
Thursday, September 13, 2018


Book Description

"USA Today Bestseller List. Many have written about Billy Graham, the evangelist. This is the first book about Billy Graham, the father, written from the perspective of a son who knew him best. ... “My father left behind a testimony to God,” says Franklin, “a legacy not buried in a grave but still pointing people to a heaven-bound destiny. The Lord will say to my father, and to all who served Him obediently, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’ [Matthew 25:21].
One of the first books I requested to review years ago was "Unto the Hills" written by Billy Graham, so with this book, "Through My Father's Eyes" I will have made a full circle with my respect to this devoted, beloved evangelist, that I have watched and read his books for years: Billy Graham; and who would know him better than his own son, Franklin, giving us an insider insight into this man of God. 

I received this book in the mail this summer but it was actually released back on May 1st, 2018 and I immediately began a sample Bible reading plan at You Version of this book because I couldn't wait to get it. I have it as a hard cover and also in my Kindle Reader because I have been meticulously reading this insightful book that is not just a close look at the life and ministry of Billy Graham, but also as the title indicates "Through My Father's Eyes", which can connote both Franklin's relationship with his dear earthly father, Billy Graham, and seeing things through his eyes as he watched and followed his dad, yet more than that seeing all things with a heavenly perspective, of our Heavenly Father - that both these men have given such a testament of living a life "through our Father in heaven's eyes". So this book is a living biographical tribute to both of Franklin's parents, Billy and Ruth Graham Bell, and also that of Franklin and the entire Graham family. I was deeply moved by each one of them at the celebration (funeral) of his life as each one spoke ... and these pages beautifully continue the legacy in a heartwarming yet biblical as well as bringing forth the message of Billy Graham of salvation through Jesus Christ! 

Franklin Graham (with Donna Lee Toney) must have had this book in the works for many years because it details so much from the Preface and Introduction right through to the end. The Preface and Introduction are so well thought out and explain well Franklin's reflection of the relationship he enjoyed with his earthly father for 65 years as the book goes on to clearly show in 13 chapters ending with "Legacy" and how we can enjoy a divine relationship with Jesus Christ, the message of Franklin's father throughout his lifetime, now past on because those of us who are Christian know that Jesus told his disciples "...only through Me, can you come to the Father" (my paraphrase of "No one comes to the Father except through Me.") However, I challenge even those who do not believe in God or Jesus to read this excellent biographical account of a man of God, who lived an example before his family and the world.

Each of the 13 chapters begin with a biblical scripture and then a quote from Billy Graham, with so much included as well as a continual flow of God's Word speaking forth truth and continuing the powerful message of Billy Graham beyond the hills or "unto the hills" for now that he is in heaven, he has that complete picture and perspective "through the eyes of Our Father" along with his bride, Ruth Graham Bell. There is a beautiful collection of photos for 24 pages inserted between page 240 and 241 in the hardcover book. A wonderful bonus! I highly recommend this as a great resource of a biography of the Reverend Billy Graham, the Graham family, BGEA, Samaritan's Purse (and other ministries of the Evangelical Association and Graham family) as a gift or individual purchase - it is well worth it and so inclusive of Billy Graham's life and love for his family, God, his wife and the salvation message of the God.

{Personal note: I chose this date to publish my review because this is the date my earthly father went home to be with the Lord and joined my mother and brother, only 15 days short of his 90th birthday - an though my dad and I rarely saw "eye to eye" on a wide variety of topics, I do know that I learned and live the legacy of my father and the love of God, because I was taught about God from a young age, given a private education because my father worked hard to give his family the best he was able, much like Billy Graham gave to his own earthly family and many that came to Jesus because of this Evangelist. I honor both men, my dad and Billy Graham, who learned to know, love and serve God in whatever they did and left a legacy to their families and the church family, which is well documented in this uplifting detailed book of a life well-lived. I pray my own life would end so gloriously in Jesus' name and to Him be all glory, honor and praise. Thank You Father, for the life of my dad and Franklin's, one who moved and touched the world for God and the other who touched and moved my world to want to love, know and serve God and gave me this opportunity!}

Thanks dad! Truly receiving, reviewing and reading this book has blessed me and it would have been your birthday gift this year on September 28th if you were still here (it's been the longest 20 yrs. without you and even more without mom and Gary) but because I have the privilege of knowing Jesus, I will see you all again and look forward to that day. And in my eyes, my dad looks similar to Billy Graham (like the cover on the book). Truly this book's a keepsake for me and a tribute to my dad going home on this day in 1998, and Billy Graham's heavenly homecoming on February 21st of this year (20 yrs. after my dad).

