"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

WOW ~ "New Beginning" ~ again

"New Beginning"

"You can have a new beginning. It doesn't matter how many new beginnings you've had before. Don't believe the lie that you can't have any more. Jesus's work on the cross paved the way for another new beginning and another and another - as many as you need. Our Father's mercies are new every day. Seasons change. Believe that you can have a new beginning in any area of your life that has not aligned with Father's perfect will for you. Embrace this precious promise, get back up again, and walk toward the new beginning. Father has good plans for you. It's up to you to move into His grace." YV 

"...I believe I can have a new beginning because the Word of God tells me so. Help me walk in this promise as I transition from one season to another. Give me strength to hold fast to this great and precious promise when I can't see what door to walk through. Walk with me."
Revelation 21:5Ephesians 4:22-24; Lamentations 3:22-23


Walk On Weds.

It was about a week ago, I heard this Whisper as I began a new YV reading plan; one for the morning and one in the evening; both books from the same author (yet as you can tell I'm staying away from linking anything or using images) of these 365 day devotionals or YV plans - Whispers from the Holy Spirit, both on my wish list to get {that way I think I can get free shipping-lol} however, I really need to share this Word as I begin again here, because tomorrow, someone very dear to me, is facing court once again and e.v.e.r.y thing is being taken away from her (more than what has already been lost) after she's fought since last Nov., doing all they have asked of her, and I can't understand why, how or any sound reasoning that this decision is being made (at the time I read this, they had just met and informed her) but now it will be decided in court - so once again I ask for your prayers and covering of God's protection, wisdom and strength to not fail now that the judge may have eyes and heart of the Father. {Yes, she has made some not so good choices that she holds on to since a year ago that has cost her ever so much and she just doesn't seem to see that she needs to let go} ... and still what part am I to have or stand on for her? with her?

So I walk today and listen for His Whisper!

I wait on God


I too must begin again

here with


aMazing GRACE



New Beginnings


thankful for the many

second chances

He's given


This Word on Weds. is really meant for her, maybe you, maybe me ... but together with the Holy Spirit we can begin again, He can guide us, He can prompt us, He can speak boldly, He can awaken us, He can help us - align; yet we need to be willing to listen, to surrender, to trust, to obey, to change and yield to God's plan. I know with His Grace, we can overcome anything - "for nothing is impossible for God!" (Luke 1:37)

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


In lieu of recent events in my personal life and then on this blog (see note now below the posts or follow that link) - this could not be a better idea, place or date, to BEGIN again than with this phrase in red and a plan that came from You Version that I recently did: for such a day as this - so, ON THIS DAY, August 1st ... more than 40 years ago - a lifetime (41+ yrs. of knowing this person) most would be celebrating, but I have not for such a very long time (nor has or does the other half), so it remains just a day etched in my mind, that I can't erase, can't change, can't take back or even undo; can't redeem because it's so irreconcilable, yet I remain and I will just NOT LOOK BACK any longer or be reminded, but I will continue to look ahead, declare and pray that God still has something good to come out of such a bad choice and decision; some of what has taken place over these many years was meant for some Godly reason, and only God (knows) ... and I won't LOOK BACK any longer, nor will I be dragged back by the enemy or listen to the lies, without seeing and knowing and believing GOD'S WORD

New International Version
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, {that's me} who have been called according to His purpose."
New Living Translation
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." 

is meant for me


very clearly

it is meant for this blog

since thousands of blog posts have been drafted

none of which is the purpose of the You Version reading plan

yet I had just completed it when this blog was ready

to be shut down and served a notice

Well, today I serve a notice

to the enemy of my soul











any situation, storm, crisis, circumstance, problem


I will make it to the other side



Jesus Christ

my Victor, my Savior, my Lord

I ask for the strength

the continual protection and guidance

Godly wisdom and Spirit control

"to move the mountains"

as I wait as 

God moves

holds me, heals me

fills me with His Hope

with His

aMazing GRACE

that keeps me


Here is the description of the You Version plan written by Lisa Singh, although I did not see a book or website, as often is the case, I did read that she is a pastor ... (and in my opinion, she should write a book on this, because 5 days just wasn't enough)

"The past holds a river of memories for each of us, some good and bad. The sad thing is many of us continue to live in the past, which in turn prevents us from walking into the future that God has designed and prepared for us before time began. As you read through this plan, my prayer is that you will release the hold on your past and embrace the future God has for you. "

... I do believe this is the day that I must determine to walk into the future God has designed for me, without living in the past ...

... so many of us need this and affirm this and be released and freed from the hold the past (present or earthly future) has on us and embrace the future God has, which I have done and so grateful that God has been with me throughout all these years to see me through and beyond, yet I know He has great plans for me still, whether it's here on my blog, in my real life, in my community, back on the mission field, in a church, wherever ... He goes with me (and has) - I just need to listen, hear and obey; trusting Him completely even when I can't see, know or understand about this earthly journey ... He has a greater journey in mind, a plan for my future - a new start (which was day 1), another new beginning for me here on this blog and in my real life (even though I still wonder how, I trust Him)

"Holy Spirit, help me from today to live my life with a view of what is ahead; help me to stop looking back!"

I know He holds me and He holds the key to my heart and life! He is my purpose and that has not changed in 60+ years, God has not changed nor does HE! 

"Looking back is a heart condition" (day 2) {and I certainly don't want to be turned into a 'pillar of salt'} I so want my heart to be following His and no other (not a person or any other idol).

Holy Spirit, help me today to leave the past behind and lead me to an abundant life ahead!

"Looking back feeds the desire of the flesh - a false sense of security" (day 3) - a longing for supplies (day 4) ... this I especially find to be true and creates an insecurity in my present and future as well (as I look with my earthly eyes)

Holy Spirit, help me today to let go of the familiar and the false sense of security of the past. Please help me to trust You with this process.

"Looking back limits the future" (day 5) - and I am so done with this! Jesus Christ has given me an abundant life and that is how I choose to live even when I face obstacles, I will remind myself constantly of these truths ...

Holy Spirit, I thank You for the revelation I received during this time (also from the sermon I heard from Pastor Steve Furtick) and I truly want to make it into the future God has for me. I am sorry I wasted so much time on things that I cannot change, I am sorry for taking for granted what You so freely provide for me every day. I am sorry for robbing the people in my life presently because of the "look back mentality". Holy Spirit, help me to forget the pain associated with the past and as I visit my past from now on let it be for only moments of remembering how You brought me out of bondage. Thank You Abba for a new start!

I find this to be very appropriate for this date! No more looking back or faking fine! I'm His and He is mine! Nothing, could be more divine - and with this I am so inclined ... to look ahead "at the joys before me". In case you couldn't tell, this plan totally changed my outlook and is a source of healing for me at this time in God's Word and through so really great books!

Lord, help me remember this as I am being bombarded with lies and tactics from the pit! They are not from You nor the pawn the enemy is using ... I'm tired and done so I won't LOOK BACK but LOOK FORWARD to a glorious future that You have planned. Give me the strength I need to face and do what You alone tell me to do ... in Jesus' precious name 

I'm wondering:

how is God speaking to you

about not looking back

or maybe at

not seeing things the way you do

or yourself?

How is God moving mountains for you?

I pray He is and if not, let's go

to Him for one another

asking Him to


To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


