
Sunday, June 28, 2020


4th Of July Blessings Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook ...
I should have posted this last week, which is the date I have scheduled and am posting, however, it actually is the 4th of July weekend ... so now if I totally have confused you, the time or date is not as important, as the mere fact that God truly is connecting with me as I kinda end the wonderful AG study "Entrusted with Treasure ..." Week 7, which ends with a form of my 2020 One Word PROMISE ... it was actually "Promised" and ending on this word for this journey confirms to me that I am exactly where God desires me to be and clearly more aware every single day of all the Promise(s) that God has made and keeps! I deeply value each Promise and find more and more how meaningful each Promise from God is ... in His Word. I'm learning not only to discover His many Promises in His Word but also to declare these Promises over me, my life, and those I know in prayer as I am also learning how to pray His Promises.

Yet the reason I mentioned the date when I started this was because as I was completing the last 5 days of PROMISED in "Entrusted..." the First 5 (app) website, after finishing their 2nd week in the reading and study of Galatians; the Weekend Teaching (from Lyli Dunbar) was perfect to end my other "Entrusted ..." study that I was doing (unknown to First 5, but not to God) AND SO ... I really wanted to share it last weekend when First 5 had it (because it's an audio teaching) and Lyli chose to title and teach on "4 Ways the Entrusted Live Empowered" ... WOW!!! AND ... Love God Greatly (LGG) just began a study in the book of Acts called "Empowered"! Talk about God directing my path (steps)(studies) ... I did not go out searching for these, this is just how our Almighty God aligns things in our lives, if we are alert and pay close attention to hear His Spirit leading and guiding us every step of our way in every day as we connect with Him. I'm sure that there are many women studying with First 5 and with LGG but the chances of these same women being in both and also just finishing an AG study of Daniel called "Entrusted..." are relatively slim but not at all impossible for God to line these up for me. I would even go as far as to say that not even Lyli herself knew how God would use her to meet one little soul (me) in exactly the place I am with the choice of her topic & teaching, landing on Galatians 2:7 and emphasizing the word  "entrusted".  I don't plan on sharing or giving away Lyli's teaching, you'll have to click on the link* or check out First 5 app for the weekend teaching between day 10 and 11;"4 Ways the Entrusted Live Empowered"! I sure hope you are as interested as I am to know how we are "entrusted" to live "empowered"! and I can't wait until the next study starting July 20th with First 5! Another really great, timely study ... 

..."On the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel ... just as Peter had been entrusted with the gospel ..." (ESV)

Galatians 2:7

"... The Lord promised that those who were faithful would stand firm and take action (Daniel 11:32). ... Promise fills the Book of Daniel - promises for Daniel and for every believer." "God's promises are always "yes and amen"..."May His Promises bring you faith, strength, and comfort for all you are going through and for what lies ahead. ..."(from"Entrusted with Treasure")

May we be found

Jude verse 3 compels to write & urge us 
"to contend for the faith that was once for all
to God's holy people"
with great passion
Jude 20-24
is written to us

* this is for a transcript; the other First 5 links are to the audio

Sunday, June 21, 2020



"The AG Women’s theme for 2020, for women in the Assemblies of God is “Entrusted with Treasure”. AG Women understand that women have received a charge from God to stand strong and be faithful, humble, courageous under fire & prayerful."

This is the Week
I've been waiting for ...

not because it's the final
Chapters of Daniel
but because it ends

Hebrews 10:23

"... Interwoven throughout the messages the Lord sent Daniel are PROMISES, powerful and comforting promises." ....

I actually feel that this is true for my life and most likely yours.

DANIEL 11:32 and DANIEL 12:1

"Promises fill the Book of Daniel -
Promises for Daniel
and for every believer."

Day 1 God Walks with Us
Day 2 God Keeps His Promises
Day 3 God's Light Overcomes the Darkness
Day 4 God Finds Us Trustworthy
Day 5 Promised
Somehow I must include the prayer given
 at the end of day 4 in its entirety

Lord God Almighty,

Make me more like Jesus.

Call me out of complacency and the muddy waters of a weak understanding of Your Word.

