
Sunday, April 27, 2008


CHIQUITITA is the littlest pup of CHIMINITO from Camera Critters#2.
She was born January 5th, 2006 in a litter of 6.
Rejected by her real mom, she became my favorite. I had to feed/nurse her because she couldn't keep down her mom's milk, and she was the runt! She's named because of her size and the song from ABBA, "Chiquitita".
[I'd like to say the following photo in the hammock is taken by me of Chiquitita, because it looks so much like her and that's how she sleeps-belly up, but it's not mine! My REAL photos of CHIQUITITA are the ones above and below "Camera Critters".
Join the fun and meet all the CRITTERS over at Misty's Word or Camera Critters
Camera Critters

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Please be sure to see more Critters at Over there, you can click on anyone and see wonderful critters! I think Misty Dawn is the creator of this! She is the foxiest...well, you just have to go and check out the marvelous photos!



Hi - Hola,

My name is Chiminito. My mom is Mazmagi, better known as "Peggy". I'm a Chihuahua/ Bull Terrier mix. Some say that I look like a Jack Russel. But there's no Jack in me! Oh, that's not entirely true, I jump or leap like a jack rabbit.

Anyways, I was born in 2003. My mom says I'm a miracle baby. I shouldn't have lived. But I did! I'm here and in great health - thanks to my mom! My real mom died and so did my sister! My mom lived on a roof top and no one really took care of her. We were all infested with all kinds of parasites: fleas, ticks "garapatas"...some very small and some very venemous! My body was filled with them.

That is until this mom saw me and tended to me! I even had one in my ear that she got out!

Ouch! I still fight her when she's taking them off me, even though I wear a collar and do all the right things. It just can't be escaped here in Mexico.

Well, my mom cleaned me up, dipped me, cleaned me again, but the day I remember her most was when she sat with me on a curb, at my first owner's house, Lizbeth.

I had been crying night after night because of the little critters all over me. No one even knew how bad! But she did. One by one she picked those little buggers off of me, even the microscopic ones. Then she dipped and bathed me until I was well. She took me to her place to take better care of me. Lizbeth came and visited and stayed once in awhile. Lizbeth loved me so much that she let me stay with my new mom, so I could get well and stay well. I love Lizbeth!

My dad's name was Chimino. I'm named after him. I'm a little piece of Chimino...the -ito in my name is endearing and means little one. I saw many videos of my dad but we don't have any photos.My dad ate something bad and died too! But that's how I ended up with my mom and Bravo.(You'll meet him another time). He became my BIG BROTHER! Kinda surrogate dad. We use to play together.

Years have past, and I have lots of tales to tell but the greatest was 2 years ago when I became the proud father of 6: 5 girls and 1 son. Now, I shouldn't have done that so that's why my mom took me to the vet so it never happens again. Just like Bravo!(the mother had to go, too). But now we live together with 2 of our daughters. One lives in Minnesota. 3 found new homes but sadly 2 of them died; my only son was one of them. I guess that's why my mom kept the others.

That reminds me, I have to tell this GREAT tale of when I was so tiny and my mom left me alone with Bravo! This is why she says I'm a miracle too!

Our home was on the second floor and she thought I was safe on the patio. She had it pretty well blocked off. But curiosity got the best of me. I had to go snooping around, looking for where she went. She hardly ever leaves me alone, so she couldn't have gone too far. Well, I found this tube, I thought I'd check it out. (Mom says it wasn't a tube and it wasn't where I should have gone, it was a rain gutter).

When she came home, I heard her and started crying. She was looking everywhere for me, upstairs in our home. She wasn't even close. So I kept crying!

Finally, she looked over the balcony toward my yelps for help and saw me, down in the basement. It was quite the ride or slide! She was down the stairs, two flights, almost as quick as I got down there. She was loving me, and checking me and so worried, but I was fine. I'M A MIRACLE! The angels were watching over me.

That's a bit of my tales! Hope you noticed that I'm ready to go in my photo! We'll be making a trip home pretty soon to Minnesota. I just want to be sure she doesn't forget me. See the rest of my family in the sidebar! Thanks for visiting!

Oh, my mom's parent's anniversary would have been today. They're celebrating in Heaven with my angel and more. 

Happy 62nd Anniversary! 

My mom told me to be sure and dedicate this to you with love!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Death, death, where is your sting?

