
Sunday, August 18, 2024

3rd August FOCUS: One Word - STAY

In the month of August, these are the 4 One Words for us to "Focus" on:

week of August 4

week of August 11

week of August 18



week of August  25

{surely there must be a correlation in these "roots"}

You can view all 4 back here.


Last week was RESTORATION for the 2nd Week

and the 1st Week was ROOTED

so this Week 3, we'll remain



This is the main verse that CCR uses with the devotion:

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.1 Corinthians 16:13 ESV

These are the other scripture verses for this devotional:

1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV
Hebrews 6:10 ESV
Acts 20:24 ESV
Hebrews 10:36 ESV

Bible Hub topical search with many definitions & 221 occurrences

whereas Life Bible search shows 1775 verses containing STAY from various versions
and some other forms like: stayed, staying, stays

According to CCR, the author, from a quick search:

" ... it is often STAYing that grows us the most. STAYing requires us to die to our selves and our own perception of what is important, fun, or relevant." ...

And of course, the FOCUS Tip includes our One Word: STAY and the prayer:

" Jesus, I will STAY where You instruct. Peace will be mine. Amen"

Lord, help us stand firm in our faith.

"Throughout Scripture, You ask Your people

to STAY and fight ..." 

at times ...

Lead me where & in what ways You want me to




I was really hoping to STAY right here awhile and had so many thoughts that you'll read; like I wanted to share on STAY or go (for one example) and even some more on being still or to STAY still when all around you seems to be spinning out of control (but always in the control of the One who is in control at all times, even when we think or try to be). It can be a constant struggle for us humans (might I say, especially women) to not want to be or "feel compelled to start taking those situations into our own hands" - so often, even in our prayers, when we know that God's got this and He's totally in control. 

Yes, I'm circling around and around that FOCUS Tip because currently (into our 5th week), I am in a helpless and seemingly hopeless situation, which is why I attempted to draw back at the beginning of August. And even right as I'm typing this, when I'd like to STAY and listen to the Spirit guiding me, as I really hope as I look to a week ahead of so much conflict & schedule (beyond myself) where I know I truly need God and I'm more than "ready to feel a sense of peace as" I'd love to loosen my grip and allow my heart to slow down but not stop as I'm dealing with my own high blood pressure and the other person's very low blood pressure (with much concern & lack of knowledge about this & his medical needs & situation; feeling totally inadequate), I turn & rely on God (and googling this & that, I gotta be honest) stopping to STAY still in this moment with this One Word - because in so many ways, it's the exact One Word that connects all of these 4 One Words in August for me; and also with my 2024 One Word: CALM. I tell myself "self - STAY calm", "God's got this", "God's got you - just like He always has and look how far He's gotten you", "Remember MX, as you came to Him and waited (impatiently mostly) yet still patiently for His GO or STAY and He knew and He confirmed. 

Yes, He's always been Faithful & True! And He only asked me to STAY in Him. As I daily have returned to MN, it's been such a battle (and struggle) for me to remain, to STAY - but just like MX, I'm calling on God & fully leaning on Him every step of the way. Because in my human power, I wanna run ... but when I turn to Him and I abide or remain in Him; supernaturally or divinely He further this discipline to STAY and to trust Him. I am sure that this devotion for this week, will take me beyond SEEK; as I shared in the comments of "Taking Inventory" at the end of July (mid year review) and choosing STAY reluctantly as the One Word God is encouraging me to do as I really need to STAY CALM as I started again & STAY "in the shadow of His wings" (Psalm 91 and Isaiah 40:31). As I started saying in the beginning of this, "I just want to STAY where You are, {actually the word in the song is not STAY but 'be'} dwelling daily in Your Presence; I don't want to worship from afar; Draw me near to where You are ... " Don Moen's "I Want to Be Where You Are".

I'm sure that CCR's quote above that I shared from my quick search that God wants me to "grow" and "die more to my self" is exactly what to STAY will require, only with God and by His Holy Spirit; in His strength but it's a tough road ... and I'm certain others of you have walked it or are walking this journey, no matter how many years you've been blessed to call yourself a believer in Jesus Christ, or were simply blessed to be born into a beautiful legacy of believers; in different seasons throughout our life, we will find ourselves learning once again, all it takes to surrender again and again each day "being watchful (alert); standing firm in our faith ... to be strong" IN HIM ... "In Christ alone"- we abide, seek, pursue, trust and receive His love & aMazing Grace for one more step forward, or His Grace to STAY; either way - in Him, and in His will always! Faithful! Always True! [*Insert the image from above right here]

My newest acronym R.E.S.T.: R.=Receive; E.= Embrace; S.=*STAY...(calm, firm, etc); T.= Trust

* STAY - REMAIN in Him


  1. I love the REST acronym! The trick is always to just do it. Easier said than done, sometimes for me.

    Your plate is more than full at the moment so it’s hard to choose and do....whether it’s all things or just one thing. Take EVERYTHING one. step. at. a. time. Just as our very existence comes one breath at a time, let’s travel (or stay) on this journey one moment at a time. Again, easier said than done, I know!

    From the book,

    “It is only in our discipline to stay in the shadow of His wings that we gain the courage to soar anywhere else.”

    Faithful! Always true! Yes, He is!

    1. Thank you (the acronym came to me from a LIFETIME devotional that day but only had Receive, Embrace Trust and I knew that if I just inserted STAY, I'd get REST (so much needed REST). Home Care might help the patient & is supposed to be a support like Hospice was, but frankly it just increases an already "busy"
      caring of him with additional scheduling & adjustments in his living environment like redoing bathroom & hallway for his safety (& he's the one who has it that way, agrees with them, but when we do it - later on when they're no longer here, we'll hear about it & it'll probably go back to what's convenient & comfortable for him (as it is now). sigh - So STAY is a much needed One Word.

      Thank you also for your wise reminder & as you know all too well "easier said than done"
      (in which book of the Bible is this found? lol)

      I so agree with you & also your wonderful quote that you chose. If I had read the devo in full, I'm sure this would have been my choice (it kinda was intermingled in my ramblings on STAY). I'd say it's time for us to SOAR but somehow comfort under His wings seems better than mustering up the courage right now; so let's just linger & STAY in His sweet presence & in each other's prayers. πŸ˜‰πŸ€ŸπŸ»πŸ’šπŸ€—πŸ€²πŸ»πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy