"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


I do have a few ADVENT alternatives set aside: one that I have done before focusing on 20 Names of Jesus (so that's a good beginning) - it's a book & there is a You Version 5 day sample plan by Asheritah Ciuciu; another one is from an article I read that might be good for a weekly read on the 4 themes
, perhaps on Sunday - very well written by Meg Bucher "4 Weeks of Reflection on Christ's Coming"; and another You Version 25 day plan "Making Space" by Susan Narjala, which comes closest to my desire to prepare my heart and soul for Jesus

Then I came upon another article that sparked a thought recently so I quickly copied the 25 prayer prompts for a heart posture ... that the author wrote for Joy. Yet I believe that each of the themes of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy can in used interchangeable with these thoughts of her prayer prompts. They were written with Joy but I think that you can insert Hope, Peace or Love, even though Joy fits best. You will see as you read each one and choose one of the four. 

When I read the following statement (italics & in the box), I became convinced to "step away" and "lay aside" any to-do list to pray using her prayer prompts, journal my thoughts or allow them to lead me to a Bible verse on Hope, Peace, Love & Joy to ponder daily ... 

"..This season – God is all we need. He is our hope, our peace, and our source of joy."...

{my insert} and of course, "God is LOVE, whoever abides in love, abides in God & God in him/her" (1 John 4:16) ... so

"Let’s offer God our gratitude and adoration with a humble heart that longs to connect more deeply with Him. In return, may we find the glorious gift of ..." Alicia Searle

"... Joy ..."
or Hope or Peace or Love

"... let’s shift our gaze on the glory of our King and posture our hearts ..." 

In the past, I have focused on a Christmas Carol each day in my blog posts, and that was a good way to worship & prepare my heart. There are good plans available with You Version on this. It is a merrier way to get into the Christmas Spirit! Other years, reading plans, or Bible Studies have chosen to focus on the Characters in the Christmas story. One for this year is featuring 4 women in the lineage of Jesus, corresponding with the themes: Hope (Tamar), Peace (Rahab), Love (Ruth), Joy (Mary). All good ways for us to place Jesus in the center of this season. Yet for me in 2022, I'm really looking to prepare my heart for Jesus.  

So I have set up a blog post for each day with just one statement ... not a prayer prompt, because that is available in the excellent article cited above that at times gives a reflective question or a Bible scripture to reflect on. I was thinking that on Sundays, I will remind us of an Advent theme for that week as I light the candle on the Advent wreath (tradition for me) and share or link to a list of Scriptures on that theme. The problem is that this week is half over & Advent started on this past Sunday, November 27th, so I already should have done HOPE. 

Meg Bucher called this first week of Advent: 
The Thrill of Hope 

and shared this prayer, that I say as I light the 1st candle of


"God, Abba Father, Yahweh, Elohim and Jehovah. Jesus, Messiah and Savior, Light and Living Water. Holy Spirit, Advocate and Comforter, Breath and Strength. Glory to You for this day, which You have made. We will choose to rejoice and be glad in it. Through the chaos of these current days we vow to seek & focus on You & Your unchanging truth. You loved us so much, You sent Your Son to save us. Through Christ, we are all welcome to come to You. To be adopted into Your family. As we gaze at the landscape around us & the intricate uniqueness of our reflection, may we pause to purposefully give praise to You for Your miracles, Your blessings, Your grace, and Jesus. In Jesus' Name

25 Top Bible Verses about Hope

20 Verses about Hope (Gallery)

15 Bible Verses on Hope in Hard Times (Blog)
 25 Hope in Hard Times (Woman's Day)

{of course, the same verses may appear on each of these sources}

Father, this Advent season I come before You with an open heart. I lay my heart before You, asking You to help me in preparing my heart. I long to hear from You. I long to behold Christ in all His beauty. Help me shut out the distractions so I can be fully devoted to You. I want to make room for Christ this Christmas & seek You.

The rest of the this week I will insert HOPE in place of the original word JOY used in article.

The Thrill of Hope - Christy Nockels

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Advent Begins Today - November 27th - Are You Ready?