There are many CHOICES and STYLES available at YOU TUBE videos of the song "IT IS WELL" (and new ones maybe even better since this was posted) such as:

traditional hymn style
2) Sandi Patti
of course, no one sings like this star
3) Big Small Village
historical (below)
8) 4HIM

I felt that yesterday I didn't really finish with the two songs I chose that bring PEACE to me as I sing them. I researched much of the day to try and find out as much as I could about songs with PEACE, but in particular these two: (1) "I've Got PEACE like a River" and (2) "It is Well with My Soul" (but since it's first line says... "When PEACE like a River ... " some know it with that title).

I'm going to focus on this inspiring hymn! Here are the lyrics:

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, 
When sorrows like sea billows roll; 
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, 
It is well, it is well, with my soul. 

It is well, with my soul, It is well, with my soul, 
It is well, it is well, with my soul. 

Though Satan should buffet, 
though trials should come, 
Let this blessed assurance control, 
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, 
And hath shed His own blood for my soul. 

It is well, with my soul, It is well, with my soul, 
It is well, it is well, with my soul. 

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! 
My sin, not in part but the whole, 
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, 
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! 

It is well, with my soul, It is well, with my soul, 
It is well, it is well, with my soul. 

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul. 

It is well, with my soul, It is well, with my soul, 
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

When I look at a song, I like to know WHO wrote it, WHO sings it, READ the words and HEAR it. If it's one I want to sing along with, I, for sure, need the lyrics and it wouldn't hurt to have the music ... but there's enough variety here to suit your style, or just go to YOU Tube 

Many of you, probably know the history of the this song: "It is well with My Soul", written by Horatio Spafford and composer, Philip P.Bliss (who also died in a tragic train accident). I had heard it before but did not recall their names, just his circumstances! Good ole' Google!

There were many places that gave me the information on this one, but the best came from: Christian Music and this site which gives a very good Biblical account of an old Shumanite woman, who also claimed "it is well... " in a great loss in 2 Kings 4:26.

They summed up the story of Horatio like this: 

"Horatio Gates Spafford (1828-1888), a long-time Christian, had been a wealthy businessman, but lost his entire fortune in the great Chicago fire of 1871. Shortly after, Spafford's wife, Anna, survived a shipwreck while crossing the ocean, then sent him the telegram, "Saved alone." Spafford's only four daughters had been killed in a ship accident. While crossing the Atlantic in 1873, near the location where his daughters were said to have drowned, he stared out at the waves and wrote the lyrics to the hymn, "It Is Well With My Soul". 

I can't even imagine how one could write a song, in the midst of such despair and with such heaviness, much less like they say in their article, "and say it is well with my soul". I can remember the overwhelming grief of having lost a loved one! 

Throughout my childhood, many aunts, uncles, and other relatives died, many from cancer, so I saw "death" around me and the pain of loosing loved ones. The most difficult deaths, were more recent: my father, my brother and my mother! The utter despair was greatest when I had to say goodbye to my youngest brother. I was devastated because he was not just my baby brother, but my friend! The day of his burial, I completely lost it. I started out to meet everyone at the Resurrection Cemetery, but never made it! As I was making the interstate loop, I fell apart. I looped again, as if I was going to return home, but then looped again, and went in the opposite direction, as if I was running away from the reality. I just couldn't make myself go there. When I realized what I was doing, I moved off the Interstate, at a gas station, to make a phone call and I dialed his (my deceased brother's) phone number and got his answering machine ... but at least I heard his voice. 

How I longed to talk with him and share my sadness of him not being there for me to chat with about this! It was so bad, I had the "flight" response because I couldn't cope and clearly there was no one there to support me or help me. I went to an old, inexpensive but familiar motel, where I could be alone. One night became one week, which became one month. I cried and I cried out to God, much like Mary and Martha with Lazarus (John 11). But I got a"peace" down in my soul. From that grief, and spiral of a clinical depression, I went in for counseling. 

First, I was counseled and then I went to Love Lines Counseling classes, to learn and volunteer on crisis prayer phone line counseling, because each class was going to teach me how to heal and be the "healing balm of Gilead" to others. After completion of the course, I had returned ... I was back to being me, but a lot stronger and ready to give back. So I volunteered to 2 phone shifts, where I would pray with others needing someone to lift them up. 

From this experience, I learned "it is much better to give" than receive. As I gave of myself and my time, I saw MIRACLES from my MESS and learned that God uses a broken vessel. As you pour out, He'll fill you back up over flowing. And it is all for the Glory of God! So, from the depths of despair, I cried out along with Horatio, "IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL!"  Another break through ... 

Each step, along my life journey, which I call my title of my blog ... has led me to that aMAZING GRACE (another GREAT hymn with a great story). However, I never felt compelled to write a song ... Sing a song (yes) and I did and I do and I will sing unto the Lord for HE IS GOOD and His mercy endures forever! It is written in Proverbs and said often that "laughter is good medicine". I believe that MUSIC has been my good medicine! I have songs for everything! Songs that just bubble up from within me, like a brook. Maybe that's how they came up with the river analogy. I have enjoyed different kinds of music throughout my life but there is nothing like good Christian, worship music, adoration music, praise music by GREAT Christian writers, composers and musicians. I wasn't sure where God was leading me, in this MAZE, in my MESSage for went a totally different direction than I had set out, when I was researching. I guess the Bible verses from the two sites above ... started me reflecting and God just flowed in this direction through me. There must be a reason, because God has a plan for everything! I have embraced the significance of this aMAZING hymn! 

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 

If you are dealing with grief, right now, whether it be through death, divorce, or loss of your health-or any health issue, that causes you to wonder and wander as I did, THE POWER of the LOVE of Jesus Christ is INCREDIBLE! 

You are in a battle, for peace of mind, but it's already been won! Set your mind on Jesus: mind over matter. Take your mind off the worry, off the pain, off the problem, off the fears, off the frustration...and place it at the foot of the cross. It was nailed there and taken care of for you! Focus not on the problem but the Problem SOLVER! He knows all of your FEELINGS, He FELT it then and HE feels it along with you. 

The great hymn writer, Horatio Spafford, reminds us that these life storms and feelings, come from the author of discord and disagreement, anything negative comes from him...Satan. He's in this battle, to steal you from the One who brings PEACE and DELIVERANCE, the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ! Don't let Satan's negativism win! Do not let your feelings rule! FAITH must go before your feelings! Allow God to take control and rescue you from this pit! He did it for me and HE WILL DO IT for YOU because HE LOVES YOU so much that HE stretched out HIS arms, as far as He could to show you, on the cross at Calvary, when HE proclaimed "IT IS FINISHED". 

So, SING it LOUD and SING it CLEAR ... IT is WELL WITH MY SOUL! Declare it! Grab hold of this peace!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mazatlán-Minnesota "Land of the Deer"

Mazatlán is a Nahuatl word meaning "Land of the Deer".
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." Psalm 42:1

"Cual ciervo jadeante en busca del agua, así Te busca, oh Dios, todo mi ser. Tengo sed de Dios, del Dios de la vida." SALMO 42: 1-2a

Perhaps that's why I feel so at home here in Mazatlán. Perhaps that's why God put Mazatlán and its people in my heart! People in Mazatlán are warm and wonderful but really need the Lord Jesus Christ! People in Mazatlán come from all over México and settle here, some just pass through or come for vacations. So the deer have moved to the outskirts and the smaller towns [más allá] towards the hills and mountainsides, it'd be rare to have them feeding near my home here. The photo is from my home in Minnesota, which has become a beautiful refuge for some deer and their young ones from the hunters.
The photo from Crosswalk (dot)com was my original blog header (pictured above) and looks like the small lake across the dirt road from my home in MN, that has an island out in the middle. Each year, I thought about how I'd love to get out to that island. I had to wait until winter, when the water froze, so that I could fulfill that desire to cross the water and explore this island.

Mazatlán has 3 islands and a favorite place for tourists called Stone Island (which is really a peninsula - it just takes a longer time to travel around the land route, so people cross in small boats daily). The 3 islands are: Deer Island, Wolf Island and Bird Island. I renamed them years ago: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost on my prayer walks along the Malecón(the sidewalk by the waterfont and coastline). You can only see the Island of the Deer in this photo in the fog!
As you can see there are beautiful similarities between Mazatlán and Minnesota. Yet the drawing for me, to be here, is the beauty of the water. Much as the water draws the deer. I reflected on why the water draws me here. The simplest reason ~ the water symbolizes:

PEACE for me. 
The small lake, by my home in Minnesota, brings PEACE also!

Now I realize, that this same water has the power to bring mighty storms, hurricanes here in Mazatlán or floods back home in Minnesota and all along the Mississippi and its tributaries or even small lakes and streams, which leaves paths of destruction and crushed spirits from utter desolation and despair. So why does such PEACEFUL tranquility surrender to the STORMS?

