
Sunday, September 24, 2023


Section Five, 



The last lesson this week, from the Great Teacher, Jesus - is:

"The Number One Priority"

I would have been most certain that LOVE would have been our 'número uno'.

Although this is the last devotional in this section,

it looks like I need to sit a while longer at the feet of Jesus

to learn more about Him, His teachings & our priorities

so I finally get it right or at least closer to #1.

[Here is a link to more video sermons of James Merritt, if you're interested, besides the YouTube]

"Believers understand that loving God should be the number one priority of their life. But, how do you keep Him in His rightful place?..."

"Time Well Spent"
by Dr. James Merritt


Scripture Readings for Week #39:

Matthew 6:25-33; Philippians 3:7-14; Mark 10:28-31; Matthew 16:24-27; Acts 28:23-31

as we read the devotional divided into these segments/subtitles:

"Ordering Our Priorities"
"You Can Get What You Want"
"I Must Experience a Connection with God in My Life"
"I Must Establish the Control of God over My Life"
"I Must Exhibit the Character of God in My Life"

These subtitles alone (or along with the scripture passages) might give us a glimpse in this

Teaching of Jesus on Priorities:

Experience - Establish - Exhibit

Connection - Control - Character

#1 God in My Life

"Let Jesus be the Center of Your Priorities"

Pretty sure that this is the reason my One Word for 2023 is JESUS!

"Lord, quicken in my heart a greater desire to seek after Your kingdom. Give me the will to desire, above all else, that Your will be done."

🙏{Continue to teach me how & what to prioritize like You, Jesus}🙏

"7 Priorities that Guided Jesus' Decisions"

"Christian Priorities..."

"How Jesus Determined His Priorities" - Wayne Stiles


You are my 'número uno'!

Now & Forever

And You are the BEST Teacher!



the Helper

is coming next for



Sunday, September 17, 2023


Section Five, 



Now, this lesson on Two staying One is a bit more difficult to do

but with Love & Jesus - anything is possible!

All of my life, I have aimed to love God, and love others better.

Of course, I have read the Word on Love, so now a refresher so I can apply it.

Looking forward to this lesson.
Reading the following Scriptures this week:

John 13:34-35; John 15:12-17; 1 John 4:7-12; Galatians 5:13-26; 1 Corinthians 13

And the devotional has these subtitles/segments

"Real Love"
"A Special Kind of Love"
"Obeying the Command of Jesus"
"Following the Model of Jesus"
"Giving a Witness for Jesus"

You can watch a video of James Merritt on this:

Love: Can Two Stay One?

{it's not Jesus teaching, however he shares much of this devotional}

 "Jesus taught us through His teachings and His very life, that love is sacrificial. He gave everything for His disciples, and He gave everything for us. His example of sacrificial love is the very thing, that will not only make a marriage strong, but it will also fill it with joy-- creating a beautiful testimony of the God we serve. If you truly put our spouse first place-- over our own wants and needs-- the result will surprise you." 


"Lord, teach me to love from the love with which You've already loved me. May others know that Your Gospel is true because of the way I love."

Fall in Love - Stay in Love

Two can stay one by following the command of Jesus.

It's not a choice, or an option - it's a commandment!

And Jesus repeats this commandment 3 times!

Surely 1 Corinthians 13 sums up LOVE!

Yet even moreso

God is LOVE



offers the best




A Prayer of Love from 1 Corinthians 13

"Dear God,

Thank You that You are a loving, gracious God. Thank You that You’ve offered us forgiveness and the gift of new life in You. Thank You that Your love is perfect, it never fails, and that nothing can separate us from Your love.

We pray that our lives would be filled and overflowing with the power of Your love so we can make a difference in this world and bring honor to You. We ask for Your help in reminding us that the most important things are not what we do outwardly, it’s not based on any talent or gift, but the most significant thing we can do in this life is simply to love You and to choose to love others.

Lord thank You that Your love is patient. Help us show patience with those around us.

Lord thank You that Your love is kind. Help us to extend kindness to others.

Lord thank You that true love is not jealous. Help us cast aside feelings of jealousy or hatred towards others.

Lord thank You that your love does not brag and is not arrogant. Help us not to live with pride or arrogance, but to choose to walk with humility and grace.

Lord thank You that true love does not act unbecomingly. Lord help us to extend kindness instead of rudeness towards others. Help us to lay aside the critical tone and tearing down with our words, so that we can truly walk in peace.

Lord thank You that true love does not seek its own. Lord help us not to live selfishly, looking only to our own interests.

Lord thank You that true love is not provoked. Lord help us not to become easily angered. Help us not to be so quickly reactive, but instead slow to speak and slow to become angry.

Lord thank You that Your love does not take into account a wrong suffered. Lord help us not to hold grudges, but to choose to forgive, even when it’s difficult.

Lord thank You that Your love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. Lord help us to love Your words of truth, may we walk in Your freedom and wisdom. Let it be what drives our lives and choices every day.

Lord thank You that Your love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, thank You that Your love never fails.

Help us to love as You love. Fill us with Your Spirit so that we can choose what is best. We are weak Lord, but we know also, that even when we are weak, You are strong within us. Thank You that it’s not all up to us. Thank You that You equip us to face each day with the power of Your love, Your forgiveness, and Your grace. We love You Lord, and we need You today, and every day, In Jesus’ Name, Amen "by Debbie McDaniel, for Your Daily Prayer, March 29, 2022 in my emails

[a very dear friend/sister gave me a link to a blog "Sayable" (Lore Wilbert) with a beautifully written blog post "What Love is This" based on 1 Corinthians 13, but could not locate to share the link. However, if you find it, you'll be glad you searched for it.]

Sunday, September 10, 2023


Section Five, 



37.Can One Become Two?    9/10
38. Love: Can Two Stay One? 9/17
39. The Number One Priority   9/24

Surely, most of us, are familiar with this lesson

but in reverse - that

"two become one"

as used at weddings


Genesis 2:24


so this twist in the title of #37 should be interesting

if I was to answer this, it's easy for me to say "yes" without a doubt

but let's look at these scriptures for this week:

Matthew 19:7-12; Matthew 5:31-32; 1 Corinthians 7:10-16; Hebrews 13:4; and Malachi 2:13-16

With last week's

... Marriage Counselor ...

and this week's

I am definitely being taught some very good points

(a little late in my life)

on marriage, divorce & remarriage.

The subtitles/segments of this devotion are:

"A Holy Design"; "One and Done"; "Know the Reason Behind Divorce"; "Understand the Restriction on Divorce"; "Accept the Reality of Divorce"

so the above gives you some idea of the content that

Jesus, the Teacher

is sharing this week through the

"52 Weeks with Jesus"

"Lord, whether I am single or married, give me Your passion for enduring covenant faithfulness and teach me to love like You love."

Marriage is an important "invention" - part of a holy design

but it is LOVE that matters

in all our relationships


go together

as we


let us prepare ourselves; our hearts & minds as we



and the victim's families who still need love & support

Our nation needs to come together again

as we needed in the aftermath of


more than ever

we need to






the best


of life & love

Remembering that there is freedom and justice for ALL!

but ... we need the lessons that Jesus teaches us and


the price paid



John 3:16

Sunday, September 3, 2023


Section Five, 



31. Flying Standby 7/30
32. A Prayer Warrior            8/6
33. Focused on the Father  8/13
34. The One Who Provides 8/20
35. The Treasure Principle  8/27
36. A Marriage Counselor   9/3
37.Can One Become Two? 9/10
38. Love: Can Two Stay One? 9/17
39. The Number One Priority   9/24

I definitely need to pay attention in this lesson from


Most of my married life of 40+ years

would have benefitted greatly from

A Marriage Counselor

daily and we even made a few attempts

though unsuccessful

I always learned more on marriage

and very thankful for the help:

Christian and others.


offers us the best lesson & truths about marriage.

This week, I will gain much counsel from


on Marriage & counseling.

Recently I also have greatly benefitted from

Therapy & Theology


*Lysa TerKeurst, Dr. Joel Muddamalle & Jim Cress - 
a licensed professional counselor


Let's begin with this Week's Scriptures:

Matthew 19:1-6; Genesis 2:18-25; Ephesians 5:22-33; Romans 7:1-3; 1 Peter 3:1-7

through these segment/subtitles of this week's devotion

 "A Blessed Invention" (marriage)

"God's Default Position"

"Understand God's Plan for Marriage"

"Remember God's Purpose for Marriage"

"Commit to God's Permanence for Marriage"

"Lord, as a person who's married (or as one who's single), I give thanks that You are the inventor of and the sustainer of marriage ... "

Since I have little success in this area, I will leave this to *Lysa's team & God's Word,

along with the advice in the words I read from James Merritt this week.