"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Sunday, July 21, 2019


In what may seem like 'time off' in between Part 2 and Part 3 of "EMBRACED...", it's not at all ... I actually am starting a new study at First 5 app (besides my regular Bible reading plans at You Version) ... I'm looking forward to the study of I & II Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude starting July 22nd called:


Already but Not Yet Experience Guide

{even considering getting this experience guide}

This is their description:

"How do you stay hopeful when today is so hard?
Right now, there’s a gap between your current circumstances and what you’ve prayed for God to do. Sometimes in the wait — maybe in the first few days or weeks — it’s easy to trust God with your prayers and have hope. But what about when those days and weeks turn into months and years? 
Whatever you're waiting on, we're here to find hope in the hard days alongside you. 
Join us in the First 5 app as we journey through 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude in the Already, but Not Yet study. And if you’re in the middle of a wait right now, the Experience Guide is the perfect tool for you to use to make your study even more personal and keep track of how God moves in your life each day throughout the 5-week study!"

Over this weekend, First 5 
shared a Weekend Teaching on
TRUST Issues
which is exactly how Part 3 begins in
{worth checking out, it's audio}

and my first post of Part 3 will be on August 1st on this

why not give the First 5 app a try?
and dive into reading these books in the Bible

Curiously, I wanted to look into their title of this next study and found this:
"What is the concept of 'already but not yet'?"

Answer: The theological concept of “already but not yet” holds that believers are actively taking part in the kingdom of God, although the kingdom will not reach its full expression until sometime in the future. We are “already” in the kingdom, but we do “not yet” see it in its glory. The “already but not yet” theology is related to kingdom theology or inaugurated eschatology


Saturday, July 20, 2019



... Knowing God is Holding Me (YouClose

Part 2: 
the Fullness Found Only in Him


44. "The Courageous Choice" Philippians 1:20

"It is possible to layer one courageous choice upon another and find victory in your area of struggle."

45. "Telling My Flesh No"  Ephesians 3:17-18

"If we grasp the full love of Christ, we won't grab at other things to fill us."

46. "Why Do I Have So Many Issues" Romans 8:1

"How dangerous it is to hold up the intimate knowledge of our imperfec-tions against the outside packaging 
of others."

47. "If Only We Knew" Hebrews 4:15-16

"One drop of the Lord's mercy is better than an ocean of the world's temporary comforts."

48. "The Real Peace We Need" John 20:19

Do I want to make peace or progress? | Lysa TerKeurst

The Secret For Unleashing God's Peace In Your Situation | 

"The peace that flows despite circumstances can only be found through Jesus being with us."

As I reflected over this past week's devotions, there was not really one that stood out and spoke to me, although each one points us toward "the real peace" and "EMBRACING the Fullness Found Only in Him". Before reading #46 and #47, I thought that I would be sharing one of these two, yet not after I read them. Back in the late 80s and early 90s, I often felt when I went to church "why do I have so many issues?" however, it wasn't the one that Lysa shares, and yet currently it may be ... Lysa does write that her issue may not be ours but assures us that "All God's Girls have issues. Every single one of us" that we wonder about and ...

"...Jesus wants to help you with that issue. He really does. But you've got to stop beating yourself up about it and determine to follow His lead. ... But we can make the choice to identify our shortcomings and instead of using them against ourselves, hand them over to Jesus and let Him chisel our rough places. The grace filled way Jesus chisels..."

"...Having issues isn't the absence of victory in our lives. It's simply a call to action reminding us victory is right around the corner. Today is a great day to start be-lieving you were made to walk in victory..."

"The Real Peace We Need"

the Fullness Found Only in Him

truly living and believing
Jesus understands and cares
for us so deeply

I know and hope you too
have EMBRACED this


I decided to wait to begin Part 3, "Embracing Him in the Midst of Hurt & Heartache" which begins with #49 and would have been this week. It might have been that I was subconsciously avoiding "EMBRACING" hurt and heartache. However, the reason was more simple and basic: the devotions ended before the week did and I did not want to start the next part, even before I looked again at what this part was going to be about. But for sure when I did turn to this part and read the title, I chose to wait on this one.

After this journey through EMBRACING the Fullness Found Only in Him, I probably should be ready to "EMBRACE Him in the Midst of Hurt and Heartache" yet I'm sure that this is the only way that I've ever come through any hurt or heartache because Our Lord was with me, embracing me and I clinging to embracing Him. Really for any of us dealing with or having journeyed through our hurts, heartaches and the pain in life, I can only believe that it's because of this mutual EMBRACE that we make it through and go forward inspite and despite all that life throws at us, with scars, bruises and so much aching ... we hold on because of God holding us in the midst and the encouragement to face all of it with Him and go on. So thankful that God knows and looks at our hearts ...

Those who do not know this incredible EMBRACE of Jesus, His love and mercies, His grace and power, must find it near impossible to come through life unscathed, and I guess this may be why some give up, and give up their own lives too ... sadly. The despair of not finding that EMBRACE, or believing that Jesus will not see them through nor can He, of not accepting Jesus' truth and having a deep relationship in the midst of any hurt or heartache ... would cause any of us to be defeated, discouraged and disheartened in the midst of our battles through our life journeys, hopefully not letting the enemy of our souls deceive us and win, but truly EMBRACING Him, His Life and His Promises for an eternal life, where all this heartache will be wiped away. 

So I wait to begin ...

Saturday, July 13, 2019



... Knowing God is Holding Me (YouClose

Part 2: 
the Fullness Found Only in Him


37. "Shocked by My Own Advice" Matthew 7:13-14

"Conformed or transformed? The choice is mine. If I want to be a sold-out somebody for God, I have to break away from the everybody crowd."Lysa, p.116

38. "The Value of Emptiness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

"The more dependent we become on God's strength the less enamored we will be with other choices." Lysa,p.119

39. "Satan's Plan Against You" 1 John 2:16

"Satan's power over us is nothing compared to the freeing promises of God." Lysa, p.121 & 122

40. "When the End Goal Seems Too Hard" 2 Peter 1:5-6

"Big things are built one brick at a time. Victories are achieved one choice at a time. A life well lived is chosen one day at a time."Lysa, p.124

41. "Replacing Old Lies with New Truths"Romans 8:38-9

"If we are really going to make progress toward lasting changes, we have to empty ourselves of the lie that other people or things can ever fill our hearts to the full." Lysa, p.126

42. "Turning North" Deuteronomy 2:2-3

"Am I letting the mess define me or refine me?" Lysa, p. 129

43. "How Much will This Choice Really Cost Me?"
2 Corinthians 2:11

"If I know how much something is going to cost me, I make much wiser choices." Lysa, p. 132


As I read through these chapter titles before reading the daily devotions, I was sure that #38 and #39 (somewhat related to #41) were the ones that stood out for me so that I might write on one of them. But it wasn't so - thankfully. Hopefully that means I am finally getting this saturated into my thinking and life. Oh, then thinking about "when the end goal seems too hard" (#40), I was sure this would be it, because when I'm in that place (I'm sure you all get to this point when you face hard times that you can't help but feel this "seems too hard") - beyond what you think you might be able to bear ... we often find ourselves so discouraged - but not even #40 is the one, although it came close. If I look at the scriptures with each one, I might have chosen one of these ... however, it was not the scripture that drew me, rather the directional compass of "Turning North" and what that meant or means for me that made the difference, especially when Lysa starts out with:

"We all have MESSES in our lives ... Messes that leave us feeling stuck...

[the writing in between the ... listed some of the different "messes"]

Having MESSES in my life and as part of my blog title, I could not avoid paying closer attention as I read this one ... and one of my biggest messes was in her list, but whether Lysa covered yours or not, I'm sure you may have a "mess" that pops into your mind, whether we like to admit it or not. Life is and gets messy. It was thinking about Lysa's quote question boxed above and "circling the same mountain for too long" of Moses and the people of Israel, that caused me to pause, relating this to my life.

When I was really making a MESS out of every part of my life, I had a very poor directional compass, meaning I hardly ever followed the direction my inner compass of the Holy Spirit, who must have been yelling "straight ahead," not right or left with the many times I made detours, not listening to that inward voice just an outward push or propensity of my own. I could not understand why I kept circling in the same MESS or found myself broken over the same old same old... it was frustrating, and I think I wore a deep rut pattern that I kept falling into. I tried to get rid of those feelings, those messes, those poor choices, decisions and behaviors that became poor habits - not any substance addictions just not the Christ-like life I professed to living or believing. 

{So this is part of my "mess" of #42 - the other part, is separate from this}.

Years later, when I finally became a little better at hearing the Holy Spirit and really seeking God's will and following it and Him more closely, learning to wait until I heard "go", or stay or move. I was living and serving in Mexico so I really needed to hone in and listen carefully and closely to God, since I was basically on my own with Him, as my Companion, Direction and Compass.

I thought that I needed to come back home and stay many times, I  even tried to live in another part of my state, working with migrant children, but still felt the tug of Mexico. So back and forth I went for 20 years ... although about 13 years into this, I started asking God to open the doors or close the door, to going back to MN. My spouse kept insisted that I stay and live in MX, but I desired more and more to do what God led me to do, not him. Then we had our devastating house fire, which was considered a total loss ... and I thought surely it's time now. My spouse still insisted I wait a year until the rebuilt house was done and then another for some additions, and on and on things were happening yet he tried to delay my coming home, actually it no longer was home, but a new house.

I heard God speak to me in 2015 and finally 2016, I knew that I needed to be "Turning North" literally ... back to that northern state of MN, where I was born and raised and lived for most of my life. You see, my spouse had a car accident and surgery that I came home for, but a discovery was made after our house fire in my spouse, because of the various dr. appointments, he was diagnosed with beginning stages of Alzheimers (I shared about this disease on my Mission blog back then). I wanted to come back before the disease progressed too far, to be there for him, while he still knew who I was ... little did either of us know that before Alzheimers would rob his mind of so much stored there, that he would have not one but two strokes now (maybe more). Yet his mind is still active and he keeps working on projects and writing his life story. I only wish that Jesus was a part of his story so I'm still waiting. 

We live out in the country (as you might know from other blog posts and some photos of nature I've shared) so because of this the night sky is very clear on a clear night, at times we can see the Northern Lights over the backdrop of our pine trees but often we can see that North Star shining brightly and then I can see how much "Turning North" has always meant to me. It shows me God's faithfulness and His goodness, how no matter where I am I can spot that star but when I'm home, I see it even brighter and realize that I've stopped "circling the same mountain" of long ago - thank God, however I find myself still "circling" yet another mountain ... knowing that God is my Refiner and He's still working on me and yes, though I may not see ... He's working on completing another person's story and bringing it full circle, I just need to be patient and believe, with hope God can move the mountains and 40 years in a wilderness will seem like nothing. Messes can become Miracles! 

" ... It was a pivotal moment for them to remember. One where they had faced a life-changing choice. They could stay stuck, endlessly circling the same old place, or they could choose hope and head in a new direction with the Lord. ..."

I choose Hope!

I EMBRACE the Refining process and will not let my MESSES
define me (nor others, nor the enemy)

I will continue to "replace old lies" with God's Truth.

When the "end goal seems too hard"
I will press on, not give up.

Because I know the "value of emptiness", I will 
be more dependent on God and God's unwavering strength,
not living in my own strength and risking failure.

I will pray that God daily give me a
"keen sense of awareness of the
Enemy's plans and schemes
against me"
so that
I will recognise his traps and avoid them
I will EMBRACE God's all powerful truth in His freeing

I know how much my choices have cost me 
and am shocked by my own advice
{ok, Lysa's advice that I agree with}
I will break up with unhealthy choices as
God reveals and enables me!

Victories and a Life

one brick at a time
one choice at a time
one day at a time


God's Transforming Power
that He is doing
in me and around me
in Jesus' name

Saturday, July 6, 2019



... Knowing God is Holding Me (YouClose

Part 2: 
the Fullness Found Only in Him

When I thought about breaking these down, it was after I linked the ones that I was able to find, and as I began reading them daily, I discovered that I might want to share some insights or as I did in the first part, a quote of Lysa's or something personal

... but when I got to #33, which I did not link or find so you could read it also, I decided since it was and wasn't what I (or you) might have expected that I should share. Mostly because the sweet story she shared was about her fur baby, Chelsea ... which did not turn out to be as tragic as a similar story I have with one of my many fur babies doing the same thing ... and those of us who have and love our pets can dearly relate. Yet only Lysa (unlike me) can make a spiritual lesson or connection, boundaries, in part, in this case. However, this devotion of hers, perhaps is the reason God chose to spring my deer-ly delight that inspired me to write about them, since here in the midst of God's beauty in nature, I often succumb to "where brokenness runs deep" over this, that and a lifetime of healing needed, not taking note of the many other delights and blessings I do have here. Perhaps some of you are experiencing much deeper hurt and brokenness ... and found comfort in Psalm 16 or another psalm of lament, or another passage to see you through your own pain (current or past). So the story of Chelsea is what I'd like to share about my own ... not the part on boundaries or brokenness, because that would take an entire book for me.

Anyways, I was not going to write on #33, but #35, so I find myself drawn to share on both. By the time I arrived at #35, I knew I had to write. Thus the reason for a seperate blog post from the original. My writing is not as profound and concise (or spiritual as Lysa's) yet I will share in hopes that I testify, inspire or encourage - some from her and some from me. After all, she does inspire me. In fact, while in Mexico, reading Proverbs 31 Ministries' blog and the author's blogs from the team, were the inspiration for me to start blogging, before I even knew what it is/was back before 2008. I found other bloggers and memes, so little by little, I too, began to write and thought I could 'blog', knowing very little about it, I learned and made every effort ... until all this stuff on copyright, etc. and now 'cookies' (which I shouldn't have any) showed up and has made it more difficult to keep a blog going.

{everything boxed belongs to Lysa}

31. "The Pathway to Humility" 
Deuteronomy 8:3

"Humility will always cost us something but will be worth the price we pay." Lysa, p.98, "Embraced..."

32. "What are You Missing"

"Seeking requires me to sacrifice the things I feel compelled to chase so I can be available to notice God's clear direction." p.102

33. "Where Brokenness Runs Deep"
Psalm 16:5-6

"Sometimes we need boundaries around our own unique struggles ..."

In Lysa's devotion, she tells a story about her sweet little dog, Chelsea, who, in her words, "... is obsessed with trying to attack the tires..." as she exercises her freedom beyond her fenced in yard to run and play whenever someone drives up the driveway. As a result one day, she had an unfortunate encounter but survived with a broken front leg and scraped-up back leg and nose. Poor baby and of course, Lysa wept ... I did too, without even seeing it, because sadly I can relate. Not with my current dog family, but a dear dachshund, Champion, who I left behind when I went to Mexico. My Champ, just like Chelsea, loved to run the length of our driveway, fiercely attempting to stop that 4 wheel beast. However, one day, one of those beasts ended up taking the life of our dear little Champ. I could hardly believe the long distance news, but I guess I was thankful not to see him that way. Later that fall, it was similar news of my dear dad, only 15 days before his 90th birthday. 

So for me, it is one devastating blow after another ... quite often. Like last year, when my spouse was in ICU after suffering a cerebellar stroke, he was doing exceptional at recovering until that 5th day of observation, when the swelling went to the front lobe of his brain causing speech and swallowing difficulties. Earlier that morning, our little papa dog, Chimi, died and now this. My spouse was discharged on Hospice Care. Then once again, made remarkable, miraculous recovery ... by November 2nd taken off Hospice because he was able to go it on his own. Then this past weekend, another stroke in a different place in his brain that caused temporary weakness and paralysis to his right side, but released already this past Monday after only 3 days, once again on his own. {at least he thinks so, I know otherwise} Yes, we all have our limits and our boundaries. By God's grace, we are given both boundaries, limitations and many chances to get our life on the right track and come to surrender to Jesus, not make it on our own, because our eternal life is not based on anything we do, on our own, it's only because of Jesus Christ. 

Champ went beyond his boundaries and it cost him his very life. My spouse has gone beyond his limits more than once now, and yet through many prayers on his behalf he was strengthened, and with self-determination (in his own eyes) he is continuing to live, although he knows his days are limited (he says he's terminal) ... in a sense, we all are, yet those of us, who have placed our lives and trust in Jesus Christ, will see our earthly terminal end become an eternal beginning of life with God, because we choose (chose) to accept Jesus as our Savior and surrendered our life to Him and His way. We are not made to be a victim of our poor choices and decisions. We are made to be victorious, overcoming children of God. (paraphrased from one of the things that Lysa wrote we need to remind ourselves

"God helps us put boundaries in place, knowing that we need more time to heal before we step outside of them. Honoring those boundaries helps strengthen us and moves us forward in our healing."

