"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Sunday, June 25, 2017


Study On SONday

This week I am setting aside all the studies that I shared last week, to go back to "Whispers of Rest" Book Club once again, because this week is an important section for me and my 2017 One Word: Healing ... and after my week last week, this could not have fallen into place at a better time than now ... so as much as I'd love to share P31 OBS of Jennifer Rothschild's "Me, Myself and Lies" today; and Lifeway Women's OBS by Beth Moore "Entrusted" either Mon. and/or Thurs.; and Faith/Study Gateway's OBS with Anne Graham Lotz on "The Daniel Prayer" for Fri. as I managed to do last week - God called me aside and told me, for now, this week just focus on "Healing" ... as I'm SOAKING On SONday because at this point, I have not read ahead to know all that comes in these days in Bonnie's book, but this week is:

as the

"...Turn Brokenness into Beauty:
Experience a Deeper Intimacy with

Jesus whispers:

" I am making all things new. I will heal your brokenness into beauty."

Isaiah 43:19

Today should be Day 21 with Bonnie
but I will be doing each day
a day behind here so
this Monday
I'll be doing day 21

Day 22 Tues
 Day 23 Weds
 Day 24 Thurs
Day 25 Fri
 Day 26 Sat

{so if you are actually following along with Bonnie's Facebook
I think I will be 1 day off from what day she sends or shares in her book club and emails}

my reason is so I can do each day and contemplate 
on what I may decide to share or not
without thinking about publishing a post
since it's about my intimacy with Jesus and healing
but we'll see what happens
at least I will present
each day
for that day
{which is all I have set up each day in draft}
if they publish without anything else but that, know that I will be returning to that post and adding by that day's end

As I have written here often
each of us need
in one way or another

"... the wounds that once hurt you may still hold you back..."
Bonnie Gray, "Whispers of Rest"

and I might add that those same wounds
may resurface again because they still hurt
for some reason or another
we still need the
as we meet with Jesus this week
through Bonnie's devotionals
she will guide us to meet
Jesus in His most
vulnerable moments
wit reflections that invite Him into ours
to begin healing the feelings
of fear, shame, rejection
in the loving presence
of our Healer, our Savior
our precious Lord

we are not alone
in whatever we face
let's open our heart

Jesus is still the Healer!

if you are blessed so much
that you don't need any healing
this will be an opportunity anyways to
deepen your intimacy with Jesus

[image credit: bonnie gray]

I, for one, in fact, thought I was done with any healing I needed quite a while ago, yet I have found there are areas I perhaps never really healed ... but either forgot or stuffed them away so I could just go on with my life journey, then a "whisper" or worse a reminder, stirs up the pain or the wound and the need for healing to wash over you once again - God is not finished and He has His reasons and a special healing balm for you as you draw near and open up those wounds, see the scars, feel His touch, listen to His soothing whispers in His Word to you as His Beloved ... in whatever your situation, state of heart and mind, He desires you to find healing from the past, present or even future in the palm of His hand. Let us come to Him ...

Friday, June 23, 2017


"The Daniel Prayer"
Anne Graham Lotz

Anne Graham Lotz

... as promised ...

{my side note: actually I'm not too sure its Faith Gateway's OBS, since it's not on their website like the previous ones, under STUDIES, but is a separate link to Study Gateway (which I'm subscribed to) and this particular study, if you signed up like I did before I knew about so many being available; otherwise, it doesn't look like you can access it. Of course, these two are one in the same-kinda ... with Bible Gateway too (I think) Partners :) }

this week was


Scriptures this Week
This week we are reading Matthew 6:5-18 using the steps we learned in the Bible Study Workshop (session one). Some of you may want to do these all at once, others may decide to separate them for your daily quiet time --- one per day over five days. If you don't have your copy of the study guide yet, you can also write your responses in a personal journal or notebook. Here is the individual break-down:

Study 1: Matthew 6:5 (pgs 28-29 in study guide)
Study 2: Matthew 6:6 (pgs 30-31)
Study 3: Matthew 6:7-8 (pgs 32-33)
Study 4: Matthew 6:9-13 (pgs 34-35)
Study 5: Matthew 6:14-18 (pgs 36-37) 

{I imagine all of this is a little late, since it'd be best to break it down throughout the week, so you take a bite and receive nourishment each day from God's Word, this Study and Prayer} Since I am more focused elsewhere ... this is how it has to be for me. 

"This week we’re learning (ed) what the Bible says about preparing for prayer. Yes, we can pray any time and any place. While running, taking the train into work, picking up kids from school, sitting in a coffee shop with a friend, washing the dishes or folding laundry at the end of a long day — these are all great times to pray. But, having a prepared place and a prepared time set aside only for Jesus is so important in order to build a solid relationship with Him… which is what we need! If we want to be powerful in prayer, first we need to know Jesus. And, in order to know Him, we need to set aside a time and a place for Him. Let’s do it this week and see what God does!"

Part One: Preparing to Pray 
(hard bound copy rather than *study guide)

1. Committed to pray
2. Compelled to pray
3. Centered in prayer

*it's the Study Guide that this Study is using that accompanies the DVDs and the book, but there is much more available in the actual book by Anne Graham Lotz, as often happens, most can't afford both. So it's Part One in the book but Session Two in the Study Guide and Session Three-Prompting in Prayer - I know I'm just confusing this.

I am and have been committed, compelled and centered!

Anne's video is a little over 17 minutes long
but packed with points

Heaven is moved and our Nation is changed
 (in my case, I need to start with my family first)

4 characteristics of Daniel's habit of prayer

-meet the Lord in my "prepared place
with all my materials gathered

-Daniel also prepared the time set aside
(he did so 3 times a day)

-create an atmosphere of reverence, respect
a prepared attitude focused on God

-cultivate an attitude of gratitude
look at our circumstances through the lens of God's love
and purpose, an attitude of worship and thanksgiving

for the
Daniel Prayer
a place, a time, the atmosphere, the attitude

May I pray like Daniel:

I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed:

“Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws.We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes and our ancestors, and to all the people of the land.
“Lord, you are righteous, but this day we are covered with shame—the people of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, both near and far, in all the countries where you have scattered us because of our unfaithfulness to you. We and our kings, our princes and our ancestors are covered with shame, Lord, because we have sinned against you. The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him; 10 we have not obeyed the Lord our God or kept the laws he gave us through his servants the prophets. 11 All Israel has transgressed your law and turned away, refusing to obey you.
“Therefore the curses and sworn judgments written in the Law of Moses, the servant of God, have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against you. 12 You have fulfilled the words spoken against us and against our rulers by bringing on us great disaster. Under the whole heaven nothing has ever been done like what has been done to Jerusalem. 13 Just as it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come on us, yet we have not sought the favor of the Lord our God by turning from our sins and giving attention to your truth. 14 The Lord did not hesitate to bring the disaster on us, for the Lord our God is righteous in everything he does; yet we have not obeyed him.
15 “Now, Lord our God, who brought your people out of Egypt with a mighty hand and who made for yourself a name that endures to this day, we have sinned, we have done wrong.16 Lord, in keeping with all your righteous acts, turn away your anger and your wrath from Jerusalem, your city, your holy hill.Our sins and the iniquities of our ancestors have made Jerusalem and your people an object of scorn to all those around us.
17 “Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. For your sake, Lord, look with favor on your desolate sanctuary.18 Give ear, our God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. 19 Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.”

my favorite podcast this week and prayer Focus for Friday
great devotional on Prayer via this song
from another new site "More Than a Song" I found and love

is the most current
perfect for
"Whispers of Rest"

    {I hate to voice my opinion here, but I've put off writing anything about this for some time, and although this Study is not the only one (3 of mine) that is this way, I guess I've had my fill of this, and want to speak out.

    Many of these "Studies" take place in private (closed) groups on Facebook (which is great if you do Facebook and if you are a participant, because it protects your privacy somewhat). However, if you choose not to ... or have not succumbed to "joining" yet another social media site like Facebook, this 'tool' is excluding you from participating without having Facebook. I have stayed clear this far from completely being a Facebook member (?) but these type of groups are almost soliciting in a way to be part of Facebook, even though many speak about "shutting down" social media to spend time with God or family etc., this seems to be promoting being part of yet another social media. I will take this to PRAYER once again but I don't hear God calling me to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. yet I do hear others inviting us in ... which is even more concern for me, to stay away and resist being a part. I am far from a saint but I firmly see this as following the popular crowd of society and I know that alot of good probably happens because of this however, I have a real check about this just like expecting "followers" on my blog ... clearly I could write much more and many of you might wish to "defend" or point out in a Christian way the good of this, yet I am not open to debate here and thus, am closing comments. This was not at all the purpose of this post and it now may seem like it is/was due to the length. My apologies to this Study and you, if you do FB}


    Thursday, June 22, 2017


    Online Bible Study
    2 Timothy
    Beth Moore
    and her book

    Session 2
    {publishing at noon so I can link up hopefully and attempt to at least do today's}
    of course, if I'm caught up, it's Session 2's video with Beth today -yeah!
    otherwise I have some reading to do

    -the video offers a glimpse of Paul's first letter to Timothy
    -establishes the concept captured in the title of this 6 week study

    WEEK 2

    Day 1: "A Clear Conscience"
    Timothy, the Corinthians and Paul's way of life in Christ (next level with Melissa)
    Day 2: "I Remember"
    Day 3: "His Own"
    Day 4: "Because I Know the One"
    Let No One Despise Him (next level with Melissa)
    Day 5: "Left and Found"

    Each day starts with a 
    (day one of week 2)
    2 Timothy 1:3a
    (of scripture)

    {sampling of the questions interspersed in Day One}

    Do you sense any intensification in the second letter?
    If so, in what way?