Thanksgiving was just a few short days ago and yet it's already time for Advent to

Prepare Our Hearts for Jesus

but truthfully

"I'm just not ready"

I love ADVENT! I love Jesus! I love the traditional themes of ADVENT: Hope, Peace, Love, Joy! And I love preparing my heart ... or better stated, I love God preparing my heart! each and every day ... BUT I should be doing this, like during the month of November, I focused on Giving Thanks or preparing my heart with thanks and praise, yet that should be a normal part of my every day walk with Jesus. And now during Advent, we are to be preparing our heart for Jesus (at Christmas) but also ultimately for His Return. Are you ready? It could be any day, any moment. 

So besides not settling on a plan (as of yet) for Advent 2022, I'm looking at the bigger picture or question of preparing my heart (and life) to be ready and more like Jesus {my greater concern is for those around me, not even knowing Jesus, as Lord & Savior or their need; not even thinking about His Return or Coming}.

I thought I was going to have a plan for Advent with an online Bible study, but I decided not to do it - the focus was the Women in the Bible in Jesus' lineage. Good plan - just not for me, this year or this time. I signed up, but "I'm not ready." I signed up, but as important as those women are in the Bible and for me to know about - it does not seem to fit with my own thoughts of "preparing my heart" for Jesus. Although the 4 women chosen are in the lineage of Jesus, and each women still corresponds to the 4 traditional themes; truly "I'm not ready".

Now, most of you that have read my blog or know me at all, know that I love Jesus completely - I'm a sold-out, born again believer and my passion is Jesus! My calling and mission is Jesus! But so is yours! Yes, first we need to have our own salvation taken care of but we are also to be concerned with and for others, one soul at a time. We are to witness, we are to share; but we are not responsible for saving the world, only Jesus can, by the power of His Holy Spirit. However, too many of us have made it our 'agenda' to nationalize Christianity. I'm sorry to have to use this traditional blog post to bring this up and address this issue; but I must. I have a great sense of urgency to start Advent with this angst. 

In this year, more than other years; but still for quite some time, there has been a movement throughout our nation that has profoundly impacted me, my prayers, my thoughts, my beliefs, my soul, my heart as I read and learn more watching the news. {I know we should stay away from those 'news' sources} BUT the Christianity that people, even Christian leaders; are nationalizing does not seem to be the Christianity that I know of following Jesus Christ and His example. I just had to get that out there, and I will not spend time elaborating or going into the details of this - not now, not at this time and not on this blog post. However, the Christianity that I have lived and known, believed in and followed, is stepping away from the Truth and the Church has become politicized which seems to be dividing our country now more than ever - not just is there political division but it is seeping through our churches. This causes me much heartache to even think or write these words finally. Yet preparing my heart for Jesus takes this very seriously and immensely concerns me with this shift and change in too many churches that were dear to me, because the Church I know and believe in follows Jesus and the main principles of LOVE, HOPE, JOY and PEACE. I frankly am saddened and notice too much hypocrisy among many Christians, who seem to have forgotten the two greatest commandments Jesus gave us in Matthew 22:36-40

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'

I have much to learn of LOVE (I will admit) and I will not tell you or anyone how to LOVE, but what I am seeing and hearing from hypocritical Christians is not this.
The same can be said of each of the other major themes of PEACE, HOPE, JOY.

God is LOVE and He who abides in God, abides in Love ...  (1 John 4:12)(1 John 4: 15-16)(John 15:10) (1 John 2:6) and on and on ...

 I am the least likely to be lecturing any of us yet I can't honestly go on into this beautiful season of Advent without 'venting' my deep concern over all of this and continuing avoiding it. I will not be hypocritical nor judge others, I'm hoping I don't sound like that, but I have left this unsaid for far too long. So my words are not meant to judge but hopefully begin a change in our hearts, to be a change in our ways, to be a change in our thoughts, to be a change in the RELATIONSHIPS around us and how we treat one another. 

I hold onto the HOPE that anchors us to Jesus Christ (Hebrews 6:19). I hold on to the PEACE that Jesus is (John 14:27) and gives. And my faith in Jesus Christ anchors my soul. I really want to hold on to the JOY of Jesus along with the JOY of CHRISTmas and the JOY of Jesus, Others, You is not being seen by me and it really should be seen in all of the seasons but especially during Advent, especially to those in need - whether that is physical or spiritual; it's still a choice as we share JESUS! We are to be a Light of Jesus to the darkness in the world, but this world is getting darker and not much light is shining. Oh yes, I've seen the outreach of churches to the poor and needy (those impacted by the 'storms') but the hearts and the souls are just being temporarily cared for; and just like gratitude, the attitudes of people are not changing - they are becoming more hardened and disheartened. Even people, who use to regularly be involved in the Church are walking away. I recently read that there's a decline in our churches, and I completely understand why. We're NOT READY! Jesus has been waiting until we are and His Holy Spirit, gently still, is calling us to unity, not division.

I will keep HOPING and searching as I pray during ADVENT! As for now, my ADVENT plan remains semi-open and I will be MAKING SPACE ... for now. Just as there was "No Room in the Inn" for Jesus' birth - for Him with His earthly parents Mary & Joseph, who were seeking a SPACE to give Jesus a place to be born, I will MAKE SPACE this season for Jesus and pray that the Church also does; and the way that they share JESUS in this world definitely needs consideration and some adjustments. 

Each week, I will follow the tradition of Advent: HOPE, PEACE, LOVE, and JOY! And I will PRAY ... for the soul of each individual to "Prepare their Heart for Jesus" and PRAY for the battle of the soul of our nation and the world, because my heavy heart really senses hearts hardening and the window closing for our own attitudes towards Others but mostly towards JESUS! We are not meant to follow any one man; only the ONE, who became human to open the way to the Father, by paying the price for our sin ... His Name is Jesus! Let us follow Jesus and seek Him first!



I still haven't decided which one it will be: 

Hope, Love, Joy, Peace

nor in which order I will do them

Father, this Advent season I come before You with an open heart. 
I long to hear from You. I long to behold Christ in all His beauty. 
Help me shut out the distractions so I can be fully devoted to You. Amen

* Meanwhile, I will keep searching for the various plans for Advent to prepare hearts. 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

T.H.A.N.K.S Prayer Prompt 30 Day Challenge - 3

this one today

1 Chronicles 16:34

- Thank God for one thing -given daily
H - Hymn for Him/Song Psalm of Praise
- Adore Him for an Attribute of God 
N - Name of God 
K - Kind Act you'll do
S - Supplication: how He can or has supplied

{if you still have not gotten use to "thanking God" by using this prayer prompt, go back and read the comments in the previous ones - at least the first days 1-10, because a very special prayer warrior person has done so, very well and has shared some really wonderful & beautiful examples. 
These prayers have excelled any expectations I had and blessed me completely! What a God-send!}

from November 20th, "Precious Jesus, I've discovered that thanking You frequently not only awakens my heart to Your Presence but sharpens my mind. So *when I'm feeling out of focus or out of touch with You, I need to make every effort to thank You for something, There is always an abundance of things to choose from: eternal gifts - such as salvation, grace, and faith - as well as ordinary, everyday blessings." ... from Jesus Listens, Sarah Young

This was the perfect words to start off my day with THANKS to God! 11/20
A beautifully penned reminder of exactly what I'm finding to be so true.
I do hope it encourages you give thanks to God for these last 10 days of November
and perhaps it's become a good habit that you can keep going or *as this says.* above.

NOVEMBER 21 - 30

Day 21 Thank God for Your Job. (or ones you've had, or your retirement)
Colossians 3:23, Luke 16:10

Day 22 Thank God for Public Servants.
Galatians 5:13, Philippians 2:5-7, Colossians 3:23

Day 23 Thank God for Your Life.
Psalm 27:4, Psalm 139:13-16, John 6:47, Ephesians 2:10

Day 24 Thank God for Your Family.
Proverbs 1:8, Proverbs 22:6, Proverbs 31:15-17, Colossians 3:13 

Day 25 Thank God for the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 27:1, John 14:16, John 14:26, John 15:26, Mark 1;8, Romans 8:26

[MN sunset taken on November 19, 2022 from our hill's view]

It's definitely not Autumn in MN, winter cold & snow this past week!
Such stunning beauty though to warm my soul and give God thanks!