Disclosure: I received this book free through BookLook Bloggers, from the publisher, in return for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTCs 16 CFR, Part 255

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


... OR NOT ...

[This is actually being written in November. but as I often do, moved back to another earlier date as my added bold note on the last post in this "Unexpected Maze..." Journey. I finally have some available time to write an update, which is positive and hopeful, at this point.]

During October, my spouse made quite a recovery & remarkable progress; with and without his walker, with his once a week visit from Hospice RN and other team members. So much so that we were told in advance that he was doing so well, based on sheer will, determined to regain his life and the capacity to go on, that he would most likely no longer qualify for Hospice Care and he couldn't wait to be independent and on his own. He officially was terminated on November 4th, although his last visit from any Hospice was on Nov. 2nd. He didn't even wait until his official termination to ask a dear friend a favor of taking him into town to a favorite restaurant to eat. So off they went that Saturday afternoon. 

Now, most of us, realize that this was the extended warranty of God's mercy and grace on this individual's life to come to the knowledge and acceptance of knowing Jesus Christ, however, sadly, so far, he has seen this as his own recovery and strength so that he can tie up other loose ends of his life and projects that he was working on with special people that he wants to complete and is continuing as able, with any of their outside help, meeting his demand or requests. One of my fears is that he will spend too much time on his ideas instead of allowing God to reach him, among other fears and stresses I have with my many insecurities, now adding or increasing health problems in me. What a vicious cycle the enemy lays out when he fears he's loosing a soul! (my opinion) The battle and scheme just takes another turn or twist in the 'maze', Yet I still hold on to all iBelieve and the promises I claim in God's Word. 

So this man, suffers a near death destiny placed on palliative care, from a stroke to his cerebellum that moves to the frontal lobe of his brain, further impairing his speech, but never gives him any paralysis so he is able to recover. He's seen his regular, primary doctor twice and only put on one medication daily and one shot of insulin weekly for his diabetes, nothing so far for his Alzheimers at all. I remember having one opportunity in his intensive care unit room to speak life into him, after he made his view clear to me that he believes that when his life ends on this earth, it ends and that's it. I told him that I don't believe that and because I believe in Jesus, I believe that there is a better life after this one ends. Death is not the end. However, I guess, if I thought as he does, that there is nothing else afterwards, I too, would be determined to continue fighting to live and accomplish all I could. But none of this, or any earthly endeavors will bring about an extended, eternal life or guarantee of salvation ... only Jesus. Jesus, still is the only way. Jesus still is the One who saves us from perishing. My heart broke in the hospital when I thought that he may die and perish. It's hard to know someone you know and have prayed for might actual never receive everlasting life and perish. It was so difficult to believe that God would allow this to just happen, not the God, who I know, who loves me, who redeemed me from sin and death. 

At this point, life goes on ... but this 'unexpected maze' although it may seem like it ended when Hospice Care ended ... and this might be considered a blessed miracle or else we just came to one of those parts in the maze where there is no exit ... so you go back and look for another way ... that the Way Maker provides if and when we open our heart and lives to the One and Only WAY out of this 'Maze' ...

still praying and believe



I chose 9/11 to post this
because it also
marks an
with far too many
tragic endings
to other
"unexpected mazes"
we may never
this side
I'm so thankful for an
eternity with God to end
the mess and maze
of this world

"I would have despaired
unless I had
that I would see the
goodness of the Lord..."

Psalm 27:13-14 NASB
continues with

" the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and let your heart
take courage;
Yes, wait for the Lord."