[This was in relationship to her Chelsea needing to allow 3 weeks to heal and Lysa loving her enough, to not let her go outside].

"... but my love for this dog would not permit me to allow her to harm herself. Her brokenness couldn't handle that kind of freedom."...

In my own life, I have been in that place where my brokennness could not handle that kind of freedom but also where my fragile state could not handle the brokenness nor the lack of freedom. 

Another point Lysa reminds herself when struggling and considering a compromise, is to force herself to think past the moment and ask herself "how will I feel about this choice tomorrow?" 

Other reminders from Lysa paraphrased: Boundaries need to be put in place, not for restriction, but to define the parameters of our freedom. In situations where temptation is overwhelming, one must remove the temptation or remove themselves from the situation and avoid the temptation. Frankly, after years of failing at this and ending up with awful consequences, I truly know how hard battles are and the cost of waging a war. I am not powerless but the power I have found is only by the Holy Spirit and it has taken years to rely on hearing His guiding voice and direction for me. It doesn't or hasn't taken getting ran over by the beast, but often I feel like I have and there are plenty of battle scars to show for my physical, spiritual and emotional wounds, however there also are glorious healings and growth in my journey ... as I am trying to learn much about establishing boundaries, I never had and knowing my limits. The problem is that others exceed their boundaries, limits and control and cause continuing conflicts with no resolutions. So I withdraw and isolate rather than try any longer to confront. I find myself... 

34. "Consumed by Cravings"

"We were made to crave - long for, want greatly, desire eagerly and beg for - God. Only God." p.108

35. "Physically Overweight and Spiritually Underweight"
John 4:34

" Jesus wants us to know only He can fill us and truly satisfy us." p.111

Since I exceeded my limits on #33, making this so very long ... I will only briefly comment on this one because a few of these devotions are from Lysa's "Made to Crave" book and you might think that if you don't have a food issue, you don't need these devotions, but that's not so ... because you can apply much of this to your own struggle. I know I did to others but this one is. And most definitely is my "pathway to humility".

My personal comment that has to do with me physically gaining so such weight in the last 3 years since I moved back from Mexico to this 'fast food' frenzy that I am more than likely not just considered to be overweight, but obese. I do not eat alot just eat the wrong kinds of food - mainly junk. This has become a new struggle for this child of God that use to be underweight.

It more than likely is also contributing to my other health issues like high blood pressure. I know this but don't know how to change nor do I really want to ... (yeah that's fat talking). I need prayer and exercise, not diet (haha) ... I hope that my spiritual condition seriously is not 'underweight' because I'm 'overweight' in the other... it's a matter of balance. In Mexico, I maintained a weight every year that I came home, it was the same, however that too was already over my weight but not my range, so I remained comfortable with it. Please don't send me ideas or weight loss plans, though they would be good in intent, I wouldn't even drink those special powder drinks nor could I comply. I won't excuse my poor eating choices or be content as an obese person, it's embarassing. But if you pass me on the street or in those pearly gates, don't tell me, you told me so, just let me know, you were praying. I do not crave food ... I long for God, more of Him and less of me. (I guess that's also less for me but physically less of me would really be good. No sagging, bagging, overstuffed places.) I desire eagerly to have..

36. "An Undivided Heart"
Psalm 73:26

"How many times have I claimed to be a woman of faith but rarely lived a life requiring faith? "

{this kinda all runs together}
Ending with

*Prayer(s) from Lysa are like those included at the end of every devotion so...

"Dear Lord, I know that it is true that only You can fill me. I acknowledge that You are the Lord of my life. {in every areaI want to please You today {and every day} in all that I do {and am}. Help me to follow You with my whole heart. I want and need to live apart from the everybody crowd. Free me of my distractions. Remove my insecurities. You know where my brokenness runs deep. Please help me to set some healthy boundaries and to heal. {Meanwhile give me the strength I need to endure and press on facing each day and every moment with a spirit of thankfulness and a fresh breath of heaven to fill me, renew me and restore me to the redeemed daughter of God, You made me to be, and live life EMBRACING You and Your fullness, showing me how to 'love life again' with an 'unsinkable faith' in You, setting aside all that hinders me from living Christ like and full} In Jesus' precious name ... 