Bring me into greater faithfulness every day and in every way. As I face temptation and the threat of an enemy who seems to wear me down and knock me out of service, make me courageous because greater are You in me than anything the enemy can ever muster against me.

Teach me to live and lead others through humility, Lord, never walking in pride or presumption. Make me steadfast, consistently living according to Your Word, unwaveringly true to Your call. As You pour vision into my heart, keep me prayerful so I will never wander off Your path or take a detour because of pride or deception. 

Lord, I thank You for Your promises to lead and watch over me and ultimately to reward me as I seek You with all my heart. Make me a trustworthy, faithful follower of You, that others may see and know You as Lord and Savior. In the priceless and powerful name of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.

Treasured by God
Always His,
Doing this week 7 this week
along with
Week 2 of "Facing Your Giants" with
Max Lucado
Bible Gateway
as well as
with First 5

Monday, June 1, 2020



from 365promises

My love is everlasting and My faithfulness extends 

to all generations.
Psalm 100:5

My righteousness towers like the mountains and 

My justice goes deep as the sea.
Psalm 36:6

My Word will not return to Me until it accomplishes 

what I intended.
Isaiah 55:10-11

When I open My hand, I provide for all that I created.
Psalm 145:16

I love you as deeply as a father loves his children.
Psalm 103:13

I will not abandon you, for I am glad to make you 

My very own.
1 Samuel 12:22

My lovingkindness is more precious than life.
Psalm 63:3

I made you holy by the once for all sacrifice of My Son, Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 10:10

I have removed your sins from you as far as

 the east is from the west.
Psalm 103:12

JUNE 10 - PROMISE #161
You can enjoy freedom because Christ has set you free.
Galatians 5:1

JUNE 11 - PROMISE #162
I have anointed you with My Spirit as 

a down payment of what is yet to come.
2 Corinthians 1:21-22

JUNE 12 - PROMISE #163
Every good gift that you receive comes directly 

from My hand.
James 1:17

JUNE 13 - PROMISE #164
Nothing will be impossible for those

 who have even a little faith.
Matthew 17:19-20

JUNE 14 - PROMISE #165
Call out to Me and I will show you 

wonderful things you do not know.
Jeremiah 33:3

JUNE 15 - PROMISE #166
I will reveal My secrets to those who fear Me.
Psalm 25:14

JUNE 16 - PROMISE #167
I am able to do more for you than 

you could possibly imagine.
Ephesians 3:20

JUNE 17 - PROMISE #168
When you walk through the fires of adversity, 

you will not be burned.
Isaiah 43:2

JUNE 18 - PROMISE #169
No weapon created for your harm will succeed against you.
Isaiah 54:17

JUNE 19 - PROMISE #170
I will give you a garment of praise in exchange 

for your spirit of heaviness.
Isaiah 61:3

JUNE 20 - PROMISE #171
My Spirit will rest on you when you suffer for Christ's sake.
1 Peter 4:14

JUNE 21 - PROMISE #172
My goodness will lead you to a change of heart.
Romans 2:4

JUNE 22 - PROMISE #173
I will bless the peacemakers and call them My children.
Matthew 5:9

JUNE 23 - PROMISE #174
I will protect the fatherless, and widows can trust in Me.
Jeremiah 49:11

JUNE 24 - PROMISE #175
I will provide justice for everyone who is mistreated.
Psalm 103:6

JUNE 25 - PROMISE #176
My name is a strong tower that you can 

run to and find safety.
Proverbs 18:10

JUNE 26 - PROMISE #177
When you leave your body, you will be at home 

in My presence.
2 Corinthians 5:8

JUNE 27 - PROMISE #178
The world and its passions will disappear, but those 

who do My will shall live forever.
1 John 2:17

JUNE 28 - PROMISE #179
I will rescue you from evil and safely deliver you

 into My kingdom.
2 Timothy 4:18

JUNE 29 - PROMISE #180
There is a crown of righteousness waiting for everyone who loves My Son.
2 Timothy 4:8

JUNE 30 - PROMISE #181
If you persist and do My will, you will receive 

what I have promised.
Hebrews 10:36
{sorry, COVID 19 made me forget to post these each week 
or at least like this - monthly ... 
since March so I'm updating finally in July}

March 2020
April 2020
May 2020