"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


As I kinda mentioned in last FRIDAY FOCUS that I should change my PROJECT H.O.P.E. to my 'new' Project "ANYTHING" {since HOPE was My One Word in 2014, not 2015, I named it that last Lent} but it certainly is "ANYTHING" and ties up so well all my "anythings" here in Mexico. since coming here in 1996 to step out in faith and my calling since 6th grade {I waited} ... this one "Project" among so many others of a different nature ... is one that more or less puts all of my HOPE and all of my ANYTHINGS together ... so let's take a different kind of WALK On {thisWEDS. looking at the partial completion (which means - so far, but not yet finished) of my PROJECT ANYTHING

Unlisted Video

{PREFACE: I can't believe that I came back and am adding to this already "way too long" blog post but I just had to preface all of what is written here with I am not sharing this to say what I've done because it's not what I have done at all or alone, it takes many ... and this is just one of ever so many in need of much: HOPE or an ANYTHING project in this vast needy world in which we live ... this is what God laid on my heart, but it took more than me to accomplish this, to God be the Glory. I am not submitting this story to the ANYTHING PROJECT although this is exactly what it is. And it can be duplicated many times over and over to reach others and make a difference in His Story for His Glory and theirs in the Kingdom of God. I submit this here humbly as ...

"My Long "ANYTHING" Story: Testimony to God for His Glory"

When I came to Mexico in 1996 finally, I wanted to work with the kids (after all I'm a double major in Elementary  Ed. (K-6) and Spanish, so that only makes sense, right?) and have been waiting and preparing for this mission adventure since 6th grade with all my educational goals headed south of the border in this direction. So, of course, I was meant to seek out the "orphans" and ministries of this nature with kids because this is exactly what moves my heart. And that's exactly what I did do when I first came. After God spoke to me on the beach the year before I first came through Susana (my 108 year old inspiration), God altered my heart just a little to include "women" with the "children" --- those that may not have as many opportunities for education and learning about Jesus. Soon I readjusted once again to include teaching "English" through God's Word and Christian songs and began putting together lessons in English to go with this, which soon became just teaching English. (sigh) Little did I know that God had something totally different in mind for me. Something that I knew very little about but He spoke with an almost audible voice in one of my trips back to Mexico from Minnesota in 2007. I was certain I had heard Him wrong, after all, I knew absolutely nothing about "trafficked victims" of tourism or worldwide exploitation, but He was sure to confirm and show me. For many reasons, I will not go into the details of this course, but God began to open my eyes to so much more as I began to learn about this, the ministries and all that is involved; calling this my "Project A" ... {who knows, some day I may be able to share more on this "A" of Anything and who would have known when I labeled it Project "A" that the Anything Project would come along, starting with 'A'}.

God began putting together pieces of my own life, pieces of my life here since 1996-2007 and then 'outta the blue' something new showed up with the construction project on the house that I was renting ... or actually someone new. The workers that came to do the construction for the "Architect" were from an "albergue" {sorry, I realize that this a Spanish word and the closest that comes to that is a "Shelter for the Homeless"- the forgotten}. God had yet another plan that He would reveal through these workers, many of whom were new Christians, because their "shelter" was administered through one of the first churches I knew from here, "Espiritu y Verdad" which I had lost touch with because they had moved and moved and finally acquired land and began building a church in the "colonia" known as Villa Verde. {colonia/ colony is another word for just a specific section of the city; it is broken into many}. 

All of this previous explanation, is in part to show you when you step out in obedience, thinking you are ready for God's ANYTHING, He may have something entirely different from what you thought or had planned as meeting His will and following His way - your way, He will definitely pull out all stops to show you HIS way and then go about putting the pieces altogether, or running a silver thread from the beginning to the finale, for you to see how HE really was in this from the beginning and kept trying to get you to see it from His perspective. In the meanwhile, He allows you to "mess" up but He'll keep bringing you back to the ANYTHING He had planned. 

Introduce one of the workers that stands out from the others and faithfully stays with the construction project from the beginning to the end. The short of this individual's complicated life story up to the age of almost 50 ... is he is one of those "forgotten" (abandoned child, left in the care of his grandma until she dies; parents never took care of him as they parted ways and moved on with others starting over with new families, which become his "step" family, half brothers and sisters; yet (until recently by some) he is never acknowledged as family ... in fact, his life went clearly off the deep end in the wrong direction and he was thought dead, so all that was his from his "abuelita" was sold by his mother and sister. He had nothing and no one and really no reason to live, until Christ came into his life on Dec. 20th, 2011 changing everything) ... he was one of those sent to work on this construction project. 