    How did Paul serve according to 2 Timothy 1:3?

    1 Timothy 1:13-15

    Paul had been the believing recipient of a work described in
    Hebrews 10:19-23
    Read this passage and record the basis of 
    "a true heart in full assurance of faith."

    (then the study goes into a guilty conscience and more from)
    Hebrews 9:11-22; Hebrews 9:18-20 (Exodus 24:1-11)
    flip back to Hebrews 10:19-23
    Focus on Hebrews 10:22 (circle 'sprinkled' and 'washed')
    To make the connection with Hebrews 10:22, you need only read two verses. Record the act of consecration taken in each:
    Exodus 29:4
    Exodus 29:21

    {of course, there is wonderful information written as well}

    "He gave His life not only as our sin offering but our guilt offering."

    this is just day one, pages 47-52, glimpse

    Beth Moore
    brings depth
    (and Melissa Moore takes us another step deeper- with level 4 & 5)

    Tuesday, June 20, 2017

    Monday, June 19, 2017

    MOORE On Monday (MOM)

    with one of two of the newest
    Online Bible Study

    {which I shared last Thurs. and promised to update on Mon.}
    Beth Moore

    "...and a promise is a promise"

    Even if I am not at all caught up with this "Entrusted" study, I've already missed publishing SOS (which I'm saving to post about either P31's OBS "Me, Myself and Lies" or Faith Gateway's "Daniel Prayer") and nothing else has been done either like my book review long overdue (so much so, that I have now been deactivated-sigh) yet I'm still loving Faith Barista Bonnie Gray daily with "Whispers of Rest" (which I have set aside my Weds. to share, but I'd really love to do them daily online but it's enough for me to just take time to do them first thing in the morning and 'breathe ...just breathe' ... yes, I 'bit off more than I could chew' but ... I just did not want to miss out on any of these, they are so good!!! And ENTRUSTED is as I thought, packed with so many details, in its thin study guide of 179 [large 8 1/2 by 11] pages filled to the brim, no matter which of the 5 levels you choose to do, just check out the outline of Week 1. 

    Day One: "A Trail of Two Cities"
    On Reading Scripture
    Day 2 (Sat. or Sun.) "Meet the Teacher"
    Day 3 (Mon.) "Where Was He When"
    Day 4 (Tues.) "A Beeline to City Three"
    Theology: A Collective Struggle
    Day 5 (Weds.) "A New Son and A Circumcision"

    according to my own plan, I should be on

    Day 3
    "Where Was He When"

    FLASH FORWARD: 1 Corinthians 2:2

     Job 38:4
    who asked the question, who was addressed and what was the occasion for the
    "where were you when ______________"?
    the glaring event for the early church
    "where were you when they crucified Jesus?"

    Acts 20:16
    "why didn't Saul of Tarsus stay in Ephesus?"

    (this is just the first 2 pages of this day with much background information)

    2 more pages packed
    and then Day 3 ends with this:

    "On the high road of that rabid zeal we land our lesson. Read Acts 9:1-9 and, if you've read it many times, try to read it with new eyes. If you're like me, (Beth Moore) some responsive thoughts are rolling around in your head as you raise your chin from that page. Record two of them as your conclusion today~"Entrusted" by Beth & Melissa Moore
    1 Corinthians 15:8

    Since this is my first Beth Moore actual study, I don't want to miss anything! I can tell it'd be so,much better in a church group or sitting in the group as Beth instructs us - but for now the videos will do just fine. And I'm thrilled to be able to view them online without having to purchase them right now. 

    WEEK 1

    Lots to think about and this is just the background and introduction
    This Thursday we'll be in WEEK 2 when we actually start with


    but all this preparation is so good


    In "WHISPERS of REST" today's
    DAY 15
    in Part 3 "Dreaming as the Beloved"
    Rejuvenate Your Passion for Life12

    {oh yeah}


    {more on my Weds. WOW}

    I apologize for not posting anything for SOS from those two wonderful studies mentioned above ... so I may go back and add a post on SONday 6pm for P31 and perhaps Faith Gateway's Ann Graham Lotz "Daniel Prayer" OBS on Friday {if I can do it ahead of time to publish on Friday and sum up this week rather than look ahead to the next, but she also is such an excellent teacher and guide for "praying"} 

    Perhaps if you read 
    Acts 9:1-9
    you might share with me
    your thoughts that
    "are rolling around in your head"
    from what it said
    to you

