"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023


... usually in November, I set this month aside for giving God


(and I still am giving thanks to God)

but because November has 30 days, I decided that it's perfect to start a new book

by Lysa TerKeurst and Dr. Joel Muddamalle

"30 Days With Jesus ..."

[right at the ending of my "52 Weeks With Jesus" this month & December]

 it's confirmed once more that this indeed is/was the 2023 One Word God gave me



all thanks, glory, praise and honor

belongs to Him

as I continue

"... Experiencing His PRESENCE ..."

I have not even looked at this new book yet but I have decided it's what I will be doing for November (and whenever you choose) I hope that you, too will be reading this book. 

This book it set up for 6 weeks (5 days each week):

   WEEK 1 is PORTRAITS           Nov. 1-5
   WEEK 2     PROPHECIES      Nov. 6-10
   WEEK 3     PATTERNS           Nov.11-15
   WEEK 4     PROVISIONS       Nov.16-20
   WEEK 5     PROTECTIONS   Nov.21-25
   WEEK 6     PRESENCE         Nov.26-30

{it won't quite all fit in November if I do it week by week; and since Advent starts the 1st weekend of December (the 3rd), I need to make it work}

So that is why I have posted dates for each one instead of doing by Weeks
{there's only 4 weeks and a half}

However, looking at the content of each week, I notice that it includes workbook parts

[Your Notes] and [Your Response] here

which might be why it's 5 days each week so the weekend you can catch up (lol).

It seems pretty intense and I hope I am able to complete it in my schedule.

It appears to be a great study through the Old & New Testament,

a study of JESUS shown throughout all of Scripture

beginning to end, not just the New Testament.

It shows JESUS in the Old Testament as well.  

"in PORTRAITS - We see glimpses of Jesus through people in the Bible, as they partially fulfilled what He would later completely fulfill."

"in PROPHECIES - We see Jesus through the prophecies that tell of His coming in the flesh."

PATTERNS - We see Jesus in alternating patterns in the Bible like famine and rain, or wilderness and promised land that help us connect to the consistent reality of the presence of Jesus.

"in PROVISIONS - We see Jesus in God’s physical, emotional, and spiritual provision for the people of the Old Testament as Jesus is our perfect provision for all our needs."

"in PROTECTIONS - We see Jesus through God’s protection of His people, as we start to discover the ultimate protection we have in Him."

"in PRESENCE - We see God’s desire to be near His people since creation, and the ultimate invitation to be with Him is in Jesus."

Looking forward to yet another experience


through the "lenses" of the great team of these authors and 




Thank you Lysa & Dr. Joel again!


Lysa captured my heart right away in her opening letter
after I purchased the ebook because my interest was piqued 
by reading her P31devotional and some emails previously,
and I couldn't wait! 

(so I knew right then that this was an answer from God for me & 2023 before I end the year).


I am so very thankful for the


reflecting JESUS to me

in the Bible & in my life

as we start November 1st - 5th with



Adam & Eve (Genesis 1-2; Luke 3:21-38)
(Genesis 1:27)

Moses (Exodus 1-2; Matthew 1:18-2:15)
(Colossians 1:15-16)

Joshua (Joshua 1; Matthew 11:28:30)
 (John 10:11)

David (1 Samuel 16:7; Acts 13:22)
(Matthew 2:1b-2a)

Esther (Esther 3; Luke 19:41-44)
(1 John 4:14)

"... all their portraits (that) point to Jesus."

then on November 6th, I'll turn to the 


with JESUS and no breaks

so that's Nov. 6th to 10th

and so on.


I'll try to check back & maybe post some, if time allows

... at least the Scriptures, we're looking at and studying to see


in the Old & the New Testaments


Hallowed Evening

to you all


All Saints & All Souls


{I believe we fit both categories😉}

At least, I'm sure my youngest brother does, because he left this earthly place for 
his heavenly home after a week in a coma, 
on Nov. 2nd,1990.
[And this year, my older brother's gone, too].

It's so many years ago, Gary, 
now more years in heaven than you lived on earth. 
I remember & think of you often
'cuz I still miss you so much!
Always in my heart!

I'm give God thanks for the portrait of Jesus reflected 

by Gary to me & others

in the way he loved & served!

I thank Jesus for being Gary's friend & Savior!

