
Sunday, January 26, 2020


JANUARY PROMISES from 365promises 

I look after foreigners and I help the fatherless and the widow.
Psalm 146:9

I will guard those who have a childlike heart. Psalm 116:6

You are more than a conqueror through My love in Jesus Christ.
Romans 8:37

When Jesus appears, you will receive a crown of glory that will never dim. 1 Peter 5:4

At the end of the age, My righteous ones will shine like the sun in My kingdom. Matthew 13:43

Not one of My promises will ever fail you.
Joshua 23:14 

God's Promises for You: Scripture Selections from Max LucadoPowerful Promises in the War Room: 100 Life-Changing Promises from God to You (Spiritual Battle Plan for Prayer Book 4)

So these are the books in my collection thus far for 
my 2020 One Word 

Last week, I shared from the last book, giving the scriptures cited as Strength Promises, basically that is what this book does, which is similar to Max Lucado's book (in the middle) but Max includes a devotional portion from various books of his on each topic/category of Promises as I shared in this blog post

Back when I began this journey into God's PROMISES, I started out with the first two actual books above. I started sharing from each one for the week. In "Bible Promises for Women", I started with Guidance; the scripture and prayer, for my blog posts of  January Promises Week 1 and Week 2. In this blog post, Week 3, I listed all the scriptures given up until then in this book for Chapter 1: Daily Guidance.

I will continue to list from this book on
Daily Guidance

... Romans 14:10
Romans 12:19
Proverbs 16:18
Psalm 27:14
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Hebrews 12:28
Hebrews 6:13-15
Isaiah 25:1
Romans 8:14
Proverbs 23:19
Galatians 5:1
Psalm 37:4
Galatians 6:10
Psalm 30:1

"... God, when life feels like a ride that won't let us off, remind us that You are waiting for us to reach up to You. And when we finally do, thank You for being there to lift us up to peace & safety." for Psalm 30:1

I also like to share the categories/topics of this beautiful book before I go on, because I never did share them:

There are 16 Chapters/Topics covered ...

  1. Daily Guidance
  2. Everyday Faith
  3. Family
  4. Forgiveness
  5. Grace
  6. Gratitude
  7. Help in Hard Times
  8. Hope
  9. Comfort
  10. Joy
  11. Love
  12. Praise and Thanksgiving
  13. The Promise of His Presence
  14. Serving Others
  15. Wisdom
  16. Peace


Although January is quickly coming to a close, I still do not have a given direction of which category or area of PROMISES God intends for me to focus on, yet I trust He will let me know as I pursue His Promises. But, if you can believe it, at the end of February, it's already the beginning of Lent, and I have yet another book I've chosen to use for Lent - "The Promise of Lent - A 40 day Journey Toward the Miracle of Easter" by Chris Tiegreen. I will continue each month to list and use the Promises from 365promises website (at the top of each weekly blog post). 

As I now have begun the OBS of FaithGateway and Rebekah Lyons' book, "Rhythms of Renewal", I hope to narrow down my scattered journey of books and plans of God's PROMISES as I began to do in my You Version ( where I will be continuing to use 365 promises and photo each day and more than likely "Once-a-Day-Bible Promises" (2nd row, 1st book in images) because YV has a sample NIV plan of this, but does not obviously do every day - the next one is the 51st, so I hope to fill in the gap between the 26th and the 51st over there because as I've shown the samples in previous posts, these devotionals help me the most in defining God's PROMISES. Hopefully, this will allow me a chance to stay caught up in the weekly OBS, continue my YV plans and reading God's PROMISES in these other books as time allows. 

If any of the areas or categories/topics are of interest or need for you, and you'd like the scriptures for that, please let me know so that I cover those PROMISES according to your need too. God did not give me the One Word 'PROMISES' just for me, and without a doubt, I know HE desires for me to share HIS PROMISES with others - you (& my loved ones); so that I am Praying His Promises just like that first book above in the images says ... what good would His Promises be, if we don't use them and pray them in our daily lives? We serve a God who keeps His Promises. His Promises are Enduring! (right, K?) And these Enduring Promises are for Every Season, so that we might "abide to endure" and press on "abiding in Him" and leaving the 'enduring' to Him. In Him, we have been given 'Guidance' and by His Holy Spirit & His Word, we have enough promises that we can hold on to, trust in, count on - to get us through, to see us through, to encourage us, in the daily struggles or battles, His Word will not fail nor does He. His Promises are true and available for us to believe & know, pray and stand on when all else around us seems to fail, He is faithful and trustworthy, beyond what we can imagine - HE IS...

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy