
Sunday, August 11, 2024

2nd August FOCUS: One Word - RESTORATION

In the month of August, these are the 4 One Words for us to "Focus" on:

week of August 4

week of August 11

week of August 18

week of August  25

{surely there must be a correlation in these "roots"}

You can view all 4 back here.


Last week was ROOTED for the 1st Week


In the 2nd week of August, we will FOCUS on:


This is what the LORD says: "When I bring Israel home again from captivity and restore their fortunes, Jerusalem will be rebuilt on its ruins, and the palace reconstructed as before. Jeremiah 30:18 NLT

Other Scriptures given for devotional:

Psalm 147:3 NIV
Isaiah 57:15 ESV
Jeremiah 17:14 NLT
1 Peter 5:10 NLT

[of course, other forms of RESTORATION may give us more choices 
for verses with the One Word, such as 

No one but God alone can restore
and make our broken vessels whole.


 A topical search for definition can be found at Bible Hub;

although there are only 4 given occurrences there;

my other source at Life Bible shows that there are

45 verses containing RESTORATION

from various translations.


In CCR's devotional, she uses restore and restored more than


In fact, the only occurrence I found in a quick search was in the


"Do you feel broken today? Do you feel confident that God will RESTORE your current circumstance and make something beautiful out of your ashes? 

This week, every time you start to think that nothing good will come from it, say the word RESTORATION and know that He never breaks His promises. We just have to hold on and watch." CCR

As you already know. I have not read 
the devotional 
by Cleere Cherry Reaves (CCR) yet.


The theme of our One Word: RESTORATION

is woven throughout the Bible.

In stories of hardship that offer us hope & encouragement.

It is clear that God desires to RESTORE us, as individuals 

or in our relationships with others, even in creation.


is a process, a journey of healing & transformation 

that requires faith and often much work & patience

because it has many different facets that are 

emotional & spiritual

and at times it is material, like the return of lost 

possessions or blessings.

One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 40:31

and although the One Word is not in the verse

it speaks of hope and renewing strength

then the results of this RESTORATION are shown:

soaring, running, not growing weary;

walking without being faint.

Some days we all

need to be


I pray if you find yourself in need please read 

that scripture and find His Strength for you

[image credit]

"On Eagles' Wings"

(also this is my chosen favorite song 
that I'd like at my celebration of life along 
with "I can only Imagine". I know on that day, 
my RESTORATION will be complete.)

God of Restoration

Yes, that's exactly what God is and how I feel 
"on eagles' wings" - my delight & fascination
when I watch or see an eagle and my spirit 
soars & God does raise me up,
which is exactly what I need and get 
whenever God is in my business of


a complete process of His healing & work in me

Yes, He bears me on the "breath of dawn"

and makes me "to shine" I pray

when someone else

needs to be



the palm of God's hand

wrapped in the arms of an Almighty Father

who is in the business of RESTORING lives 

that come to Him

weak, weary, worried


lay it down at His feet



As I opened up Spotify to a podcast 
(that I don't normally do)
wouldn't you know what it was on:

our God, He's so aMazing!!!

{I'm not sure how to link to this; 
but if you listen to Spotify, 
and you listen to Podcasts,
it is Episode 259 with "Prayer Starters with 
Suzanne Eller" (KLRC) May 22, 2023}

Jeremiah 30:18

Oh, and to confirm that this is/was God the current Episode is 556
"As Far as it is Possible"


  1. Excellent and comforting thoughts on restoration, as we start this week! I think restoration is on ongoing process as we invite the Lord to change and restore our lives (at least for me it won’t be complete until eternity)

    The book chapter is chocked full of ponderous phrases and things to think on all week. But I’ll only choose one to highlight:

    “The site that we label as unfixable is the same location He yearns to restore.”

    What we slap our labels on about impossible, not realistic, never in this lifetime, and no way in this what He (get this) YEARNS to restore! Not part way or half way but fully restored to its former glory! I, for one, can’t wait to see what unfolds!

    1. Good thoughts & wise words shared, as you usually do! And my oh my what a great highlight you chose & expanded on really well & so beautifully especially when you wrote He YEARNS to fully restore, in this lifetime or for sure in our eternity. Meanwhile, I think day by day, step by step (yes, as an ongoing process) He aims for each one of us to be restored & frankly I believe He prefers it to be full in our lifetime here, because we know it's a guarantee in eternity for His glory! But right here, right now; it will glorify Him & can be used as a wondrous testimony of the Greater is He in us ... I'm thinking as I type this that as we look at the word RESTORE & see the "re" as the prefix that means again & "store" (not as a noun like a place, but as a verb action); like your squirrels gathering pecans - To reserve or put away for future use; to fill, supply, or stock; as the Holy Spirit fills us & our Father provides; God wants to fill us again or provide again our lives for future use - here on earth as He purposed for us because He desires to put back again what's been taken or unfulfilled so that we may be equipped again & again to serve His Kingdom & as many people as possible to His original goal to "be at one" atoned with Him in right relationship with Him as He desires for all His children, as at the time of Creation in Paradise. God is for us; God's love is complete in us & with others through Jesus Christ alone. He's given us or made complete RESTORATION available through the blood of Jesus that was shed & covers us completely, bringing healing & taking us back continually.


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy