"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


This week's DOT post has tons of info so you should go head over 
and check it out with Paula and Natalie
for people who love their dogs
and want to talk about them once a week!

My 1ST

TOBITO only son

to TOBY Mommy 
.....and Chiminito, their Daddy



MY BIG BOY BRAVO 10 years old this year (2008)

I've wanted to share in the FUN every Thursday but I've been doing THANKFUL THURSDAY. So today while visiting Thankful Thursday friends, I came across something very special for the umteenth time this week from Serendipity and Happy@ http://serendipitypark.blogspot.com/ the light went on..." Hey, I can do BOTH..." 

After all I'm so Thankful for these friends I call family...they are what occupies the rest of my time when I'm not busy in MINISTRY or on the dear old laptop...It's only fair to give them more than a place on the sidebar...very far down that no one hardly ever sees. Since we ALL 5 and I made a trip of 1,500 miles...I owe them this!

By 5 that means, Toby, Chiminito, Bravo Chiquitita, and Chispita. Lucky lives in Minnesota... and sweet little Tobito is my Heavenly Pup...he died the summer that this litter of 6 was born to Toby and Chimi...certainly not a match meant to be...or a Heavenly Match these two! There were two more puppies : Jai Li and Pi Li...Jai Li is with her brother in Heaven and Pi Li is roaming the streets but belongs to the family of Jai Li. Pi Li looks like a small labrador. Jai Li looked like the "Target" dog...she was special and such a sweetie, she died first!

I would like to share what HAPPY and Serendipity shared on their Thankful Thursday though I should have asked permission, it did not orginate with them because I've read each elsewhere:

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy. Take naps. Stretch before rising. Run, romp and play daily. Thrive on attention and let people touch you. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. When you're happy, dance around and 'wag' your entire body. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

Mine have each taught me this! I have many lessons that I've learned through my family of dogs. Van Walton from Created for the Garden but Lost in the Jungle has a precious book that she shares lessons from AIR called From the Pound to the Palace that she also share with kids in schools.

Serendipity also shared this story about Shane and A Dog's Purpose. It made me reflect on my Tobito and Jai Li (originally named Target than Apache) as well as so many dogs that have been such a blessing on my life...

A Dog's Purpose (from a 6-year-old)
Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker 's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "I know why." Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.

He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?" The six-year-old continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."

We dread this day and never want to think of it coming or happening to our loved ones but as sure as life there is death...I'm not sure if Serendipity shared this or HAPPY but the advice was wise ( it may have been part of the original)

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.

Make every day count!!! Make each day just the beginning of ETERNITY! Learn as much as you can from Our Master...and then treat those you are master over with a LOVE and understanding like you are blessed to share this day with them!

Show R-E-S-P-E-C-T to creatures and humans alike:



If you LOVE DOGS or just want to see some special FRIENDS or would like to join 
being passed on to YOU and your best friends

After all they are known as "MAN'S BEST FRIEND"


Bravo, Chimi, Chiqui, Chispa & Toby

Friday, August 1, 2008

SHARING THE LOVE! Anniversary & 100th Post!

This is a really long combination post of such a
ANNIVERSARY-100 Posts...*** Blogiversary!
August 1st

Today is my Anniversary! It's a Double ANNIVERSARY!

On August 1st, 1976 I married in Las Vegas, Nevada
[Boy, did we take a gamble!]
So, in honor of that day, since I am here in Mexico and HE is home in Minnesota...


I am committed to 2 Challenges from Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss:
(1) 31 Days of Prayer Challenge (recommended that I start with this one)
(2) 30 Days of Encouragement

[HUBBY:I have more especially for YOU at the end! ]

a "WHOLE NEW WORLD" has opened up to me since APRIL 2008.

THIS IS MY 100th POST!!!!

I have observed since starting how others CELEBRATE their 100th post or anniversary. I'm so sorry to disappoint YOU but I have NO GIVEAWAYS, PRIZES, EXCITING CELEBRITIES or CRUISES being given so you can come and join me in Mazatlan, Mexico ...but I have some BLESSINGS from me:


YOU are more than welcome to copy any of this for yourself, after all THIS is YOURS with me...


II.SECOND... O=Others (that's ALL of YOU)
III.THIRD.... Y=Yours (that's me & hubby)

When I began my BLOG in April, I had no idea what was in store for me. I started my 1st blog with a breath and a short prayer: "O Holy Spirit, lead me, guide me, & speak through me!" And my post was titled WHAT'S IN A NAME? I wanted to proceed from there with the Names of GOD in the Bible: HIS WORD…but I did not get far. Soon I was off in another direction.

However, I continue to learn the Names of God, which are more than 600, and I have increased my understanding of the vastness of HIS CHARACTER and ATTIBUTES, deepened my faith and grown in my prayer life, praise and worship of WHO HE IS to me!


So today I honor
My Lord & Savior FIRST…and ALL HE is TO ME
through 100 Names & Verses
where HE has revealed HIMSELF to me


ADONAI...... ………. Malachi 1:6 meaning "Lord", a reference to the Lordship of God.
EL-ELYON..............Genesis 14:17-20,Isaiah 14:13-14 meaning "The most high God"
EL-OLAM...............Isaiah 40:28-31 meaning "The everlasting God"
EL-ROI...................Genesis 16:13 meaning "The strong one who sees"
EL-SHADDAI........Genesis 17:1,Psalm 91:1 meaning "The God of the mountains
or God Almighty"
ELOHIM................Genesis 1:1, Psalm 19:1 meaning "God",
a reference to God's power and might.
JEHOVAH-JIREH....Genesis 22:13-14 meaning "The Lord will provide"
JEHOVAH-MACCADDESHEM.......Exodus 31:13 meaning "The Lord thy sanctifier"
JEHOVAH-NISSI.....Exodus 17:15 meaning "The Lord our banner"
JEHOVAH-RAPHA..Exodus 15:26 meaning "The Lord our healer"
JEHOVAH-ROHI.....Psalm 23:1 meaning "The Lord my shepherd"
JEHOVAH-SABBAOTH...Isaiah 6:1-3 meaning "The Lord of Hosts"
JEHOVAH-SHALOM......Judges 6:24 meaning "The Lord is peace"
JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH...Ezekiel 48:35 meaning "The Lord who is present"
JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU.....Jeremiah 23:6 meaning "The Lord our righteousness"
JEHOVAH--YAHWEH.....Genesis 2:4 a reference to God's divine salvation.
ABBA.............................Romans 8:15
ADVOCATE.....................I John 2:1 (KJV)
ALMIGHTY.....................Genesis 17:1
ALPHA............................Revelation 22:13
ANOINTED ONE...............Psalm 2:2
AUTHOR OF LIFE..............Acts 3:15
BEGINNING.....................Revelation 21:6
BRANCH..........................Jeremiah 33:15
BREAD OF LIFE.................John 6:35
BRIDEGROOM..................Isaiah 62:56
BRIGHT MORNING STAR...Revelation 22:16
CHOSEN ONE...................Isaiah 42:1
CHRIST.............................Matthew 22:42
COMFORTER....................John 14:26(KJV)
COMMANDER..................Isaiah 55:4
CONSUMING FIRE............Deut. 4:24, Heb. 12:29
CORNERSTONE.................Isaiah 28:16
COUNSELOR.....................Isaiah 9:6
CREATOR.........................1 Peter 4:19
DELIVERER.......................Romans 11:26
FAITHFUL & TRUE.............Revelation 19:11
FATHER...........................Matthew 6:9
FIRSTFRUITS....................1 Cor.15:20-23
FOUNDATION..................1 Cor. 3:11
GENTLE WHISPER.............1 Kings 19:12
GIFT OF GOD....................John 4:10
GLORY OF THE LORD........Isaiah 40:5
GOOD SHEPHERD.............John 10:11
GUIDE.............................Psalm 48:14
HEAD OF THE CHURCH.....Ephesians 5:23
HOLY ONE.......................Acts 2:27
HOPE..............................Titus 2:13
HORN OF SALVATION...........Luke 1:69
I AM....................................Exodus 3:14, John 8:58
IMAGE OF GOD....................2 Cor. 4:4
IMMANUEL.........................Isaiah 7:14
JEHOVAH............................Psalm 83:18 (KJV)
JESUS................................Matthew 1:21
JUDGE................................Isaiah 33:22, Acts 10:42
KING.................................Zechariah 9:9
LAMB OF GOD..................John 1:29
LIFE..................................John 14:6
LIGHT OF THE WORLD.......John 8:12
LILY OF THE VALLEYS.........Song 2:1
LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH.......Revelation 5:5
LIVING STONE...................1 Peter 2:4
LIVING WATER..................John 4:10
LOVE.................................1 John 4:8
MAN OF SORROWS............Isaiah 53:3
MASTER.............................Luke 5:5
MEDIATOR.........................1 Timothy 2:5
MESSIAH............................ John 4:25
MIGHTY GOD......................Isaiah 9:6
NAZARENE..........................Matthew 2:23
OMEGA...............................Revelation 22:13
ONLY BEGOTTEN SON..........John 1:18(kjv)
OUR PASSOVER LAMB.........1 Cor. 5:7
OUR PEACE..........................Ephesians 2:14
POTTER................................Isaiah 64:8
PRINCE OF PEACE.................Isaiah 9:6
PROPHET..............................Acts 3:22
PURIFIER..............................Malachi 3:3
RABBONI (TEACHER).............John 20:16
REDEEMER...........................Job 19:25
REFINER'S FIRE.....................Malachi 3:2
ROCK....................................1 Cor.10:4
ROSE OF SHARON.................Song 2:1
SAVIOR.................................Luke 2:11
SERVANT...............................Isaiah 42:1
SHIELD..................................Genesis 15:1
SPIRIT OF GOD......................Genesis 1:2
SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.......Malachi 4:2
TEACHER...............................John 13:13
TRUE LIGHT...........................John 1:9
TRUE WITNESS......................Revelation 3:14
TRUTH..................................John 14:6
VINE.....................................John 15:5
WAY.....................................John 14:6
WITNESS...............................Isaiah 55:4
WONDERFUL........................Isaiah 9:6
WORD OF GOD.....................Revelation 19:13