The significance in all this, is I was ready to go home to MN, call it quits (for now) when God showed me that this precious new Christian needed a 'Shelter' of his own that indeed God is Our Shelter and Our Refuge but He does have a plan for each one of His children. This individual needed to get away from other individuals in the "albergue"- the influence that could have pulled him back to his former old self (like me or you) and given a chance to grow in Jesus Christ with his own place to live. God tugged on my heart last year to begin in Lent, a Project to give him this H.O.P.E. thus began Project H.O.P.E. ... land was finally acquired, construction of his own house began in 2015. And the above video (a documentation of God's work) is where and what he has accomplished with God on his own (mostly) through the blessings of a few donations and months of saving and looking [for another version of this story, you can go to the original blog when I got this in my spirit HERE]

He and another Christian friend (brother in Christ) found this land and divided it to have their own place to live ... so already the HOPE was spread to more. His home is built in the colony of "San Antonio"  here ... {"San Antonio"/St. Anthony is the Catholic patron saint of "lost things" ... or lost causes, or patron of the poor} ... I don't believe it was just a coincidence that they found their land here, it was most definitely a GOD-incidence, and God put all of what I had hoped together in this one person, this one soul, who needed His Heavenly Father to provide and care for him, and I pray that God still will, because he will and has many needs yet to come. He is one child among many that somehow in society (whether it's in Mexico or right in our own community) slips through the crack ... never finishes their education, lives on the street, never is able to find acceptance in a family, never draws near to God or a church, for fear and lack of knowing that there is one God, who cares and is willing to go that extra mile to WALK with us to show us His Love ... His ANYTHING -  to make us SOMETHING outta NOTHING. After all, He's God of the Miracles and this one is just getting started. 
We have excellent programs to sponsor many children throughout the world, by supporting them each month, which I totally recommend and am all for ... it's easy to love a "child"; however, on the other spectrum of life, those of us that have reached beyond mid-life ... have been forgotten and quite often need support also. Many, even if they wanted to continue working to go on living, can no longer find employment and in third world countries, economics just don't take care of the aging ones without families to care for them. More and more, families cannot take care of their own, much less their aging parents and sadly too many have forgotten them. Much of what I admired in the Mexican culture of extended families, caring for sometimes 3 generations under one roof is fading and not much of a reality any longer, at least not for the poorest among them. {well, this is another dilemma and topic for another time and journey but meanwhile there are many that are being left "forgotten"  living on the streets, homeless} God forgive us. So many needs ... so much to do ... so many left by the road side
"We instinctively tend to limit for whom we exert ourselves. We do it for people like us, and for people whom we like. Jesus will have none of that. By depicting a Samaritan helping a Jew, Jesus could not have found a more forceful way to say that anyone at all in need - regardless of race, politics, class, and religion - is your neighbor. Not everyone is your brother or sister in faith, but everyone is your neighbor, and you must love your neighbor."― Timothy KellerGenerous Justice: How God's Grace Makes Us Just "

Some more quotes to think about

"I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love. ~Mother Teresa

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. ~Mother Teresa

Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you. ~Mother Teresa

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~Anne Frank


will use


to do


if we are open and begin



by handing God our









who has




as their first


to show


to them







in Jesus' Name

Thank you for giving your ANYTHING!

In His Grace


*additional part to "This is My Story" 7 part series +
giving testimony to the many tests of my mission
a message from my messes; a triumph from my trials

"God Cares About Every Detail" should be the title of this WALK on WEDS. and was my intent until God moved me to "detail" this part or this much of my "ANYTHING". As you can see, I had much bottled up to share and pour out as I put together this video of our progress update to God's Glory that I just had to show how very much God cares, I care and we should care for others - one by one, WON by One ... please take the time to pop over to "Meet Me in the Meadow" to read the "Someone Cares" #4 for this week ... I'm sure it will bless you as it motivated me! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


"...The Prayer that Unlocked My God and My Soul"
Jennie Allen

(2015) 254 pages 
{which now includes a Bible Study} 

the updated version of
(2012) 208 pages

{and truthfully my first time through this book was in 2013 with this}

Audible Edition

Today, June 9th, is the re-release date of 

"Anything ... The Prayer that Unlocked My God and My Soul"
by Jennie Allen

with a new, beautiful, teal blue cover,
new chapter updates of what has transpired since the 1st edition,
and the best part for me, an accompanying 8-week Bible Study Guide
with a main Scripture passage to study along with the books chapters, 
power-packed questions, 
two projects for personal reflection and application
six conversation cards for small group discussions

to draw you even deeper into your journey with God and 
being prepared for what might happen if you pray

"... And in that one little word we turned in everything for God’s anything."

Every dream for our lives.
Every dollar and possession.
Every safety and comfort.
Every person’s approval.
Every ambition.

And we opened our entire lives up to anything God had for us.

Any risk.
Any country.
Any act of obedience.
Any dream God had for us.

Perhaps you never read the 1st edition or don't know "Jennie Allen" or are familiar with her story, perhaps you are/were afraid to pray "Anything" ... perhaps you have and "things" have not gone at all like Jennie's, or perhaps God has used Jennie Allen and her story to inspire you and challenge you to GO BEYOND ... maybe you have found many excuses (valid or not) and it's time for you to step out ... the best place to start is letting this book by Jennie Allen move you step by step forward ... working through, guiding and processing this {of course, it's clearly better to get someone or a small group to do this with you, more about this later}

The book is wisely divided into 3 parts with 6 or 7 chapters in each: the first (pages 16-72) "Everything Keeping Us from Anything"; the 2nd part (pages 73-114) "Praying Anything" and the 3rd part (pages 115-163) "Living Anything Jesus' Anything" ... life changing ... followed by some finishing touches: "What is Your Anything" and "Since Anything" which updates much of what has happened to the Allen family since praying "Anything" and still happening (pages 167-174). Then Jennie finally is able to complete this book (pages 175-223) with her wonderful style of an 8-Week Bible Study, which definitely is not only her passion but her forte. {perhaps you are curious as to why I share the pages for these parts ... simply put, it's because I want to compare the 1st edition to the new one so that you can decide whether to reinvest in this one if you read the previous

Many have asked if the Study guide is available separate and as of now, it is not, but it is a good suggestion to the publisher and author as a supplement to the ones who have the 1st edition. However, you will miss out on the updates without this new version. I agree with others and Jennie, herself, that the book was is incomplete without this study ... and my review also is a bit incomplete without going through the Study first {more about that at the end}; reading the journey or pages is only half of the total impact without making the application to our own life, it's just like it is with God's Word. Jennie Allen's "Anything ..." is a call to action! "Anything" is a life changer and praying or working through this will deeply affect you and those around you.

Now for the added BONUS {the reason I hurried to get this review out and the MORE about this LATER parts above} beginning with a LIVE Online kick-off event on June 15th, you can join in this free access to an 8-Week Online Bible Study with study videos and more resources by signing up for the ANYTHING PROJECT with Jennie Allen and Faith Gateway.

Jennie's Invitation

I truly enjoy Jennie Allen and her heart! I would recommend highly any of her books to change and challenge you and your spiritual journey with God and one another. Beware --- this book will change you and your attitude (I pray) to truly take the risk of being a disciple of Jesus Christ in your daily EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. Allow God and Jennie Allen's "ANYTHING..." Prayer to stir you and your life to be responsive and passionate about God and bringing glory to His Kingdom in this world for the next. Jennie has the gift to guide us to do this ... ANYTHING ... 

What I found to be significant and my favorite part ... kept changing as I read on and on, highlighting and wondering how Jennie's story would influence or impact my story of faith and that of others. Knowing that this can have a lasting affect on eternity in ways that we are yet to see ... just maybe your surrender or mine will open our eyes to God's ... and that will lead to His Glory and GRACE if we are willing to act and dream BIG about ANYTHING!

Here's an excellent example for us all from "stories" (as the "Anything Project" is collecting and sharing) from someone we all know, respect and love: our dear Ann Voskamp

I'm thinking I should do a follow-up review after completing this 8-week study! 

Other key links for Jennie Allen:
her blog
her Facebook
{you can get all the rest of the social media sites at the bottom of her blog}

{reading the Bible together with other women worldwide}

Disclosure of material connection:I received this book free from the publisher Thomas P. Nelson through the BookLookBloggers.com, a book review blogger's program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

I apologize if this publishes all wacko but as I was pulling together and writing all of this, Blogger was really messing it up, and it was going askew so I only pray that it turns out somewhat in a sequential order and blocks as I hope. It was moving all around and lining and realigning itself as I typed or added images, links, paragraphs ... 

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