    Sunday, June 18, 2017


    Study On SONday

    P31 OBS
    Jennifer Rothschild's book
    "Me, Myself, and Lies"


    Proverbs 16:23 (NIV84) | "A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction." | Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies | Week 2 Verse | #NoMoreLies #P31OBS
    [image credit: P31]

    "...  Jennifer gives us a battle plan to help shut the door to those negative thoughts:
    The three R’s — Recognize, Refuse and Replace
    I know I find it hard to Refuse the “lie.” That’s the one “R” I want to work on this week. What’s the most difficult “R” for you? What can you do to shut the door on your negative thoughts?"
    - See more at: P31 OBS and Jennifer Rothschild's book, "Me, Myself and Lies"
    I am only highlighting this so you can link up or follow along with
    Proverbs 31 OBS
    who already do an exceptionally wonderful weekly discussion
    but there's quite often so many "comments"
    it's hard for me to connect
    but I love them, their choices for book studies and their team
    No reason for me to reinvent what they do so well


    you are certainly welcome to comment here rather or in addition to there
    because I have so few comments, you're guaranteed that I won't miss it

    I'll Repeat the questions (and that's not even one of the "R") here:
    What’s the most difficult “R” for you? 
    What can you do to shut the door on your negative thoughts?"

    For me,
    I'm sure I struggle with all 3 of the "R's"
    but initially it has to be

    because often I don't realize that and recognize it as a lie
    but receive the lie as truth
    usually spoken by another but rehearsed and replayed
    in my mind without recognizing it as a lie
    or device of the enemy to mess me up
    but I am getting better at discerning a lie spoken to me

    and I guess
    that if I knew the answer to the 2nd part of this ?
    I would have written JR's book and not be struggling with this,
    hoping I will learn from this book how to shut the door
    especially when the negative thoughts are mine or 
    spoken by me to others (but I sure hope not)


    Going to try to do Fridays for
    Faith Gateway's OBS
    "The Daniel Prayer"
    Anne Graham Lotz
    but I will share on
    that week's link

    Session 2
    "Preparing for Prayer"

    What are some areas you need to work on to better 
    prepare your heart to pray as Daniel did?

    {but this is for Friday for me here, if I get to it before then; 
    if not, this will have to do-sorry}

    Thursday, June 15, 2017

    TRUSTING ...

    Beth Moore

    A Study of 2 Timothy

    starts today with

    Online Bible Study"Entrusted"

    (videos up until August 15, 2017)

    Are you ready?
    for 6 weeks

    [image credit: lifeway.com]

    Lifeway and Beth Moore

    {if I share anything, it'll be either Thurs. like Lifeway OBS or back to MOORE ON MONDAY like I had}

    This week, complete Week 1
    Divine Triangulation (pages 12-43) 
    in your Bible study book

    I thought it was just the Introduction, but we're digging right in to the
    5 days of material this week already

    ACTS 14

    So today, I am watching the video
    and filling in the
    Viewer's Guide

    Friday is my day offline so either Fri. or Sat. 
    I will be doing Day One: "A Trail of Two Cities"
    On Reading Scripture

    Day 2 (Sat. or Sun.) "Meet the Teacher"
    Day 3 (Mon.) "Where Was He When"
    Day 4 (Tues.) "A Beeline to City Three"
    Theology: A Collective Struggle
    Day 5 (Weds.) "A New Son and A Circumcision"

    {interesting titles for background introduction of Paul and Timothy}

    2 Timothy begins in

    I am so enjoying Bonnie's Book Club of "Whispers of Rest" and would love to be reading "Me, Myself and Lies" by Jennifer Rothschild with P31 OBS but I've had this study since the beginning of 2017 when I purchased "Redeemed" and my first real book by Beth Moore (though I have many in my Kindle) but was disappointed when I opened the book and realized that I didn't get the DVDs so I could listen and watch Beth Moore teaching this and NOW I have the opportunity to do this at LIFEWAY so I can't miss out on this, nor should you. The Study videos are long, approximately 65 minutes so they are well worth setting time aside to at least watch these ... if you can't get the "Entrusted" Bible Study book right now. 

    Often when I start a Bible Study, I need to define the title or understand why the author entitles their study with that title, so

    Entrusted: 1. To give over (something) to another for care, protection, or performance 2. To give as a trust to someone

    I needed to see if there is a correlation between "trust" and "entrust" and 2 Timothy! 

    {I did not realize this was focused on MENTORING, but it seems so from this opening session. How I know I would have grown spiritually if I had a mentor and by now should be mentoring someone but as Beth points out we feel inadequate and need to get over that. How true.}


    To my faithful visitors;
    all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
    I do appreciate you so much!

    Thank you for taking your time to visit!

    Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