My beloved My beloved Son (Jesus) My buckler My defense
My defense and refuge in the day of my trouble My deliverer
My exceeding joy My Father My father's God
My [God's] firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth (Jesus)
My fortress My friend My glory My God My goodness
My help My hiding place
My hiding place and my shield
My high tower My hope
My hope in the day of evil My judge My King My lampMy love
My portion for ever My portion in the land of the living
My praise My Redeemer My refuge

My refuge and my portion
My refuge in the day of affliction
My rock My salvation My Savior My [God's] servant (Jesus)

My [God's] servant David (Jesus)
My shepherd My shield My song My stay My strength and power
My strength and song
My strong habitation, where unto I may continually resort
My strong refuge My strong rock
My trust from my youth
My Project Playlist that plays the music when YOU enter my page is in my sidebar. It also has 100 songs!

Perhaps YOU always only hear the first but I have 99 more.Pop it out and listen on your own. Enjoy!

Potter's Hand -- Hillsong
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) -- Chris Tomlin
I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) -- Chris Tomlin
Miracle -- Darlene Zschech
Pray -- Darlene Zschech
Parent's Prayer -- Steven Curtis Chapman
On My Knees -- Jaci Velasquez
God Will Make A Way -- Don Moen
Lifted Higher -- Twila Paris
See With Your Heart -- Gloria Estefan
Breathe On Me/I Need Thee Every Hour -- Natalie Grant
Legacy -- Nicole Nordeman
Lord Let Your Glory Fall(Redman) -- Matt Redman
Face Down -- Matt Redman
Held -- Natalie Grant
Awaken -- Natalie Grant
It's the Thought -- Twila Paris
Bring The Rain -- Mercy Me
Bless The Broken Road -- Selah
It is Well (Africa)!!! -- Selah
There Is A Fountain -- Selah
You Raise Me Up -- Selah
All My Praise -- Selah
Was It A Morning Like This -- Sandi Patti
Via Dolorosa -- Sandi Patti
Tu Amor -- Danilo Montero
Fortaleza -- Danilo Montero
Tu Misericordia -- Danilo Montero
Tanto para darte -- Lilly Goodman
Ven te necesito (Dueto con Lilly Goodman) -- Jesus Adrian Romero
Renuevame -- Marcos Witt
Escucharte Hablar -- Marcos Witt
Anhelo tu Gloria -- Marcos Witt
America Sera Para Cristo -- Marcos Witt
Me Has Llamado A Conocerte -- Marcos Witt
Jesus, Eres Mi Buen Pastor -- Marcos Witt
Just A Prayer Away -- Jaci Velasquez
Look What Love Has Done -- Jaci Velasquez
In God We Trust -- Jaci Velasquez, Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, Rachael Lampa, & many more Christian artists
Friends Are Friends Forever -- Michael W. Smith
I Will Carry You -- Michael W. Smith
Purified -- Michael W. Smith
Raging Sea -- Michael W. Smith
Everlasting God -- Chris Tomlin
Wonderful Maker -- Chris Tomlin
Unfailing Love -- Chris Tomlin
Your Grace Is Enough -- Chris Tomlin
I Know WHO I AM (Featuring Chris Tomlin) -- Israel & New Breed
Indescribable [Worshiptogether.com Songs] -- Chris Tomlin
Give Thanks -- Don Moen
Holy Ground -- Don Moen
Call Upon His Name -- Darlene Zschech
Dwell In Your House -- Darlene Zschech
I Live To Know You -- Darlene Zschech
I Will Never Be the Same Again -- Darlene Zschech
Let The Peace Of God Reign -- Darlene Zschech
Love You So Much, Jesus -- Darlene Zschech
This Is The Air I Breathe -- Hillsongs/ Darlene Zschech
Beautiful Savior -- Casting Crowns
East to West -- Casting Crowns
Set Me Free -- Casting Crowns
Voice Of Truth -- Casting Crowns
Who Am I -- Casting Crowns
The Great Divide -- Point of Grace
You Are Good -- Point of Grace
The Servant King -- Graham Kendrick
Deeper -- Israel & New Breed
If Not For Your Grace -- Israel & New Breed
New Season -- Israel Houghton & the New Breed
He Knows My Name -- Israel & New Breed
Moving Forward -- Ricardo Sanchez
Rebecca St James - Song of Love -- Rebecca St. James
Rebecca St. James/The Power Of Your Love -- Various
Feel the Nails -- Ray Boltz
The Hammer -- Ray Boltz
Thank You -- Ray Boltz
Watch the Lamb -- Ray Boltz
What Was I Supposed To Be? -- Ray Boltz
Isaiah 6 -- Todd Agnew
America Again -- Carman
Lazerus come forth -- Carman
The Prayer Anthem -- Carman
Satan Bite The Dust -- Carman
Run To You -- Whitney Houston
I Will Always Love You -- Whitney Houston
I Believe In You And Me -- Whitney Houston
When You Believe (From "The Prince Of Egypt") (With Whitney Houston) -- Mariah Carey
Father's Eyes -- Amy Grant
Thy Word -- Amy Grant
I Will Remember You -- Amy Grant
One Sweet Day -- Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men
Chiquitita -- ABBA
Because You Loved Me (Theme From 'Up Close & Personal') -- Celine Dion
The Impossible Dream -- Andy Williams
Fueron Tus Manos -- Julissa y Ricardo Rodriguez
No Puedo Callar -- Julissa & Don Misionero
Desde Mi Interior -- Hillsong
More Than Life -- Hillsong
None but Jesus -- Hillsong
Healer -- Hillsong


100 Blogs+ of Super Special Friends

and Memes of Interest or Participation, some that I have made part of my journey and others that I'm considering to start.

Some of you know me and that I visit your Blog, treasuring every morsel I read. Others of you may not even know that I visit you but at sometime I decided to add you in my Favorites, which I've divided into categories/ folders containing each of you.

However, there are so many of you and now new ones I'm discovering, that there is not sufficient room for this increase...so this is my new organization tool of you and my way to honor YOU because you are showing me My Lord Jesus through your "blog" and "blog friendship".

There truly are not enough words to THANK YOU or express all you have given me through this blog world on the internet...when you are away from "home", this is more than just words, it's a connection for me to Real, Authentic People (RAP) before the Rapture of Christ Jesus!

It helps me to know that I have not been Left Behind (lol) but still growing in my purpose driven life to know, love and serve Him MORE and less of me. There is UNITY in this body of Christ! There is sisterhood... brotherhood... a Life Message and Mission for each of us!

Recently I received my first blog award and was humbled three times by three dear friends: Tracy, Cheryl and Paulette (remember whatever is underlined means you can click on it & be linked which means you are transported to that place...I pray they all work)

A week ago, I received this one from Amy at Signs, Miracles and Wonders, which I am passing to ALL 100 of YOU and anyone NOW Reading this, if YOU have never received it,

I was so moved by its originator Crystal at Memoirs of a Mommy in honor of Noah and the donor of his sweet little heart who ENCOURAGES me to SHARE THE LOVE !
[Click on Memoirs of a Mommy to learn and read this special love story!]

The rules for this award are to pass it along to some people whose blogs you love. They make you laugh, smile, leave encouraging comments on your blog. You would like to share some love with because they have uplifted, inspired, encouraged or prayed for you.

This special award goes to:A
All Eyes on the King Marcie
A Planting of the Lord Kimberly
Aroma of Joy Kelley
At Shore's End Melinda
A Magnolia's Heart Beat Laurie Ann
Ashley's Story Trish
A Hoosier Family Sharon

By His Grace Jenifer
Becoming Me Angela
Beloved Mama Christelle
Blessed with Grace Lisa
Bring the Rain: The Story of Audrey Caroline -Angie Smith

Call Her Blessed Daiquiri
Confessions of a Modern Christian Woman Maisie now at Maisie's Soapbox

Dogs on Thursday Paula/Natalie

Eph2810 Sting My Heart Iris
Especially Heather Heather
Every Day Miracles Wendi
Every Day Miracles Sherri
Everything to Me-Puff's Pockets aka Darlene
Forever His Susan
*Faith Lifts 1st Group see below
Faith Prints Tania
Fruits of the Spirit Melanie
Gina's Public Diary Gina
Hope for Each Day Cheryl
Hebrews Thirteen Three now found
@ Meditations & Confessions of a Homemaker Sheila
**Holding On 2nd Group below
***Internet Café Devotions 3rd Group below
Inky's Spot IIona *missionary
In Christ Alone Renee
Journeying Forward Cristine
Journey through Faith Sam
Joy in the Journey Joy * missionary
Kittens Come from Eggs Dineen
Kisses from Heaven Mary
Kerry Hasenbalg Kerry
Lifting Hands Leigh Ann
Liza's Viewpoint Liza
Little Red Hearts from God Connie
****Laced with Grace 4th Group below
My Cup Runneth Over Tracy
Married to the Preacher Natalie
Mocha with Linda Linda
My Life's Journey Pia
Mumblings of a Mommy Monk Heather
Mel's World Melissa
More than a Conqueror Nancie
Natalie Grant Natalie
Notes from the Soul Stephanie
One So Blessed Joanne
Peace for the Journey Elaine
Precious Maeday Moments Mae
Pass the salt, please! Cheri
Praise and Coffee Sue
*****Proverbs 31 Team Lysa, Renee,+Team(5th Group below)
Quiet Reflections SharonB
Refresh My Soul Angela
Revive our Hearts Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Reservoir Sharon
Spiritually Unequal Marriage Lynn
Sheep to the Right Carol
Signs, Miracles and Wonders Amy
Shortybear's Place Denise
Seasons of My Heart Kim
Shabby Olde Potting Shed Lea
Safe in His Arms Tonya
Scattered Stones Kimberly
Scrapping Servant Carolyn
The Preacher's Wife Lisa
Tea with Tiffany & The Shame Factor Tiffany
Thirsty for Him Tracy
The Accidental Pharisee Beth

Van Walton's Created for the Jungle Van Walton
Women Taking A Stand Laurie
Walking with Y'shua Katrina
Xandra's -Heart of Service & Called According to His Purpose
Yard Nanny- Our Summer Blessings & On the Heart with Paulette

~Zany 1 Peter 3 Living Yahoo Group
Too many to name but many blogs in this GREAT group! (see note~)

[NOTE:~ZANY is not part of the Yahoo Group name- just 1 Peter 3 Living! But, to me, they are ZANY & since their name starts with a number and I needed a" Z", I put them here...so as not to be forgotten! It was better than calling them Zealots...or ZooKeepers!]

(actually one of the 1 Peter 3 Living Yahoo Group has a blog that starts with U)

So, if "U" visit me, or I visit "U" than U are included and that brings More "U NITY!!!

MANY PEOPLE ARE INCLUDED IN THE GROUPS but THEY ALSO HAVE THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL BLOGS (some are listed above & some are not)so here are their names:

(1st Group) FAITH LIFTS
Susan C.
(2nd Group) HOLDING ON
Who's Who At the Cafe....
Aimee Caitlin
Amy Brooke
Amy Grant Bayliss
Angie Knight
Annie Pettigrew
Carol Hatcher
Chelsey Hall
Cindy Beall
Cindy Swanson
Elaine Bateman
Gina Smith
Heather Cox
Joy Forney
Julie Todd
Kim Uden
Kristen Schiffman
Kristen Welch
Laura Fabrycky
Linda Crow
Lori Macmath
Mary Snyder
Natalie Witcher
Robyn Adams
Susan Amato
Tammy Nolan
Tracy Berta
Twinkle Mom
(4th Group) Laced With Grace
Meet Amy
Meet Angie
Meet Bernadine
Meet Connie
Meet Ellen
Meet Heather C
Meet Heather
Meet Iris
Meet Janna
Meet Laurel
Meet Leigh
Meet Linda
Meet Lynn
Meet Renee
Meet Tiffany
Meet Tracey
Meet Tracy

AND LAST but CERTAINLY NOT LEAST but THE BEST GROUP that I started with reading as e-votionals and then to their individual blogs:

Seek the Lord Sunday
Sunday Praise and Worship

Be Still Sunday
Speak to My Soul Sunday
Super Simple Spiritual Sunday

MONDAY (Monday Meanderings discontinued 6/29/08)
My Walk Monday
Miracle Monday
Marriage Monday
Simple Woman's Daybook (M)


Tuesdays in Other Words move to http://writingcanvas.wordpress.com/
Tuesdays for Timothy Moms
Two Shall Become One Tuesdays
10 Minute Tuesday


YOU GO GOD (just started on Wednesday, July 30th)
Word-Filled Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Live Well Wednesday
Works for Me Wednesday


Thankful Thursday
Thirstin' for the Word Thursdays
Thursday Thirteen

Psalm Friday
God Stop Friday
Frugal Fridays
Faith-Lift Fridays
Fruit of the Spirit Friday


Then Sings My Soul Saturday

Café Chat (Saturday)

Camera Critters

IF THERE ARE MORE MEMES out there PLEASE leave the LINK in COMMENTS for us to get to know by visiting & participate!

Finally...PEGGY (my acronym):

Prayers & promises
Encouragement of
Gifts of His Spirit

7 Random things you may not yet know about me! I chose 7 instead of 6!

1) I was born in St. Paul, Minnesota and have a home in Stillwater, MN
But for the last 12 years I have been finally living my purpose and calling on my life as a volunteer missionary in Mexico. Only have my older sister & brother still living. My mom, youngest brother & dad are waiting in heaven.

2) I attended the College of St. Catherine and almost became a nun, religious sister…woman who dedicates her life to being single and serving God(like Mother Teresa). I have a BA in Elementary Education, Spanish & Library.

3) I married my Spanish high school teacher 6 years after I met him after working with him as a teacher assistant in many programs teaching English or Spanish.

4) I am over 50, never had my own biological children, but I'm a grandma to 2 grand daughters and 1 very special grand son, who was diagnosed as Autistic when he was 2 years old from our daughter (Tracy) and son, Vinny (siblings adopted).

5) I love God and passionate about prayer, praise, worship. I dance with flags and/or tambourine. I love creative drama, expressive dance, choreography and much MUSIC!

6) I love dogs and horses! I owned 3 very special horses in MN: Tano, Missy & Star.
I currently have 5 dogs in Mexico and 2 at home in MN: Bravo, Chimi, Chiquitita, Toby, Chispita, Lucky and Tano! When I came to Mexico, I had a Dachshund named Champion and a mixed breed Bailey. They are my family!

*7) I was raised in the Catholic church, left to an Evangelical church and became a spirit filled Christian of a Pentecostal church, Assembly of God in 1989…my home church in MN is Redeeming Love Church with the best Pastors and Church Family anyone could ask for and I would drive 20 miles or 3,000 miles just to be blessed by worshipping, serving, participating, celebrating with them. I learned much from them and the ministries I participated in as I continue doing here also with the church families that have taken me under their wings or allowed me the great privilege of their extended family…the body of Christ in Mexico!