Sunday, October 29, 2023

"Jesus, the Helper" for October

{Actually JESUS is our Helper all the time, not just for October}
*Moved the post forward*


the Helper

This is for 

Section 6 which includes 
(weeks 40-44) 
Jesus, the Helper

followed by
 Jesus, the Leader
(weeks 45-48)
in November

and then finally
 Jesus, the Overcomer
(weeks 49-52)
in December

 October - Section Six: Jesus, the Helper

40. The Thirst Quencher
41. A Most Valuable Treasure
42. A Gracious Judge
43. Always Available, Always Accessible
44. Our Best Friend

[please GO BACK to this blog post for my overall post and explanation, thank you]

All the rest of the content (Scripture readings, segments, prayers) is back there.

I will highlight in bold RED each week the one I'm doing here & there



is my very best Friend.

Of course, He is much more, but a relationship should start with a friendship.

With an acquaintance, I would not say, I have a relationship (but it could become one)

With a friend, I know it's the beginning of our relationship.

A friendship can come & go through the years, 
yet once it's been developed initially 
into a relationship, 
you can return and pick up 
right where you left off.

If you stay in touch, then that relationship is maintained, freshened & remains.

If you loose touch, but were friends, you usually can pick up the time lost & continue.

The same is true with Jesus, once you establish your relationship & stay connected.


I'm sure to gain more insights during this week with

JESUS, the Helper


Our Best Friend


"Jesus is our model for friendship—because He loved without limits— and He makes it possible for us to live a life of friendship—because we have been transformed by everything He shared with us. Through friendship we come to know God and through friendship we enact the love of God."~Baylor University


*I have moved this post from October 8 to October 22nd, but last week it would not allow me to move it ahead for October 15 #42 A Gracious Judge. So the previous post for #41, #42 & #43 no longer exist, because I have made the changes and just moved the same post ahead. However, I'm pretty sure if you subscribe, you will still get emailed this, as if it's new. {sorry} It's not. Just the portion at the end, and the part that I highlight in bold red. 

Saturday, October 7, 2023


my Helper


As I started this anew, with only one blog post for the entire Section 6 with JESUS, the Helper, I missed not having a Sunday post. Because of this, for this first week (at least), Chapter or Week 40, I've decided to write about "The Thirst Quencher" (now that I have read the Scripture Readings and all 5 parts of the devotional by James Merritt). I should have considered doing this for all the previous sections. {a little late, huh?

Since I have been joining an Online Bible Study with Proverbs 31 Ministry on the newest InScribed Collection book written by Wendy Blight since September 5th and we're almost finished with "Rest for Your Soul"; I've found out that my soul not only needs "Rest" but that my soul is thirsty also, just like the woman at the well. Only through Jesus Christ can my soul's thirstiness be quenched. If you've been in a dry place (like a desert) or your mouth becomes so dry ... you understand the need for a THIRST QUENCHER, now listen to THE THIRST QUENCHER (and hopefully you'll Come and Rest with Him) (Matthew 11:28-30{by the way, Wendy's book is well with the purchase - the content is invaluable!!!}

Jesus tells us in John 7:37:     
"... If anyone thirsts, let him/her come to Me ..."

And this passage brings us right back to Jesus with the woman at the well in John 4. It seems to me that I often relate to the 'nameless' women more in the Bible. We know that she is a Samaritan, but I recently discovered through the Jesus Project that in the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic traditions, she is venerated as Saint Photini (Photine, Photina; meaning "the luminous one" or "enlightened"). This conversation between her and Jesus is one of the longest stories and conversation that Jesus is recorded having with anyone. I also can relate to times in my life when I thought I needed to search for something to satisfy me, when my soul was really thirsting for the One that I already knew - Jesus! He is all I ever needed and need! There's such a deep satisfaction that can only come from Him - I'm truly thankful that I found this out mid-life or before I wasted much more of my life. I knew Jesus (about Him), but I did not know about the importance of my personal relationship and salvation that comes from Him, until I made a shift in my religious denomination, and even still I never realized how much I need and rely on Jesus but needed to live out all that I had read and learned and knew by applying this to how I lived my life, the choices and decisions I made, which comes down to showing my love for Father/Jesus/Spirit through my obedience to His Word, following what I believe. I'm still a work in progress, yet "I live and breathe and have my being" through Him so I must stop, recalculate, refresh, and refocus on Jesus by returning constantly and consistently to having my thirst quenched by His Spirit in the Word (His Holy Bible). The Spirit produces thirst-quenching water and we can be filled by the Spirit (to overflowing as we remain) and believe in Jesus, who gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit. I find Jesus' interaction with the Samaritan woman, Photine, to be very enlightening as I seek more of JESUS. No wonder I can relate (and most of you, probably do too). It's like "photosynthesis" - we need His Living Water to grow, too; and be filled (chloro-phylled) (lol) and generate oxygen - living, breathing, spirit filled image bearers of Jesus! I certainly want more of His Light!