*a compilation of some of Lysa's ending prayers with {my own additions}...

I hope you're not overwhelmed by my many thoughts
and the length of this blog post
as I keep on

His Fullness
the Fullness only Found
in Him

Thursday, July 4, 2019


I have many thoughts about my precious deer family and truly hope this upload of my video of them works so you too can deer-ly EMBRACE ... FREEDOM and the FULLNESS I've found
Only in Him

that HE is GOD"


God seems to know exactly how seeing any of our deer crew delights my soul and when I need a sweet reminder, all of a sudden, one of them appears ... and I know that God sees me, knows me and loves to delight me with these little ones. As I go out to bring them food (and all the other critters that rob what they can), I try to calmly near them and repeat this verse "be still..." 

They look just like this photo on this Character Booklet I treasure. I love that deer along with horses exemplify "attentiveness"... and  even like dogs, all 3 show their attentiveness by the use of their ears. After discovering my own loss of hearing, trying to get use myself to hearing aides now ... with years of seeing how the loss of hearing affected someone I observe closely, but now I experience this on a lesser degree, I too have learned that I need to lean in, and focus when someone is talking and be attentive, pay attention better. I find any other noise easily distracts me. I love how this booklet begins with clarifying "attentiveness vs. distraction".

"Attentiveness is showing the worth of a person by giving undivided concentration to their words."

The Hebrew word for 'attentive' is qashshab, which means "to prick up the ears," as in the action of a horse, donkey, deer, dog ... The Greek word for 'attentive' (I can't type out the Greek word pronounced (ek-KREH-mah-my) means "to hang upon the lips of a speaker; to listen closely." The Latin root of 'attentiveness' is tendere (I think that's like tender and I also see deer ... ok, I'm stretching that a little,or tend like a deer) however this Latin root means "to stretch or strain, as a horse straining forward."

I definitely have noticed how I need to do this intently to hear or listen now as I compensate for my loss of hearing, because I, like the other person, have a hard time adjusting so I tend not to put my hearing aides in ... until I really need them. Often I have to take them out because they bother me or the sounds I hear are way too loud. The reason is not their volume control, it's because by using them you train your brain (supposedly) what it needs to listen to and what isn't necessary noise. Of course, all the unnecessary ones, are the ones you hear very well and too loud. I'm very concerned currently with one of my fur babies, Chiqui with her loss of hearing and watching closely after treating her for a bacterial ear infection. The vet thinks it may be just stubbornness. (Hmmm?, I get that lesson too)

God places importance on hearing and attentiveness by the fact that the ear is the first of the five sensory organs to function in the womb and the last to stop functioning at death. Sadly, it took the loss of hearing for me to pay attention to the importance it plays but also I am now keenly aware of how hearing people don't realize how difficult it is for those who can't hear. You don't necessarily need to speak louder, but clear enunciation helps. It saddens me that many who can hear, don't. (Rev. 2:29: Mark 4:9; Matthew 13:9). I wonder how often I'm guilty of turning a deaf ear to God and His warnings. God has been teaching me how to hear Him better, even in a whisper ... yet there are so many times I don't think He hears me or I don't think I hear Him, then He gives me a sign.

God took the time long ago to help me be sensitive to loss of hearing, and fortunately I began learning sign while deaf students lived in our home. By His Holy Spirit, I began to flow to music with signs, I had not yet learned. 

You can see how these lessons apply to me from the animals, linguistics, signs to God's Word, as in -

Deuteronomy 30:10; Proverbs 1:8;
1 John 3:18-20; 1 Timothy 5:17;
1 Peter 2:13; Colossians 3:22

Also Jesus demonstrated ATTENTIVENESS as He listened to God, His earthly parents, His conscience, elders, rulers, and in His family business (employers) Matthew 20. We need to develop "spiritual ears" just like the deer by "being STILL.." and knowing God and balance attentiveness with alertness, discretion and love.

"Be swift to hear and slow to speak."

How I needed to learn this lesson very early in my life!

Isaiah 66:4 from Love God Greatly

... But GOD ...
dearly EMBRACED me 
anyways as
dearly and deerly

spending time with Him and seeking Him
for another Friday date

*many of these facts came from what I learned in this booklet, with my added spin to it.

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