Day 26 Thank God for His Help.
Psalm 46:1, Psalm 121, Isaiah 41:13, Philippians 4:13, 2 Timothy 1:7 

Day 27 Thank God for Our World.
Psalm 8:3-4, Psalm 19:1, Psalm 95:4-5, Psalm 104:24-25

Day 28 Thank God for His Protection.
Psalm 91:7, Psalm 121:7, John 6:40, Isaiah 58:8, Ephesians 6:10-18 

Day 29 Thank God for Creature Comforts
Psalm 84:12, Philippians 4:12-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Day 30 Thank God for How the Story Ends
Revelation 21:3-4, Revelation 22:5

already is beginning 
next Sunday, November 27th this year

... so that means, I go from my 31 day journey in October "Taking Refuge in Christ" and seeking to be healthier in RELATIONSHIPS, and before we even finish this 30 day challenge of T.H.A.N.K.S., we will be rushing (it seems) into an Advent of Joy, Hope, Peace and Love to prepare our hearts for Jesus' coming at Christmas. This does not leave me very much room or time to sum up more about the One Word of 2022 for me - RELATIONSHIPS. I still have some saved over at YV which perhaps I can cram into the last week of 2022 between the SONdays of CHRISTmas Day and the one for New Year's Day 2023! Can you believe that already - all ready? Not too sure that I can or that it is approaching so quickly. I'm definitely not ready for this final season of 2022, nor am I even close to completing my work on RELATIONSHIPS, "I've only just begun" or barely scratched the surface, but I truly am learning much! Thankful that God chose that One Word for me to look at, evaluate and re-evaluate as I learn healthy ways to live my life for Him & with Him, which ultimately means better RELATIONSHIPS hopefully, from my end at least, putting into practice; and improving my life His way.  

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. 


Blessings on you and your families!

[image credit: Dayspring]

Sending this with a thankful HUG to you & for you!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


Each and every day, we need to prepare our hearts and attitudes with simple gratitude, no matter what the day holds or what we are facing or have been ... we can still say - "Lord, I give You thanks!"

[reminder: Sue Boldt shares "Morning Moment of Prayer" and has written "Thirty Days of Thanksgiving & Worship") if/when you find yourself unable to pray (and there are others available too]

[image credit: Sue Boldt]

I don't often interrupt a series, or a 30 day long challenge or journey, however the next blog post is NOT until November 20th; and so far not too many of you are adding prayers of THANKS; so as I read the following article by Holley Gerth, I was compelled to share it since it made me think of you (the ones not adding a prayer - at least here) (and perhaps you are praying and giving thanks, just not sharing - which is ok, because pray is between you & God) but maybe a daily prayer challenge online publicly is not to your liking or you are comparing, feeling inadequate or far from feeling gratitude right now because of life's circumstances - well, let me tell you that this is the perfect solution: to praise & give thanks to God - a simple quiet thanks is a start. 

I've been in that place of not thinking I could utter any prayer of thanks or praise because of this situation or that; in the midst of loss, grief, sorrow, suffering, endless circumstances ... and I still have some days like this but I am thankful that I have found giving thanks and praise just for 'one thing' opens my heart and the gates of heaven begins to pour back in & revive my aching spirit and heart - and we always have 'one thing', even if it's the same one: it's a new day and He gives us breath (I might add) & strength to face whatever this day holds and of course, if you know Jesus, then you know HE holds your future... and that's worth a bunch of thank you prayers of praise & thanks. Just say: I thank You Lord for this new day & that You hold me. I give You praise.

[image credit: Sue Boldt]

After reading this "7 Days of Preparing Our Hearts for Thanksgiving" by Holley ... that I received today in my Dayspring email, it was written back on November 7th, probably about the time when you, too were thinking that giving thanks really is a challenge to me because this year or right now __________ (fill in the blank). I'm hoping that Holley can encourage you to try this (for the next 7 days): 

"Let’s start giving thanks now so that we really are ready for Thanksgiving this year. What’s below is a quick and simple countdown that we can go through each day . . 