Why do the deer gather in the pines by my home in Minnesota, near this small body of water?


LORD, Draw me into your Living Water today! Quench my insatiable thirst for more of You!
Lead me by the paths of everlasting water, joy and peace that only Your Spirit brings.
Protect us through the storms of life, to BE STILL and know that YOU are God.
In these storms, hear the cry of the heart saying, "Lord save me". You alone calm the waters and reach out Your hand saying, "Come." " Follow me." "Trust me." "Obey my Word".

Let me soak in Your Presence today! Let me hear Your voice! Let my soul be filled anew!
With each new day, draw me closer to Your Living Water and You! Quench my thirst!

Friday, April 4, 2008

What's in HIS NAME?

Yesterday I asked, "What's in a NAME?" to explain about my blogspot name and title. (button below added later after I learned some things)

Today, I choose to select only One Name ... in "What's in HIS NAME?"... Jehovah-Shalom (the Lord Our Peace)!

The reason I chose Jehovah-Shalom today is because of the news and commemoration of a great man of peace, Martin Luther King, Jr. Though his, "I Have a Dream" speech is on freedom and Civil Rights against many injustices and inequalities in the United States of America (and in the world, I might add), I see his words and his character reflecting PEACE and JESUS! I'm sure that is why he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. So as I read his words in his speech and weep, I could not help but think of the Lord, Our Peace, the Prince of Peace.

(Isaiah 9:6) "For unto us, a child is born, unto us a child is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE."

And later I changed my header to this so my blog button would look like this I guess (to include HIM as my focus)

[this is a way to maintain my progress and changes on this blog 2]

I have a devotional by my bedside, Daily in His Image by Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Reflecting the Character of Christ. I purchased it and had them send it to Mexico, after reading her on-line daily devotional, Daily in Your Presence: Intimate Conversations with a Loving Father; both available at Crosswalk (dot) com. and oneplace (dot) com. I mention this because through focusing on one characteristic of Christ a day, and also the one I receive in my email, she is right "you develop a longing to know Him more! " I am and I pray I will continue to do this and put Him first in my life and on this blog.

I would like to say that daily I am awakening to being conformed into His likeness and image, but I can only pray that because of this blessing, I may better become that as I reflect Him through reflecting on Him in His Word and be aware of Who I am in Christ Jesus:a new creature.

When I was in my sixth grade class, I vowed to Jesus that I wanted this more than anything: to know, love and serve Him in this world! I have finally come to that place after a long, wayward yet guided journey of pursuing this find out, I'm not quite there. (Actually, I'm not even close to attaining that PURPOSE,  but closer than ever before, because my feet are on a Solid Foundation and my path is towards that goal). To some, and for me, I use this as my point of salvation. Since I was not in a church that prays a prayer of salvation, this was as close as it came. Later, in various church life and services rather than masses, I learned about the "salvation prayer" and prayed it. In fact, I was even baptized again; once in a river and then by the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah! I do believe God received my first prayer as my initial "salvation" and He has held on to me ever since, whether I was walking with Him or away from Him (He never left me). I do not think that God (or even the Bible) has a set salvation prayer that you must pray or say to receive Him as Your personal Lord and Savior!

Almighty God chose to reveal His Name and thus His Character through His Word. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Shalom, Hebrew for peace, completeness, prosperity, safety, contentment, health, blessing, and rest, is used as a salutation and farewell, which makes it a powerful word that bestows all these blessings upon the other person.

By greeting or leaving someone with the word "shalom", you are speaking the ULTIMATE peace over them, found in JESUS Himself.

In Spanish, when you bid someone goodbye, you say "Adios" which actually is quite the blessing also, because you are actually saying "a"(meaning "to") and "Dios" meaning "God". What an excellent way of entrusting somebody into the hands of God each farewell!

The final blessing of the weekday Amidah is called Sim Shalom which means "create peace". I like that. I would like to create more peace around me. I enjoy observing God's peace that He creates around me in nature or within. If I truly am a new creature, then that seed of PEACE is created in me, and I must water and nurture this fruit of the Spirit.