I find more and more satisfaction in JESUS, especially as I continue with Jesus on this 2023 journey to understand more of the reason this became my One Word; and why Jesus/God/ Spirit would impart this as my Word - was it for me? was it for people that I am still praying for them to accept and receive Jesus? or as I watch people die throughout this year, and in my past, I wonder if they knew Jesus like I've had the privilege to know, love and serve Him, so I will see them in heaven for eternity and not be the ones who perish (John 3:16). Oh, how this weighs so heavily upon my soul; my heart and mind can hardly bear that I've prayed to no avail, or sadly that the way I lived and spoke did not witness to them to want that personal relationship and the free gift of Jesus' salvation - to turn their eyes and life over to Jesus. Some this year (and in the past) have, and I rejoice for them. Then, there are some others, that I am so unsure, but pray for our merciful God, who sees hearts, to forgive and redeem still. Is that possible? I just can't understand how eyes, ears and hearts don't accept and receive such a beautiful gift, nor why their souls don't thirst for Jesus. 

James Merritt begins this section of Jesus, the Helper - with the Thirst Quencher and what caught my eye and attention was the very first segment, because it is part of my blog title (...Messes...) and has been throughout my life "Messy Mess Ups". How can my 'messes' be any part of having my thirst quenched? I surely know why I need(ed) Jesus, the Helper, any and every time I was in a mess. Often, when I did not seek Jesus first or at all, and attempted to resolve my mess - it just became messier. My, oh, my, do I regret not having sought my Helper or looking for His Help before I ended up in yet another colossal MESS! Do you notice how one mess just seems to snowball into yet another until you're too deep into the mess? I surely have. Of course, it was mostly because I did not go to the Word & Jesus - in prayer and seeking His Help. For some, it may be pride ... for others, just plain stupidity and even for some of us, it's a deep seated rebellion inside of us. But frankly, whichever or whatever, it is just plain SIN. Many use the word "mistake" or wrong choice, poor decision or MESSES, but whatever you call it - it's a mess and its root is in sin "making a (moral or lack of) decision or living (continuing in) a lifestyle that violates the law of God. It's just plain acting selfishly and not at all what God's will is. It shows up in the Bible as iniquity (mischief, wickedness, evil, trouble, wrong, error, fraud, crime, lawlessness). For me, sin is sin and separates us from God. 

We most certainly have been getting a real dose of all of this in the last few years and it seems to be increasing at a rapid rate daily. It's alarming. And this MESS just keeps getting to be insurmountable! Bombarding us from all sides. Perhaps you are fortunate (and live like an ostrich with your head in the sand, hoping it will just go away) because you have escaped being impacted or personally involved. The news is not of interest until it affects or impacts you personally. Perhaps you don't care about the people (believers) of Ukraine and the senseless invasion of their country by another, and the endless devastation of their people and territory, continuous destruction all around them, yet they continue to fight for freedom (and so should we, or else it will soon be knocking at our own door). This certainly is a bigger MESS but our own messes become tangled into this by our actions or reactions and whether we stand up as followers of Christ (I dare not even use the word Christian) and open our hearts of compassion as JESUS would. We cannot just live in our own little world, cut off from ALL that is happening. MESSES don't just go away! 

{This is my own personal view and not at all what James Merritt writes about in this segment. If you have been reading these, you'll recall that each devotional is divided into 5 segments with separate subtitles. It's the 1st one that inspired me and caught my attention with the Messes}  

40.The Thirst Quencher : "Messy Mess Ups"; "We Should Know that Jesus is Waiting to Meet Us"; "Someone Wants to Meet You"; "We Should Believe that Jesus is Willing to Accept Us"; "We Should Rejoice that Jesus Wants to Change Us"

I know that I know people are not coming to JESUS and seeking their thirst to be quenched by His Spirit; another counterpart seems to be on the rise - that is self-seeking, selfish, and self-determined for their way above all else - for more evil and less good. More greed and bullying of others, and less compassion and justice seeking for others, only for themselves. Truly, my heart aches for our world (the people on the fringe)... for the many who are literally thirsting, but also for those who have no idea that they need The Thirst Quencher to saturate their being and pour out more of JESUS by the power of His Holy Spirit. "Just because you have messed up doesn't mean you have to stayed messed up"(James Merritt)

"This woman's encounter (the woman at the well) with Jesus, not only demonstrates how we should relate to people who are on the fringe, but also it's a wonderful gift for all of us who have messed up at one time or another. What we discover from this woman who doesn't deny her messy past is that as we fess-up to our mess-ups, Jesus will clean up our messes." James Merritt

Too many need to fess-up (CONFESS) and surrender to Jesus!

What a difference it would make if more people would admit their BIG mistakes

(means to change their ways)

(or come to Him)

[as the rest of the segments of #40 point out]


is waiting to meet us

is willing to accept us
{so why not try accepting Jesus}


we really should
wants to change us

how 'bout it?

I know I can use all the help I can get to change.


Let's make this UNITED effort to 




our lifestyle and steps to




The Woman at the Well became the first Evangelist to her


"By approaching her, JESUS demonstrates His care for ALL,
regardless of their social standing."

She is the first disciple that
as the promised

there is



I found some really good You Version reading plans on Thirst(y):

(would fit with this one the best) 5 day plan

"THIRST is there more?"
5 day plan

"Becoming Thirsty"
6 day plan

There are a couple more on "Hunger & Thirst" too.

Many pages with plans for 

Jesus, my Helper


 Then I went to look for more on "Quench" and there was quite a list.

My choices may not be yours so I just linked to the search,

The ones that say "Be Still" are very similar to the P31 OBS

with Wendy Blight on "Rest for Your Soul" (the book is so good)!

I saved the one of 22 days of "BE STILL" (and did a few others)
{apparently I need lots more practice in this "being still"}

I like this: "Make SPACE for God to speak to you."

Search my heart
Pursue His Presence
stay Attentive
Clear your mind
Enjoy His Presence


UPDATE: (after posting)

I do like each one of the weeks of #40-44, but since I chose to write on Thirst Quencher and not the others (yet), I held back from doing another blog post when I began week (#41) Most Valuable Treasure. Then I looked ahead again at the rest, thinking I should do one each week but that's exactly what I hoped to get away from doing - however, when I saw (read) Our Best Friend (#44) who is Always Available, Always Accessible(#43) {it's a difficult decision} and with the daily news intensifying over Israel & the Palestinians, I have been crying out to our Gracious Judge (#42) realizing how important these weeks are - as we seek more of JESUS, our HELPER, and just how much our world is in need of the HELPER, found in our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His Holy Spirit, I am most thankful that October is ALL about JESUS!

And so I am making





Sunday, October 1, 2023


[I apologize for so much explanation for a simple modification of less blog posts.]😉😊 BUT...

Before I begin this new section of "52 Weeks with Jesus", I want to let you, the reader, know that I plan on doing a shift in my blog posts for this last quarter of the year. It's a new season and I have now completed three fourths of the year but plan to change my format. 

I have weekly shared these blog posts on Sunday evening for that week's devotional reading & the scriptures. Since it is not my own writing of 52 Weeks with Jesus, I do not share much of James Merritt's content. However, not only have I enjoyed each week with Jesus as I read James' book, but I have found that by reading this devotional book it's really true it does what the cover/subtitle says, because I fall "in love with the One Who Changed Everything" - Jesus, more & more (if that's even possible) every day as I spend each one with Him, spending time with Jesus does that; so I would encourage you to do the same and read the actual book or through emails.

I write all of this to let you know that after three-fourths of the year have now passed, it doesn't seem like my blog posts have done this for you (as the reader) like the book has for me, because I don't share the wonderful words of the author himself or much about the actual devotional. I noticed the decline in readers or comments I have received, although I am still thankful for you who may be reading incognito (without comment that lets me know you have read it - lol). I do understand that I probably have not adequately given you enough in my words, yet I hope I piqued your interest in this book or I've encouraged you to sign up for the weekly emails from James Merritt and Harvest House Publishers. My weekly blog posts seem to have not been as interesting as the book, so I guess I have not done this excellent author the literary justice due him and his clever way to engage key aspects of Jesus cleverly that do make you draw closer and want to know Him in yet another role. 

So, I will no longer be doing a weekly blog post for the remaining weeks of the 52 as I did for the first 5 sections; and the shift in my format is just to share one main one for each of the last 3 sections on: (6) Jesus, the Helper; then (7) Jesus, the Leader; and finally (8) Jesus, the Overcomer. I still will be reading one each week as I have done so far; continuing to enjoy being WITH JESUS. I believe HELPER for October is just what I need to prepare me for the rest of 2023! 