1. November 18th – Who in your life are you thankful for? Think of at least one person.

2. November 19th – What is a memory that brings you joy? Look back and see God’s goodness in it all over again.

3. November 20th – How have you seen God answer your prayers this year? Pause and reflect on one “yes” you are living in now.

4. November 21st – When do you feel joy? Pay extra attention to one happy little moment in your day.

5. November 22nd – Where can you see God’s hand in your life? 

Consider one way He is taking care of you.

6. November 23rd – Why did Jesus come for us? Revisit His extraordinary love.

7. November 24th – Give thanks for all of the above. "~Holley Gerth, Dayspring

Please follow the link to read Holley's words in its entirety!

... "We don’t have to feel guilty if thankfulness doesn’t come easily. God knows we’re human and He loves us that way. He’s the Giver of all good things — including the grace we need on the days when our attitude tries to compete with our gratitude."~ Holley Gerth

Of course, Dayspring has many more great articles, but I'd also like to call your attention to this one, if you missed it and still need encouragement:

"Begin Today with Thanksgiving"


I know that sometimes some music will help, so let Maranatha Singers lead you into worship today.
It's kind of a cheery song!

See you again to continue with our last 10 days on November 20th

T.H.A.N.K.S Prayer Prompt 30 Day Challenge -  3
(publishing days 21-30 on November 20th)

but for now
you can join us back here
T.H.A.N.K.S Prayer Prompt 30 Day Challenge -  2
in our current one we still have a few more

And a Happy Thanksgiving to Each of You!

{it's already next Thursday, followed by Advent starting already on that Sunday}

The seasons seem to be happening much faster (or is that just me?)

Thursday, November 10, 2022

T.H.A.N.K.S Prayer Prompt 30 Day Challenge - 2

[This is the 2nd blog post in my series: T.H.A.N.K.S. ...]

Continuing with 
Days 11-20

- Thank God for one thing (given)
H - Hymn for Him/Song Psalms of Praise
A - Adore Him an Attribute of God 
NName of God (El Shaddai, God Almighty)
K - Kind Act to do
SSupplication: how He can or has supplied

[Box acronym explained a bit  in previous post but]

For today's blog post, I'm hoping to explain more of my acronym. Since the "T" is self- explanatory (because I give one for each day or you can certainly choose one thing of your own), let's start with "H" for a Hymn for Him ... starting out with just a few Hymns and then sharing some links for more. If a Hymn doesn't sound familiar or come to you as you meet with God, then maybe a Song will, but that's also why I opened this up to Psalms of Praise (which means from the book of Psalms in the Bible). As we take time to thank God, it's a way to come into His Presence and honor Him with worship; it's a form of thanks to sing or recite from our hearts or His Word and pray the words back to Him. There is a Hebrew word that includes Thanksgiving Hymns and other names that refer to "thanks" or "thanksgiving" - it's Hodayot.

Lifeway Worship has an album "Top 20 Hymns of Thanksgiving" (available on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, etc.) which pretty much covers the ones I know best and seem to be the most familiar. Here are a few:

"Great is Thy Faithfulness" 
"All Creatures of our God and King"
"Now Thank We All Our God"
"I Stand Amazed" (How Wonderful)
"We Gather Together"

I'm sure that this helps you start thinking of many hymns/songs; but if not, here are the promised links and of course, there are plenty 

100 Praise Hymns for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving and Thankfulness 
(in the Cyber Hymnal)

10 Amazing Hymns

30 Thanksgiving Worship Songs ...

{this would give you one for each of these 30 days of T.H.A.N.K.S and we already did 10 days, so you have plenty to choose}

PSALMS: Included in each day are Scripture(s) verses - many of them are from Psalms. So here is a short list of some powerful thanksgiving praise: Psalm 7:17; Psalm 9:1; Psalm 35:18; Psalm 106:1; Psalm 100:4; Psalm 95:2; and Psalm 107: 8-9 in the image on top.

"A" for the Attributes of God is to let Him know that you are aware of them in Him and how much you Adore Him because of His ... Faithfulness, Holiness, Greatness, Merciful, Just, Unchangeable, Eternal, Wise, Powerful, etc. (many of these are in the Hymns and Songs). In fact A.W. Tozer wrote a book "The Attributes of God"(which is what you get first in a search). I really like this image. Yet as I  read through these 17 more carefully, it left me with some questions, even though I know these are characteristics of God, I'm sure there are more.

Perhaps this image will inspire you and you might have some questions too.

"N" stands for choosing one of the many Names that refer to our One God. There are many songs about these also and it just helps to Thank God that HE IS who His Name says He is - like "Jireh"; or the one I gave in the acronym "El Shaddai"; or "Adonai"; "Jehovah Nissi"; "... Shalom" - there are many resources available, even a Bible "Names of God", where the Name is expanded from Yahweh or Jehovah or Lord, God Almighty to an even more specific one.

Here is a good link to help you with both the Names & Attributes: Navigators  "Praying the Names and Attributes of God" ... I suggest trying this because it has helped me focus and feel closer to God and truthfully allows me to worship Him with a heart filled much more in gratitude to recognize God as GOD - Father, Son and Holy Spirit through all these many facts, shows me how I truly can trust and believe that He's not only in control, but He's got all this covered & I just really need to thank Him for the Immensity of His aMazing capacities and ways, far beyond my own and even what I might imagine. How can this not increase your awe and respect as you realize and acknowledge by giving Him THANKS!?

I hope that the last two letters ("K" and "S") are not overlooked because this is where you choose to decide how to go beyond yourself and apply with acting in KINDness and asking for God to supply your needs but also the needs of others. I think this just comes naturally from spending time with God and is simple enough to understand without me giving examples. It's letting God know that you intend to show your thankfulness in a tangible way. 

I thought it was important for me to explain this acronym format so that the rest of the 20 days of the 30 are possibly more fruitful and challenging by trying this out as an encouragement in your Prayers of Thanks and expanding your communication with God (which is all our prayers really are) but don't forget the listening part or the "pause" throughout your day when God will speak or maybe prompt you with "here's a good time to practice that "K" and show the same Kindness to someone else who needs to be blessed through you" from God. I need this too. 

I strongly recommend that if you need more examples of using this Prayer Prompt Acronym that you return to the comments of the first blog post for Days 1-10 from KT (Anonymous) only because Blogger does not allow her to post otherwise; and I have no idea why or how to fix it. Anyways, KT faithfully participated by sharing every single day with the most beautiful prayers which flow from her precious spirit and heart following this T.H.A.N.K.S acronym in each one. I do hope that you go back & pray these (or check 'em out at least) so that her prayers may help you like each one helped me & truly blessed me daily! Great examples that showed me that my acronym does work! So thank you KT, hopefully this encourages others to participate & give this a try too! There is not any set formula to give thanks to God, He just wants to hear from you and this tool of an acronym is only to help you focus on God first in your prayers because He is so worthy & deserving of our thanks for each 'one thing' given & so much more!

NOVEMBER 11 - 20

Day 11 Thank God for Your Future.
Jeremiah 29:11, John 10:10, Romans 8:28

Father Almighty, You are Omnipotent, all -powerful! You are Omniscient - all knowing and Omnipresent - all present. Thank You for being available everywhere and at all times. There's a quote currently used that says "I may not know what my future holds, but I know who holds my future." How we thank You for the truth in this and that You do hold our future. Thank You for always working, even when our present circumstances seem hard yet we need to trust that You will work things for our good now and in the uncertainty of the future. Thank You for preparing us for great things to come. I ask for more patience and increase faith when doubt or hopelessness creeps in. I thank You for Your unseen hand. May I give the same encouraging words to someone else facing difficulties. I give You praise with the words of Psalm 121:1-8 and Psalm 18:2 while I sing of Your Strength and trust You as the "Way Maker"! Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come—remind us that You are the Lord of past, present and future, and help us to turn all of those over to You. Thank You that our future is in Your hands and that I can be confident in this assurance.   

Day 12 Thank God for Prayer.
Psalm 34:15-18, Philippians 4:6, Matthew 7:7-8, Romans 8:26-27

Day 13 Thank God for His Provision.
Philippians 4:19, Matthew 19:26, Psalm 34:10, Matthew 6:25-26

Day 14 Thank God for Our Gifts.
1 Peter 4:10, 1 Corinthians 12:4-5, 1 Corinthians 14:26

Day 15 Thank God for Forgiveness.
Matthew 6:15, Luke 17:4, Acts 2:38

Day 16 Thank God for Children.
Psalm 34:11, Luke 18:15-17, John 1:12, Ephesians 1:5 

Day 17 Thank God for Your (True) Identity. 
John 15:15, Romans 3:22-25, Romans 8:35-37

Day 18 Thank God for the Bible.
Psalm 18:30, Psalm 33:4, Psalm 130:5, John 1:1

Day 19 Thank God for His Peace.
Isaiah 54:10, John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7

Day 20 Thank God for Your Freedom.
 Romans 6:6, Romans 8:1-2, 2 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 5:17, James 4:7

[will publish on November 20th]

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

T.H.A.N.K.S Prayer Prompt 30 Day Challenge - 1

NOVEMBER is already here and I had plans to do this:    

... on the YouVersion app of Bible reading plans. However, this past week I had some problems with You Version and I'm unable to sign in there. So I went directly to Sue Boldt's website (blog) and discovered Morning Moments of Prayer, filled with a very grateful heart to God. I'm not sure if Sue plans to share her "Thirty Days...", this devotional there, and her Christmas one, but they are both available to purchase with all proceeds going directly to their ministry of reaching the world for Christ, which means I have found a way to still do this, just not on You Version. However, I will not be sharing Sue's devotional here.

or my blog posts of Gratitude every day in November, I will give a Prayer Prompt to Thank God and some Scriptures. Although every day of the year, our prayers should be filled with THANKS to God, it's extra important this month. I like acronyms, so I came up with one for THANKS. I'm not sure how it'll work or if the format fits you & your style of praying, but I'll share it anyways:
T - Thank God for one thing
H - Hymn for Him/Song Psalm of Praise
A - Adore Him for an Attribute of God *
N - Name of God **
K - Kind Act you do
S - Supplication: how He can or has supplied for yours or others needs

The initial THANKS will be for November 1st to the 3rd, then I will repost later on Thursday with the ones for November 4th - November 10th added.{did this  10/31} So all of Days 1-10 are here now.

November 1 will be Day 1 and continue like that with each date as that Day. Each day has the "T" part of the acronym of what to Thank God for ... then the rest is the challenge part for you. I'm hoping that the Scripture readings will inspire and help. For the first 2 days I explain a little more. 

                                                   1 Thessalonians 5:18 (day 2)


Day 1 - Thank God for Your Salvation through Jesus Christ  

"Thank Him that no man, no thing, no power in hell can undo what He did on the cross. Thank God Almighty that you have been saved from the sting of death. Thank Him that you will not be separated from our Lord, for you have been saved by the blood of The Great I AM. Praise God for the blood of the Lamb! Ask that He would give you boldness to *share your testimony of salvation with others today, that no one would perish and spend eternity separated from Him." 

Psalm 62:6-7, John 1:14, John 3:16, John 6:47, John 10:10, Galatians 2:20, 1 Peter 2:24

In one of the devotionals that I'm reading for this year, I couldn't help myself from editing this again so I could add the prayer right here for today's THANKS {parts in () added by me}: 
(for the "N") "Blessed Savior, Thank You for Your glorious gift of Grace! Your Word teaches that by grace I have been saved through faith. And this is not my own doing; it's not a result of my works.(Ephesians 2:8-9) Even the faith I needed to believe in You - to receive salvation - is a gift from You. Through Your finished work on the Cross, I've been given the astonishing blessings of eternal Life. (John 3:16) Help me respond to Your amazing generosity(for the "A") with a grateful heart. I can never thank You too fervently or too frequently for grace. 

During this Thanksgiving season, I want to take time to ponder what it means to have all my sins forgiven. I am no longer on a pathway to hell; (Matthew 10:28) my ultimate destination is a new heaven and a new earth. (Revelation 21:1) This guaranteed heavenly inheritance gives me a great reason to rejoice every day of my life.

As I walk with You today, I'll try to thank You often for the matchless gift of grace. I pray that my gratitude for grace may increase my awareness of the many other blessings You provide - making me even more thankful. In Your gracious Name, Jesus" ... 
(*for the "K" - share your testimony of salvation with at least one other and perhaps show some grace for the ones who make our lives a bit harder) (for the "S" - clearly we need to pray for the ones that still need the salvation of Jesus Christ; and our own need to be bold in this endeavor more each day and eternally grateful as we live and love as Jesus has shown us) 
(for the "H" - there is a Psalm given above - Psalm 62:6-7 and some songs "The Lord is My Salvation" or "Thank You Lord for Saving My Soul" or "Thank You for Your Blessings")

Day 2 - Thank God for Today

"Thank God for the precious gift of today, for today is the day He has made, so let’s rejoice and be glad. Give thanks to Him for each minute He allows breath to fill your lungs. Ask Him to reveal to you the things in life that you can let go of to allow yourself time for what really matters in life."  

Psalm 118:14, Matthew 11:28, 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Day 3 - Thank God for your Friends & that He is your Friend; or ask Him to send someone special as a friend
John 15:12-15, Romans 12:10, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Day 4 Thank God for Power Over The Enemy.
When our hearts are full of praise, our lives are full of power." 
Ephesians 6:11-18, 2 Timothy 1:7, James 4:7

Day 5 Thank God for His Perfect Timing.
Romans 8:28, Colossians 3:12

Day 6 Thank God for Your Church. 
1 Corinthians 14:26, Titus 1:5–9, Hebrews 10:25

Day 7 Thank God for His Faithfulness
Psalm 36:5, Psalm 86:15, Matthew 19:26

Day 8 Thank God for Love.
Psalm 136, Psalm 107:1, 1 Corinthians 13, John 3:16, 1 John 4:8

Since this is the year of mid-term Elections, I strongly sense an urgency to: 
Thank God for our ELECTIONS and those candidates running in the elections as well as all who serve in our government. For God's Protection of every one!

Thank God for the freedom we have to elect our governing officials and that God's authority be over each one, for God's will & plan to prevail for our country; for the good over the evil; for the truth over the lies; for justice for all. 

Day 9 Thank God for Wisdom.
Psalm 32:8, Proverbs 4:7

Day  10 Thank God for Annoyances. "Some days it can be hard to feel thankful  But no matter the setbacks and aggravations, and no matter how we feel, one thing remains the same--He is present in the trials we face. Even the smallest of trials do not go unnoticed by Him. Thank Him for the hard stuff. Thank Him for using these things to strengthen your dependency on Him and your faith in Him. Pray for trust in Him on the hardest of days and keep praises on your lips." {I've found this keeps us humble and looking to Him}

Isaiah 55: 8-9, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, James 1:2-4

I will need to do a new post for Days 11-20 and then a final post for Days 21-30 because of how long this would be otherwise. Just imagine if I had written more or a Prayer for each one. 

(edited & reposted on 10/31)

(publishing days 11-20 on November 10th, 6 pm)

(publishing days 21-30 on November 20th)

* examples: His faithfulness; His Righteousness (image) 

** like El Shalom; Savior; Messiah; Redeemer ...

(day 2 example) Creator God, I thank You for this day and every day when I wake because You have made this day as a precious gift so I can rejoice and give praise. I thank You for my very breath each new morning and Your new mercies. Great is Your Faithfulness! Today as I go outside, I will thank You for the beauty in all of nature and replant a new tree to remind me of the need for good Light in my life (Your Son) the sun light that helps us grow and Living Water. Thank You that in Jesus Christ we receive both Light, Living Water and Life. Supply others in need of this fresh outpouring of You through me as I go about my day and share Jesus in a smile or a simple thank you. You made my day, help me do the same for someone else. 


show our
for this November to our
and His aMazing Grace

Starting our THANKS GIVING and WORSHIP off with one of my favorites  

Don Moen

{I kept these Prayer Prompts from a previous year in my Notes but I don't know who to give credit} I thank whoever you are or wherever they came from. No copyright infringement intent. 

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