Jesus spoke these words to His disciples, you and me 2-

"Peace, I leave with you. My peace, I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."(John 14:27)

"Blessed are the peace makers, for they will be called sons(and daughters) of God."
(Matthew 5:9)

"Daughter (Son), your faith has healed you! Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
(Mark 5:34)

I believe our nation, our world, is suffering for lack of faith and freedom from suffering. I think that's how Martin Luther King, Jr. saw our lack of freedom, social justices, and peace.

"Salt is good, but if it looses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at PEACE with each other" (Mark 9:50)

WE MUST BE SALT AND LIGHT IN THE WORLD!(song by Israel Houghton, and Lakewood CC)


Luke 1:79 says " shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of PEACE..."

Look around you! Look around this world we share! Show you care!

"Blessed is the king who comes in the Name of the Lord!""Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" Luke 19:38

"GLORY TO GOD in the highest and on earth PEACE to people on whom His favor rests."
Luke 2:14

May his peace rest within you and upon you and be yours!
May His favor rest on you!

There is a song that is my prayer for each of us today:

Make me a channel of Your PEACE where there is hatred; let me sow LOVE!

I, too, like all the profound statements of Martin Luther King, Jr. "Have a Dream" and "hold these TRUTHS to be self-evident that all men are created equal" by Our Creator and every nation shall bow to the Prince of PEACE, Jesus Christ, and live in a world where we are not "judged by the color of our skin but by the content of our CHARACTER."

May our character, more and more, each day, reflect the character and image of our Lord Jesus Christ! May we be at peace with our selves and each other! If you don't have that PEACE or know the PRINCE of Peace, in a personal relationship, may I ask you, "what are you waiting for?...that emptiness and longing within you, needs to be filled and not by the things of this world or the ways of this world ...

Do you know what on earth you are here for?

There is a Purpose for your journey and God holds the plan and the KEYS! May I have the privilege to lead you in a prayer to start or restart your life journey with Jesus and following His Purpose for you?

If you were to die, in the next few minutes, without a prewarning, are you willing to take the risk, that there is no eternity and/or where you might spend it?

Nothing else has worked or been filling that void or lack of PEACE! Why not give God a try: just surrender and accept Jesus and the Truths of His Word! He offers a free gift and brings freedom! I strongly suggest reading Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life and discovering all God has for You!

Jehovah - Shalom, Oh God, Be my peace. Bring me into that peaceful place with You! Help me know my need for You and believing in You and Your Word: the Bible. I believe in You I surrender all my misconceptions, all my trials, all the lies I've believed, all my problems into Your Hands. Show me how to follow you! I know that I am weak, I know that I have done wrong. I realize that there must be something more to this life! I feel so empty at times. I feel so lost and lonely! Guide me in ways of peacefulness. Restore my life! Reveal Your Self to me in a real way! Give me peace and a path that leads to you. Without You, my destiny is death. Come into my life. Thank You for taking the weight of my failures and wrongdoings and thinking to the cross, where you paid the price for me! Where you suffered in my place! Forgive me! I receive all that You purpose in my life. I want to know You in a greater way through studying Your Word, growing in character and fulfilling my life with purpose! Bring peace to all those I love and me! Make me an instrument of Your Peace! I ask this in Jesus' Name Amen.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

What's in a NAME?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
Shakespeare ~ Romeo and Juliet

April 3rd, 2008

... and Mazes, Messes & Miracles?...
... aMazing Grace
[added later]
but has become my main name
because of God's Grace &
 how I am more aMazed every day by how

Today is my first day of entering the BLOGGING world officially! Up until now, I have just been enjoying reading inspirational blogs of others, mostly Christian women. 

Today, I launch mine:

Mazes, Messes, Miracles ... aMazing Grace
aMazing Grace... Mazes, Messes, Miracles

But instead of giving a purpose for my blog,
or rationale of what I hope to accomplish or post,
I will explain the NAME.

First MazMagi and then aMazing Grace ... Mazes, Messes, Miracles!

MazMagi comes from
Maz for Mazatlan
the place I call home in Mexico
away from home in Minnesota
Magi a nickname for my real name.

In Spanish, my real name is a drink or a flower: margarita. I never used my real name in English, except for legal matters or when my father was upset with me, then I heard the whole name!!! Margaret Mary Teresa Anderson... but especially "Margaret Mary" from my dad. It was not a name of endearment but it came to be somewhat more precious when I studied the life of the saint, for which I was named

(a French nun devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus)

As long as I can remember (age 3-4), I have gone by "Peggy". Most people don't even understand how it derives from my real name, but it does. My dad would say that there is no "saint" Peggy, so I pray that I'm the first. (Although I believe when I was young, I read a pamphlet on Saint Peggy.) Anyways, my real name Margaret means "pearl" and from there, and other derivatives, comes Peggy.

In Mexico, many with my real name go by "Maggie" which in Spanish is pronounced and spelled Magui. (mah-gee) I chose to go by that at first, but I wrote it "Magi" on purpose (yet that is incorrect spelling of it). The reason was I wrote it like "Magi" was because of Jesus and The Magi at Christmas! The Three Kings, who brought gifts to the baby Jesus were known as The Magi. I added the background from "The Cutest Blog on the Block" for Christmas in honor of this.

2010 and 2011

When I come to Mexico, each trip, I usually try to bring gifts, because the needs of the people are so many! I don't have enough financially, as I found out on my first trip here, to meet so many needs, but my heart just broke with wanting to leave something, whatever I had to those who had less. I quickly decided that the reason I would come back every year was because I had a gift to give: me. Whatever I am, I would give, in the name of Jesus. Be it teacher or friend, I must stir up whatever gift or gifts lie within me to serve the people here in Mexico.

Of course, having a teaching degree, I thought it would be with CHILDREN, because children have held such an important place in my heart and God's, but I was soon to learn that God would use me, mold me, and minister through me with whomever He chooses.

The spiritual gifts that He has enabled me with, He will stir up, exactly what I need in the moment He needs it. If we are open to His Holy Spirit and willing to be used, He will speak to you and through you. His Word will be made real in your daily living!

So I am Magi...His gift...and my gift to Him is wherever He calls me to serve. That is the reason I live! That is the reason for MazMagi ... (mazmagi)

I really wanted to have my Blog have an inspirational name that reflects God's work in me and my life. I have found such beautiful and meaningful names that others have chosen. Than there are others that are comical and creative! So I wanted one, that one day I would be able to use as a ministry with what I post. I don't know if and when that will happen, so I chose:

... aMazing Grace

Mazes, Messes and Miracles 

because I guess that pretty much capsulizes
MazMagi's life.

I have MESSED up many times. I have gone through many trials, tribulations and temptations that have led me through this MAZE, called life or journey and I am aMAZED how God has seen me through the good and the bad.

But, I must admit I want to see many MIRACLES still in my life! I feel that the greatest miracle is the one God does each day in my life...because JESUS, His Son, not only did miracles in His 3 years of ministry, He still CAN do miracles today, through you and me by the power of His Holy Spirit. He is the greatest MIRACLE that came into my life and has had His hand upon me daily still, even when I may not have acknowledged Him or have strayed, HE was THERE & HE IS HERE reaching out, forgiving me, holding me, carrying me, filling me, leading me, completing my journey through this life by and through His Holy Spirit alive in me. The greatest miracle is how Jesus gave His life in exchange for mine, and Rose from the dead, conquered death and sin for me, or YOU-or anyone & everyone who puts their faith in HIM.

"For God so loved YOU and me, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in Him, shall not perish but have LIFE EVERLASTING! "John 3:16

The additional phrase aMazing Grace was added soon after I began, because I am saved by
...but for the grace of God, go I...

I am who I am
HE is who HE IS!
and by
I am being changed
to reflect JESUS!

I added this as my THEME SONG: Amazing Grace: My Chains are Gone by Chris Tomlin and now His aMazing Grace is my main focus, not the mazes, messes or miracles. It is through His Grace that I am free.

I love the original *Amazing Grace but this one by Chris Tomlin tells more of the Freedom I have found in Christ Jesus, which is available through HIS GRACE! Not because I earned it, not because I fought the battle alone to gain this freedom, but because Jesus fights the battle along side me daily, as I put on the FULL ARMOR of CHRIST, HE goes before me and HE already won the victory so that I may have it: aMazing Grace! How sweet the sound!

Isaiah 61 is the one from which I have chosen parts as my Mission verse on top of my page
" proclaim the year of the LORD's favor!"

You need to click on Isaiah 61 to read the full 11 verses & have a context to understand better to whom I pray that I will minister or touch with some of God's Grace as He pours through me and my words on each post. I pray that they will be anointed!

..."I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. 
For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, 
as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, 
so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations."
(verse 10-11)

* this version of Amazing Grace is beautifully sung by this 8 yr. old phenomena Rhema Marvanne