of America..." (2018), 6

Almighty Heavenly Father,

RELEASE Your angel armies to fight on

for the precious "souls of America" 

to be directed and guided by the Holy Spirit

with a clear conscience in their choice

with "liberty and justice for ALL"



"in this battle for the soul of America"

may democracy prevail

I will still


God's Will be done, on earth as it is, in heaven

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy