"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


"Undaunted ...
Daring to do what God calls you to do"
Christine Caine

Bible Study of the Week at Faith Gateway [see more below]

"Undaunted" - to be undaunted
What does this mean to you? 
[when I picked up this book to begin reading, I had to start with this, knowing exactly what the word "undaunted" means, 
so I would not miss *Anything as I read]

Christine Caine is "Undaunted ... " and "dares to do what God calls her to do" along with her husband, Nick, and as author of this book, speaker and evangelist, among many other hats she wears like mum, pastor, co-founder of A21 Campaign as well as Equip and Empower Ministry, has written this to encourage and motivate us to do the same. What an excellent book choice to accompany "Anything" by Jennie Allen, to further challenge us to dare to move, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into what God has called each of us to do to truly BE the hands, arms, heart, feet and eyes of Jesus in a world so hurt, broken, deceived, confused and in such a need of our Savior to rescue, redeem, restore and reach beyond our comfort zone to change this world and make a difference ...

"God is able to use ANY one, to do ANYthing, in ANY place, and at ANY time in order to overcome ANY barrier."

As the last part of Christine Caine's chapter closes with, "The Challenge" that beckons and implores us as the Great Commission in Matthew 28 "to walk into the gap where He's (Jesus) thrown down the cross, to walk like Him (Jesus), to walk with Him" ... "because we know what it is to be lost and then found, hurting and then healed" and the clincher ... "unwilling to stay asleep, unafraid of the dark, unflinching in the face of disappointment, unstoppable in the face of difficulty, undaunted." That's what we are called to be! Commissioned to DO! 

Each chapter better prepares us as Christine uses her own dramatic life stories, insights and experiences to show how God rescued her from a life in which she was "unnamed, unwanted and unqualified" so that we might be encouraged to the challenge of BEing the LOVE, HOPE and the CHANGE by reaching out and rescuing others. By living out our faith in Christ completely without reservation just like the Good Samaritan but in the 21st century shining into the dark places in this world, and going beyond. 

This book could not have spoken any more clearly or convincingly to me directly from God as a confirmation and a conviction of His plan and purpose as Christine inspires us with her keen insights and steps to move ahead in our life journey, mission and destiny. There are so many facets offered to help us in the 4 different parts of this book leading up to finally "The Challenge" from "God Knows My Name" to "God Knows My Pain" to "God Knows My Fear" to "God Knows My Destiny".

Christine Caine shows us how she overcame her past to dare to do what God called her to do and so can we! We can overcome our painful experiences and circumstances to use in helping others further along in God's Kingdom. 

"Undaunted" shows the way to redemption and justice that is found when faith becomes action, when passion becomes pursuit of going beyond your self and your plight so that you become part of His purposeful plan to make a difference for someone else ... ANY ONE ...like ANYTHING. No one can do everything, but we each can be someone that does something.

I believe that God led me to Christine's book at the perfect time, combined with Jennie Allen's "ANYTHING..." with Good Morning Girls, for such a time as this. The Parable of the Good Samaritan has taken on a more powerful and meaningful influence in my own life and mission to refresh and renew my commitment and service to Him. 

This book was provided to me by Booksneeze.com in exchange for my review.

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher Thomas P. Nelson through the BookSneeze.com book review blogger's program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

*"Anything" by Jennie Allen (the prayer that unlocked my God and my soul) is/was the Summer Online Bible/ Book Study with Good Morning Girls (GMG) and WOW - what a fabulous meaningful choice! I followed along with an Audible copy and really found this to challenge me and further my praying anything ... the perfect companion of "Undaunted" or vice versa. I shared about "Anything" back here and added as we progressed.

Because I was so strongly blessed by this book and I wanted to go further, and because I so strongly believe in the cause that Christine and Nick furthered by "daring to do what God called them to do" ... I highly recommend this for a church or individual study! 

Here's a sample of the accompanying Bible Study to go with this book for
Undaunted Small Group Bible Study by Christine Caine (Video session 1)

...and over at Faith Gateway, there are Bible Study Questions for this section of


The DVD and Study guide are sold separately and available online

ChristianBook.com - http://zndr.vn/MT7Cdw
Amazon.com - http://zndr.vn/MT7ISz
BN.com - http://zndr.vn/MT7GKi

"Undaunted Small Group Bible Study" by Christine Caine. In the Undaunted Small Group Bible Study, Christine Caine uses her own dramatic life story to show how God rescued her from a life where she was unnamed, unwanted, and unqualified and rescued her into a God-filled and faith-fueled life. 

In five sessions that correspond with the Undaunted video, you will be challenged to wake up to the needs of those around you and inspired to go into a dark and troubled world, to bring hope, create change, and and live completely for Christ.

This compelling five-session video-based Bible study offers life-transforming insights about how not only to overcome the challenges and often painful circumstances we all experience, but to actually grow from those experiences and be equipped and empowered to help others.

So what are you waiting for? Be THE LOVE. Be THE HOPE. Be THE CHANGE that this world needs. 

Session titles include:
1. The CALL 
2. Be the LOVE
3. Be the HOPE
4. Be the CHANGE

Christine Caine is no stranger to suffering. Overcoming childhood abuse and later in her thirties finding out she was adopted, Christine has embraced God's love to find hope and healing. She is director of Equip & Empower Ministries and founder of the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. Christine and her husband, Nick, live in Sydney, Australia.
[source:information that was included with the YouTube video from Zondervan]

* my apologies that this is probably the worst review I've written so far and so long, even though it';s favorable and I recommend it with 5 stars, but the book is so wonderful and spoke so many truths and insights to me, I could not focus on what struck me the most or how much it personally impacted and influences me at this point in my life and my spiritual journey.

For some reviews I read when choosing this book, that were not so favorable, I decided that those reviewers were not in a place in their own life to receive or understand the depths of the author and her book as she conveyed with hopes on equipping and empowering us to follow God's call and leading. I do not feel as some wrote that Christine Caine focused too much on herself or enough on the real trafficking stories (she did not just throw them in) they are what motivate her to DO something! I felt she used them, and tied this all together very well in difference to other reviewers. Because this means so much to me, I had a difficult time being concise and conveying all that "Undaunted" brings to light in the midst of the darkened world of trafficking or even Christine's personal trials and experiences shared. Christ's light is the real light that shines through "undaunted"!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013



"The Organic God"
Margaret Feinberg

As this video starts out with the pure beauty of God in a scene, this is how Margaret Feinberg describes and illuminates Him as she draws and compares to beautiful places in the wonder of God to the nature all around us but mostly from her own life experiences in Alaska from the waters to the mountains to the glaciers. It's ...

"Natural. Pure. Essential.

Margaret Feinberg - popular speaker, author, and one of the “Thirty Emerging Voices” of Christian leadership - asks you to imagine what it would look like to have an organic relationship with God. One that is stripped of all pollutants and additives of this world.

The Organic God helps remove the unhealthy fillers and purifies your relationship with the God of the Scriptures.

Through personal stories and scriptural insights, Margaret Feinberg shares glimpses of God’s character - big-hearted, kind, beautiful, mysterious - that point to an authentic and naturally spiritual relationship with Him, allowing you to truly discover God in a healthy, refreshing new way, and fall in love all over again."

I have waited, what seems like forever, since I met this "wonderstruck" author via her Lent Challenge (I shared here on my blog) to be able to read any one of the books, or studies written by Margaret Feinberg, so I was more than excited when Booksneeze announced that "The Organic God" would be one of the available choices this past month. [the reason I hurried to post my review of "Nearing Home..." by Billy Graham and now sharing this so I can quickly make my next selection for another book that's been on my 'wish list' since it came out.]

Meanwhile, I read and viewed all I could about Margaret Feinberg's books on her blog, from her samples to all of her blog posts just to absorb more of her wonderful, enthusiastic love of God and His Word!

Margaret Feinberg flows naturally with an enjoyable, likable, contagious, personable, intelligent approach and her writing style draws me in. Her expressive, descriptive way leaves me wanting more of what she has and I love the way she writes so richly from her heart and her intimate experiences.

"The Organic God" is an easy, enjoyable, quick read, of two days for me, that challenges, refreshes and encourages me to seek God in a new way and deepen my relationship naturally. Although Margaret covers deep questions of our relationship with God, she does so without actually speaking theologically, but weaves all of this through many delightful and beautiful personal life stories. Her knowledge of scripture and the pure beauty of her relationship with God and His Word is so evident and phenomenal in every part she writes, but she does not fill the 10 chapters with actual scripture references, so as not to take away from her flow of the story and God's glory. She does however add footnotes to the scriptures and additional notes in the back as well as some other great extra features: a list of songs to accompany you on your journey through her book (which, of course, I just had to make a You Tube Playlist of her "Organic God soundtrack" and other related videos of her), a section of "rainy day reflections" with an inspiring study guide of questions to personalize your journey along with hers. I know I will return to reread this and reflect with awe the questions and "dig deeper" (a wonderful bonus) and even a 'behind the scenes' section!

My purpose for so wanting to read this is in the subtitle of "The Organic God ... Falling in Love with Him All Over Again" and that is exactly what Margaret helps us to do and enjoy through sharing her life and discovery of a personal God of beauty, simply in love with us, making me want to pursue and be pursued even more deeply. I am ready to fall in love again and again, being refreshed by Him. I was 'Wonderstruck' and that's a totally different book of hers to experience.

I cannot say enough about this book! Every word and section deepens my desire for a relationship with "The Organic God" as Margaret Feinberg makes Him so vivid and alive. I found this to be truly inspiring, as I laughed, cried and enjoyed her nature adventures and life. I have so many highlights in her book to emphasize to me all of God's many splendors, attributes and ways that He intimately calls us His own and invites us to discover more. It's evident that Margaret's Jewish-Christian family has radically rooted and established her with a deep connection to God through His Word and His beautiful interactions with her in her life, which comes vividly alive in the pages of her exchanges with God and her family, especially her dad, which warmly touched my heart and made a deep connection for me to our Heavenly Father's relationship with us. 

Even the cover of the book, makes me want to take the plunge and go deeper being refreshed in a natural, non-pollutant, non-additive relationship with the beauty of Our Creator. I never thought anything "organic" was possible in a relationship nor that I would be so taken in by wanting that with God Himself until Margaret drew me to be interested in the awesome wonder with a much better understanding of the raw beauty and His. Almost makes me want everything "organic" now and view more details in my relationships and nature with a new, fresh perspective.  

Margaret's descriptive beginning with the 'luminescence' and all her beautiful descriptions of nature that she's experienced, to the very end, tying it all together with this 'luminescence', captivates the great moments of God's attributes (which I totally love) as she displays throughout her journey from "His bigheartedness, His amazing wisdom, His outrageous generosity, His abundant kindness, and of course, the deep mystery of how He can use people like you and me to change the world" and that "...there is still so far to go" makes me want to discover more from "The Organic God" allowing me to be aMazed even more as my "hunger for God lives on" with hers and I, too, "see a flicker of light as something stirs in the depths of my soul" beckoning me to seek a more purified relationship with the Holy of holies, the Lord God Almighty, personified in Jesus Christ! This is a 5 star keeper and go deeper!!! Thanks Margaret!

By the way, Margaret has a Summer Bible study on her blog that you may want to check out and be astonished by "the lengths God will go to reveal Jesus" ... from the Gospel of John. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com®  book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 

Friday, June 7, 2013


Posted before than added back to this date as planned ... the man behind this book is very wise with godly wisdom and my deepest respect ... my book review at Amazon (same as this one without the added commentaries) was entitled:



"Nearing Home: Life, Faith, and Finishing Well"

"Nearing Home:Life, Faith and Finishing Well"
Billy Graham

[*the book cover is not as distinguishable as the man on the cover and that it's in paperback should not deter you from reading or getting this great keepsake]

What an absolute honor and privilege this is for me or you to read and *"join Billy Graham as he shares the challenges of fading strength but still standing strong in his commitment to finishing life well" as the book description shares or in my own terms, aging and the faith to finish the race as well as Billy Graham, as he completes such a filled life, lived for Christ since his very first decision to follow Jesus Christ to his last breath. Beautifully written as always from this great evangelist of faith, now nearing his 94th birthday on Nov. 7th, 5 months from now, as he allows us to explore with him the challenges of aging while truly *"gleaning foundational truths from Scripture", which at this point in my life, I so need and appreciate any encouragement to press on and 'fight the good fight'.

"Billy Graham invites us to journey with him as he considers the golden years while anticipating the hope of being reunited with his wife, Ruth, in his heavenly home that eclipses this world. “When granted many years of life, growing old in age is natural, but growing old with grace is a choice,” says the author. “Growing older with grace is possible for all who will set their hearts and minds on the Giver of grace, the Lord Jesus Christ.” ~ from the Book description itself, as well as the *previous ones quoted above, which are all very accurate and true of this keepsake book. 

I could not put this down until I finished this compelling journey. I so desire to grasp and absorb every spiritual insight of wisdom Billy Graham shares with us, which is not just for the aging, but for all in every stage of life, ordinary individuals as he shows us others in the Bible like us, with extraordinary faith, guiding us with the hope of "nearing home with triumphant expectations" and preparing us to meet the challenges of old age and the purpose of God for us, the reason God has still kept us or left us here. We walk with him, through aged people of the Bible, and the realities of life with a new "hope, fulfillment and even joy that can be ours once we learn to look at these years from God’s point of view and discover His strength to sustain us every day." After all, each day, we are all "nearing home" ... young or old, and with God's help and through this victorious life of a man of God, we "learn what it means to grow older" and do it "with grace" finding "the guidance needed" through Billy Graham and God's Word "to finish well". I know I did and will go back often to this book when I feel the better part of aging catching up on me and trying to discourage me from living for Jesus and the need to be strengthen from this truthful look at questions like these: 

"... what is His purpose for these years, and how can we align our lives with it?"

"How can we not only learn to cope with the fears and struggles and growing limitations we face but also actually grow stronger inwardly in the midst of these difficulties?"

"How can we face the future with hope instead of despair?"

and so many others shared honestly by Billy Graham, like nothing I have ever read with such wonderful spiritual implications. I loved and hung on to every word because aging forces us to reflect and deal with life as a whole! 

From the first pages of the book through each of the 10 chapters, we are encouraged, comforted and truth is spoken clearly and biblically. The chapters include: "Running Toward Home", "Don't Retire from Life", "The Impact of Hope", "Consider the Golden Years", "Fading Strength but Finishing Strong", "Death's Destination", "Influencing the Impressionable", "A Foundation That Lasts", "Roots Strengthen in Time" and "Then and Now". 

I cannot even choose a favorite chapter, because each one is fresh and written as if Billy Graham is sitting in front of us, like a spiritual father, imparting his richness to us from Our Heavenly Father and him. I am so appreciative for the many years of service, teaching and evangelizing of Billy Graham. He shares vignettes of his life and his precious wife, Ruth, her words, their years, lives and experiences shared and their family. It's because of this personal approach, I sense the feeling of being family, part of God's family, sitting at Billy Graham's feet as I would with Jesus, listening to him tell his story (stories) to a captive audience ... me. Tears well up as I hear him share from his heart and love for his earthly family, God's family, and Our Lord! I am touched and blessed by this man of God.

I will treasure this book (though I read and have it in Kindle) as much as I do my first actual, devotional book that I received and reviewed for Booksneeze, "Unto the Hills". His final chapter, starts with this quote that I hope to find out is as true for me as it is for Billy Graham "the last chapter of life can be the best." For yes, it is "unto the hills" that we must keep our gaze until that final day of being called home, because "we were meant for heaven, our final home." I will admonish you as Billy Graham does over and over again, to come to Jesus Christ, accept Him not only as your Savior, but Lord of your life ... I long for the home in heaven that Billy Graham describes and will have eternally as I turn my eyes toward "nearing home with assurance" ... a home that is a place of rest and peace; a place of love and joy and security - our ultimate place of complete PEACE! (my One Word for 2013)

So I close with the author's final invitation in this book and words of assurance, because after all this is what this great evangelist has done his entire life as we should with others:
"My friend, do you know the way? Jesus told us, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6 NKJV). No one ever grows too old to accept Christ’s forgiveness and enter into His glorious presence. When we look back over our experiences along life’s journey, we may have regrets about the choices we made, but remember, that was then . . . this is now. We may recall the times we have failed our families, but that was then . . . this is now. Some reading this book may say, “But I rejected Christ my whole life. It’s too late for me.” I say to you, my friend, that was then . . . this is now. The Bible’s promises were true then, they are true now, and they will be true forever. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2 NKJV, emphasis added)." 
"For those who have received the most precious gift of Christ’s redeeming blood . . . you have reason to look forward to the glories of Heaven, for you will be perfected, you will be joyful, you will once again be active, and right now you can be certain that you are nearing home." ~ Billy Graham

Billy Graham. "Nearing Home: Life, Faith, and Finishing Well (Kindle Locations 2479-2488). Thomas Nelson. 
Isn't it time you surrender and look forward to "nearing home"?

Note: I received this book for free from BookSneeze.com in exchange for writing a review. My review was not required to be positive.

I could not agree more with the many reviews I read on this book as I added mine! WOW! Humbled and in awe! I gave this 5 stars and read the others who also did!!! 

* personal sidenote: I could have shared this back in the week after Mother's Day weekend, and I did so with Amazon on May 13th, since I read it so quickly, with great enthusiasm, but I wanted it to post on his birthday to honor him and always remember him on his b-day (however waiting until Nov.7th is a bit too long to wait for my book review, so I'm sharing it now, then moving it to the 7th of June, 5 months from his actual b-day, in honor of Mr. Graham's upcoming 94th birthday, wishing him a wonderful celebration, in advance)! Happy Birthday Billy Graham and thank you so much for this book and all your books and many years of service to Our Lord Jesus Christ! When you have your homecoming, I pray it will be exactly as you describe and I hope for with all my heart. May it be a joyful, well deserved reunion! I can't imagine the many that will be in your line to say "thank you, Billy Graham, I came to Jesus because of you." I watched many of your (Billy Graham) Crusades but I already had the privilege of knowing Jesus, yet I prayed along with you often, with assurance and God's aMazing Grace that has been my blessing too!

Saturday, June 1, 2013


June 1st
Dedication to my Mom

Every June starts out with me remembering my mom for her birthday and as this weekend goes by, she is fresh on my mind and in my heart. I recall how my dad for years, while she lived and even after, would give her beautiful red roses. Most likely, the reason God sent me a rose bud for this Mother's Day that quickly bloomed and died (So although I don't have a beautiful dozen like dad, this one beautiful rose is for you, mom with all my love and thanks!) *and to honor YOU on your b-day! Thanks for all the great tasting cakes you made for our birthdays. Sorry I don't take after you in that area of your expertise :0( Some day I should share your story because although I do not know much, your childhood was not easy. Being my mom, probably wasn't that easy either. Yet, I've been told I look like you (your younger days, I hope) and that makes me feel good, but I hope that my aging is not as difficult as yours and so filled with sickness. 

What kinda initiated this, was after listening to James Robison share about Betty and their recent loss of their daughter, Robin, from her battle with cancer (truly heaven's gain)(just because I went to their site to hear Beth Moore's recent teaching) and was so touched by James' heartFor some reason, I wandered from there at Life Today's ministry website to James Robison's beautifully written tribute "Goodbye to Sweet Robin", to YouTube with Big Daddy Weave (who I don't know all that well, but like him and his songs, so this was all God's leadingand came upon this beautifully written song (among others) ... 

Now I do realize that this is not the kind of song you'd share for someone's birthday, and my mom did not die on her birthday but in December, however she suffered from many illnesses during my childhood and probably before, until she was 65, so I know that she no longer is suffering. It was only this that brought me some "peace" when she passed away so very long ago, but inscribed on my heart with indelible ink; her love and gift of hospitality. How she loved being a homemaker and how wonderful she was at this! 

As you could see, if you came by and read my Mother's Day post, I was not taking or dealing well with it at all this year ...  it reminded me of the Mother's Day that followed my mom's departure from her earthly home to her heavenly place (Dec. 1986) ...  I was OK until then, and it all came rushing back on that Mother's Day (1987) which is when I fell apart (finally) at my loss of her and my last memory of her (not good at all, at her bedside in the hospital with my older 2 siblings and our dad) clinging for her breath, wrestling for air as my dad tried to give her a loving kiss. I was holding her left hand, my older sister at my side and my older brother next to my dad. 

So when I saw myself heading down that way this past Mother's Day (probably in lieu of the loss of so many memories and family treasures in the fire of our MN house last fall) I had to do something positive to change the course of my thoughts, mind and heart, which I did by taking another adventure I had yet to do here where I live in Mexico - a short boat trip to "Rock Island" (Isla de la Piedra) and the beautiful beach on the other side.


Anyways, this song also starts out, like Sharon's recent post ... the "Why Child" and had me thinking that perhaps my feelings were of remorse or regret (and out of a sense of guilt I had to write this) that came from a comment I made honestly on Sharon's post about "honoring our parents" (in my case, not honoring them, by my rebellious actions/words but I sought and received their forgiveness so now that's under the blood of Jesus). This song made me think of this again... and reading a great book that I just shared but I'll be moving that post to the 7th ...

Mazes, Messes, Miracles

"Hold me Jesus"

Please forgive me

Prince of Peace

surround my family
that are now with You 
celebrate my dear mom's birthday
in Your Heavenly Glory

Thank You for taking my mom's illnesses
giving her Your final healing
as she rests in
Your Peace

She did the best 
she could with me 
gave her all for me
and our family

so until we are reunited 
send her this rose
with all my love
give her a big hug
Thank You for making her
my mom

Let's celebrate 
"Fields of Grace"

Your aMazing Grace
overwhelms me
this is how I would celebrate
"If you I died tonight"

I know
where I will spend 

Happy Birthday Mom!
I love you!

added from the end of another post I had here when I rearranged

*Happy Birthday Mom!*
You have entered into His heavenly peace since 1986, 
wow that's a long time.
I pray we will all join you there. 
Yes, peace is the presence of Jesus!
[from the end of another post now on SONday]
I love you and miss you more and more!
EnJOY His Peace!

Eternal Rest Prayer / Réquiem Ætérnam from the Roman Catholic Church

"Eternal rest grant unto him/her (them), O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him/her (them). May he/she (they) rest in peace. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen."

Yes, Sharon, I wonder "WHY" far too often and question, question, question ... even this, that is engrained in me from my days growing up as a Catholic and all the funerals ... 

Why do we pray for REST or PEACE for the departed

If they knew Jesus, then they have been granted that ... eternally. It is those of us who remain, who need the PEACE when we sense the loss and so often we need to slow down and REST! Yet the day will come for each of us to either have HIS PEACE and REST forever, or we will be one of those that perish.

My prayer is that E.V.E.R.Y.ONE who hears/reads this today, receives a message for your personal salvation and eternity rests on this, SO THAT N.O.N.E. which means, not ONE will perish but have eternal life in Jesus Christ. He WON and wants you to know God personally through Him.

Follow the STEPS to PEACE (pdf)now for we never know when our day will come. 


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"The GREAT HOUSE of GOD ~ A Home for Your Heart"

Max Lucado

The Thomas Nelson description of "The Great House of God" by Max Lucado starts out with ... 
"God's greatest desire is to be your dwelling place. The home for your heart.
He doesn't want to be merely a weekend getaway. He has no interest in being a Sunday bungalow or even a summer cottage. He wants to be your mailing address, your point of reference, your home...always. He wants you to live in the Great House of God. ..."
and this is exactly how I felt as I read "The Great House of God ... " making God my dwelling place, through the detailed schematic of the house plan correlated with the "Our Father" prayer ... truly sensing this as a welcomed "... home for my heart". Only Max Lucado could come up with this spectacular new take on a scripture passage so well-known as a prayer by most; the prayer that Jesus used to teach us to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. I have read many teachings on the "Our Father" prayer base, its structure and how we are to pray this and the power and meaning in each line of the "Our Father"  yet this one refreshes and stirs even a greater longing in me to "come home". 

Max Lucado, as always, never disappoints, and wittingly walks us through the floor plan and rooms in the House of God, via a well structured plan using the Lord's prayer, taking us on a tour of the home God intends for us:
"...Warm your heart by the fire in the living room. Nourish your spirit in the kitchen. Seek fellowship in the family room. Step into the hallway and find forgiveness. 
It's the perfect home for you. After all, it was created with you in mind. There's only one home built just for your heart. No house more complete, no structure more solid."
Indeed, my heart was kindled, as I read the Kindle version, (pun intended) by the living room fire ... my spirit nourished in the kitchen, and I found a fresh forgiveness as I stepped into the hallway; seeking fellowship in the family room after establishing step by step from the foundation of trusting in God as Our Father, Abba, all the way to the Chapel, relying on His power. Max does not even leave out the walls that Satan has a part in, nor the roof beneath God's grace. I enjoyed learning again from a different perspective each line of the Our Father and how it relates to the home built just for our hearts. 

Although, I loved passing through each chapter, room and portion of this great prayer, the Throne Room, was my favorite; as we touch the heart of God. Yet truthfully and actually, as I entered each one, they in turn became my new favorite, because of the gifted way that Max Lucado paints so vividly with words. It is not at all difficult to understand how Max Lucado is a best selling author time and time again; the reason he is one of my favorites and one of the most requested of books by me. You can't go wrong with any of his books, but this one is highly recommended by me for a delightful, brilliant, master filled journey of 13 parts in God's Great House, where you'll be at home!!!
"... So come into the house built just for you. 
Your Father is waiting."
"It's the perfect home for you. After all, it was created with you in mind. There's only one home built just for your heart. No house more complete, no structure more solid.
The roof never leaks. The walls never crack. The foundation never trembles."
In the current events of the world, you will find security in this home for your heart and soul, a spiritual shelter and refuge! I need a foundation that will never tremble, a roof that will not leak and walls that never crack because I have been cracked, leaked many tears, and trembled in the tests of my faith. This book and this new look at the 'Our Father' prayer and image has reassured me of God's complete love and a home built in my heart, Solid in Him.

The added bonus of a wonderful study guide, well written by Steve Halliday, makes this book ideal for individual, small or large group studies. It's definitely a new treasure in my home.

Praying the Our Father will now create a new concrete image in my mind, heart and spirit of Abba, Our Master builder and heavenly Father, who Jesus methodically taught us to pray, honor and glorify each and every day so that when we "ask one thing of the Lord that we may dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (Psalm 27:4), we will realize the importance of each part and each room designed specifically with us in mind. God's House, not only is Great, He is Great and has invited us to make Him at home in our home. Welcome Him in now! He will shelter you, stretch you, humble you, provide for you, meet you, encompass you, build you up, nourish you, restore you, reveal Himself and His will to you each day as you pray "Our Father ... " this way as Max ends his book and God is glorified

"Our Father
Thank You for adopting me into Your family. 
who is (art)
Thank You, my Lord, for being a God of the present tense:  
my Jehovah-jireh (the God who provides), 
my Jehovah-raah (the caring Shepherd), 
my Jehovah-shalom (the Lord is peace), 
my Jehovah-rophe (the God who heals), and my Jehovah-nissi (Lord, my banner).
in heaven,
Your workshop of creation reminds me: If You can make the skies, You can make sense out of my struggles. 
Hallowed be your name.
Be holy in my heart. You are “a cut above” all else. Enable me to set my sights on You. 
Your kingdom come.
Come, kingdom! Be present, Lord Jesus! Have free reign in every corner of my life. 
Your will be done,
Reveal your heart to me, dear Father. Show me my role in your passion. Grant me guidance in the following decisions:(list them)  
. . .

On earth as it is in heaven.
Thank You that You silence heaven to hear my prayer. On my heart are the ones You love. 
I pray for . . . (list them)
Give us this day our daily bread.
I accept your portion for my life today. I surrender the following concerns regarding my well-being . . . 
And forgive us our debts,
I thank You for the roof of grace over my head, bound together with the timbers and nails of Calvary. There is nothing I can do to earn or add to your mercy. I confess my sins to You . . . 
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Treat me, Father, as I treat others. Have mercy on the following friends who have wounded me . . .
(list them
[as I let.it.go]
*my addition*
And do not lead us into temptation . . .
Let my small hand be engulfed in Yours. 
Hold me, lest I fall. I ask for special strength regarding . . . (name it) 
Our Father . . . give us . . . forgive us . . . 
lead us . . .
Let Your kindness be on all Your church.
I pray especially for ministers near and missionaries far away. 
For Yours—not mine—is the kingdom
I lay my plans at Your feet.
Yours—not mine—is the power
I come to You for strength.
Yours—not mine—is the glory
I give You all the credit.
Forever Amen!
~Max Lucado~

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this eBook free from the publisher, Thomas Nelson through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. 16 CFR, Part 255._

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


"The Respect Dare: 40 Days to a Deeper Connection with God and Your Husband" by Nina Roesner, seems to be a good companion to "The Love Dare" from the movie "Fireproof" drawing from the Bible verses in Ephesians 5:31-33

When I received this book from Booksneeze to review, I decided that I would read and do the book as it is intended, as a 40 day challenge to "experience the intimacy God intended and discover what He can do in my heart and in my marriage when I choose to show respect God's way." It truly seemed like a really wonderful way for me to start this year with the intention of improving both of these relationships and the intimacy being deepened through respect.
I took this book, one day at a time, with the expectation of learning the key to a successful marriage summed up in these two words: unconditional respect, just as a woman desires unconditional love. I actually believe that both love and respect are required from both partners as mutual and needs to be unconditional, at least that's what we strive for in our relationships. I really had high hopes that the application of these Bible verses could turn even my marriage around. However, not being at home with my spouse, made this a bit more of a challenge as I worked through each day's dares, more through reflection rather than being able to actually do the dare. So to be fair to the author's claim of practical advise about "what works" and her tangible ideas, I must be honest in admitting that I only visualized the possibility yet I truly hoped that my connection with God would be deepened in the process anyways. I agree wholeheartedly that "we are called to be a reflection of the life of Christ" as we are made in God's image, and that our marriage represents Christ and the Church, which means it is more about being like Jesus and representing that relationship well. Ultimately, that was my personal purpose for choosing this book and doing it as a daily dare. The "frosting on the cake" for me, would have been if I could have a radical change on me and thus, my marriage as well. Time will tell as I apply what I read. 

Nina Roesner enriches, challenges and affirms our journey to changing our marriages through true stories from the lives of real women. Each dare starts out with a Bible verse to focus the lesson through a true situation story,  concluding with a "Bottom Line", questions and actions to complete for the 'dare' for that day. I like this format, the spiritual growth concepts and the suggested opportunities to apply them – no matter where you are on your journey. I found most of them to be helpful and applicable. I'm not totally convinced however that all of her well thought out ideas could save a marriage that's in trouble like mine, but I'm sure that applying these practices of showing more respect would definitely improve a good relationship or even one that's struggling because they are based on God's Word and God will bless any effort to strengthen a marriage or relationship as He ordained it to function. I look forward to coming back to this book and improving my relationship by applying these ideas, at least trying. I definitely needed the self assessments and reflections along the way. I would have liked to not have to be reminded so much throughout the entire book of the "Daughters of Sarah" which became a bit annoying, although I'm sure they are wonderful.

I'd encourage you to give it a try and see what God may have in store for you and your marriage relationship, whether for maintenance or improvement. I'd recommend it for any woman willing to work at becoming a godly wife, whether newly wed or struggling to take your marriage and spirituality to the next level. If you are willing to change your attitude and yourself, in a day where respect seems to be dwindling in our culture and should not be, and our society tells us that respect is earned, God will honor that we respect one another and love unconditionally as He loves us. 

For more information on Nina Roesner,visit her site or the Daughters of Sarah website. Check out The Respect Dare website, too! I appreciated the resources and that these sites are available to further the motivation of completing "The Respect Dare" and daring to respect more! 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze® book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

I shared "The Respect Dare" when I first started the book and a video 
from Nina Roesner

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I do appreciate you so much!

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Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