Sunday, September 9, 2018


I've thought long and hard about whether I should continue the day by day happenings since August 25th until currently and decided that my writing is not that clear, nor are my thoughts, {so no, I won't be} because I'm trying to do this, thinking back, over the days that have blurred together by now ... and yet there were days along this 'maze' that have significant parts rather than me recalling the events of the week of August 26th - August 31st, when my husband came home ... or if I tried to catch you up on the changes that have taken place since then from September 1st to now to let you know that he is still alive (and I believe, God is still in control and at work - actually I can see His hand even in the days prior to the stroke and how God truly knows me and cares about me, but even more, He cares so much about every one of His creations, His children, which includes my husband).

I've known this all along as I prayed for him, for us, for our families ... yes, God holds the key to this entire story being played out before my very eyes. So I've come to the conclusion that I would sum up the significant days thus far ... after day 1 and day 2 ... day 3 and day 4, looked as if he was making great progress with physical and occupational therapy, plans to move him to another room and part of the hospital as soon as a bed became available so he could pursue rehabilitation ... then day 5 hit. It had been explained to us that the swelling on the brain occurs in the first 5 days.

August 29th - (sandwiched in between two very important people's birthdays) I awoke at 5:30 a.m. to the news that our 15 year old daddy dog had taken a turn for the worse, vomiting and falling over, so plans were made to take him to our vet to be put to sleep and return him to be buried at home on our hill. It was a heart breaking beginning to my day and an end to a cherished pet, yet I was so glad for the 15 years I enjoyed this sweet chihuahua mix that seemed more like a Jack Russel and gave me many joyful days and memories. 

I left from this ordeal to the hospital where my husband was waiting to be moved ... to discover, he had a new RN in charge of him that day that did not know the exceptional progress that he had made, and I found that he had digressed significantly because he was unable to get out one word that I could understand, and it was difficult for him to even say the word, which was 'pick' ... up until the evening before he had been speaking in full sentences and carrying on conversations without any difficulty with everyone who had come to visit. His own sister and brother were en route from their home state to ours and he was anticipating their arrival, wanting to get cleaned up again including teeth with a floss pik. I mentioned this change in his speech to his new RN and he alerted the neuro dr., who decided to run another cat-scan to see what was going on or had happened. This is when it was discovered that the swelling was not in the cerebellum where the stroke had first occurred, but the swelling had moved to the frontal lobe of the brain, affecting his speech and swallowing. The dr. drew and explained this on the whiteboard and how they could do surgery by putting in a stent. So that's the direction I thought we were headed until they examined his health care directive (not updated since 2007) which stated that he did not wish to be kept going on any life support machines so they could not proceed with said surgery. I was devastated. To me, if this would give him a chance or save his life, give him more time, then I felt they should proceed but they could not ... and he was told and asked what he wanted by his sister; the only word that came forth was "home" so that is what we proceeded to make possible with Hospice Care provided from our local hospital team and hospital equipment, furniture, etc. was sent to our house on Fri. August 31st as I awaited that and his arrival in an ambulance transport. Meanwhile, of course, his dear home care companion since 2003, had cleared our living room of living room furniture to make ready his new, easily accessible room, along with another friend to help move everything out. That first weekend was so hectic, being Labor Day weekend, and we also had 3 members of his family staying with us. 

He came home and none of his regular pill medications were going to be continued for diabetes and his beginning alzheimers - not even his vitamins. He was prescribed a pain medication every 6 hours. Last week, it was cut in half and currently he is taking none. That medication seemed to be giving him more problems instead of helping him and as I mentioned he was not in pain and has a high tolerance to pain. So after asking why, it was finally cut to half and then eliminated. Part of the reaction to this was nausea even with the med and just water, he continued to throw up then choosing not to eat, thinking he'd just be throwing it up. So that too was eliminated, but another one is available if he is nauseated. This means after 3 weeks, he is taking no medications and only 1 as needed. 

