
Sunday, September 24, 2023


Section Five, 



The last lesson this week, from the Great Teacher, Jesus - is:

"The Number One Priority"

I would have been most certain that LOVE would have been our 'número uno'.

Although this is the last devotional in this section,

it looks like I need to sit a while longer at the feet of Jesus

to learn more about Him, His teachings & our priorities

so I finally get it right or at least closer to #1.

[Here is a link to more video sermons of James Merritt, if you're interested, besides the YouTube]

"Believers understand that loving God should be the number one priority of their life. But, how do you keep Him in His rightful place?..."

"Time Well Spent"
by Dr. James Merritt


Scripture Readings for Week #39:

Matthew 6:25-33; Philippians 3:7-14; Mark 10:28-31; Matthew 16:24-27; Acts 28:23-31

as we read the devotional divided into these segments/subtitles:

"Ordering Our Priorities"
"You Can Get What You Want"
"I Must Experience a Connection with God in My Life"
"I Must Establish the Control of God over My Life"
"I Must Exhibit the Character of God in My Life"

These subtitles alone (or along with the scripture passages) might give us a glimpse in this

Teaching of Jesus on Priorities:

Experience - Establish - Exhibit

Connection - Control - Character

#1 God in My Life

"Let Jesus be the Center of Your Priorities"

Pretty sure that this is the reason my One Word for 2023 is JESUS!

"Lord, quicken in my heart a greater desire to seek after Your kingdom. Give me the will to desire, above all else, that Your will be done."

🙏{Continue to teach me how & what to prioritize like You, Jesus}🙏

"7 Priorities that Guided Jesus' Decisions"

"Christian Priorities..."

"How Jesus Determined His Priorities" - Wayne Stiles


You are my 'número uno'!

Now & Forever

And You are the BEST Teacher!



the Helper

is coming next for



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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy