... Knowing God is Holding Me (You) Close
Part 2:
the Fullness Found Only in Him
"Conformed or transformed? The choice is mine. If I want to be a sold-out somebody for God, I have to break away from the everybody crowd."Lysa, p.116 |
38. "The Value of Emptiness" 2 Corinthians 12:9 |
"The more dependent we become on God's strength the less enamored we will be with other choices." Lysa,p.119 |
"Satan's power over us is nothing compared to the freeing promises of God." Lysa, p.121 & 122 |
"Big things are built one brick at a time. Victories are achieved one choice at a time. A life well lived is chosen one day at a time."Lysa, p.124 |
"If we are really going to make progress toward lasting changes, we have to empty ourselves of the lie that other people or things can ever fill our hearts to the full." Lysa, p.126 |
"Am I letting the mess define me or refine me?" Lysa, p. 129 |
2 Corinthians 2:11
"If I know how much something is going to cost me, I make much wiser choices." Lysa, p. 132 |
As I read through these chapter titles before reading the daily devotions, I was sure that #38 and #39 (somewhat related to #41) were the ones that stood out for me so that I might write on one of them. But it wasn't so - thankfully. Hopefully that means I am finally getting this saturated into my thinking and life. Oh, then thinking about "when the end goal seems too hard" (#40), I was sure this would be it, because when I'm in that place (I'm sure you all get to this point when you face hard times that you can't help but feel this "seems too hard") - beyond what you think you might be able to bear ... we often find ourselves so discouraged - but not even #40 is the one, although it came close. If I look at the scriptures with each one, I might have chosen one of these ... however, it was not the scripture that drew me, rather the directional compass of "Turning North" and what that meant or means for me that made the difference, especially when Lysa starts out with: