"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Friday, May 3, 2024

"SEEKING God through It"

There are so many thoughts that have surfaced this week as I explored the One Word SEEK and read some of the reading plans and scriptures. But one in particular seemed to strike me:
"SEEKING God Through It"

These are the SEEK thoughts that I focused on throughout this week:



SEEK and save the LOST

In my previous blog post, I shared most of the YV Bible Reading plans, so I won't share those again. If you know much about me, you might better understand the reason for the last one, so I will not focus on "the Son of man" who "came to SEEK and save those who are lost" (NLT) Luke 19:10 because I could go on and on about that one and its importance. In fact, it is important for all of us and for our loved ones and for the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) to all nations. The first SEEK comes first, in each of our own individual lives, or else there's no reason or motivation for you to do the other two (or maybe they're all pretty much the same or related to one another), at least for me and to me. I am thrilled when one more comes or returns to Jesus! I definitely am so thankful for my own salvation and as I see loved ones declare Jesus as Lord, and being baptized.

*"SEEKING God is important. But in order to SEEK after someone or something, you must have an idea of its attributes." ...

I believe after a lifetime of seeing and knowing God through my personal relationship that started with Jesus, that I can say that I know God's attributes and I am completely convinced that He is who He says He is in His Word and has verified and revealed that truth to me over and over again. So this part of my SEEK is done even if at times I falter or question, I've been fortunate to be able to "bounce back" and return to the Truth of my solid beliefs in Jesus.

*..."By SEEKING Jesus and entering into His Presence, we can also have restoration."

[it's here that this story begins that one of 
my reading plans helped me relate closer]

Many years ago - actually centuries ago, and then repeated in more recent times, there was a woman with an issue of blood. An un-named woman, that was bleeding continually, not understanding it, why it happened to her; or why it continued, and who could help her heal from this issue. 

Throughout my own life story, I related to her and other un-named women in the Bible during Jesus' life here on earth, but not at all because I had the same "issue", UNTIL I met another young woman, actually a teen, who was dealing with this same kind of "issue" of bleeding, unknown to me UNTIL it no longer was; because this"issue" had become a near death issue, & then a miraculous survival story, year after year of her thriving and pressing on. A true testimony!

The biblical woman, that this is written about, is said to have suffered for about 12 years or who knows maybe more (her account is found in Luke 8:43-48, Matthew 9:20-22 and Mark 5:24-34 in the New Testament in the Gospels, which tell of Jesus' life) with this medical condition and she had spent all she had SEEKING a cure from physicians; and I'm sure that she prayed asking and SEEKING God for healing, as well as asking others to pray & SEEK for her, but there was no cure, she continued to bleed. She was in pain, had suffered through many physicians & attempts to heal her from this prolonged condition trying to impede her from living a normal life. None of the treatments were successful so she continued to endure this bleeding issue and the many inconveniences that it caused. The issue continued to surface in various ways.

This was the life of this young woman too, that I admire so much in my life. She has persevered also and done all she could to deal, to cope and continue on with her life, though it nearly ended her life while still in her teens, those medications that she was given in large doses ended up causing her back to be broken in 3 places, be put in a body cast, and then she had to learn how to start over with everything - to walk again. She pressed on courageously! She presses on still throughout all these last 30 years more of her life, where she has often faced more medical & other dilemmas, yet she stays strong, loves deeply, and determined to fight for her family, and herself. It was thought that without those large doses of medication, that she might have died. In fact, another mother of a teen, refused & took her daughter off of those medications when she noticed the side effects & her daughter did die by that Christmas. Yet for the young woman that I'm writing about, I can't say enough about how much she impresses me, from back then until this very day, being the best she can be in every thing, and now has dedicated herself to caring for others as a career, & her own family through so much. She's aMazing!

Initially when her "bleeding issue" began, and then became more complicated, it was thought that she might have leukemia. Her white platelets had gotten too low. But it wasn't that, even though she needed to receive infusions of platelets daily and went to the hospital to sit in the same treatment area with other young cancer patients, but her "issue" was not the same. Many in her youth group at church and during church services, people & friends prayed for her. Without a doubt, those closest to her, prayed throughout endless nights; SEEKING God to heal and restore her, and finally they thought a miracle had happened when it went into remission UNTIL ... it didn't, not long after and many times since, it resurfaces. She was told that her "issue" - her chronic illness could affect other parts besides her "blood" that it could impact her major organs. Her disease attacks her own bodies' immune system, attacking her tissues and organs, her very cells ... when her new cells develop, her body mistakes them as the enemy & begins to attack them to stop them from growing to replace the old, so her own immune system damages her body instead of protecting it. Yet she knows that at any time any flare up can come affecting her skin, joints, heart, brain, kidneys, lungs and where it started in her "blood". Your blood pumps through your entire body - imagine this: living your life always at risk of this "issue" arising, and not knowing when or where or how long or what treatment will take care of this new "issue". It's a constant battle, even longer than the woman with the blood issue in the bible. Yet this beautiful young woman, this precious daughter and child of God, has faith that moves mountains, love that strengthens her perseverance and continues to conquer whatever "issue" she faces in her life as she continually SEEKS His healing of each "issue" every time. She currently is awaiting (in her middle-age years, way too young) a total hip replacement surgery to end the constant pain she has endured far too long. Please keep her in your prayers (her surgery's scheduled the first week of June) and pray for a complete recovery that will last. 

*... "Sometimes SEEKING God seems difficult in the midst of constant turmoil and suffering. ...SEEKING God will only lead to the place, not a place, but THE place of restoration and healing."

Just like the woman in the bible story, who believed that if she could touch the hem of Jesus' garment, she would be made whole - she would be healed finally and completely, so she "pressed through the crowds, her pain, her bleeding - her traumatic experience" for so many years just to get to Jesus; and now this middle aged, young woman needs to hold on to the same faith to SEEK the healing of Jesus, holding on to the promise that she claimed back in her teens "by His stripes, I am healed", so we will declare this over her (and her children) because only God can make her, them, & us whole. God is her Healer. Jesus won the victory over sickness, and the tomb! So we pray that God guide the physicians, surgeons (& medical care team) to bring relief and pain-free care & full recovery to end yet another struggle that this wonderful woman SEEKS a healthier, pain-free life. We all would like that. Yet she certainly deserves the best from other human beings. It is said that we may not deserve what God blesses us with, but it is His desire for all to come to Him & SEEK Him first. 

* " ... In SEEKING God, we have to press through mental and sometimes physical obstacles." ...

{Anyone with a chronic illness throughout their lives faces this over & over again}

* "It isn't our innate response."

{that's certainly an understatement for chronic "issues" unresolved}

* "...SEEKING God is a pattern that must be formed and built." ...

[This happens to be Mental Health Awareness month.]

A crucial and important "issue" for so many; known and unknown,
yet to be diagnosed and treated. 
Far too many go without this care,
and are left without treatment or a remedy or a way to heal.

* "... Trauma has a way of blinding us from SEEKING God because all we usually see is our pain. ...We feel our internal being crashing under the pressure of our responsibilities & our realities."

"There are mental barriers that we must press through, just like the woman with the issue of blood who pressed through the crowd. The crowd is not only a physical barrier but a mental one. We have to press through every self-doubt, God-doubts, what-ifs, why me, and more just to get to THE place of restoration and wholeness Jesus provides."...

[This was too good not to share as it is fully, and it spoke so loudly to me as I read and reread this often]

(*all these boxed areas are from that one reading plan that surprisingly 
God used  to etch in my heart & mind. See NOTE below and note*s.)

There is no way that I could have paraphrased 
or retold in my own words.
They are profound if you have ever had to press through until ... GOD breaks through!

And HE will

for anyone who



continuation from previous box

* " ...If our mind stays in the darkness of our situation, how will we ever see the light?"

The women with the "issue" of blood 

knew/know by faith


touch and presence

makes us whole


by Jesus cleansing blood

* "... by SEEKING Jesus and entering into His Presence, we can also have restoration."



shines through

any darkness

if we let



* "... Every tunnel ends in light. Every storm ends.  God remains faithful. SEEK Him through It"

When we SEEK God, we must believe & receive, 
without doubt, that we can and will obtain 
the promises in His Word.
Hold on. Persevere.
You will have peace.
You have the victory.
God makes you whole.
You need to SEEK Him, 
even when you don't feel like it.

Just like the testimony of the woman in the bible
and the triumphant woman of this story, 
in this year
who aMazes me through every struggle,
painful battle, and situations that she encounters
endlessly in her lifetime, as hard as they are,
she may have been tired often of trying,
tired of crying, tired of being sick,
tired of being in pain, tired of fighting 
day after day,
tired of being tired, tired of life, but
she presses on and continues
to endure & persevere
not just one issue
but so many
now for her children
she must, she will, she needs 
to press through the crowd
the situation, the many problems
of life and show that


because she's like her musical heroes
Mandisa and Lizzie Morgan
(maybe some others)


"You Keep Hope Alive"


(really good & honest soul-searching plan)
 *all credit goes to this plan*
no intention to take its words 

by weaving them into this story 
with such a testimony 
of one that is still in progress

We all are!

 "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over." Mark 5:34 ~Jesus

"Thank You, Father God, that when I need hope, You are my Hope (Psalm 71:5). When I am weak, You are my Strength (Isaiah 12:2). When I am weary, You are my Resting Place (Jeremiah 50:6). When I need freedom, You are my Deliverer (Psalm 70:5). When I want guidance, You are my Counselor (Psalm 16:7). When I need healing, You are my Healer (Malachi 4:2). When I seek protection, You are my Shield (Psalm 33:20). When I am going through a difficult time, You are my Stronghold in the Day of Trouble (Nahum 1:7). Thank You for being my Heavenly Father and the answer to my every need." I SEEK You first. I SEEK Your heart. I SEEK Your Presence. I SEEK Your Peace. I SEEK Your Healing touch. I SEEK Your Power and Strength through Your Spirit. I SEEK Your wisdom and guidance in every decision and choice. Thank You that whatever I SEEK, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and for coming to SEEK and save the lost. You are all I need to SEEK each day, help me love & obey You. Truly the more I SEEK You, the more I love You. Thank You for Your aMazing Grace!


Here's another beautiful story I found to inspire
on this same issue theme


To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


