This is not an actual Book Review, but more like an announcement of a new book (actually 2 books, and 1 will be an Online Bible (Book) Study (OBS) with FaithGateway starting October 8, 2018). However, both books, without even reading them yet, I guarantee are worthwhile considerations to add to your wish list of books to get. I have read enough of these two authors that with sight unseen (which means book unread) I can vouch that each book will help you grow as a human being and a fruitful Christian. The truth is I am doing a sample of one of the books at You Version and I just received my order of the other one as an ebook deal in Kindle. I decided I needed to find time to get online and write this post, so that if you also are interested that you can take advantage of the very best prices. Clearly, the FaithGateway one, available through their OBS, which will also share the author in video teachings, is lower at this time through them so you will register for their 5 session study with a great teacher.
Honestly, I jumped online to share just the one I quickly purchased, but as I started, I couldn't help but think about the one I'm currently doing with a small group of sisters in Christ, at YouVersion, so I'm sharing them both, but my priority:
...if anyone understands
desperation for God
to answer you
answer your endless prayers
it would be me...
but because I know and have read
other books by
Cherie Hill
connected with her years ago
personally on her websites
through emails, etc. enough
so I feel as if I know her
when she writes
it's as if she
gets you
is speaking right with you.
Cherie is clear in her messages,
insights and her heart
for God and His people.
Her Introduction immediately drew me in with these words, so if given a break and a few free extra hours, I will continue & finish
"I don't know what you're going through at this moment, what you've been through in the past, or what lies ahead in your future, but God does. He's the One who answers prayers and brings about the miracles you desperately need. That's why you need prayer-it's God's gift to you
Cherie Hill knows what prayer is (check out Scripture Now and see) ... and in this book she addresses the "toughest dilemma every Christian faces: doubt." ... "In this encouraging, affirming exploration of our constant battle with unbelief, author Cherie Hill offers a deeply personal, compelling approach to transforming your own faith by honestly examining your doubt." As an author, Cherie Hill relates to us from a compassionate, understanding heart that knows, with a deep, spiritual insight and much Biblical wisdom. As with all of her books, reading this will be 'eye-opening, heart changing and faith building' and without a doubt, Cherie will pack this book full of God's promises in His Word, prayer promises that will help us take our stand and the 5 chapters will transform your life journey and definitely your prayer life! right into "Your War Room" she will move you to be honest and trust God as you talk and listen to Him - give her and "The Problem of Prayer and the Promise that Changes Everything" a faith trial run, I know you'll be glad you did.
And as far as the other book, you will be changed also, just click on the links to find out more about "unexpected - a journal of faith - leave fear behind, move forward in faith, embrace the adventure".