Sharon from Quiet Reflections and Tania from Faith Prints tagged me past weekend and though I DO NOT do "tags" I felt that this was harmless and easy enough to share with YOU!

Here are the rules of tag
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

I'm going to TAG any of YOU that want to do this one for my BLOGIVERSARY, if you are not too busy with the AWARD! So ALL 100 + GROUPS consider yourselves TAGGED! It's up to YOU!

Official Dedication Prayer of Mazes, Messes, Miracles…aMazing Grace / My Mission Statement was given here and then here during Angela's Blog Mission Tour! You are welcome to read mine, visit others on the Tour & write your own.

LORD, I invite You into Mazes, Messes, Miracles…aMazing Grace blog as I would my home…"Mi casa es Tu casa"…Spanish for "My house is your house" I desire for Your Presence always to be with me and anyone who visits here. 
Please come and fill these posts with Your Love, every corner with Your Peace, each thought with Your inspiration and each moment here with Your JOY!

May this be a place where we are aMazed by Your Grace! May all who enter here BE BLESSED by You in a special way. I commit my Mazes, Messes, Miracles…aMazing Grace BlogSpot and Mission to YOU! I ask that You truly make my thoughts Your thoughts and make it a home
To anyone searching for YOU or more of YOU from the journey we have shared
together to the journey yet to be…may this be used to bring YOU
Glory and humble me as I learn from YOU where YOU have led me and to
Where YOU will lead me…be my Guide each day as I live, laugh and love
YOU and MY SPECIAL FRIENDS YOU send this way! In Jesus Name…

SEÑOR, Te invito a este lugar…haga Tu Voluntad…sea Tu Hogar de alcanzar otros 
para Ti y para Tu Gloria…sea Tu Presencia por mis palabras humildes…bendiga a las personas que vengan a este lugar!


31 Days of Prayer Challenge and Encouragement from Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Revive Our Hearts

Combination I have done from her Challenges. My personal prayers for my spouse will be posted later for this first week and then daily hopefully. The PRAYERS were not meant to go along with the ENCOURAGEMENT. Nancy offers them as separate CHALLENGES.

My 30 Day Husband Encouragement & Prayer
By Nancy Leigh DeMoss Revive Our Hearts, © 2005.
© Revive Our Hearts. Used with permission.
www.ReviveOurHearts.com Info@ReviveOurHearts.com Permission granted.

WEEK ONE________________________

Day BIBLE Verse
1 "The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life." Prov. 31:11-12

…have you ever thanked your husband for "choosing you" above all other women? He found you attractive as a person, and appreciated you.
Though many circumstances in your marriage may have changed, let your husband know that you are glad God led you together, and that you want to be a blessing to him for the rest of your marriage. Let him know that he can trust you to be in his corner.

Pray that your husband will grow spiritually and consider his accountability before the Lord. Pray that he will guard his heart by developing spiritual disciplines—Bible reading and study, prayer, meditation, scripture memorization, etc. (2 Pet. 3:18; Prov. 4:23)

2 "...through love serve one another." Gal. 5:13b

…find some way that your husband is serving you or your family. Does he help around the house? Take care of the car? Fix things that are broken? Maybe your husband's not a handyman, but does he run errands for you? Let you go first?

Take care of you when you are sick? Help you make decisions? Praise him for his willingness to serve others. Let him know that you see his unique service as a great strength.

Pray that your husband’s relationship with God and His Word will bear fruit in his life. Pray that he will be a man of wisdom and understanding, fearing the Lord. (Prov. 3:7,9:10; Ps. 112:1)

3 "...love suffers long, and is kind... 1 Cor. 13:4

"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:19

…If your husband is considerate of your needs, let him know that you have noticed. Thank him for his kindness and consideration. Thank the Lord that your husband knows how to be both tough and tender. Sometimes it's difficult for a man to be gentle, kind or tender - especially if he hasn't had role models in these areas. If he's not a considerate person, appeal to him for help without complaining. Let him know that it's hard for you to handle some things alone.

Pray that your husband will be humble and quick to agree with God about his sin. Pray that his heart will be tender toward the voice of the Lord. (Ps. 51:2-4; Micah 6:8)

4 "...let him labor, working with his hands what is good.." Eph. 4:28

Do you "dump" on your husband at the end of the workday, or do you strengthen and encourage him with your words? A wise wife will make her husband feel that she values and appreciates his work. Let him know that you are glad he is a hard worker. Take opportunities to praise his diligence and resourcefulness to others. If your husband is out of work, unable to work, or refuses to work, you'll need to be more creative. Praise him for a character quality that you see in him that would be a vital part of a successful career - such as persistence, decisiveness, strength, an analytical mind, organizational skills, good with people, good listener, determination, etc

Pray that your husband will grow in leadership skills in your relationship—protecting and providing for you. Pray that he will lead you wisely and love you sacrificially, so that God will be glorified in your marriage. (Eph. 5:25-29; Col. 3:19)

5 "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." Eph. 4:29

Another way to describe the positive side of this "30-Day Encouragement Challenge" is by using the word "edify," which means, "to build up." Negative comments only discourage and tear down. Positive comments encourage and build.

…Do you edify your husband before others, adding to his value in their eyes? This is especially important to other family members. Do you praise your husband to his relatives, and yours? Does your husband's mother know how much you love him? How about your dad? Perhaps you can drop a word of praise into a conversation or letter. Be creative in letting your relatives know that you respect your husband, love him, and support him - in spite of whatever flaws and weaknesses he may have.

Pray that your husband will be faithful to his wedding vows. Pray that he will have a desire to cultivate your relationship as a sign of his loyalty and commitment to you, and as a picture of Christ’s love for the Church. (Prov. 20:6; Gen. 2:24)

"...whatever ye do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Cor. 10:31b

Do you recognize and appreciate your husband's creativity? Or do you criticize and demean his efforts? Instead of negativity, determine to be positive. Perhaps you can help your husband see that his efforts are an opportunity to glorify God.

Is your husband the "creative" type? Does he have any artistic gifts? What is that special "knack" he has? Affirm him for his handiwork - a hobby, music, gardening, tinkering with cars, working with wood, etc. Remember: Even if he doesn't measure up to your standards, praise his efforts. If your budget allows, buy him a book or magazine that will continue to encourage his special skill or talent.

If you have a hard time finding his "creative side," understand that men's creativity sometimes is related to their work. Find something he does to make his job run more smoothly or something he does that adds value to his work...and let him know that you have noticed.

Make his day...Praise his accomplishments in public, while he is listening.

Pray that your husband will love righteousness and hate wickedness, especially the evils of the culture. Pray that he will recognize and avoid wickedness in his own life, and if necessary, take a clear, strong stand against evil. (Prov. 27:12; John 17:15; 1 Cor. 10:12-13

"Do not overwork to be rich; because of your own understanding, cease!...for riches
certainly make themselves wings..." Prov. 23:4-5
"That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, that I may fill their treasuries."
Proverbs 8:21

Money is the root of much marital discord. Ask yourself, "Am I being negative toward my husband in the area of finances?" Determine not to speak evil of your husband in this area. Discover ways to encourage and help him instead.

Does your husband handle finances wisely? Does he make good financial investments, based on biblical principles? Does he have a budget? Does he make wise decisions about purchases - checking many sources before he buys? Is he a good steward of his money before the Lord? Let him know how much you appreciate his strengths in financial matters.

If he is weak in this area, encourage any good decisions that he does make. Perhaps you can help him, if he's open to the idea, by organizing financial files or providing other practical assistance. Or, if he wants you to handle the finances, ask for his input before you make decisions that will affect him.

Pray that your husband will safeguard his heart against inappropriate relationships with the opposite sex. Pray that his heart will be pure and undivided in his commitment to you. (Prov. 6:23-24, 26; Rom. 13:14)

For the rest of this Challenge, you need to go to Nancy Leigh DeMoss' website; Revive Our Hearts

(history of a love)
Eydie Gorme and Los Panchos

One of his favorites in the past: El Reloj

This is the music genre that he played and loves


  Day 1 

Spiritual growth and accountability before the Lord.

Lord, I pray that my husband will grow to know You soon and realize that You are the Only Way,You are the Truth and You are His Light. Protect his heart from the darts and lies of the enemy and the world. He has lived too long in this humanitarian outlook. Change his will to Your will for him. Guard in his heart spiritual disciplines. Help Him to begin reading Your Word for insights not for jokes but for truth. Allow him to hunger and thirst to study what I find in Your Word so very priceless. Teach him how to pray through Your Word not just out of needs or saying thanks (though that is nice and a step in the right direction).

Lord, I know the prayers of this challenge are intended for believers but I believe that I can profess my husband as You see him saved by Your grace and see him that way also. So Lord it doesn't seem right for me to ask you to deepen his spiritual disciplines to mediate and memorize scriptures yet, because You have yet to reach him though many have planted seeds in him that has been non-existent in his life thus far, but it is my earnest prayer that he would be given a chance to begin to read your Word and soak in the Truths. There are plenty of Bibles around our home, so just draw him to begin reading the Bible as he reads so many other things that do not feed his spirit. May he replace some of that with spending time in Your Word. Lord, forgive him for the many years he has not been accountable to the reading of the Bible for himself. Break off those past generational curses and religious spirits that have kept him from you! Set him free from the spiritual bondages from his childhood that have hardened his heart for all these years from Your Truth getting in. Break off lies from his early religious training and racism that drove him away from you! Soften his heart and help him to be receptive to hearing the Truth in the Bible shared by many that you place in his life on purpose. We all love him and care for his eternal life. But Father, if we who know him and love him here want that for him...how much more You His Creator and You, Lord Jesus, His Savior desire.  Draw his heart to want to know You and Your Word. For he has gained much worldly knowledge but needs Your Wisdom my Lord. Bring him a desire to hunger and thirst for You! In Jesus Name, I pray.
  Day 2 
Relationship with God & bearing fruit