The weather outside is dreary and colder so today he was cold, choosing to wear a jacket indoors. Yet he had a really great day yesterday ... actually it was a highlight of his time home, being interviewed by a columnist of our TC newspaper that he respects and keeps many of his articles. He came to our home. My husband was up early at 6 a.m. (and so was I) as he wanted to shave himself and get ready when the journalist wasn't even coming until later in the afternoon. He's using his walker quite well and insisting on being very independent since over a week ago; having to feed himself, brush his teeth, drink from his glass, get around to the bathroom, kitchen and even once outside last week when the weather was warmer. 

So, we go two steps forward ... some days ... followed by three steps backwards. however this determined individual has a very strong will and much more to do in his earthly life (so does God) I strongly BELIEVE that speaking LIFE into him at the hospital is exactly what God is doing with so many people promising to pray for him, not even realizing his spiritual beliefs; yet God does, God knows him in every detail and aspect, and HE is faithful. I don't know the future or what it may hold for my husband as I hope and continue to press in and pray, but I do know the One who holds the future of this man in His hands.

It's one step at a time, one day at a time, one more moment or person that might make a breakthrough with this person, changing the outcome of being perished to one of being redeemed, which is up to that individual and God, which is why it's a personal relationship and only God sees and knows the heart. My God, my Lord is not so small to be put in a box or the concepts of our human mind ... HE is bigger than every problem, in fact, He knows the outcome before it ever started.

I BELIEVE that God, the Father, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, so that S** (my spouse, your son, your friend, your loved one) would believe in Him (Jesus Christ, Savior of the world from our sin that separates us from the Father) because He loves S** so much (even more than all of us together praying for our loved ones) so that S** (and yours) may not die (which is separation from God) but have eternal life (which is heaven, an eternity in God's Presence - no more death or sorrow or crying or pain, my how I look forward to that and really going "home" not like my husband to our earthly home (house) but to that promise of an eternal home, a longing that is in me (frankly, all of us who know Jesus can't wait, because this is truly where and to whom we belong, it's been inside us since we were created in His image) and I BELIEVE that all of us are, we just need to come to that place of acknowledging Him, believing His Word and confessing Him as Lord... have you? will you? before it's too late

Please don't wait or take the chance that you might be wrong or right in what you believe or chosen not to believe, He has given each of us a free will, but He longs to make us right with Him eternally forgiven and loved. It can't get any better. 

I just received this ebook and this last prayer written from the prayer of Elisha for his servant is what I pray for my and your 'prodigal' (we've all been one) but the Father has His arms open wide - ready to embrace you - just come, home:

{insert his or her, he or she, or their name for word in italics}

" God, open his eyes and let him see that though he has walked out on You, You have never left him, nor will You leave him, he is not alone.
God, open his eyes so he can see that You are able to work for good, even out of the darkest and most painful circumstances.
God, open his eyes and let him see that You have plans and a purpose for his life, plans for good and not evil.
God, open his eyes and let him see that You created him uniquely, specially, a one-of-a-kind masterpiece filled with Your beauty.
God, open his eyes that he may see that life being lived to impress others and glorify himself is leading to emptiness.
God, open his eyes and let him see that the material wealth, knowledge and possessions of this world will never satisfy.
God, open our eyes and let us see the pride that has blinded us, the sin that has hardened us, and the lies that have deceived us.
God, open our eyes and let us see that neither death nor life, nor angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate our prodigals from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, Our Lord ... Lord, we pray for A sudden Awakening, brutal Honesty, and immediate Action ... in our own lives, and in the life of those we love. Awaken them. Awaken us ..." from "Praying for your Prodigal", chapter 10, by Kyle Idleman and many more, check out special til 9/19

[I may pop in every now and again, update or let you know what's happening or happened ... but please keep this household in prayer, and I need a supernatural strength to keep this schedule and the ability to keep going with an extra portion of amazing grace and tolerance/patience to the needs of this new mission ... and
lack of sufficient sleep and my own health needs. Thank you in advance]

MOVING THIS POST from 9/12/18 to earlier on 9/9 so I can add one other post before my Book Review to keep these in somewhat of a sequence without another post interrupting any of these "Unexpected Maze' parts.