This blog post features


the Helper

 for October


Section 6 includes (weeks 40-44) 
Jesus, the Helper
followed by
 Jesus, the Leader
(weeks 45-48)
and then finally
 Jesus, the Overcomer
(weeks 49-52)

October - Section Six: Jesus, the Helper
The Thirst Quencher
41. A Most Valuable Treasure
42. A Gracious Judge
43. Always Available, Always Accessible
Our Best Friend

November - Section Seven: Jesus, the Leader
45. The Standard of Greatness
46. A Servant First
47. The Victor
48. Commander in Chief

DecemberSection Eight: Jesus, the Overcomer
49. The Passion of the Christ—the Rest of the Story
50. His Grace, My Place
51. The Warrior Rises
52. Dead Man Walking

For most of my life, I have sought Jesus as my Helper through the Holy Spirit.
So, I guess what I'm saying is I think of the Holy Spirit in this role,
more than Jesus, although most certainly Jesus is our Helper
and calling on His Name is the greatest help.

Yet, I have always known Jesus, as my Best Friend! (#44) He's yours, too!

SCRIPTURE READINGS for the Weeks of Chapters 40-44:

40. John 4:1-42; Revelation 22:17; Isaiah 55:1-5; John 7:37-39; Rev.7:14-17

41. Mark 10:17-22; Romans 12:1-2; Titus 3:4-8; Ecclesiastes 5:10-20; Ezekiel 18:4-9

42. John 8:1-11; 1 John 1:5-10; Romans 6:15-23; Matthew 18:15-20; Ephesians 4:29-32

43. Mark 5:25-34; Hebrews 4:14-16;Mark 10:13-16; Matthew 19:13-15; Luke 18:35-42

44. Luke 19:1-10; Luke 7:31-34; Matthew 9:9-13; 1 Timothy 1:12-17; Micah 4:6-7

These are the subtitles/segments of each devotional in Chapters 40-44 
(listed after the title of that devotional)

October 2-6

40.The Thirst Quencher : "Messy Mess Ups"; "We Should Know that Jesus is Waiting to Meet Us"; "Someone Wants to Meet You"; "We Should Believe that Jesus is Willing to Accept Us"; "We Should Rejoice that Jesus Wants to Change Us"

October 9-13

41. A Most Valuable Treasure: "Losers Who Win, Winners Who Lose"; "A Rich Young Ruler"; "Desire the Gift of Eternal Life"; "Determine the Cost of Eternal Life"; Decide to Pay the Price for Eternal Life"

October 16-20

42. A Gracious Judge: "Caught in the Act "; "For the Broken"; "Come to Jesus, He Will Give You Grace"; "Confess to Jesus, He Will Remove Your Guilt"; "Commit to Jesus, He Will Lead You to Goodness"

October 23-27

43. Always Available, Always Accessible: "Close Enough to Touch"; "Encountering One Who Helps"; "We Need to Give Hurting People the Addition of Our Presence"; "We Need to Give Hurting People the Attention of Our Minds";
"We Need to Give Hurting People the Affection o
f Our Hearts"

October 30 - November 3

44.Our Best Friend: "Rejected by Others"; "Reasonable Rejection"; "We Must Be Attractive to Those Who Feel Rejected"; "We Must Be Attracted to Those Who Feel Rejected"; "We Must Be Attentive to Those Who Feel Rejected"


"Lord, Teach me to see others the way You see them - as being worthy of time, attention, and living water. Show me, this week, who is thirsty for You." (40)

"Lord, Everything I have is Yours. Open my eyes to the way I've held my goods and my life back from You. Lord, I surrender all.(41)

"Lord, show me where I am in this story of Your grace. Transform my life as I turn away from whatever sin is keeping me from You."(42)

"Lord, give me the faith of a woman who believed in Your power to heal, and allow me to minister in Your name to those who hurt." (43)

"Lord, give me Your vision to notice and care for those who are rejected. Help me to move toward those that You love on the world's fringes." (44)

"One of Jesus' most endearing qualities was the way He proactively pursued the outcast and outsider. HE WAS A MAN OF THE PEOPLE, not just the privileged. HE WAS A MASTER FOR THE MASSES, not a rabbi for the rich. Jesus sought out those that society avoided, mocked, and ridiculed. HE WAS WILLING TO HELP ANYONE at ANY TIME, even if they didn't realize they needed Him. Jesus' most scandalous encounters reveal His role as a HELPER of the helpless, and the hope of the hopeless, all the while changing the way we see others and ourselves." ~James Merritt, intro to section 6, Jesus, the Helper.

Thank You Jesus

for all Your Help and sending us

the Helper from the Father

(John 15:26-27 ERV) and (John 14:16)

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