Lord, Today I ask You to meet my husband where he is at...He knows You exist, draw him closer in his personal relationship with You! This plea is the MOST important prayer I have for my spouse, to accept Jesus Christ as His Lord and personal Savior.Reveal yourself to him as JESUS the ONLY Way, the Truth and the Light for him.There is NO other way Lord.Help him to understand and see this truth soon. His life does bear much external fruit Lord...through years of his own effort. Allow that fruit that he has to now go down deep within and cause an internal change. Allow Your fruits of the Spirit to increase in his life:love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, self control, goodness. I pray Lord that all the wisdom he now has will be matched by the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.May his understanding be increased. Give him a fear of the Lord enough to draw him to want more of God in His life than the things or ways of this world. Help him to develop the fruits of Your Holy Spirit. Bring him more love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness,gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.May these fruits bear increase in me, so that he will notice the life changing power of knowing You! I ask You according to Your will that none would perish but come to a saving grace in You. In Jesus Name.

Day 3 ...to be continued..... daily....


In Christ,

[if I missed you or have some part incorrect please forgive me]

BTW-by the way- I do LOVE reading Dr. Seuss books aloud to kids but as you can tell there is
no Dr. Seuss here...
no Horton Hears A Who
no Green Eggs and Ham
no Cat in the Hat
no One Fish, Two Fish...
but GOD has many fishes in this NET that still need to hear HIS story!
in fact, the world is counting on YOU to tell of HIS Love...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

MISSION of Mazes, Messes, Miracles...aMazing Grace

COME and JOIN THE BLOG TOUR...see other's BLOG MISSION by visiting
Becoming Me

I chose this Bible verse to be the Mission of my writing a blog:

Isaiah 61

The Year of the LORD's Favor

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,
2 to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of His splendor.
4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.
5 Aliens will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.
And you will be called priests of the LORD, you will be named ministers of our God.
You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast.
7 Instead of their shame my people will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace they will rejoice in their inheritance; and so they will inherit a double portion in their land,
and everlasting joy will be theirs.
8 "For I, the LORD, love justice; I hate robbery and iniquity. In my faithfulness I will reward them and make an everlasting covenant with them.
9 Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples.
All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the LORD has blessed."
10 I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God.
For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
11 For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.

You may have read Isaiah 61 thinking, how is she planning to do this as her
Blog Mission???

I am hoping that by sharing my life journey, the MAZES I have wandered...the MESSES that I have made or been through...would result in MIRACLES of Christ working in and through me to whomever would pass this way or whichever way I may be led to through this blog world. I would like to share an encouraging WORD along the way to touch others for Christ with the love and compassion that HE shows me daily and HIS GOOD NEWS: if HE can do this for me, HE can do this for YOU! There is HOPE in CHRIST JESUS through HIS aMAZING GRACE!

My original idea was to take one facet of my life journey and reach people going through similar circumstances but I decided that it was more important to share the composite of me, and my many facets just as they honestly are...day by day...experience of the past, present and future,
in hopes that I may do exactly what Isaiah 61 encourages me to BE and DO! For I have been in many of the situations of this chapter...and believe that His aMazing Grace has seen me through them and HE has used many people along my life journey to DO as Isaiah 61 says.

Allow me the humble honor to meet you along the WAY and share what THE LORD is doing for you & for me as we learn from each other! In this way, we will bless each other's life and encourage each other in Christ Jesus through tears or laughter, through pain or gain, through prayer and study of His Word and His transforming power and grace! This is not for me but HIM! I will seek HIM and pray each step along my way of "blogging"!

I would like to use this as an EVANGELISM tool for assisting others but it seems that it is more a Christian fellowship place for me to be blessed by others, as I am away from my HOME Church...it serves to keep me in touch with believing Christian women advancing the kingdom of God through journaling and finding ways to lift and encourage one another along the way through their words, songs, studies, prayers, teachings, and Christian ideas.

It is a venture and adventure together!

The seeds planted along my journey in me and by me will grow a garden I pray and be a sweet fragrance to my Lord Jesus Christ for His Glory! I hope either my writings or comments will do
this for whoever may read Mazes, Messes, & Miracles...aMazing Grace!

I pray that I may bless you as OUR LORD blesses me thru my Mission as we accomplish Christ's Mission TOGETHER!
My Purpose for Living
~Christ Jesus~

With ALL my LOVE and ALL of me...
I remain Your Servant, Your Vessel
...Use me Lord...



In closing of my Blog Photo at the top it reads:

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

What is YOUR Purpose for your BLOG?

You have all week from July 13th-18th to write one and join us

Be sure to visit BECOMING ME for info to Link your Blog & Mission!
IF JESUS CHRIST can DO this for me,
bring me through the many MAZES,
fix up or rescue me from the MESSES,
and allow MIRACLES
HE CAN & WILL DO this for YOU!
Just TRUST Him!
or come along with me
through my Blog Adventure
and hopefully you will see-
HE is this & MORE!

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


